Light – A Vital Nutrient

Light is the basic component from which all life originates, develops, heals, and evolves. Light waves are frequencies of electromagnetic radiation that directly stimulate the sense of sight.

In fact, most energy comes from light, which travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second / 671 million miles / 1,080 million kilometres per hour, or 299,792 km per sec. Without light, along with oxygen and water, all life on earth would cease to exist. Light waves that cover the electromagnetic spectrum from infrared to near ultraviolet are classified as full-spectrum light.

This term was conceived in the 1960s by photobiologist, Dr. John Ott, to describe electric light sources that simulate the visible and ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of natural light. All light wavelengths that are useful to plant and animal life are included in this term. Sunlight is considered full-spectrum even though the solar spectral distribution reaching Earth changes with the time of day, latitude, and atmospheric conditions.

The importance and value of sunlight are symbolised in every major civilization and religion. For example, the great pyramids symbolize sunlight radiating to the earth, and the cross symbolizes sunlight simply radiating. Throughout history, many civilizations worshipped the Sun for its healing powers. In the practice known as “Heliotherapy,” the Sun’s full-spectrum of light was utilized to treat physical and mental problems.

A major light-therapy pioneer of the 1890’s was Niels Finsen, of Denmark. In 1903, he was awarded a Nobel Prize, for being the first person to successfully treat skin tuberculosis with ultraviolet light. During the 1920’s, a form of light therapy called “Syntonics” was developed by Dr. Harry Riley Spitler.

Syntonics uses different proportions of the visible light spectrum to treat a wide array of bodily conditions by way of the eyes.

The work of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Prize winner and the discoverer of vitamin C, showed that light waves from the Sun, including the ultraviolet (UV) rays, provide energy for plants to photosynthesize the substances necessary for growth. In the same way, light waves also provide energy and health for proper functioning of biological systems in both humans and animals.

The eyes are the entry points through which light has its profound effect on the regulations of human physiological and emotional functions, fertility, and the development of consciousness. The hypothalamus, which receives light energy by way of our eyes, coordinates and regulates most of our life-sustaining functions. It also initiates and directs our reactions and adaptations to stress.

The hypothalamus is composed of two major zones and maintains harmony within the body. One zone controls the sympathetic nervous system and stimulates hormone production, while the other zone controls the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibits hormone production.

The pineal gland is the body’s light meter. It receives light activated information from the eyes by way of the hypothalamus in the brain, and then, sends out hormonal messages throughout the body. The pineal gland is located in the centre of the brain between the two hemispheres and behind and above the pituitary gland. Even though the pineal gland is the size of a pea, its functions are vast.

The pituitary, often referred to as the master gland, is also stimulated by light. The anterior pituitary, affects the thyroid, adrenal cortex, testes, ovaries, breasts, the growth of long bones, muscles, and internal organs. The posterior pituitary affects mammary glands and kidneys.

The health of these glands and the proper balance of light waves (without glasses) are main factors in the prevention of hormonal imbalances, depression, infertility, various types of cancer, and numerous other diseases. BEWARE: Fluoride, which is added to many water supplies and sprayed on various crops, calcifies thepineal glandand thus, has a very destructive effect on its function.

This inturn affects the function and hormone production of all the other glands. Many people suffer from chronic “malillumination” because of pollution and our modern day indoorlifestyle. Like malnutrition, this creates major imbalances in the ability to function as a healthyhuman being. In addition, artificial lights, (especially fluorescent lights), sunglasses, eyeglasses,contact lenses, window glass, tinted glass, and tanning lotions distort absorbed light waves.

According to many well-known studies, these distorted light waves are a major cause of depression and hormonal imbalances in today’s society. Fortunately, a few manufacturers produce sunglasses and contact lenses that do not distort light waves, as well as full-spectrum lighting products. A 1980 study by Dr. Fritz Hollowich showed that humans sitting under distorted light waves experienced a drain of energy and produced the stress hormones ACTH and cortisone.

