Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise.
A Covid-19 commission of enquiry has been set up on the initiative of a group of German lawyers with the aim of bringing an international class action lawsuit using Anglo-Saxon law.
“The hearings of around 100 internationally renowned scientists, doctors, economists and lawyers, which have been conducted by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 affair since 10.07.2020, have in the meantime shown with a probability close to certainty that the Covid- 19 scandal was at no time a health issue. Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power (illegitimate because it was obtained by criminal methods) of the corrupt “Davos clique” by transferring the wealth of the people to the members of the Davos clique, destroying, among other things, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. could thus appropriate their market share and wealth.”
Status of the Covid-19 Committee investigation
a. Covid-19 as a diversionary tactic by corporate and political “elites” in order to shift market share and wealth from small and medium enterprises to global platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc.
b. Contribution of the Audiovisual Tax to the reconstruction of a new media landscape that offers truly independent information
c. Making regional agricultural structures secure
d. Making a secure regional currency to prevent a new currency from coming “from above” to be allocated in the event of good behaviour.
e. Psychological considerations of the situation: how did it come about?
Actions for annulment of the approval of a vaccination, filed against the European Commission, trial in New York of the status of PCR tests, German trials, Canadian trials, Australian trials, Austrian trials, trials at the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
“We have seen what has been confirmed time and time again: the degree of danger posed by the virus is about the same as that of seasonal flu, regardless of whether it is a new virus (wholly or partially manufactured) or whether we are simply dealing with a flu renamed “Covid-19 pandemic”. In the meantime, Drosten’s PCR tests cannot even tell us anything about contagious infections. To make matters worse, the health and economic damage caused by anti-covid measures has been so devastating that we have to speak of a level of destruction that is historically unique. »
“The fact that health has never been an issue is particularly obvious, except that injections of genetically experimental substances disguised as “vaccinations” are now cauing serious damage, including fatal consequences, on a mass scale. The world population has been used as guinea pigs for these experimental gene injections both gradually and extremely rapidly. In order to plunge the population into panic, dangerous and harmful containment measures (even according to the WHO) of compulsory, unnecessary and dangerous mask-wearing and social distancing, unnecessary and counterproductive, were introduced. The population was thus “ready” for the injections.”
“In the meantime, more and more people, not just lawyers – and rightly so – are demanding, in addition to an immediate end to these murderous measures, a judicial review by a truly independent international tribunal on the model of the Nuremberg trials. An example of such a demand and a moving excerpt from a speech by the English doctor Dr. Vernon Coleman can be found at the following link:
In addition, an interview with a whistleblower at a Berlin nursing home shows that out of 31 people vaccinated there, some of them by force, in the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers, and who tested negative before the vaccination, 8 have now died and 11 are subject to serious side effects.” (
Extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee Wednesday 17/02/2021
“In this context, an extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee will take place on Wednesday 17.02.2021, live and with many guests participating via Zoom.
From 14:00 onwards, the state of play will be summarised. In addition, it will be discussed how the contributions from the Audiovisual Licence Fee Tax can be kept and used for the reconstruction of a new media landscape that truly serves freedom of expression, and how the contributions already paid for the senseless propaganda of the last 11 months can be recovered through a formal notice.
There will be contributions and discussions on how the food supply can be secured, in particular by strengthening regional agriculture; but also by creating regional currencies, if necessary with the return of the EU to the EEC, on how to ensure that the policy of the “Davos clique”, based on printing money out of nothing, can be stopped and a return to stable currencies can be achieved.
Above all, experts will explain how it could happen that we find ourselves in this blackmail situation unimaginable even a year ago.
In the second part of the session, starting at 7 p.m., world-renowned and high-level personalities will comment on the state of current international legal disputes, including the various collective actions, as summarised above. But it will also be discussed how the main perpetrators, in particular political perpetrators, of the crimes against humanity committed here can and must be held accountable under civil and criminal law in the framework of a new International Court of Justice to be established in accordance with the guidelines of the Nuremberg trials with international distribution.”
The link to the special session of the Covid Committee announced here will be available on 17.02.2021 via the Committee’s website (
Commentary :
To fully understand what is at stake with this new Nuremberg tribunal to judge the biggest tort case of all time, it is by pulling the thread of Dr. Drosten’s lie for falsifying the PCR testing protocol on behalf of the Davos clique, that everything will come to pass: the sponsors of the financial oligarchy, Klaus Schwab, the great architect of this gigantic hostage-taking, the politicians at the head of the EU, the armed arm of the execution of Drosten’s and WHO directives that led all Western governments yesterday to take the devastating decisions of containment, curfews, compulsory mask-wearing and social distancing, and today of lethal vaccines for the oldest among us.
“It is these truths that will bring down the masks of those responsible for the crimes committed. To the politicians who have had faith in these corrupt figures,” says Dr. Fuellmich, “the facts presented here are the lifeline that will help them to set the record straight and begin the much- needed scientific debate to avoid going down with these criminal charlatans.
Secondly, in the light of this latest communication by Dr Fuellmich, two proposals from the extraordinary meeting of the Covid Committee in Berlin are of particular interest:
Firstly, the way in which the food supply can be secured, which seems somewhat surreal given the current situation. According to Klaus Schwab’s planning for the Davos Forum, this is not the case. He has predicted a break in the food chain from the end of the second half of 2021 (
Secondly, the creation of regional currencies. There, it is clear that the Covid Committee of Berlin already anticipates the world stock market crash which is coming and which the financial oligarchy of the Davos Forum intends to take advantage of to set up the European digital currency in the expectation of a world currency to create a Chinese-style social credit on which the middle class of all the peoples ruined by the closure of their businesses, small and medium-sized industries and enterprises, cultural and tourist industries, sports facilities, etc. will become dependent.
These two aspects alone of the hostage-taking 2.0 of which the Western world has been a victim for almost a year should logically be sufficiently motivating to make us understand definitively that we are faced with a “populicide” that only asks to crush us if we remain inert, arms dangling without doing anything.
This is why each of us should do everything we can now to ensure that this international legal coalition can become operational as soon as possible. To this end, all those of us who wish to join the collective action of French lawyers to participate in this reconquest of our freedoms should already get in touch with the collective action by 21 February ( ). Our survival is at this price as well as the future of our children.
More at
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I’ve been keeping up with Dr. Fuellmich’s case on this for several months, and read this article elsewhere weeks ago- is there any update? These dates are from last week.
K Katrine
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You can follow the work of Fullmich on Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (in German but surely to find in English as well.)
K Katrine
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Latest update from Fullmich is, that in Germany 25% of the people who gets the covid ‘vaccine’ die, 36 % gets ill. This is what I have heard from other countries too, so this is probably going on worldwide.
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Where exactly does he state these numbers?
K Katrine
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In the video mentioned above f.ex
Rosita Welcker
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I am glad to SHARE my comenta here yo invite to SUPPORT German American lawyer Reiner Fullmich, he IS marketing Big job .
Dr Jacob Vadakkanchery
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will you please send me the link in English?
I am a Gandhian activist and a Naturopath from Kerala,India.
K Katrine
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Here is latest update from Fullmich
Some is in German, some in English
On you will find more. Youtube will block or delete this.
Red Piller
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These are offspring of the fallen angels and human women; Nephilim. From Genesis 6.
Nasa Bloopers
Rocket hits the Firmament
Timelapse of falcon 9 hitting the Firmament. Notice how it looks like a boat going through the water.
Admiral Byrd’s trip to N. Pole, Agartha…at the CENTER of Earth.
Enoch audio book, with images. Explains how Earth works in reality, and what the fallen taught us
The book of Giants audiobook, with images
The shore of the Red Sea, where Hebrews crossed.
Brian James
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Government is immune from prosecution of any kind.
The sovereign immunity refers to the fact that the government cannot be sued without its consent.
Feb 24, 2014 Larry Huffman – Sovereign Immunity
The king (government) can do no wrong, right? Over the years, issues arose where people could sue the government or political subdivision for negligence.
Andrew Pilkington
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There can be No immunity or Safe place to hide, when it comes to Crimes against Humanity and Genocide. Also, this Vaccine Prosecution Immunity under which they claim protection, must surely be Void seeing as these mRNA “Vaccines” are not Vaccines at all. Surely that could stand up in Court at least?
Michael A Williams
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that’s right..they are not vaccines per desciption interpretation of vaccines so are deceptive in their selling of the such big pharma is open to litigation.
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Am I right in my understanding that the virus has never been isolated/proven so everything introduced to supposedly stop or contain it becomes unlawful?
Margarita Rueda Zapata
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Un gobierno o una empresa se individualizan por sus funcionarios responsables. Hay que llevar a la Corte Penal Internacional a Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates y a los CEOS de las multinacionales de las vacunas. Cargos: Genocidio; eutanasia pasiva; eugenesia; experimentación genética y atentado contra la humanidad y generaciones futuras; homicidios con fines de enriquecimiento por ocultamiento de la ivermectina; confinamiento con tortura física y psicológica a la humanidad, con suicidios por trastornos afectivos y pérdida de medios de subsistencia; amenaza de la supervivencia humana con destrucción de las economías y el tejido social; atentado contra la vida en el planeta por el asesinato de más de 20 millones de visones “potencialmente peligrosos para transmitir covid-19; creación y mantenimiento de una falsa “pandemia” mediante la falsificación estadística mundial de la CIE-10, en contra del criterio médico y con personas designadas para alterar manualmente los certificados de defunción que no den covid-19 como causa de enfermedad y muerte; censura e incomunicación del mundo para sembrar caos y que los médicos no fueran escuchados; DELITOS DE LESA HUMANIDAD.
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In reality, only living man is the King, the only sovereign. It is the natural man who establishes the Constitution as a sample of the “consent of the governed”, that is, the natural living man is the one who tells the government: “I consent to you to govern me without violating anything that I leave you detailed in my bill of rights. ” Then, from the Constitution, corporations emerge, which cannot exceed the Constitution that allowed them to appear. It is time to straighten the house and not to confuse Constitutional Laws with Bylaws and Corporate Codes! United States District of Colombia is a private corporation, see 28 USC 3002. United States District of Colombia (de facto government), not equivalent to the United States of America (de jure government). Can a private corporation like the federal government compel men and women on Earth? No. The United States District of Colombia is a private corporation incorporated in the state of Delaware since 1869, which provides government services to the people. This corporation was originally appointed by the Congress of the United States of America, through the “District of Colombia Act of 1871”. This federal corporation established in the District of Colombia, in turn has incorporated numerous private franchises, such as FEMA, Home Land Security, FBI, CIA, CDC, and all the other federal agencies that we know today.
