leading cancer specialist warns Australia on mRNA tumors

The covid gene-vaccines cause cancer. UK Oncology Professor Angus Dalgleish and US critical care doctor Paul Marik (pictured) on tour for AMPS have sound advice to minimise risk

Nobody likes the topic of cancer.

Sudden Stage 4s in once-healthy people. Friends rushing off for double-mastectomies. Work colleagues absent, suddenly on chemo.

Cancer has always been with us but there seems to have been an increase recently.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has estimated 169,000 new cancer diagnoses for this year, but they have not published the actual figures since 2020.

This is because the AIHW has to wait for all the states and territories to provide the data, to produce the national figure, a media spokesperson said via email.

So, for 2021 to 2024 there are only estimates.

Those were the exact years in which more than 95 percent of Australia’s adult population injected multiple doses of experimental gene-vaccines.

None of them were tested for carcinogenicity: not AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Moderna.

Sounding the mRNA alarm to a packed Sydney auditorium on Friday was St George’s University of London Professor Angus Dalgleish, who has held a long and distinguished career specialising in immunology and oncology.

Professor Dalgleish, on tour with FLCCC head and critical care physician Paul Marik for the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, said the mRNA booster shots enable cancers to grow by suppressing lymphocytes that are key to immune system functioning.

“What you see is the booster vaccine leads to the suppression of the T-cells,” he said.

T-cells are a type of lymphocyte that destroy infected or cancerous cells, but they become exhausted after the booster.

“They’ve been clubbed to death by the vaccines, and they give up.”

But it’s not just the T-cells.

Professor Dalgleish said the boosters were dangerous as they switch the antibody class type from IgG1 to IgG4.

This means the dominant antibodies switch from those that attack incoming viruses to those that ignore pathogens and tolerate allergens. IgG4 antibodies are normally seen after long-term exposure to an antigen.

“Not only have you got low T-cells … but you’re basically tolerising the immune system to any inkling of a cancer growing or an oncogene stirring – you’re going to allow it to proceed without control,” he said.

“So the bottom line is you’ve got not one but two mechanisms completely clobbered by the booster vaccines with regards to control of cancer.”

Professor Dalgleish became alarmed on seeing an unexplained increase in relapses of melanoma patients who had been in remission, some for five to 10 years.

He saw six patients in swift succession, and the only thing they had in common was the covid gene-vaccine booster. Then he saw even more.

Professor Dalgleish is experienced enough to know that what he is seeing is not a coincidence.

A growing body of evidence supports his position, as detailed in a comprehensive literature review published in Cureus.

The Sydney audience learnt of how surgeons in the UK have seen an explosion of colorectal cancers in young people – a cancer particularly sensitive to T-cell control.

Other cancers have surged particularly in the kidneys, pancreas, prostate, bladder, lung and upper gastro-intestinal tract, gliomas on the brain and spine, and previously rare abdominal tumours, according to Professor Dalgleish’s presentation.

Immunosuppression is not the only mechanism by which the gene-vaccines can cause cancer, however.

Pfizer and Moderna switched to the cheap Manufacturing Process 2 for the mRNA mass produced for the public. They cooked the genetic sequence in huge vats of antibiotic resistant bacteria that were broken open to release the mRNA.

As a result, the gene-vaccine batches were contaminated to varying degrees by DNA fragments.

In September last year, University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults testified to a South Carolina Senate Committee that these DNA fragments could interrupt a tumor suppressor gene or activate an oncogene, potentially causing cancer.

They were also contaminated by the Simian Virus 40 promoter gene (SV40) which is known to cause cancer and which previously caused a scandal when found in polio vaccines.

These discoveries prompted Florida’s State Surgeon General to write to the US Food and Drug Administration in December calling for a halt.

Your body is often developing tiny cancers which your immune system kills.

But the mRNA spike binds to the exact genes which suppress cancer activity: p53, BRCA and MSH-3, Professor Dalgleish’s presentation showed.