These hormones, when produced often, act as growth inhibitors and weaken the immune system. Photobiologist Dr. John N. Ott discovered through the time-lapse photography he took for Walt Disney, that distorted light waves and the radiation they emit have an adverse effect on plants, animals, and humans. Without sufficient daylight, plant, animals, and humans become unhealthy and susceptible to diseases. “There is no question,” he states, “the UV light in large amounts is harmful; however, in trace amounts, as in natural sunlight, it acts as a ‘life-supporting nutrient’ that is highly beneficial.”

Ott, a pioneer in his field, believed “light” to be the missing link in cancer research. He has written many excellent books on the subject and founded the Environmental Health and Light Research Institute and OttLight Technologies in Tampa, Florida USA. Studies done by Dr. Ott and others, reveal that artificial light giving off distorted light waves contribute to agitated physical behaviour, fatigue, cell mutations, infertility, and reduced mental capabilities.

This knowledge has been taken seriously in most Scandinavian countries and especially in Germany, where full-spectrum lighting is utilized in schools and public buildings. In the U.S. and other countries, many schools and public buildings built from the 70s to the late 90s, were designed like prisons without any windows in them; then, furnished with unhealthy lighting. Full-spectrum lighting should be mandatory in all schools and public buildings.

Light waves are in accord with humans and it’s no coincidence that people love the Sun. Humans have higher concentrations of electrons than other organisms. Electrons serve as the resonance system for the Sun’s energy. This concentration of the Sun’s energy is improved when foods rich in electrons are consumed. Foods containing essential fatty acids, especially unrefined, organic flax seed oil, provide a rich source of electrons.

Because electrons have a negative charge, they orbit around cell nuclei, which have a positive charge. Electrons in motion produce an electrical charge, which in turn produces a magnetic field. Essential fatty acids, protein, and natural daylight combined are all necessary for this process to occur. This electrical current is what keeps the heart ticking and the blood circulating. It also adds to our charisma, sex appeal, and magnetism.

This has been substantiated through Kirlian photography and Electrophotonics, which is based on a technique called Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV). GDV Bioelectrography, goes beyond Kirlian photography and was developed by Dr. Konstantin Kirotkov, PhD, of St. Petersburg, Russia . He is an expert in Bioenergy and done a great deal of research and work in this field, for over 4 decades. Dr. Kirotkov has also published over 200 papers on physics and biology.

For more Information go to: It is known in physics that minerals, chemicals, and drugs absorb light waves. Plus, all chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and drugs including medication, caffeine, nicotine, fluoride, accumulate infatty tissue and bones. These chemicals also disrupt the cell’s electrons. Damaged fats (abundant inprocessed and fast foods), burnt or seared food, and refined sugar also disrupt the cell’s electrons andcreate free radical damage.

When photons (lightwaves), which are absorbed through the skin, react with these drugs and chemicals, the lightwaves become distorted. Brown spots are a common symptom of this cell damage. Thus, it is the accumulation of drugs and chemicals in the body, which distort the lightwaves and disrupt the body’s electrons that cause free radical damage. And, in turn cause cell mutations, cancer, and various other degenerative diseases.

Hence, the Sun itself is not entirely responsible for skin and other types of cancers. Unlike with drugs, when minerals absorb photons, the Sun’s full-spectrum lightwaves are not distorted and electrons are not disrupted. Thus, they are able to facilitate the body’s electrical system. (e.g. the heart) and enhance cellular functions. In addition, antioxidants and vitamin C in particular, balance the electrons and thereby help to repair and rejuvenate cell damage.

In 1981, a climate of fear started with UV studies at the Medical College of Virginia, in Richmond, VA, USA. In a cruel experiment, Monkeys were first tranquilized, and then their eyelids were pried open with lid clamps. With the monkey’s pupils fully dilated, researchers beamed light into their eyes, from a 2,500-watt xenon lamp for 16 minutes. This intense light contained high levels of UV radiation. After these monkeys received a highly abnormal and abusive exposure to ultraviolet light, there was obviously some retinal damage.