Joe Roberts
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Yup.. There are actually two foreign owned corporations operating out of the District of Criminals. There is the British Crown’s Territorial U.S. corp dba “the United States Of America” and then there is the Papal run MUNICIPAL(all caps) corp dba “THE UNITED STATES”. Both incorporated entities and both foreign owned. Our military high command has known this for decades and stood by and did nothing. Time to correct your political status and join your State Assembly. Anna Von Reitz is a sound teacher if you want to learn of the great fraud.
Doug A
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Apparently Trump did something about these corporation controllers. still waiting to see any kind of results from it.
Joe Roberts
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Nope. Only we can do that. Or the Military. Military high command is dirty. Rogue. Will not help us and left Trump hanging. Not bad mouthing the soldiers. Just the high command where the real power is. Anyway, the Popes MUNICIPAL corp is bankrupt and presently operating without a contract(Constitution). The way through is The American Sates Assembly. We can fill vacant Public offices(all vacant due to un Lawful conversion/incorporation of Public to Private) and arrest them ourselves. That is how it was done originally. If you serve the corporations you have no power against them. Get back in your proper capacity as a State National and or State Citizen, and that is where the real power is. Too much to post and explain. Anna Von Reitz and The American States Assembly is the proper path through the lies and deception.
Joe Roberts
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Nope. Only we can do that. Or the Military. Military high command is dirty. Rogue. Will not help us and left Trump hanging. Not bad mouthing the soldiers. Just the high command where the real power is. Anyway, the Popes MUNICIPAL corp is bankrupt and presently operating without a contract(Constitution). The way through is The American States Assembly. We can fill vacant Public offices(all vacant due to un Lawful conversion/incorporation of Public to Private) and arrest them ourselves. That is how it was done originally. If you serve the corporations you have no power against them. Get back in your proper capacity as a State National and or State Citizen, and that is where the real power is. Too much to post and explain. Anna Von Reitz and The American States Assembly is the proper path through the lies and deception.
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Trumpet is an EVIL.
Please study the truth.
He’s not your friend & he’s not here to save the day.
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If one listens to people like Kimberly Ann Goguen, General Flynn etc, one gets the idea, that the military is not rotten? Even maybe connected across the borders?
What happened in Myanmar was better for the people than to stick with their government? I would say.
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If you believe the military isn’t a criminal entity, I have a swamp for sale.
Mike Edwards
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Thank You and God Bless for sharing Truth
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Have been awaiting for news of the case(s) announced by Mr Füllmich.
Finally, here it is. And the Teams have been working very hard as I read their progress.
Of course we will support Teams Füllmich with a donation.
Their operations are in the interest of Mankind as I interpret their report.
God bless Mr Füllmich and confrères.
Scott Smith
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Good reason to claim back our birthright by Nationalizing I guess. If that is how its said. All i know is i am not lost at sea and i stand under no one but Jesus. That said ,we should not have to go thru this BS process.
Blas Perez
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First please define what is a citizen, State National, a sovereign and fraud. You’ll discover a different outcome. The perpetrators have acted on our ignorance. Thanks to those with the wherewithal, we can learn and take further action and support them.
The dirty tactics and corrupt decision makers (arbiters) and “judges” are the real obstacle.
Where is the Calvary?
Joe Roberts
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A State National is sovereign and their only obligation is to keep the peace(Public Law). A citizen is not sovereign. A citizen serves. Which “government” you choose to serve determines your citizenship. In America, you only want to be an American State Citizen. You have to go through the American States Assembly if you want to serve your real, unincorporated American State Government. Once everything/everyone is up to speed we can start filling vacant Public offices which are not allowed to be incorporated. Then we can elect the real President. The reason all Public Offices stand vacant is because they are attached to the Land jurisdiction and cannot be incorporated. Therefore, you have no Public employees right now because they are all holding Private office in the international jurisdiction of the Sea, and claiming all sorts of Public powers and authority that they absolutely do not possess!. A big fat capital crime. Inland Piracy and unlawful conversion of Public to Private. Again, Military is on the hook for allowing that to happen.
Scott Smith
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A citizen is a Gov Employee and a US Sovereign is someone born on the US soil whom enjoys the benefits of Common Law. Am i right Im trying to learn.
Barrie M Wilton
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None of these governments are de jure, all western governments are registered for profit corporations, that in itself criminal fraud as there was no informed consent. Legal being the subversion of Gods law, the whole system a criminal enterprise via fractional reserve banking. These governments all ultra vires and liable at common law, the supreme law of the land. Fraud vitiates everything, the corporate veil is now pierced with Crimes against Humanity. No immunity here.
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Actually, Law of Equity (commerce law) supersedes contract law
Joe Roberts
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They have no immunity under Public Law. Statutory Law is Private Law. It stands under Public Law. Not above it. They can be dealt with, but only when you are acting as a State National or American State Citizen(land and soil jurisdiction)..People are simply not operating in their proper jurisdiction/capacity. If you are functioning as a Territorial and/or MUNICIPAL citizen/debt slave,, then yeah, you can’t sue them because you serve them. You have agreed to contract with them whether you know it or not. And most do not and were never meant to know this.
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Wrong…Crimes against humanity are different!
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There will be no escape for the alleged criminals.Fully agree on this one.
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They aren’t governments. They are corporations masquerading as governments. Find out more at:
Gary Bowman
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The King? How about the Fourth Reich? We can’t sue them this time?
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The first Nurenberg trial was a joke.
Only a few nazis were ever put on trial.
The evils always throw people below them under the bus to take the heat.
Look how many nazis were involved in all of this compared to how many stood trial.
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You are correct, Michelle. But it did give us the Nuremberg Code.
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No one is immune to killing babies and killing humans. No one is above GODS law. Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!! You think kings and queens, presidents and such cannot be executed for killing people!!!!!!!
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While I agree with you, show me PROOF that any of these evils have ever been arrested, let alone been executed for harming & killing us.
They have been doing this for hundreds if not thousands of years.
William H Warrick III MD
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Neither Governments nor Individuals have Immunity from Crimes Against Humanity.
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So you know more than the attorney who defeated Volkswagen and the DUETSCHE Bank? LOL??♀️
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“Government” is immune because it is not a person, a human, a living being with a brain. But the usurping officials of the Corporation of 1871 CAN and will BE prosecuted to their last breath. As to “Sovereign”, only the People are Sovereigns in their country, NOT the ‘government’. The ‘government’ is their paid administrator; the president is their greatest servant; and congress their paid employees. Any and all “laws”, rules, or ordinances AFTER 1871 are Null and Void by the ‘Constitution for the United States’.
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What government does Klaus Schwab work for? Bill Gates? Doston? A lot of criminals to go after.
Susan Ann Luckham
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The people they are suing are not actually in the pay of Government, they OWN the Government, and all the banks, and the United Nations, the Who…basically all the right people are being sued…
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While I agree with you Susan, what do you mean by the “right” people?
Gov’t isn’t right at all.
I don’t care if the evils control them, the very institution itself is open for corruption & evil no matter how many different people you vote into office & the voting system is a fraud too.
Gov’t needs to be eradicated – FULL STOP.
If you get rid of the tool they use to control the slaves, you are one step closer to freedom.
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The problem IS, the legal system is a fake system controlled by the mafia gov’t, so you are basically asking the gov’t to find fault against themselves, not to mention it will take years to get to trial & by then we will almost all be dead at their hands.
ALL gov’t is tyranny & people need to wake up to this fact.
We should only be following the laws of nature & Mark talks about that here.
This site is labeling my message as spam so I’m removing the URL & if anyone is interested in learning, just reach out.
There’s 2 more parts besides that one.
I’ve been learning the Laws of Equity which is much faster & if everyone doe this, then we will make some headway.
Same with this link here.
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Brian, Nuremberg occurred to government.
Joe Roberts
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Unfortunately, it was a scam trial. Theater. The real architects of the war walked free and clear. The Pope, Queen and the rest of their inbred banker families. They are the ones responsible then, and now.
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Good job Joe.
Someone who actually knows the TRUTH.
It’s amazing to me that all of these people (not talking about lay people) think they know what they are talking about & doing & they know NOTHING about the truth.
Let’s see if this comment gets labeled as spam if I give you my channel & group on TG.
Our Free Society
Channel –
Group –
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I don’t know how our federal govt work but I know at a local level govt officials can be prosecuted if they lie to their constituents. I’m not sure but I would think that we would be able to sue our govt for wrong doing through our supreme courts. And maybe we could then sue individual politicians for wrong doing if they are proven to be knowingly in on a deception. Here’s to hoping!
Joe Roberts
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It is not our government and there is nothing Federal about them. They are 100% foreign owned corporations.Territorial(British Crown) and MUNICIPAL(Pope). It’s their court system. Not ours. That is why people fail.. You don’t address them through their own court system. It is the American Common Law courts that need to be restored. Then you will see them get in line real quick or they will flee this country outright. Anna Von Reitz and The American States Assembly is your way through. Self governance. Not corporate feudalism.
Joe Roberts
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One more thing. Your “State of State” government is just a franchise of those two corps. And a “State of State” is legal fiction. “State of Texas” is not Texas(Federated American State). So, if you go back to the Civil War, it did not involve the actual physical states or our Federation of States. It involved Just the Confederate “States of America”. Both the North and south were Confederate States of America. We were supposed to reconstruct our Confederate States(States of State) but never did. The queen and Popes substituted their own Territorial and MUNICIPAL States of State in place of our Confederate States of States. And no one was the wiser…well, a few were but found no ears to hear them. That was our failing. The three capacities of our country? On the National level(Land/soil) we are a union of geographically defined nation states(lower case “s”) properly denoted as “The United States”. On the international level(Sea) we are a Federation of States(upper case “S”) dba “The United States of America”. On the global level(Air) we are a Confederation of “States of State” dba “The States of America”. The British Crown and Popes took advantage of uneducated Americans. It has remained that way until now.
Katherine Hine
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Joe Roberts: I agree with almost all of what you and the common law folks are saying, and am forming a common law court of record in Ohio, to provide a forum for Ohioans, the living men and women, who know they are not citizens, i.e. ones who previously were subject to the Crown. But Anna V.R.??? Really? With her history of being the “servant” of the current pedophile pope (and the pedophile pope who preceded him)? Why oh why do we always tend to gravitate towards being enslaved? Do most of us just LIKE to be told what to do? Even this second Nuremberg deal, I mean, really. The first one was another show trial that let all the really dangerous Nazis off the hook. Anybody of the people of Ohio interested in disengaging from this insanity can contact me at kshine at wljaradio dot net.
