A Light Overhead that Scientists say “Shouldn’t be there”
NASA scientist Peter Schultz in the “Science” program titled “Stellar Gold Rush” (March 30, 2016) showed why science is never settled and why observed phenomena still baffles us. Schultz and other NASA scientists have long been at a loss to explain an odd electrical glow over earth’s moon.
This mystery was first reported in 1978 television program about the Surveyor 7 space mission. Shultz had become fascinated about a report of “Moon Glow” that could not be explained. At the time of the event Dr. Bill Barnes, author of “Space Wars” had said: “There’s a light that’s overhead that shouldn’t be there.”
The program’s narrator then told viewers: “A mysterious glow on the lunar surface contradicts everything we think we know about the moon.” So, what is really going on?
In his long career as a science writer, Edsel Chromie, had always held a fascination for this mystery; apparent bizarre electromagnetic activity occurring fleetingly in our night skies. Astronauts and NASA scientists have variously called these ephemeral sights “space angels,” “moon pigeons,” “wriggling worms” and some have speculated these could even be evidence of alien spacecraft, etc.
Might all this be the result of static electricity? Quite possibly so, says Chromie.
Indeed, if this is the discharging of static electricity, akin to what has been observed from the glows of the volcanoes of Io and Europa and the geysers of Enceladus, we might be within touching distance of having to re-assess our understanding of the Universe.
Edsel Chromie writes: “If you compare the glow of the rings to the reflection of sunlight from Saturn itself and its moons, they compare more closely to the glow of a fluorescent light than particles reflecting sunlight.”
Scientists in the Netherlands and Latvia think Chromie could be correct. Former NASA scientist Professor Oliver Manuel recently asked Chromie for permission to share some of his related articles with colleagues. But not everyone is comfortable openly questioning consensus science.
Eighteen months before the Apollo 11 moon mission, the unmanned lander Surveyor 7 had touched down on the lunar surface. The pictures it sent back of eerie lights raised more questions than answers. Schultz concedes, “Everything we know about this dead body tells it shouldn’t be capable of producing light. But when people start asking questions the scientific Establishment closes ranks.”
Professor Peter Shultz is a respected planetary scientist with NASA and decided it was time to highlight the reticence among government scientists to hide from talking openly of what could be a clue to a momentous discovery: “They couldn’t believe it that’s why they didn’t tell you. In fact people were fired and there were losses of jobs. I saw something and believed that if I tried to publish that I would be dead. It was very dangerous to publish anything about this. It was terribly controversial and could ruin your career. I could not talk about it. I kept it secret.”
But the Age of the Internet provides a safer medium to open up. And openness is the key in science where the object is to examine and discuss new discoveries and new information,
For sure, Apollo astronaut Eugene Cernan is one who won’t be kept silent. He reports his own personal sighting of a similar phenomenon. Unexplained electrical effects, unconnected to any known internal [man-made] fault, was also recorded in the historic moon landing mission of Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11.
Dr. Greg Delory, a respected planetary scientist, explains: “Eugene Cernan was in the lunar module. He was in darkness and he was looking out at the horizon and before sunlight hit the spacecraft they can see a glow on the horizon and then more bright streamers of light shooting past the Apollo module more than 60 miles above the lunar surface.”
Back then it was shown, “the Apollo 11 astronauts reported the Aristarchus Enigma. The astronomers in Germany report a strange light coming from the Aristarchus Crater. What the astronauts see defies explanation. The astronauts see this glow in the crater and suddenly there is an interference of static and then silence for 89 seconds.”
Professor Schultz said: “One thing you have to say to yourself is was this your imagination? But they [Apollo astronauts] drew very detailed images that looked like what the Surveyor saw. I think it was very compelling, very convincing. But still it was strange.”
Schultz and his 2016 television viewers are among those now making up their own minds. The program’s narrator said: “In the face of such compelling testimony NASA attempted to explain what could be causing these incredible lights; The Apollo 17 testimony was that they saw bullets of sun beams coming off the horizon before the Sun rose and that makes no sense.”
