Let’s blame ‘vaccine’ deaths on the infection it was meant to prevent

Just when you think ‘they’ can’t get more evil. Just when you think some people in the community couldn’t possibly be dumb enough to believe this crap!

According to the Daily Fail and the Australian Associated Press:

Australia could continue to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for years as more people die because of the virus and its impacts.

Some 8,400 more people died in 2023 than would have been expected under pre-pandemic conditions, an Actuaries Institute report released on Monday found.

The figure was down from the 20,000 ‘excess’ deaths recorded in 2022.

Well, no sh*t, Sherlock!

We are seeing higher excess deaths in every country where people have agreed to be injected – whether willingly or under coercion – because of the jab – not because of COVID. COVID is a virus whose existence, pathogenicity or ability to cause any symptoms have never been proved.

But the jab that is meant to prevent it is most certainly deadly.

And the reason why we have fewer deaths in 2023 than we did in 2022 is simply because more people have woken up to the fact that these jabs are dangerous and ineffective and have stopped taking them.

The government continues to pump billions of our tax dollars into both this jab and the mRNA flu ‘vaccine’ despite the fact that few people actually want them. It is the greatest money-laundering scandal the world has ever seen.

‘We think COVID-19 is likely to cause some excess mortality for several years to come, either as a direct cause of death or a contributing factor to other causes such as heart disease,’ actuary Karen Cutter said.

‘In our view, the “new normal” level of mortality is likely to be higher than it would have been if we hadn’t had the pandemic.’

Let me translate that into something resembling scientific fact:

“We think that the experimental gene-modification jab which was never tested before we forced Australian men, women, children and infants to take it will continue to kill and permanently injure them into the foreseeable future.

After all, neither the short or long-term harms have ever been studied so we will just continue to learn more from your deaths and injuries such as heart diseases and cancers.

The “new normal” will be an ever-increasing level of sickness and despair caused by this medical procedure which never should have been released.

It is likely that our level of mortality will continue to be higher than it would have been if we had never had this campaign to inject toxins into Australians.”

There! That’s fixed it!

What do you think of all this?

I would love to hear your opinion.

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Comments (4)

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    My opinion of the fake vax and those who perpetrated the murderous rampage? Glad you asked. It changed my worldview completely and irreversibly.
    Most people know evil exists despite the nonsense college professors love to spout about it. If your house has ever been burglarized, you have an idea what evil feels like. But evil in its pure form seems “other worldly” and not often manifest through humans, save the occasional Hitler, et al. After-all, people are basically good and kind, right? They are in my neighborhood.
    Before covid, I didn’t believe any of the following, but now I surely believe all of it: **That The CIA murdered JFK.
    **That the 2001 WTC attack in New York, also CIA handiwork, was carried out because the Taliban, on religious basis, refused to supply opium poppies needed for the Intel-cartel to continue its billion dollar drug empire. The United States destroyed the twin towers to justify a war against the Taliban, who didn’t attack at all.
    **That Pizzagate was 100% real and officials had child sex slaves hidden in tunnels beneath Washington DC.
    In the end, all of the outrageous behavior after Trump’s first election and during the scamdemic makes perfect sense if and only if most governments are part of or under the control of a global satanic pedophile network.
    Only the existence of powerful people completely corrupted by evil can explain how the death jab got so far and harmed so many.


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    Greg Spinolae


    The ClotShot is an Extinction-level-Event. It is a CULL of those “dumb enough to believe this crap”. Saving them is probably a lost cause but continuing to inform and support those who reject the “crap” will be increasingly important in their/our survival.


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    Corona Hotspot


    The “infection” never was, as there is no virus…


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