Joe Roberts
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LOL. Yeah. Ok. You owe that woman far more than you know. All of what you say has already been addressed about 950 times. That woman is dead on the money. She isn’t hiding a damn thing. If you don’t like her, that’s fine. But she has no history of “serving” Francis. The turd that preceded Francis is who she was working with. All you have to do is read and you’ll know why and what she was doing. She is the reason the previous Pope resigned. She rode his ass to clean things up and correct the fraud. He couldn’t handle it and resigned. End of effing story. She serves the light. She just isn’t warm and fuzzy about it. I already knew much of what she is teaching long before her work was published. So, I didn’t need any convincing. She is the real deal. Don’t be a fool and stay out of the ditches.
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Joe, I read that Obama and Clinton MADE Pope Benedict resign so that they could put one that they chose – Pope Francis, who is as leftist as he can be
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The problem is that the courts are corrupt. Everything is corrupt. It may come down to something very nasty.
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That is one reason why President Trump handed ruling the Republic by the Military of the USA.
Now Military Tribunals are activated. It is a fast correct way to get ALL the perpetrators on the globe in matters reported by Team Füllmich before the Mil.Tribunal and “awarded” them immediately. A civil process with this kind of numbers could take three of four hundred years I suppose.
Bill Lowe
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Spot On… Military Tribunals are what’s coming for these corrupt Overlords!
Shelly D
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Look at the Trump election. It was a win for him by a landslide. The Supreme Court’s won’t even look at any evidence that has been collected to show proof of the real fraudulent election. So, in to regards of your comment my friend, I believe that the Supreme Court is (mostly) corrupt. How can’t it be when they’ve turned their backs on the one true president that’s out to expose everything evil and corrupt? Praying for the real truth to come out, and soon so that the good people in this world can live on the way God has intended us for us. I mean, the awake people are trying, but when the evil runs SO deep, all we have is faith,hope and prayer. Thank you to all of you who have the knowledge and strong guys to lead us to a better life and freedom. Sincerely!
Bill Lowe
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Trump and the Military have it all… the Deep State are perpetuating a huge lie… Trumps executive orders in 2019 have ensnared them ALL! High Crimes against humanity & TREASON will be levied in Military Tribunals & their assets will be seized! Trump and the Patriots are making their final moves behind the scenes to show THE PEOPLE how corrupt they are! POTUS failed us now they have to be dealt with too! Next month will be EPIC… enjoy the SHOW
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Also maybe we can leave the courts open and continue with the climate clown trials.
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An excellent idea. Again, this is a project created by Rockefeller and Friends in Italy in the Fifties last century. All Hot Air with goal to keep people on the Globe as slaves. Everytime when a “project” was at its end or did not work a next “project” was launched.
Like Mr Klaus Reset S*chwab with his private project “The Great Reset” which means IN MY OPINION nothing else then “The final round to make the Globe ours (his) and the insurance of running the plantages by my slaves”.
All rife courtcases. And Mr Füllmich knows this very well.
Andrew Pilkington
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Excellent article, thank you. I wish them the Very Best of Luck. We Seriously need 2021 Nuremberg Trials asap. All I can add is: Please don’t leave out Britain and this Corrupt Establishment. We really need Urgent intervention here too.
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I wish I am wrong but I have observed that the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has been talking about the case since October 2020, without anything happening, will he be an agent of the controlled dissent?
Karma Singh
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In most countries (except Germany) a rapid stop to the nonsense can be attained with writs of Habeas Corpus as was done in November in Portugal.
I don’t know why Dr. Füllmich hasn’t done this; or, then again, maybe I do:-
Any professional tends to get stuck in precedents; how was this done in the past? Sometimes, a learned outsider can come up with the real solution by pointing out an option which the specialist has overlooked. This is Habeas Corpus – a judicial review in which (in this case, the government) has to prove that a new dangerous disease actually exists amongst many other things.
The beauty of Habeas Corpus is that the burden of proof lies with the government, i.e. they have to prove that the punishments meted out to us all are justified. Because there is no way that they can do this, all of the “Covid” measures instantly fall. THEN is the time to prosecute the perpetrators, i.e. AFTER they’ve proved out of their own mouths that a crime has been committed.
See for more detail.
Blessed be
Karma Singh
Colin Ries
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What you say makes perfect sense, and so it makes no sense why Fuellmich has not gone this route. His current case may take up to 3 years to complete, by which time will will all be enslaved beyond the point of return.
Bonnie Henderson
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But he is from Germany, so that’s a country where you can’t use habeas corpus.
Francine Boutin
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Au Québec, la Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple, avec ses avocats, a fait un dépôt en Habeas Corpus pour l’arrêt du couvre-feu et autres mesures «sanitaires». La juge a refusé en disant que cela devait être présenté par un pourvoi en contrôle judiciaire, quelque chose du genre. J’imagine que le Dr Füllmich savait que ça ne passerait pas non plus. C’est beaucoup plus long. Il semble que les juges protègent les dirigeants. Pour cette raison probablement que son groupe d’avocats a choisi d’aller directement au tribunal pénal international. Dr Füllmich dit dans une de ses vidéos, que beaucoup de juges ont des conflits d’intérêts. Sommes-nous surpris?
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Karma, You should contact Reiner Fuellmich and discuss this.
Jennifer Hall
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Maybe DR Fullmich has already thought of this, and this is what will happen…We need it to happen soon, as the goverment s are pushing out TNIS gene therapy vaccjne as fast as they can, and many people are dying and being injured from it, and what is it doing long term., as it’s ex perimental, until 2023, it should not be in use, surely that is a crime in itself..CRIMES against HUMANITY…
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Por eso estamos como estamos. Ustedes divagan, se vuelven deletéreos y se sientan a criticar y a esperar que a alguien se le ocurra algo. En mi país me he tomado el trabajo de denunciar penalmente, administrativa y éticamente al Ministro de Salud y a la Agencia de Medicamentos, por ser tan borregos y amaestrados, siguiendo tontamente unos “lineamientos” que de médicos y científicos no tienen nada, provenientes de la OMS (que no legisla sobre la Constitución y las leyes de los paises, tampoco sobre los códigos de Ética Internacionales), de unos CDC más corruptos que la anterior y de una FDA mucho peor. Lo primero que los médicos hicieron fue establecer el Protocolo I-Mask para salvar vidas y detener esta farsa. Pero ya la OMS, los CDC y la FDA tenían dineros y licencias comprometidos para “vacunas” desde muchos años antes. Entonces que los Ministros y los Presidentes respondan penal, administrativamente y civilmente por los muertos y los daños médicos y económicos causados, por no usar su cerebro y no ser leales a sus paises.
Francine Boutin
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En Israël, il y a beaucoup de décès, d’effets secondaires graves et d’augmentation de lac-19 depuis le début de la vaccination de masse. La plainte déposée auprès du Tribunal de La Haye pour violations du Code de Nuremberg par le gouvernement israélien et d’autres parties a été acceptée et est en attente d’une décision. La lettre d’acception a été signée par Mark Dillon, responsable de l’information et des preuves à la Cour pénale internationale (Réf.: OTP-CR-75/21) :
Shelly D
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Yes!!! 100%
Francine Boutin
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Au Québec, la Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple, avec ses avocats, a fait un dépôt en Habeas Corpus pour l’arrêt du couvre-feu et autres mesures «sanitaires». La juge a refusé en disant que cela devait être présenté par un pourvoi en contrôle judiciaire, quelque chose du genre. J’imagine que le Dr Füllmich savait que ça ne passerait pas non plus. C’est beaucoup plus long. Il semble que les juges protègent les dirigeants. Pour cette raison probablement que son groupe d’avocats a choisi d’aller directement au tribunal pénal international. Dr Füllmich dit dans une de ses vidéos, que beaucoup de juges ont des conflits d’intérêts. Sommes-nous surpris?
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I know nothing about law but it feels a bit conspiracy theory even though I agree with the premise about transfer of power to the elites- take this for example
I feel they would be better keeping it simple and sticking to the fraudulent PCR test.
Joe Roberts
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The PCR test is not fraudulent. It simply was not designed to be used as a stand alone test for diagnosis. The creator of the test, now dead, already told them the test cannot be used for that. When the test is run at 34 cycles and higher it will give over 80% false positives. As it turns out, they were advising labs to run the test at 40 cycles, lol. They are frauds and have isolated nothing. Viruses don’t cause disease, they are the effect of disease. They don’t live outside the host and only exist to eat the toxins our cells excrete when they come under attack. Then the body surrounds them with mucous and expells it via coughing, sneezing, puking, etc. That is the end of the viruses life cycle. There are no viruses or bacteria cruising around through UV light and oxygen based compounds. Those are fairy tales for uneducated people. They know most people don’t know any better. If steel can’t survive oxidation, what makes everyone think a microbe can? They are liars preying on the uneducated. If you get sick it is because your immune system is not functioning properly7 and can’t oxidize the pathogens. We get sick mainly from malnutrition and toxicity of one form or another in the environment. Not from viruses. The airborne contagion theory is just that. A theory. And it has never been proven. Ozone would take it ou7t in no time flat. It needs to be inside protected from oxygen and oxygen based compounds like chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, etc. and uv light as well. Oxidation. Same thing that makes steel rust and is your proof that the ozone is functioning just fine. Virus theory? Fairy tale. Greenhouse gas theory? Fairy tale. It was proven decades ago that any cell can become cancerous simply by starving of it of oxygen. Likewise, it was also proven any cell could be healed of cancer simply by flooding the cells with oxygen at a cellular level. Your body produces oxygen based compounds(ozone) if it is in proper health. But when it isn’t, it can’t make those chemical compounds to oxidize pathogens.
Jeanette Saarberg
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Thank you Joe!
Been reading the comments you posted, and mannn… you have vast knowledge!
showing clearly that there is a LOT more digging to do for me… (although US laws etc are unknown to me (Dutch person here), I fathom the same principles have been, and are being used for other countries in the world. Especially countries from the “old world”. I know the Netherlands is also registered somewhere in the States in the Chamber of Commerce, so I guess they made a similar construction for us.
I will look up the tips you gave in your first comment, and see if I can find something similar for Europe.
Thanks again!
Joe Roberts
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Yes. They pulled the same fraud world wide. Every country. They are scum. Anna Von Reitz has all the knowledge of the great fraud. No better source for study than her files and articles.. And she does touch on Europe in her work. I just have good horse sense and intuition. I just study people with vast knowledge, lol.
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So Joe, do you know anything regarding Russell-Jay Gould??
Carmen Pereira Pucilowski
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Wow Joe! I’ve been hearing about the very things you speak of but it’s still over my head. I’ve trusted my gut tho and have known we were all being used, abused and murdered! Thank you for speaking out!