Dr. Greg Delory added: “It must be caused by something scattering the light that the observer is seeing. People came around to the idea that it should be dust pretty quickly. But the question became what caused the dust to move and that’s where the intrigue is. It could be caused by electrical effects.”
Again, what is witnessed is a transient light phenomena. Sometimes it’s on and sometimes it’s off. NASA’s official explanation is that Aristarchus glistens because it contains reflective dust. But Peter schultz said the Sun was not in the right position to reflect off the crater when Apollo 11 saw it, so it can’t be reflection of the Sun. It had to be something else,” explains Schultz.
Joining some of the dots are those geologists who examined the moon dust and rocks brought back from the moon. They report that they were electrostatic.
High Flying Aircraft and Electrostatic Interference
And it appears aberrant static electricity was the cause of another report of concerns for impacts on high flying aircraft. Authorities are taking this issue seriously after a recent report of the South Atlantic anomaly where “The storm of charged particles become a real threat.” It transpired that 6,000 particles per square inch per second hit from this region of space. Dr. Nick Pope, Defense Analyst, said: “Any aircraft flying directly underneath the South Atlantic Anomaly could have its vital instruments knocked out.”
Our aforementioned “Science” program (March 30, 2016) noted that: “Radiation can damage critical aircraft computer systems. However, the problem with this theory is that even above the anomaly the closest the radiation comes to Earth is about 125 miles from the Earth. Airliners travel at around 30 to 40,000 feet so there would have to be something to breach the distance of space. “
Edsel Chromie is in no doubt that there will likely have been occasions where pilot error or instrument failure has been attributed to high flying incidents when the true cause has been overlooked.
One tragic airline disaster illustrates the point. Chromie explains:
“Again, this involved static electricity generated by moving through this abnormally intense magnetic field current at high speed. It is amazing that the flight recorder had the pilots aboard the airliner that crashed after leaving Brazil discussing St. Elmo’s Fire which is caused by static electricity, yet they apparently do not consider static electricity but ionized particles, lightning or pilot error as the cause of the instrument failure and crash.”
Chromie identified that the very same instrument and transponder failure occurred for the Apollo mission astronauts, also seeing what they thought was an alien spacecraft nearby that suddenly vanished.
“Quite plausibly these anomalies were caused by the airliner and spacecraft traveling at high speed through an abnormally intense magnetic field that generated a charge of static electricity that interfered with their electronic instruments,” theorises Chromie.
Like other researchers interested in further advancing our knowledge of the force of electromagnetism Chromie is encouraging experimental scientists to test the phenomena themselves. He adds:
“My concept is based on another laboratory experiment in the early 1900’s that explained if you hold a 3 foot long iron pipe perpendicular to the ground but slightly tilted toward the North, the Earth’s magnetic field will align the polarity of all of the molecules in the pipe in one direction creating a magnet. If you move the pipe out of that position, the polarity will return to random positions. However, if you hold the pipe in the tilted position and strike the pipe a sharp blow with a hammer, this will “set” the polarity of the molecules to make a permanent magnet with the customary magnetic field around it. Then you can spin this magnetic field against another magnetic field created the same way to generate electricity. Incidentally, this is another instance where a magnetic field will create another magnetic field without any previous movement of ionized particles.”
Chromie also points to another relevant laboratory experiment in the early 1900’s that proved: “If a stick of sealing wax is rubbed with wool, it can be made to attract a ball of pith suspended on a silk thread. After clinging to the wax for a time, the ball will be vigorously repelled. A glass rod rubbed with silk attracts the ball and then repels it; but two glass rods rubbed with silk repels each other.” And it states: “There is no difference between static electricity and an electric current except those properties which the latter acquires by reason of the motion of the electrons”.
Certainly, as more reports of strange electrical lights in our night skies increases so, no doubt, will grow efforts among scientists to garner an explanation.
But for now, Chromie laments:
“Astronomers and physicists are focused on trying to explain the universe when they do not even understand what is occurring under their feet and in their immediate environment around them. Yet, they become indignant, arrogant and condescending when they are offered a suggestion or asked a question to which they should really be obligated to respond with dignity and with a professional attitude.”
Read more from Edsel Chromie.
You can write to Ed Chromie at this address: [email protected]
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