Normally, monkey’s pupils and eyelids would adjust to protect their eyes naturally, as the pupils and eyelids of humans do. Soon afterwards, the multi-million dollar sunglass business was born, and people have been duped ever since. The more sunglasses are worn, the weaker the eye muscles get, and thus, the more sensitive the eyes become to sunlight. To strengthen and repair eye muscles, stop using sunglasses and do eye exercises.

Similar kinds of studies on abused laboratory animals concluded that UV light also causes cataracts and skin cancer. With these extremely abnormal conditions and the animals abused, how can the results be accurate or useful?

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine” vitamin because the body produces it during exposure to sunlight. It is now well established that one of the strongest cancer preventive measures one can take is to obtain a sufficient amount of natural vitamin D. Thus, all the slip, slop, slap, and cover-up from the Sun, that many health departments have been promoting as a cancer prevention, are ironically, actually promoting cancer.

Adding insult to injury, sunscreens often contain dangerous ingredients such as octinoxate, oxybenzone, octocrylene, or paraben compounds, which have either hormone disruption action or produce free radicals leading to cell damage or other skin or systemic diseases including other cancers. The sunscreen sprays have the additional danger of being inhaled. For the past decade, there have been many studies confirming the benefits of vitamin D. e.g. Dr. Matthias Rath’s E-Bulletin, Sep 14, 2007, reported that vitamin D supplements cut early death risks, reduce cancer risks, and boosts the immune system.

LONDON (Reuters) – People who take regular doses of vitamin D have a significantly lower risk of dying earlier than those who do not use supplements, according to new research published.  “Intake of ordinary doses of vitamin D supplements seems to be associated with decreases in total mortality rates,” said Philippe Autier of the International Agency for Cancer Research in France and Sara Gandini of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. Researchers doing a meta-analysis review of 18 separate trials, which involved nearly 60,000 patients, found that vitamin D blocks cancer cells from spreading and boosts the immune system.

The doses averaged at 528 i.u. within the range of most commercially available vitamin D supplements. One U.S. researcher called the results of the latest analysis “remarkable” and said they served as a reminder for doctors to make sure they were prescribing adequate doses of natural vitamin D to patients who needed it. Sunshine, with its full-spectrum lightwaves, provides the best source of vitamin D.

In fact, vitamin D produced from sunshine is an essential hormone required by the body for the proper absorption of calcium, teeth and bone development, control of cell growth, proper immune function, neuromuscular function, and alleviation of inflammation. It also acts as an important regulator of the immune system. Sunlight contains large amounts of UV radiation. UV light is classified as either near UV (UVA), mid-UV (UVB), or far-UV (UVC) depending on its wavelength.

Near-UV – directly adjoining the violet end of the visible light spectrum – is responsible for the tanning response in humans. Mid-UV seems to activate the synthesis of vitamin D and the absorption of calcium and other minerals. Far-UV –mostly filtered out by the earth’s ozone layer – is germicidal, killing bacteria, viruses, and other infectious agents.

There are tremendous health benefits from exposure to a certain amount of ultraviolet light:

UV light activates the synthesis of vitamin D, which is a prerequisite for the absorption of calcium and other minerals from the diet.
UV lights lowers blood pressure.
UV light increases the efficiency of the heart.
UV light improves electrocardiogram (EKG) readings and blood profiles of individuals with atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
UV light reduces cholesterol.
UV light assists in weight loss by improving thyroid function.
UV light is an effective treatment for psoriasis.
UV light is an effective treatment for other diseases because it kills infectious bacteria (e.g. tuberculosis bacteria).
UV light increases the level of sex hormones in both men and women. These wavelengths are also a major factor in fertility and fetal development, as was shown by Dr. Ott’s research.
UV light activates an important skin hormone – solitrol .

Also, a form of vitamin D, solitrol works in conjunction with the pineal hormone, melatonin; antagonistically to generate changes in mood; circadian (24-hour) rhythms; and seasonal reproduction. Solitrol influences many of the body’s regulatory centres as well as the immune system. Recent studies reveal Vitamin D to be very effective in the prevention of beast cancer.