Joe Roberts
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Yeah. They incorporated all governments under their umbrella. A crime of inland piracy and un Lawful conversion of Public to Private. Capital crimes for over 200 years now. They are parasites. Right now Biden is President of a bankrupt, liquidated MUNICIPAL corporation(UNITED STATES, INC.) that is continuing to operate without a contract.(Constitution). That is the real reason, in my humble opinion, that the WH was fenced off. They aint supposed to be in there right now and the military really should have rounded them all up…but failed to do so because they are on the hook for the same crimes. I am not talking about the rank and file. I specifically mean the high command. The big brass thought they were going to pull the same scam as the Pope and British Crown. I believe that is why we heard rumors of a new Federal Republic and a new Capitol building. They were going to set up the Queen and Pope’s scam for themselves, lol. Scumbags found out differently. There are too many of us who now know what went on the last 150+ years. One big massive identity theft scam. A good place to start is understanding the three jurisdictions. Land(Common Law), Sea(Maritime/Admiralty Law), Air(Cannon Law). Once you understand that, you need to understand that your country functions in all three jurisdictions simultaneously. So, for my country, America, we have on the National level(Land and soil jurisdiction) a union of geographically defined states properly spelled out “The United States”. Next, on the international level(Sea jurisdiction) we are a Federation of States doing business as “The United States of America”. Lastly, on the global level(Air jurisdiction) we are a Confederation of “States of States”(ex: “The State of Texas”) doing business as “The States of America”. Three different jurisdictions. Three different capacities. By incorporated everything , including us, they moved everybody off the Land jurisdiction by registering all newborns via the Birth Certificate scam. In a nut shell, they claimed we voluntarily agreed to this(your mother signing the BC) and then claimed we abandoned the Land/assets and they rolled everything into land trusts that they “manage” in our “absence”. One thing Americans need to understand is that a Confederate State is a business organization for partaking in global(Air) commerce. A Confederate State is a “State of State”. The so-called Civil War involved only the Confederate “States of America” (Air jurisdiction). It did not involve the union of actual physical states(The United States/Land jurisdiction). Nor did it involve our Federation of States(The United States of America/Sea jurisdiction). It only involved the Confederate (The States of America/Air jurisdiction) “States of States”. Spelling and punctuation very important. Ex: on the national level we have texas(physical state). Then internationally(Sea) we have Texas (Federated State). Then globally(Air) we have “The State of Texas”(Confederate State of America). Three jurisdictions. Three capacities all operating simultaneously.
Joe Roberts
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The reason separate jurisdictions were established? The claim was they needed to separate man from his/her creations. Man’s creations should not have the same or more rights than man. So, they stuck all dead things(legal fiction/corporations) in it’s own jurisdiction (Sea). All things living(people, animals, plants,etc.) and all attached to and of the land (physical assets/resources) were placed in the Land jurisdiction. The air jurisdiction is where all creation of corporations happens. That is also the jurisdiction where commerce (defined as business between two or more incorporated entities) takes place. So, if you created a company, it would have it’s origins in the Air jurisdiction and function in the Sea jurisdiction. Likewise, when you conduct business with other incorporated entities, it(commerce) takes place in the Air jurisdiction.. So, D.C. is not the Nation’s true Capital. That would be, and still is, Philadelphia, PA. baby! D.C. was set up for the Air jurisdiction. Their boss is the Pope(All corps presently are incorporated under his MUNICIPAL umbrella). He ultimately owns all your companies. The British Crown is his overseer/partner in crime.. The real three branches of our true American Federal Government(unincorporated) are: Territorial, Municipal and Federal. We were taught about the corporations branches. Not our own. Separate jurisdictions also allows them to play a shell game with uneducated people.. It is not meant to be easy to understand. It is deliberately convoluted and confusing. The British Monarchy is Trustee of the Sea. The Pope is Trustee of the Air and the Spanish King used to be Trustee of the Land jurisdiction. Now you know who really screwed the planet up and who is really running things.. I know many believe Israel is king, but that is not the case. They are more than happy to have you believe so. They are masters at setting up others to take the fall for them. Then they just reboot the same old scam when the dust clears. All roads really do lead to Rome…and The City of London(Incorporated just like New York city and D.C..).
Joe Roberts
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I also forgot to point out that the Queen’s fake Government service corp is spelled out in upper and lower case letters, but with the “t” being lower case. That is very important to understand. Ex. “the United States of America”. That is the British Territorial U.S. corporation. The Popes MUNICIPAL corp is all caps(THE UNITED STATES). That is how you tell the difference between the British Territorial U.S. service corp and the Vatican/Pope’s MUNICIPAL service corp. Proper spelling for our country in all three jurisdictions is : “The United States”(land/ physical union). “The United States of America(Sea/ Union of Federated States) and lastly “The States of America” (Air/Union of Confederate “States of States” which are business organizations for partaking in Global Commerce). Upper and lower case with the “T” always being capitalized.. The Union the South seceded from was the Union of Confederate States of States(“The States of America”). That is what we were supposed to reconstruct. Our Union of Confederate States of States. Instead, the Queen and Pope substituted their Territorial and MUNICIPAL “States of States/STATES OF STATES” for our broken Union of Confederate States of States.. And never told anyone. That is the big secret they all keep in Washington… well that’s one of them, anyway.Scumbags.
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Truly, I cannot follow your description of the different ‘laws’, rules, and tricks by the bankstering mafia to destroy the US, which must have taken place after they hijacked the nation in 1871 and implanted the commercial DC Corp; it nauseates me. But, since such took place after the usurpation, it is therefore NULL and VOID Constitutionally, according to Marbury vs Madison. All Americans need is ROPE to solve this situation, as everything called “government” is corrupt to the bone; VatiCON, or not; Rats in London, or not.
Joe Roberts
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Is a corporation a living man or woman? Of course not. That is why they stuck it in it’s own jurisdiction and inherent body of Law. It is really very simple to grasp. But only if you take the time to study it… This material will have to be understood or future generations will fall right back into the same trap/scam. So, no. It will take more than rope to solve it.
Joe Roberts
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And there are two corporations in the District of Criminals.. Not just one. You see? You got more work to do. there is a reason they keep repeating the same old scam over and over. We never learn.
Joe Roberts
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No. The three jurisdictions and the body of Law associated with each was already in place before America was even born. Well before 1871. I had a teacher in grade school that was teaching us about this back in the early 1980’s. I was the only kid in my high School that new Philadelphia was our Nation’s real Capital. Not D.C. Crossing jurisdictions is Inland Piracy(When the Sea jurisdiction encroaches on the land and soil jurisdiction). That is what touched off the War of 1812.
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Great explication.
So I have come to this same conclusion, that viruses don’t float in air and infect people, like we are told.. Yet still I wonder, sometimes people say that their child became f.ex smallpox while being with another child, who had this. So anyone knows how this is happening.. I mean, if it is happening.
Joe Roberts
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Many reasons. Not just one. Vaccines are probably responsible for much. the other thing people need to start understanding is the danger of electromagnetic fields. That is probably the biggest cause of “flu” outbreaks. Not a silly virus. Wireless crap, electrical grid and strong solar storms(CME) can all cause outbreaks. Why? Because we have iron in our blood. Iron is attracted to magnets. When you come into contact with a strong magnetic field, the iron in your blood is attracted to the magnetic field and disrupts hemoglobin’s ability to absorb oxygen. Lungs fill up with fluid and respiratory distress sets in. I believe, fairly recently, it was proven Measles(?) were caused not by a virus, but vaccine. Didn’t make the evening news for obvious reasons. Nutrient deficiencies are also a huge source of many “diseases”. Acidic blood ph. Toxic medication and vaccines. Toxic industrial pollution, chemtrails/aerosol spraying, etc. Lack of proper sunlight and fresh air. All these things can contribute.
Joe Roberts
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Also, cancer is the body’s response to low levels of oxygen. Dr. Otto Warburg won two Nobel Prizes, back in the day(30’s, I think). One Prize for showing any cell can become cancerous by starving it of oxygen. And he won another by showing any cancerous cell could be healed by flooding it with oxygen at the cellular level. It is believed Osteoperosis is caused by acidic blood PH which causes the body to leech calcium out of the bones to buffer the high bloodstream PH. We now know Scurvy was caused by Vitamin C deficiency. So, there are many different cause for outbreaks of disease and illness. It is not an easy thing to nail down. I suspect the majority of auto immune disorders are caused by nutrient/vitamin deficiencies and vaccines altering dna. Throw in all the EM pollution, medications, etc. Everything in the damn grocery store is poison nowadays.
Joe Roberts
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My bad. The body leeches calcium to buffer the low(acidic) bloodstream PH. Alkalize your system(raise PH) with baking soda and water. One teaspoon to a glass of water on an empty stomach. And don’t eat anything afterwards for at least 1 hour or you might be on the toilet spraying the bowl, lol. Baking soda is a grabber and a cleanser. It’ll grab good stuff too and flush it out of you. I don’t run for Tums or Rolaids anymore. They can keep their aluminium salt and whatever else they sneak in there. Get back on real dairy too, if you are not allergic to it.
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Thank you for taking time to answer !
Having lost half of my family to cancer, I have spend a lot of time understanding why people get this and how they could get rid of it in the best way. I have studied Warburgs theories, the pH values, Gersons theories, Ty Bollingers films about cancer, what acupuncture can do about it, about med beds and much much more.
I am looking forward to read ‘What really makes you ill’ , Lester and Parker.
Electromagnetic radiance is a true killer.I have known for a long time. People need to understand, much more about this topic.
But when people talk about the ‘covid virus’, that after they had it , they got the same symptoms, like loosing the taste and smelling for a long time after, is it then the electromagnetic radiance who created this ?
I am suspicious of diary product, also those from the farm. Even not allergic. I don’t think, this is food for grown ups. When I go running outside, my nose would start running a lot too, if I have had diary products. Like if they create to much slime in the body. Now I just have some farm yogurt and kefir now and then. The body can get calcium from other sources.
Joe Roberts
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Could be, bud. I’ve lost quite a few relatives to cancer as well. And one uncle that just died, or imo, was murdered in this Covid-19 fraud. I am very pissed and ugly about that. Our environment and food is so damn toxic now it is hard to know which way to turn. I believe I was headed for pancreatic cancer until I got my gut under control. Already lost an uncle to pancreatic cancer a couple years ago. It was getting so I couldn’t sleep. So much acid in my stomach and this thick, foamy saliva that would fill my chest and throat and felt like I was being squeezed to death.. Digestive issues no doubt.. I got it under control with just baking soda and water. I am still having a little difficulty now and then, but nothing like I was.. I think our systems are so out of balance and toxic that there is no one magic bullet. We have to self educate and find our way back to good health. And stop relying on “experts” to construct reality for us. We’ve been too lazy and trusting. Myself included. I am trying to change that.. Better to live and die by our own truths. Then at least there is no one to blame but ourselves.