It also causes chronic inflammation and clotting which will disseminate cancer cells.

Worse, Professor Dalgleish pointed out that the mRNA products are not cleared rapidly but can persist in the body for more than a year. They have been detected in every organ at autopsy and in cancers removed by surgery.

“I think this is the crime of the century,” Professor Dalgleish said.

He warned that the suppression of science was being pushed by vested interests who scan for critical papers then complain to journals resulting in solid papers being retracted unfairly, even as flawed papers that support Big Pharma products go unchallenged.

“The censorship is absolutely appalling,” he said.

Joining him on stage was leading US critical care doctor Paul Marik who chairs the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, an organisation that developed early treatment protocols for covid using repurposed drugs in early 2020 when governments across the world were simply letting people die.

Positive action to heal the nation

Dr Marik had a positive message for the audience on how to minimise the risk of cancer in yourself and loved ones, by removing the known lifestyle-based causes.

Cancer is a preventable disease in 40 to 60 percent of cases, Dr Marik said, recommending the following sensible measures:

To prevent cancer

  • Tackle insulin resistance (40 percent of all cancers)
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit alcohol
  • Get enough Vitamin D
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid sugary drinks and pure fruit juice
  • Get exercise (aerobic and resistance)
  • Reduce stress
  • Get 8 hours of quality sleep

To treat metabolic syndrome

  • Intermittent fasting (time restricted eating)
  • Low carbohydrate diet (ketogenic)
  • Berberine
  • Metformin
  • Magnesium
  • Melatonin
  • Resveratrol
  • Cinnamon
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Probiotics with Bifidobacterium
  • Reduce stress and increase exercise

To remove spike toxicity

So far there is some agreement among experts including Dr Peter McCullough and Ryan Cole that nattokinase, an enzyme derived from fermented soy, can help break down spike protein and associated fibrin protein build-up.

According to a slide at the presentation, the following may help:

  • Vitamin D3
  • Nattokinase
  • Bromelaine (from pineapples)
  • Low-dose Naltrexone (inhibits IL-6 production which is elevated in cancer, acute covid and long covid)
  • Ivermectin
  • Heat-killed Mycobacterium, M.vaccae and M.obuense (stimulates the immune system – Professor Angus Dalgleish’s specialty)

Dr Marik said the risk for metabolic syndrome had increased due to processed food and lack of exercise.

He revealed some eye-opening statistics about drug sales. A cancer drug called Keytruda made by Merck is the number one moneyspinner for 2024.

Keytruda costs US patients more than $23,000 for a six-week course.

“They want you sick,” he said.

Professor Dalgleish and Dr Marik will then speak in Adelaide on Wednesday, Melbourne on Friday and Saturday, and Perth with a video recording on October 17.

Class action against the Government

Dr Melissa McCann’s class action suit against the government on behalf of the covid gene-vax injured and bereaved: next court date is 2 December.

This will be a hearing for any interlocutory applications, as per court order. Gene-vaccine injured and bereaved can still join, check the eligibility criteria listed here. You can donate here – the case is not being run for profit and Dr McCann has put up a large part of the funding herself.

If anyone is left in any doubt about the capacity of the mRNA products to injure and kill, the new Children’s Health Defense film Vaxxed III is out, showcasing those harmed by the covid-era hospital protocols and shots. Back-up on Rumble here.

UPDATE: Russell Broadbent MP has written to the Prime Minister calling for the mRNA products to be suspended on safety grounds. The letter is co-signed by 52 international health experts.

See more here substack.com

Header image: Alison Bevege

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (1)

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    pointed out that the mRNA products are not cleared rapidly but can persist in the body for more than a year.

    mRNA products, their byproducts (spike), or both?
    Don’t we know yet for how long exactly each of those stick around?
    We should have known for at least 2 years.
    Could it be forever?!?!
    Do vaccinated individuals still produce spike, even today?
    If that is the case, I am pretty sure they are all doomed, no matter what they do.


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