Let’s outlaw the Weather (and the Climate, too)
Some days it’s too cold, on others too warm; Some weeks it doesn’t rain at all, in others there’s a deluge; Some months it dead calm, in others the gales are blowing.
Isn’t it time the government did something about that helter-skelter of the weather? Should it be not more steady and balanced, a bit of everything every day? Neither hot nor cold, just sort of so-so, day-in and day-out, what some people may envision as paradise on earth, or King Arthur’s Camelot. The lyrics of the song state it right up front:
It’s true! It’s true!
The crown has made it clear,
the climate must be perfect all the year.
Ah, Camelot, or paradise before Eve gave the apple to Adam. Is it only a figment of mankind’s imagination or did it really exist, ever? The biblical scriptures describe it in glowing terms but where & when, exactly, was it supposed to exist? Was it the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
Perhaps it moved on to planet Mars or another place in the grand universe?
As far as I know, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, widely known as NASA, has yet to make its findings about the Paradise known. It must be somewhere – right here on earth, not just on some distant planet or star way out there. Don’t you agree? So what’s NASA really up to?
While we’re being treated with (subjected to ??) ever more discoveries on ever more distant objects in the sky, we don’t get much 24/7 type information for this planet. For example, NASA produces daily updates on minimum & maximum temperatures, together with wind and pressure data, for the equatorial Elysium Plain on planet Mars.
Perhaps it’s just NASA’s scientific curiosity, or is there more to it? If NASA can give us daily accounts of the weather at the equator of Mars, where does NASA report such for Earth?
We are certainly reading more about asteroids that seem to whiz by earth at incredible speeds, sort of one day barely recognizable and a day later they have disappeared again. Some are small specs of rocks (say a few ft. in size), others are said to be of devastating “city-killer” size that would make the (rather) late Egyptian Pharaoh Cheops (2589-2566 BC), also known as Khufu blush with envy. He’s had the Great Pyramid at Giza erected. But what’s his pyramid against nature’s arsenal of asteroids?
Cheops’ “Asteroid”
Cheops’ pyramid, seen nearby, took many years to be built, with many thousands of slave-like workers while those pyramid-size asteroids are whizzing by earth to be here one day and gone the next – except for when they happen to actually collide with earth. And sometimes they do.
The consequences of such collisions are usually severe, rather beyond imagination.
Apart from the utter devastation in the immediate zone of impact (that can stretch 100 miles or more) of a sizeable asteroid, it has tremendous effects on earth’s “climate,” that’s lasting for many years. In geological parlance, such effects are described as boundaries between multi-million year epochs.
Geological Epochs
There’s a neat graph showing the major and some minor geological periods, as seen nearby. The most recent period, named Holocene, started only around 10,000 years ago, when the last ice age went out of nature’s good grace.
Ever since, the earth has had a severe bout of global warming and that mass of solid ice, one mile-plus thick and covering then much of what is Canada today simply melted. The energy required to melt it all would be in the order of several quadrillion barrels of oil incinerated. Yes, that caused the oceans’ water level to rise quite rapidly. However, also the northern hemispheric land mass is rising as well, just much slower. That process is still ongoing.
Of course, most folks who are living in latitudes above 45 degrees from the equator are quite pleased about that “climate change.” Without that worldwide warming since the the ice left, it would be impossible to live there.
In brief
So, stop griping about the weather, or the climate, no government can change it anyway. Just try to make the best of it and learn how to to adapt to it and enjoy the variations — just beware of high-speed asteroids.

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Really a good point. Why worry about something we have no control over when we have no end of problems that we could have at least some influence over. The idea of studying a climate that may be hotter or colder a century from now seems rather ridiculous.
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Reading your essay gave me great pleasure as it so clearly reveals the idiocy of those who call themselves “leaders, governors, premiers, PMs, senators……”. Glad you finally said it.
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A good essay Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
IMO — “Climate is to what nature and humanity adapts, the weather is from what you have to survive.”
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Off-piste but made me chuckle , Greta is trying to stop people flying and tariffs soar after WTO finds EU illegally subsidised plane making.