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If viruses don’t exist, one can not help to think about, how in the world do they teach in the medical schools about this subject? If there is nothing to see in the microscope, then.. This is really weird.
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(Second try) Dr. Simoncini in Italy proved in his office how a vaginal cancer (visible in the video) could be cured in seconds by injecting in the affected area Sodium Bicarbonate (alkalinity) in distilled water. Fluid goes in, cancer cells die. But insisted that cancerous cells develop because of a fungal invasion, associated, admittedly, by lack of oxygen in the blood, or an acid condition due to improper nutrition or fluid intake, a low pH level.
Osteoporosis is also created by low levels of Silica, only 33% daily intake from our commercial food, due to deficient unripe fruits and vegetables harvested to the convenience of food markets, not our bodies. Lack of Silica unlocks calcium from our bones and teeth. Silica is the basis for Collagen, the glue that binds our cells together. No life, even microbial, can exist without Silica. Bombshell article:
K Katrine
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Yes, we certainly need to do our own investigations and follow and trust our instinct before trusting anyone else..
Fasting is a good way to detox once in a while, for me it works well with vegetable juices. It bans a way for higher conscience.. Sunglazing is also quite something ; just when the sun comes up in the horizon, face it for a while, in the beginning a few minutes, later more. Get charged with cosmic energy.
Well, also yoga and meditation surely great stuff..
I strongly believe, we will see our relatives again later.
Also a friend had a moment, when she died and then woke up again. She said, she saw her loved ones there.
It is about using the time wisely, while we are here.
Joe Roberts
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Hold on now, K. I did not say viruses don’t exist. They most certainly do. What I said was they don’t live outside the host because oxidation kills viruses. And I also said viruses are the effect of disease. Not the cause of disease. They are like flies that show up to eat the garbage. We have trillions of viruses already inside us. their purpose is to eat the toxins the cells excrete when they are under attack. Then the body surrounds them with mucous and expels it form the body. I did not say viruses do not exist. I said they do not cause disease. The germ theory is inverted to make money off of us.
Bonnie Henderson
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Joe, those who were at the Davos presentation in NYC in Oct 2019 knew that Wuhan was going to be the test run for their 5G system. So they knew that millions were going to die when that was turned on, so Fauci & Gates et al figured it was a good reason to blame a virus on what was happening when people dropped dead in the streets.
Shelly D
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Joe Roberts???????? I’m not sure where you get your education and facts from,nor do I know what your profession is , but I’d love to know actually! Almost everything your saying is in truth and a proven fact. For that, I thank you so much! On top of this article, I’ve learned so much from just your comments alone. Again, THANK YOU SIR!!!!! Keep your comments rollin!
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I appreciate your breakdown of virus here. Thank you.
K Katrine
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Thank you Joe. I appreciate this.
I was a little hasty while writing. I do know and believe that viruses expel the toxins. Well, what Béchamp and others said a long time ago. What I meant was, that in medical school they teach the students the Pasteur model; that a certain virus is responsible for a certain ilness. Like f ex covid19, but what do they actually show them in the microscope, when this was not isolated? Or what do they show them to be an Ebola virus or a Chickenpox virus?
What also is weird, is that highly skilled doctors like Len Horowitz or J Mikovits talk a lot about retroviruses. And they claim, that Aids viruses were given to people in f.ex. Hepatitis vaccines or blood transfers. So if the virus was just expelling a toxin, it shouldn’t be infecting others, even when injected, right? Or maybe they injected the toxin with it. Hm.. Wondering.
K Katrine
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Len Horowitz
Warren Porter
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Hi Joe,
I have heard of this before that viruses do not cause disease. Would you happen to have any studies or other information on this that you could send me?
Thanks for this comment and hopefully you have something you can send.
Kemo Sabe
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@ Warren Porter – See Dr. Tom Cowan’s book The Contagion Myth.
Videos –
Viral theory flaws:
Covid-specific viral theory flaws:
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Coincidence or conspiracy? NuremberG is a jew surname. Maybe by making it “Nurember” they want to imply “NO jews aboard this time”, or sad, “Hide the ‘pack’ from prying eyes”…?
Chris Coles
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On the 29th September, 2005 I posted; A petition for an extraordinary Writ, Requesting Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis, to the Clerk of the Court, Supreme Court Of The United States; requesting counsel to be appointed to represent me; In my contention that; The government of the United States is Ultra Vires.
Questions presented:
1. The Court please appoint Counsel to represent me in forma Pauperis?
2. The Court please define that an inventor with no money; has the right to representation before a Court of Law within the United States of America?
3. That where a government department or other agency of the United States infringes United States patents and fails to act with the highest ethical standards towards the inventor; is that government department Ultra Vires?
4 That the Solicitor General for the government of the United States; is in such circumstances thus also Ultra Vires?
5. The Court please create a framework of appropriate rules; to ensure that in future, at all times, government attorneys always act to the highest ethical standards in their dealings with inventors granted United States patents?
The Clerk of the Court wrote back to me October 13, 2005 setting out the papers were returned requiring changes required to enable my writ to proceed. However, at the time being, I was simply unable to afford to do so, and I left the matter in abeyance. During 2009, I made the decision to publish a free PDF book, The Road Ahead from a Grass Roots Perspective, in which I laid out the petition, with slight modification, as Chapter 12, The Responsibilities of Government.
That in turn has opened many doors over the last 11 years. My reason for bringing this up today is very simple; I believe that the basic arguments I made . . . detailing my belief that government is always ultra vires . . . beyond the law . . . if it does not act to the highest ethical standards; has a place within the debate regarding the believed unlawful actions underpinning the so called COVID-19 pandemic. Is there anyone out there prepared to accept my point of view and who can help me take this forward?
Joe Roberts
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The problem is you are trying to address them through their own system that you have consented to, whether you know it or not.. The second you petition them, you are done and have surrendered jurisdiction to them. You are addressing them, your employees, through their court system(ours is American Common Law courts) as a Territorial/MUNICIPAL citizen/employee of their corporations. And you are going through their courts to do it. You will lose because you don’t understand the game. Show up in court with a Bar attorney? You are all done. If you show up in court with a lawyer it tells the “judge” you are incompetent and a ward of the “State of State”. Cannot possibly explain all this in a post.
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Remember, as soon as you cross the bar, that fence between the people and the court in the courtroom, you are in their playing field and are subject to their rules (or the lack thereof). They only duty is to extract as much money as they can from anyone who chooses to step in there. Think about this. . . There are usually two sides, plaintiff and defendent, who (think they) have to hire lawyers to plead their case. But. . . BOTH LAWYERS are on teh same side of that. . . fence! THEIR playing field. Extracting YOUR money! You do have to pay that lawyer, win or lose, right?
The best option is to NEVER try to address them in their playing field.
Always toss your rocks from outside the fence! You might be able to hit them, but they can’t chase you afterward! (This part is humor, in case you didn’t get that. . .)
But, back to the discussion. . . You can never expect to win in their court. That guy is an attorney. Sure he “won” in those big high profile cases. But who Actually won? The court! The lawyers! Those on both sides of it got their share of the booty! The plaintiffs paid them and the defendants paid them handsomely I am sure! And pretty much not much else actually happened. A little publicity. A bunch of distraction. . .
Learn where to stand when throwing your rocks!
Joe Roberts
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Yup. All a game. You stay the hell out of their courts. Period. Trump just found that out the hard way. Those courts are not even supposed to operate outside D.C. Only the Public’s ignorance has kept the present system in place. That is now changing. We will see them hang.
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Thank goodness someone is doing something about this scam- everyone who is responsible should be made to pay BIGTIME.
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Absolutely, Thank Goodness.
But it is important that we don’t just sit back and let “someone” “do something”. At the very least, we should seek out the someones and help them do the somethings.
Guy Priano
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Please peruse
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Let’s expose all!! Many thanks from Italy!
Love and truth
Bradley Thornton
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Trump is still in control and has control over the military till March20th, under a bill that was installed in 2019 as he saw this coming. A EO was also put in place that anyone involved with crimes against humanity would have their assets confiscated and be tried by the military tribunals going on since 2019. We are still under military law since 2013. All the gold in the world was confiscated and is being held in a safe place in Nevada. All mankind over 20 will partake in the great awakening and will receive a tax refund as taxes are illegal.
Robert Sole
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“Trump is still in control and has control over the military till March 20?” Where did you get that idea? That’s crazy.
Joe Roberts
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He is partially correct in some respects, but is not 100% correct by any stretch.. Biden is President of the bankrupted MUNICIPAL corp dba THE UNITED STATES, INC. They are operating without a contract(Constitution). That is why the Military fenced off D.C. The rest was just theater to obscure what was really going on. The bankruptcy/liquidation of the Pope’s MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES corporation, lol. No contract? You can’t be in there. Too many people now know. All your STATE OF STATE, TOWN OF, CITY OF, etc, Municipal governments are just corporate franchises operating illegally/unlawfully too. Write your select board and tell them they are operating without a contract and you know it even if they don’t.
Biden had no office to run for because the MUNICIPAL corp was dissolved. It is no more. Trump, on the other hand, is President of the British Territorial corp dba “the United States of America”(Incorporated), which does have a contract(Constitution) with our Country. But he, Trump, is not in control of jack. The Military is in control and has been since Lincoln declared Military Marshall law over a century ago. So, everything that has since happened, has been on their watch… or lackthereof. Trump is working for the Military and our subcontractor, the British Crown. Were he the true American President of the real Federal Government, he’d be sitting in Philadelphia and laughing. He had that offer made to him. To correct his political status and be “The President of The United States of America”(unincorporated). He didn’t take it. That was dumb, because that is where the real power is in terms of controlling the Military. Biden, though, is 100% illegitimate and should have been arrested by the Military. Ditto for the rest of them. Thank the Generals for being the traitors they are. Soldiers should stage their own coup and arrest their “superiors”. Yeah. I mean that. The Military high Command is dirty and compromised beyond fixing. Honorable men and women should be in those positions. Not appointed puppets and criminals. You are not a hero just for wearing a uniform. You’ve got to earn it. The soldiers did earn it. The high command? Not so much.
Shelly D
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Joe Roberts???????? I’m not sure where you get your education and facts from,nor do I know what your profession is , but I’d love to know actually! Almost everything your saying is in truth and a proven fact. For that, I thank you so much! On top of this article, I’ve learned so much from just your comments alone. Again, THANK YOU SIR!!!!! Keep your comments rollin!