UV light promotes and balances the hormones that help prevent mental depression. A lack of this vital nutrient could be a main factor in why so many people these days are suffering from depression. People who often wear dark sunglasses are particularly vulnerable. Full-spectrum light, from either indirect sunlight or full-spectrum indoor lights, is needed on a daily basis. The amount of direct sunlight needed must be evaluated on an individual basis. Blue-eyed, blonds and redheads should begin with brief exposures to sunlight. Brown-eyed people are able to sunbathe for longer periods of time.

Also, because of ozone depletion, sunbathing must be done with caution. Never burn or get too hot. In the summer months, sunbathing is best done either before 10 a.m. or after 2 p.m. Hats can also be worn for protection. If it feels too hot, it’s best to get out of the direct sunlight and into the shade. To help protect the skin from sun damage and skin cancer, keep the body well hydrated by drinking plenty of pure restructured water. and

Plus, on a daily basis, obtain a sufficient amount of quality protein and consume foods rich in silica, essential fatty acids, and mixed carotenoids. Also, take antioxidants and avoid harsh soaps, caffeine and other drugs, damaged fats/oils, fluoridated water, chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides.

Always keep in mind that too little can be just as detrimental as too much. To balance the effects of full-spectrum light on bodily functions, an equal amount of complete darkness is necessary for melatonin production. For more information on this and quality products go to: To maintain good health, nourish your body on a daily basis with full-spectrum light – a vital nutrient that radiates from Sunshine.

Full-spectrum light products can be obtained in the USA from: Craig Frank 1 800 842-8848 1 800 354-5596 1 800 354-1044 1 800 786-6850 Jules Klapper, Cutting Edge/Befit Enterprises Ltd. 1 800 497-9516

Low Blue light bulbs. Amber Polycarbonate Fit-over glasses, and books are available from 216 397-1657/1641.

These unique products, developed by Dr. R. Hansler, PhD, Mr. V. Kubulins, M.S., & Dr. E. Carome, PhD, enable the body to produce melatonin while working on the computer or watching TV at night time..

In New Zealand, full-spectrum light bulbs are available in a few electrical outlets. Most electrical outlets in Australia are not as familiar with full-spectrum lighting. However, they suggested that daylight bulbs are closest to full-spectrum. In Europe and Scandinavia, full spectrum lighting can be obtained at specialty electrical outlets.


Ott, John N., “Light Radiation & You”; Devon-Adair, Publishers, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830, USA; 1982

Ott, John N., “Health and Light, The Effects of Natural and Artificial Light on Man and Other Living Things”; Devon-Adair, Publishers, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830, USA; 1973

Kime MD, MS, Zane R., “Sunlight”; World Health Publications, Penryn, CA 95663, USA; 1980

Adler, Vera Stanley, “The Finding of the Third Eye”; Samuel Weiser, Inc, York Beach, Maine 03910, USA; 1938, 1968,1970 & 1991

Liberman O.D. PhD, Jacob, “Light-Medicine of the Future”; Bear & Company Publishing, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2860, USA; 1947, 1991

Rath, Matthias, PhD, MD, Dr. Rath’s Health Alliance E-Bulletin, “Vitamin D Supplements Cut Early Death Risk: Study” CA USA; 2007

Hansler, PhD, Richard L., “Great Sleep! Reduced Cancer!”; Published by Richard L. Hansler, Ohio, USA; 2008

Hansler, PhD, Richard L., “Heroes of Cancer Prevention Research”; Published by Richard L. Hansler, Ohio, USA; 2012

Header image: Farringdon Osteopaths

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Comments (3)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    “Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine” vitamin because the body produces it during exposure to sunlight.” Had to read to near the end of this relatively long article to confirm what I thought I had read before.

    During my life I have been regularly exposed to considerable sunlight. So maybe that explains my good health even if I am very forgetful now and never have been good at memorization.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Brian James


    January 14, 2021 Vitamin D: Nature’s Medicine Chest

    Did you know Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and autism? Vitamin D isn’t really a “true” vitamin, as we don’t need food to attain it.


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      Tom O


      And we mustn’t forget, those who are deficient in Vitamin D are far more likely to contract our favorite virus or any other virus or pathogen it would seem..


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