Linking Global Warming to Latest india Floods is Dishonest Insists Indian Environment Scientist

Latest Indian floods are being dishonestly linked to supposed ‘human caused’ climate change, says a prominent Indian environment scientist.  KhandekarDr Madhav Khandekar, a former research scientist from Environment Canada asserts that there “no evidence” to link the recent flooding in the Kashmire valley (Sept 2014) to humans. In what is increasingly being seen among independent scientists as alarmist propaganda Dr Khandekar adds that the UN’s Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change “should now be closed down.” 

“These extreme weather events are governed by natural variability and reducing human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would be a complete waste of time,” Khandekar told Principia Scientific International.

“I have presented my latest report on Indian monsoon floods and droughts and am asking unbiased news reporters to make the facts known, added Madhav, who is presently on the editorial board of the Journal of Natural Hazards (Kluwer) and has authored other well-received scientific reports on global warming (e.g. see here and here). Like other independent climate researchers he finds that recurring extreme floods and droughts are linked to large-scale atmosphere-ocean cycles like the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the equatorial Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD).

In recent years, the summer monsoon has become weaker with frequent droughts (e.g., 2002, 2004, 2009 2012 and 2014). “The observational evidence it at odds with most climate model projections that predict the intensification of the monsoon with increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2,” said Dr Khandekar.

“My report was initiated by Dr Benny Peiser of the GWPF [a registered charity] following extensive flooding in the area and misleading media links claiming such floods were due to human-caused CO2.”

Dr Khandekar’s latest report provides an example of how collaborative efforts between the India Meteorological Depatment, Indian Navy and Army helped evacuate around 250,000 people when tropical cyclone Hud-hud struck the southeast coast of India (October 10-11 2014). “As such, this action helped keep fatalities to below 20,” reports Madhav who has repeatedly lambasted media exaggeration and the simplistic and erroneous science of human-CO2 reduction.

“Reducing atmospheric CO2 now would have absolutely NO impact on future climate, nor on local/regional floods and droughts or on hat waves or tropical cyclones,” advises the Indian scientist.

“I have suggested elsewhere that a comprehensive adaptation strategy would be far better to prevent future property and human losses due to extreme weather (EW) events than to reduce human-CO2 emissions.”

Dr Khandekar is currently following the latest round of political climate talks in Lima Peru which he dismisses as a “waste of time and resources.”


Madhav Khandekar is a former research scientist from Environment Canada and is presently on the editorial board of the Journal of Natural Hazards (Kluwer). He is an environmental consultant on extreme weather events and a scientist with the Natural Resources Stewardship Project. He has worked in the fields of weather and climate for nearly 50 years and has published more than 120 papers, reports, and book reviews and a monograph on ocean surface wave analysis and modeling (Springer-Verlag 1989). Khandekar is one of the external reviewers for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 1997 Fourth Assessment Report.

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