Joe Roberts
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All I am is a messenger. None of this is my work. I am just passing it along as I’m supposed to do. And, all the knowledge of the whole of creation is already tucked inside you. You just need to get through to that space by expanding your consciousness.. Do you know what Jesus meant when he said “I and the father are one”? He meant they were one and the same. He meant that he was the light in the flesh. As are you and I and everybody else. Even the evil bastards. Our wayward brothers and sisters.He didn’t mean
God was his daddy and he was his God’s son. He was talking about oneness. You can be guided to receive the truth of anything because it is already inside you. But that has to be your intent. The truth. And only the truth. We do not operate on this planet in our full, waking state. We are operating on just a fraction of our total awareness. It’s a game we’re playing. This comment will piss off the religious crowd, but I don’t really care. Time is short and the hour is late. The harvest approaches.
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We need names and photos to match of all guilty of theses crimes. That way the people can go after them if all legal avenues fail.
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Elections and courts are not going to fix this problem. To think so is simply to deny what is inevitably coming our way.
Jennifer Hall
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Maybe DR Fullmich has already thought of this, and this is what will happen…We need it to happen soon, as the goverment s are pushing out TNIS gene therapy vaccjne as fast as they can, and many people are dying and being injured from it, and what is it doing long term., as it’s ex perimental, until 2023, it should not be in use, surely that is a crime in itself..CRIMES against HUMANITY…
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All this trying so desperately to cling to some sense of reality. The reality is that the plan was born from within a tornado in a junkyard, the vortex at the Maurice Strong Baca Grande hippie commune at the base of the Sangre de Cristo mountain within the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Maurice Strong purchased the Baca in 1978, his wife worked with psychics on psychedelics to communicate with non-humans. Meanwhile Maurice was working with Dr Muller in Costa Rica, communicating with a demon called Rasur. The two plans were combined then rewritten by Henry Kissinger for presentation in 1982 at the newly created by Klaus Schwab and Maurice Strong World Forum of 300 in Vail Colorado. The plans were handed down during that week long forum while all the participants were covertly drugged with LSD. What could go wrong? For the past 39 years the plan was installed into projects at UN and at World Economic Forum. Kissinger had altered the plans and doing so breaking the agreement with the givers of the plan, the 50 year treaty expired in 2004, that was the Eisenhower treaty following the Roswell UFO incident. Liz Cheney pretends that her father still has the backing, nope, ET stood him up, no show and no treaty. it’s Wile E Coyote time for the globalist. The world is laughing at them, probably at me too but I don’t care because I know how good the acid was.
Caroline Woodward
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Joe, you really know your sh*t. Good man. Get in the fight! The Workd desperately needs people like you to expose the biggest crime ever to be perpetrated on mankind. They must all hang for crimes against humanity. I’m writing from Scotland in the UK. We need help too. I hope and pray every day that Trump is in control and he will bring down the whole wrotten scam!! Thanks for your recommendation re Anna Von Reitz. I shall be following her closely from now on. Keep spreading the truth my friend. You have a good head on your shoulders. WE must do this together. As you say, we cannot sit back and believe that someone else will do it. We owe it to our children and future generations. Look up Scott McKay (Patriot Streetfighter). He also has the fire in his belly to bring down these ‘scumbags’!
Joe Roberts
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It is a responsibility we all must share. None of this is my work. It is many peoples work accumulated over the years. People that are now dead or hidden away in prisons across this earth.. At least now people are starting to listen. Imagine how the patriots of yesterday felt? The ones who died or were tortured and thrown in jail for trying to bring forth the truth? It is almost too heart breaking to think about. They are the true heroes. I’m just doing the right thing by passing their knowledge/work on.. I am not even close to being on their level. I am just one of many messengers who now understands the game and what has happened. You also are on that path. Everybody in the world freedom movement is.
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Am I the only one here who wonders about the trustworthiness of an article that misspells Nuremberg in the headline?
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Having worked for 15 years both directly and in support of PCR based clinical assays one thing is absolutely, abundantly and verifiably clear: the COViD 19 PCR assay is a total fraud that can only be by design. One oversight, OK maybe that was accidental. Two starts to strain credibility. But an ongoing series of procedural errors, all pointed in the same direction, repeated and compounded over more than a year, coupled with misinformation also slanted in the same direction, cannot be anything but an intentional orchestrated plan.
PCR is a manufacturing process. It is not a test. There is no PCR Test. Period. It’s a fraudulent term. Everybody who knows knows this. In a PCR based clinical assays PCR simply provides one data point. That point is compared a dataset of known outcomes to correlate gene expression to any of a number of potential outcomes defined by the population set. This test is always run against a standard/control that represents the sequence you are focused on. But amazingly the test doesn’t even use COViD as the control sequence but HUMAN RNA. Furthermore all PCR assays quantify the expression of a given sequence by the number of replication cycles required to amplify the sequence to a detectable level. In the case of cancer you may find a target sequence expressing at 15 cycles or you may find it expressing at 30 cycles. And in one case you will have a fatal case of cancer while in the other you may have none at all. CT is the fundamental data point that allows PCR to be employed in a diagnostic capacity at all. Yet they have never even captured this data. They then compound this error by running to 38,40 or even 45 cycles and call any detection whatsoever a ‘case’. This is beyond fraud. At 38 cycles you have more replicates than there are stars in the Galaxy. You will have fragments, mutations and insignificant sequences rising above the limit of detection that on no way represent the specimen being tested. ALL OF THIS IS WELL KNOWN. The test never should have even been run to 30 cycles. Much less 40 or more.
Even absent a dataset (it was a new virus right) this test COULD have been effective. It could have taught us much. Had we captured CT values for every test we could have retrospectively correlated them to real world outcomes. We could have had some one billion data points to tell us what CT range correlated to an active case, which correlated to an asymptomatic case and what was useless data. Over a year in we could have perfectly characterized this disease, defined CT ranges for all outcomes and augmented the test to be devastatingly accurate. But they didn’t. On purpose. And as experts like myself have raised these objections, they attempted to pull a bait and switch by mandating that TOTAL test cycles be captured and reported, which is entirely useless and irrelevant. A move that still will still fail to deliver the data we need and could have already had. Limiting the test to 35 cycles still gives you tons of false positives, more useless data and gets no closer to establishing what is or isn’t a real case. Not even ineptitude can explain these glaring frauds. The had to be intentional. They go against every bit of established science in this area, have no precedent, and they cannot support any useful or relevant outcome. For me it is the absolute smoking gun proof that all of this is intentional fraud. And I would testify to that under oath. These cannot be just mistakes. If they knew enough to even employ PCR for this purpose they had to know you were doing it wrong. They had to know they were torturing the data. They had to know it was useless and why. They had to know their ‘course correction’s was itself a fraud. It had to be totally by design. There are decades of precedent for how to do this the right way and no precedent for doing it how they did it. The Nobel Prize winning inventor or PCR made this case over and over until the day he died. All sane science, data and precedent was not just ignored but purposely avoided. There is no denying this. Let them burn in hell for 100 eternities for it. I’ll light the fire.
Joe Roberts
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Damn straight!. They are lying scumbags who have isolated nothing! Sars. Aids. Covid-19. All frauds.. No virus has ever been isolated because they share symbiotic relationship with the cells. They live inside us. They don’t live out in the atmosphere. Oxidation and UV light disproves airborne germ theory. For those who were never taught the truth in school, ozone is oxygen that is broken down into it’s individual component molecules by UV light in the ionosphere. then, the molecules clump together to form ozone, and being heavier than air, fall through the atmosphere oxidizing unburned hydro carbons, pollution, etc. No germ or virus can survive oxidation. Nor do carbon emissions destroy ozone. Other way around. I tested rain water all last summer. It tested 0 PPM every single time with a PH averaging 5.5-6.0. Proof that the ozone was just fine and oxidizing as it has always done. ozone is created. It is not some magical layer that is being destroyed by “climate change”. Junk science and fairy tales. The body does the same thing when/if it is in proper health. When it gets out of balance, we use Sodium chlorite(salt based that converts to chlorine dioxide gas when mixed with an acid), and which is not bleach as the lying media claimed, but an oxidizer.. I also have food grade hydrogen peroxide on hand(35%). Can be diluted in water and by-by pathogens. Both oxygen based compounds are produced naturally by the body when it is in proper health. So eff off to all those claiming Chlorine dioxide and hydrogen peroxide are dangerous. They are one of the main reasons we don’t get sick more often. Our bodies make them, lol.
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Keep posting, Joe! Your posts are an education. Trump tried to put forward the hydrogen peroxide argument, but of course, the MSM twisted it. Every dog has its day…. tick-tock. Keep the faith!
Joe Roberts
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Trump was basically referring to MMS drink and the resulting gas, Chlorine dioxide, that is produced when sodium chlorite(salt based) combines with an acid(like stomach acid). The gas is then able to permeate the cells and oxidize the pathogens attacking the cells. This occurs naturally in our bodies. It can also be manufactured as a drink/medicine. This, I believe, is what Trump was talking about. It can cure Malaria in about 4 hours with full dosage(drops in distilled water) once every hour until the illness is gone.. So, very powerful and education is a must.. Sodium chlorite is an oxygen stabilizer. It is salt based. Used to purify drinking water. That is what Municipal water supplies should be treated with. Instead, they use bleach! Hypocrites and scumbags is what they are. Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer. Not bleach as the lying media claimed. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is also an oxidizer. Also an oxygen based compound the body produces. It also is very powerful. Again, just a few drops in distilled water and you should start out slow and build up to the full dose. there is a dosing regimen posted on line from a woman who used it to get rid of cancer. It is on wordpress, so you should be able to find it easy enough. Both are very powerful. But education is a must before using either. You go taking a swig off a bottle of 35% hydrogen peroxide and you’re going to regret it, lol. We’re talking just a few drops in distilled water three times a day on an empty stomach. But, please,I am not an expert on either. So, research the crap out of it and make your own decisions based on your own findings. Even good things can kill ya if you don’t know what you are doing.
DEB ifrah
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The wicked mediocre media
And the Ignorance of the people sure is So Dangerous
I agree with your explanation
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Correct. MMS will clear, with as little as the sixth drop in the daily schedule, a parasitic fungus in the lower intestine, which absorbs our food and makes the brain request more food for its nutrition, thereby making the intestine grow in length to digest more food, while the belly grows in proportion. Kill the parasite, and the intestinal process is reversed, reducing hunger, and the waistline by several inches.
Joe Roberts
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Excellent info Heroay! Thank you for that.
K Katrine
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I have strongly the feeling, that some of these tests are infected with something.
That they break some membrane in the nose and inset something. A chip, a tag, a toxin, hydrogel or maybe something that makes the electromagnetic radiance worse. And they store the dna surely.
A relative died the night after, he unfortunately had to take the test.
A friend got high fever just after the test.
They are masskilling with the vaccine.
Why would they wait, when they could start harming people already with the test?
Karma is coming after them, coming back like a boomerang.
I’ll light the fire as well.
They must ALL burn in hell forever, AFTER they where tested and vaccinated with their own cocktails..
Guy Leven-Torres
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Johnson’s Plans to turn us into Chinese Style State.
Guy Leven-Torres
10th March 2020AD
I despair of this country and its people. We are oppressed daily by a corrupt political “class”, that seems to attack and harm our way of life at every opportunity. We have mass house arrest, enforced mask wearing despite warnings that such apparel is useless and indeed dangerous to our lives.
Thousands have committed suicide, and suffered and died alone unable to seek help from neighbours under ridiculous and malicious rules, that would make Adolf HItler and Stalin seem saintly. Our movements are tracked from dawn till dusk by “Smart” technology and nerds and busybodies, many simply utilising the Covid Plandemic to push their own sick fixations, worthy of what was once termed the “Dirty Mac Brigade” or “nosey parkers”, rightly driven to the fringes of social discourse and shunned by all decent men and women, in normal times. These times are far from normal.. ….
That appears to be no longer the case as these sleazy, slimy creepy denizens of the Slime World crawl from out of the shadows, where they normally lurk and slither, ignored by all. Our once cherished freedoms fought with blood and tears are fast evaporating as the masked legions of modern soulless collaborators increase in numbers on our streets, with their sheep like bleats of “We’ve nothing to hide!” so what does it matter?
You know the type I refer to, so easily poked fun at in freer times by the likes of Monty Python in their sketches, now all but banned for fear of causing offence to the modern “Woke Brigade” of social losers and sneaks, whose soul claim to fame is a burst of fake manic anger on one of the loser “Social Internet” platforms. Now we must carry “Smart Phones” to enable our movements to be tracked. Where is the outcry?
Then we are supposed to accept doubtful injected “vaccine”concoctions by faceless nerds like Bill Gates and the equally odious Hancock, Whitty, Valance on pain of social “exclusion” and loss of bank accounts, pensions and “Benefits”, if we fail to comply to their sick agendas and murderous intentions. Then we are informed by these odious vipers like Klaus Schwab and Charles Windsor that “We will have nothing and be happy”…
This is a crime in the making- an admission of evil intent,
That will be the result of the national “Smart” Social Credit systems they are assembling under so called 5G surveillance grids, erected under the fake guise of “Lockdown” and”Covid 19″, that stands for installation of a so called digital ID system- a sleazy, dirty brown mac Brigade’s wet dreams come true.
Everything we think, even our facial expressions and body language will be surveilled in real time and our”credit” score based upon what we do at any second or minute of the day. That is what this is about. If that does not alarm any of you, then what will? Thousands of deaths, even millions in the coming months? Will you care then as the fools that have taken the fake “vaccines” die off? This is a global cull of the world’s population.
Thousands have already died or been maimed by these Satanic practices. including our nearest and dearest like my own now dying father, who is deliberately starving himself to death in Peterborough Hospital, unable to see visitors, like so many today in such places and care “homes” and NHS staff, that seem more intent on emulating Dr Mengele than the medics and carers they are supposed to be.
It will be over for my 98 years old father soon. I give him but days to live, as he refuses food and the cajoling and threats of those charged with care in his last days. His family, like me have been told we cannot visit under Hancock’s lunatic prohibitions.
I will never forgive nor forget these crimes, or the arrogant harpies that informed me that they want him to be “safe”. Trust me it will be a relief to see this brave former RAF pilot finally safe in his grave. I cannot bear it any longer. The man I knew and admire was the best a son could have as a father- a man that went through the terrors of WW2, now reduced to a husk of what he was even a few Months ago!
Am I angry? Yes I’m bloody fuming in frustration and hatred of the nasty, sleazy bags of crawling slime-bodies ad self congratulatory non-entities, that saw fit to impose their Communistic schemes on my family and many millions of others. I will never forgive nor forget.
This was an act of deliberate and wanton intention to destroy. These “things” belong in the sewers of corruption along with all the rest of their vile stinky cohorts that slither around the halls of power. We are now at war ….
What they have done is awaken the warrior in me once again, determined to have my day in court with these loathsome scum-scum like “Professor” Ferguson and those mentioned above. And if the courts will not give me redress. …..A redress that is now long overdue as Mengele Hancock threatens another “Lockdown” and “Vaccine passports simply to wonder to the local shops or museum. I want these creeps hanged for mass murder and treason….
Then there are their lackey goon squads masquerading as “Police”. I have observed these goons attacking and beating old ladies and the disabled actually turning them out of their wheelchairs. They will be a special target of my hatred and righteous anger.
This is far more than simple assault but an act of aggression little short of civil war. These are criminals.
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Being our court system is our last defense in our fight for freedom. This “pay to play” judicial system is corrupt to the core. It must be replaced or all is lost.
Why can’t we program a computer to replace the corruptible judges and enforce stiff fines on lawyers who violate their code of ethic and the rules of court. And form a committee of non-lawyers to intimately oversee the judicial system, ( a Grand jury with no lawyer participation).
Joe Roberts
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The court system you reference is not our court system. It is a Sea jurisdiction court. It is for corporations. That fake, corporate Court system is not even supposed to operate outside of D.C. They are un Lawfully squatting on Land jurisdiction at the moment and every damn one of them has committed Inland Piracy by doing so. If you get addressed by one of their kangaroo corporate Tribunal courts, you the living man are not being addressed. They are addressing the legal fiction they created out of your lawfully given trade name. They are just banking on you not knowing the difference. You are not legal fiction. You are not a corporation. Therefore, their Court system really has no jurisdiction over you. But if you don’t know that, well, they damn sure ain’t going to tell you that. They’re in the business of making money off you. Our Court System is the American Common Law Courts. Not operating at the moment…that is going to change.
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Keep posting, Joe! Your posts are an education. Trump tried to put forward the hydrogen peroxide argument, but of course, the MSM twisted it. Every dog has its day…. tick-tock. Keep the faith!
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Common Law is gaining traction internationally. The tide is turning!!
William H Warrick III MD
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This will go after individuals within Government and the Medical Community for Crimes Against Humanity for which there is no shield of government or Immunity. This is not a dangerous disease (recovery odds 99.9% for most individuals) and year-on-year All Cause Deaths did not change from prior years so this is not a Pandemic. The usual causes of Death went down (CAD, Diabetes, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Strokes etc and COVID replaced them. Medical Negligence was the real cause of most of the Deaths because HCQ, Zinc and Ivermectin were blocked by Fauchi and Pharmacists refused to fill Rxs for them. There is no Immunity from Prosecution for Medical Negligence.
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This was sent to me..
Please if all you guys believe this bullshit.
Go work/donate your time, just for a day or 2, at the Covid Ward at your nearest local hospital..
They could really use your help..
Also is just a scam, so please DONT wear your mask.
I’m sure you will be fine!!
You are a bunch of idiots…
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You’re the idiot. We have been walking into emergency rooms and hospitals all over the country and filming what we find – they are all nearly empty.
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I have a hard time seeing Nuremberg trials as an appropriate model for answering the CV-1984 crimes against humanity. I think a new model would be much more appropriate, not tied directly or indirectly to anything from WWII, because so much remains “verboten”. In particular, lawyers who attempt a rational discussion in Germany to review the alleged information, and even to use a review to defend their clients from hate-speech charges, find themselves behind bars, which is an outrage. Jailing lawyers for mounting a defence for their clients is reminiscent of the level of different abuse in the infamous Court of Star Chamber. In the Star Chamber, a political court, punishment was meted out for not wishing to offer a defence. In Germany’s modern-day political courts, punishment is meted out for in fact mounting a defence, as German “law” makes a defence illegal! And all goes back to the so-called Nuremberg Trials, which are tainted by the fact they are reported to have been fully controlled by the World Jewish Congress which had a “monopoly” on presenting “evidence”, which turned out to be fake, such as shrunken heads, lampshades, soap and other sinister paraphernalia. On the basis of such fraudulent “evidence”, which even today apparently cannot be contested lawfully in a free and open court in Germany, if anywhere, young German men in their teens and twenties were physically and mentally tortured to extract (even false) confessions, and then summarily executed.
Senator Joseph McCarthy, at the time of the Nuremberg horror show, deplored the particular case of a female camp guard, Ilsa Koch, who had been so severely lied about and then imprisoned despite a determination that her guilt in any respect could not be established. Koch eventually killed herself in prison.
I don’t think Nuremberg is a label that anyone could rationally connect with a precedent for fairness, honor, or legitimate “legal” proceedings. The Nuremberg label should not be attached to Covid-1984 procedures. There should be a clean break with a past that we are not allowed to clear up, so that we do not know what in fact we are basing modern action on if we use these old labels.
Perhaps UK should be the locale of Covid-1984 trials, given the substantial links of its institutions and some of its people (Neil Ferguson, for one) to the fraudulent lockdowns being applied to destroy the world’s economy, and the mental and physical health of the world’s populations.
How about London for the Covid-1984 trials, rent an auditorium at Imperial College and put the accused on trial there.
Information on the “Post-War” Nuremberg Trials by career journalist, Adrien Arcand (1899-1967):
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I fully agree with you. Nuremberg was a sham, a scam, an abuse of the German people and its government, who kicked the banksters out and restored the nation from the grip and corruption of the Wiemar ‘Republic’. Everything claimed as the holohoax was false. At least in the US, lawyers were forbidden to hold any public office due to their allegiance to a foreign, and enemy, power: The Rothschild Crown. The 13th Amendment was for that, although it has been hidden and replaced by a fake one for a long time.
> Elie Weasel Never Lied:
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I have a hard time seeing Nuremberg trials as an appropriate model for answering the CV-1984 crimes against humanity.
I think a new model would be more appropriate, not tied to anything from WWII, because so much of that history remains “verboten”. In particular, lawyers who attempt a rational discussion in Germany to review the alleged information, even to defend their clients from charges, find themselves behind bars for presenting evidence.
Germany’s modern-day political courts mete out punishment for any attempt to question history. And all goes back to the so-called Nuremberg Trials, which are alleged to have been fully controlled, in conflict of interest by one party.
The World Jewish Congress had a “monopoly” on presenting “evidence” at the Nuremberg Trials, which turned out to be fake. Shrunken heads, lampshades, soap and other sinister paraphernalia were exhibited in support of allegations.
On the basis of such fraudulent “evidence”, young German men in their teens and twenties were physically and mentally tortured to extract confessions, then summarily executed.
Senator Joseph McCarthy, at the time of the Nuremberg horror show, deplored the particular case of a female camp guard, Ilse Koch.
Koch had been imprisoned despite a determination that her guilt in any respect could not be established. Koch eventually killed herself in prison.
I don’t think Nuremberg is a label that anyone could rationally connect with a precedent for fairness, honor, or legitimate “legal” proceedings. The Nuremberg label should not be attached to Covid-1984 procedures.
There should be a clean break with a past that we are not allowed to investigate, because we do not know what we are basing modern action on if we use these old labels.
Perhaps UK should be the locale of Covid-1984 trials, given the substantial links of its institutions and some of its people (Neil Ferguson, for one) to the fraudulent lockdowns being applied to destroy the world’s economy, and the mental and physical health of the world’s populations.
London for the Covid-1984 trials might be the perfect venue. Rent an auditorium at Imperial College and put the accused on trial there.
See information on the “Post-War (Nuremberg) Trials” by career journalist, Adrien Arcand (1899-1967).
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Re: Schwab’s Phase Four
“Use of military personnel in major metropolitan areas and on all major roads to establish movement control points. Limit travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the region. Expected for the third quarter of 2021.”
This reminds me of Stephen Harper’s 2011 “election pledge”, a promise no one asked for.
Harper promised to militarize major Canadian cities, apparently by equipping the cities with military bases.
This would apparently be a bad move, as military bases are nuclear targets in case of war. However, the global takeover has doubtless been long in planning.
I am not aware of any details of Harper’s fulfillment of his plan, but it might well have been done, and would go into action in the scenario envisaged.
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This needs to be shared far and wide…
We need something similar here in the UK and around the globe. Stay in the fight good people. There are more of us than there are of these evil-doers!!
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Even if these trials DO happen, most people in the USA won’t even know or hear about it due to the Broken Media.
Pamela Carnegie
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Thank you very much for taking this initiative it is well needed I feel inspired and safe to know that they are rational thinking people in the planet TN and as such have got the power the drive I’ve and the tenacity to to take on the people who who have sought to 2 to annihilate kill murder many many people with this inhumane construct of using people as guinea pigs ultimately Lee it is clear ear that this is about profit and money and we the public are expendable p*** so to speak in the game that’s been played out by the pharmaceutical and the powers that be that have orchestrated this disaster the diabolical inhumane barbaric Savage wicked system to undermine the basic birthright of every single human being on the planet and have used the deception sleight of hand to cause this to be set up up it’s atrocious how many senior citizens have been lifted die
Pamela Carnegie
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??️??️??️??️??️??️??️????️?Thank you very much for taking this initiative it is well needed I feel inspired and safe to know that they are rational thinking people in the planet To and as such have got the power the drive I’ve and the tenacity to to take on the people who who have sought to 2 to annihilate kill murder many many people with this inhumane construct of using people as guinea pigs ultimately Lee it is clear ear that this is about profit and money and we the public are expendable p*** so to speak in the game that’s been played out by the pharmaceutical and the powers that be that have orchestrated this disaster the diabolical inhumane barbaric Savage wicked system to undermine the basic birthright of every single human being on the planet and have used the deception sleight of hand to cause this to be set up up it’s atrocious how many senior citizens have been lifted die Now we who value justice liberty and Freedom Must Contine to say
This Our? too We will be slient No. The market world destruction has too STOP.
We the people of the people for the people stand TOGETHER has people who No more
Pamela carnegie
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We Need honset decent people who care about the damaged done by weaponiizing Human fear of dying will many did alone .this an abomination
Carol Besch
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Dear Joe Roberts,
May I please ask if you are on social media? I enjoy this great “wake-up” we are all on but still hard to be the outcast in my family as they are all still in total slumber.
I would greatly appreciate tagging along behind your great knowledge and simple explanations! You are a God send!
Joe Roberts
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No. I don’t do social media and I steer clear of group think. I keep to myself mostly. And, again, none of this is my work. I am just passing it on, as many others are as well. I was guided to it and studied it until I understood and could” feel” the truth. Then I pass it on as the light asks of all of us to do. Many people don’t remember how to do that. You can feel truth. But I’ve sacrificed greatly to expand my awareness. No wife. No family. Very few friends and I prefer to write as I am not a social butterfly. I have no problem being alone, and in fact, I need to be alone most of the time. No distractions. No masks. I am no saint. Nor am I a guru of any kind. Just a simple messenger and a country boy. Very humble, actually. I avoid crowds, spotlights, attention, etc. I avoid it all like the plague, lol. Thank you for the kind words, but, really, there is nothing special about me. I’m just doing a job.
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Hey Joe
You have great legal information about the United States and UK it seems too. Would I be correct in thinking perhaps “legal fiction” i.e. the way the Courts have assumed we consent provides an avenue to challenging such things as (potentially) illegal Council Taxes? FYI here in UK we are charged an Annual Council Tax for local services such as Police, Ambulance and garbage removal services etc….The Council Tax Bill that they send in the mail addresses one in ALL CAPS i.e. the aforementioned “Legal Fiction”.
patricia rose bowman
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I’m in Montreal/Quebec/Canada and would love to be included in the class action suit for crimes against humanity that Reiner Fuellmich is getting involved with. I retired from aircraft simulation company in April 2018 and have been locked up since March 2019. I believe we are all in grave danger if these cretins get their way. Military tribunals are the only way and those doing this scam know full well most can not defend themselves. It is crimes against humanity as I watch neighbors kill themselves from distress. I worry about my family as well as they are forced to vaccinate because of fear. Please consider my request.
M Kleier
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Thank you Doctor Coleman, you have made a huge difference. Thanks to your kind, we are seeing the light and there is far better technologies previously hidden, that you and I will soon be able to take advantage of. The Best Is Yet To Come. For example, check out the tachyon Aerospace medbed.
Manthisis Awesome
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Firing squads for the criminals who used health to kill people, ruins societies, and torture people with their crimes against mankind. Let’s get this done – we can do it.
Joseph William Baker
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A tribunal has already amassed evidence, testi.ony and has issued prison sentences ..
The natural and common law tribunal for public health and safety.
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You know. I know. All this will lead to nowhere. You cannot sue your government You cannot sue Jo Biden. You cannot even think of suing the military industrial complex. YOU CANNOT SUE BILL GATES. Try suing Anthony Fauci. Finally we will all end up suing Tedros Something, the head of the WHO (DG ). And professor Neil Ferguson for his computer simulations ( with Gates software running the simulations ) Well try suing Klaus Schwab. You will have to face his guttural German, with all his vehemence directed at you,as he literally drills holes into your being. Well Gates created the WEF. Gates created the WHO, GAVI, CEPI. What else ? But you cannot sue Gates. Yes , finally catch Tedros Something and give him a healthy lynching. Let us all clap. The end of Covid-19. Hurrah. If Nuremberg was not fake, what was operation paperclip all about ??? Every one of the 7 billion humans ( excluding the .01%.who I feel are humans 2.0 ) curse Tedros Something with every breath they take because of the mask . They do not know who Gates is. Or some may remember as the guy who created that despicable piece of Windows software. NOT THE CORONA COVID-19 VIRUS. And Gates will make you homeless, deprive ALL farmers of their land, deprive you and your kids of your independence. And Gates with his ID2020 ( for the good of humanity ). Gates the genius responsible for transforming humanity from 1.0 to 2.0. Gates who drives Darpa and silicon valley to enslave humanity.Or what is left of it. Gates with his Chem trails, giving us Texas and the more to come climate change policies. Gate now driving your food by acquiring Monsanto, your meat, your life as a synthetic entity. Where are the courts. Wait for the AI driven lawyers. Gates with rich bribes to all the leaders of this planet ( see India go ). Gates all smiles with Xi of China. Gates with his hands up in the air, frown on his face. Unless seen with the likes of Jeffery Epstein, when it is all exuberance. Well Gates will not be sued.
And variations of covid-19 will keep appearing.Made by Gates in some ultra secret location ( like in the DUMBs in Israel ) and distributed by the Mossad. Sue the Mossad. You just try. Don’t say I told you !!Previously Ukraine was the testing ground. Now it is the whole world !
Evelyn Sewers
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Everybody wants the TRUTH.
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Yo no se hasta cuando la estupidez humana ; dejando guiarse por todas estas estupideces. El virus es real ; las muertes por ello son reales ; o sino pregúnteles a los familiares de los fallecidos en Ecuador ; Brasil ; cuyo presidente inepto ha contribuido a la muerte de miles de fallecidos ; los más de 500 000 fallecidos en Estados Unidos y otros países. Ya basta de cuentos ; esto es real y es grave ; yo no se hasta cuando la estupidez de que si Bill Gate ; 5G ; foro de Davos ; o la estupidez de un plan global de dominio. Todo esto no tiene más que un trasfondo económico y las pérdidas que la Covid ha sumado al mundo. Si no hay voluntad política de los gob para luchar de forma adecuada contra la pandemia ; estamos jodidos. Esta pandemia a puesto al descubierto la fragilidad del sistema capitalista neoliberal; de su sistema de salud; privado y caro; lleno de recortes y privatizaciones. Si las personas siguen guiándose por todos estos seudocientificos ; alarmistas y desinformantes ; creyendo cuanta basura se publica ; están muy jodido. La enfermedad es real y sólo con una política adecuada e inclusiva por parte de los gob se pude combatir ; los países deben dejar de priorizar lo económico sobre la salud de las personas ; actuar de manera correcta y ayudar a las personas. Deben de dejar de creer a todos estos estúpidos irresponsables que están agregando más caos paranoia a todo esto. La enfermedad es real ; basta ya de mentira ; basta ya de recortes a la salud y las privatizaciones que con todo esto se ha visto su ineficacia; apoyar las investigaciones científicas y a los científicos; los gob ; apoyar más a la ciencia. Dios nos libre de la estupides humana.
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On the topic of the article, please note variations from country to country in Europe, and variations by state in the US, because this will reveal what states could have done, if they had been like the better states, and not the ones that did so much worse.
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And I think we’re violating the Nuremberg Code on informed consent.
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Me parece excelente, que apoyemos esta iniciativa si los causantes de la quiebra de muchos de nuestros negocios, sin que ningún Gobierno haga algo para evitar nuestra pérdida económica.
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Tantas y tantas muertes por un supuesto covid19?
No ha muerto nadie por sida gripe,cáncer,gripe estacional,neumonias,suicidios,enfartos del corazon,aneurismas,etc…etc…etc.
Pregunto entonces:
Porque proibiran las autopsias?
victoria lord
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I too am following this case and wondered why there is not special powers to speed this up as people are dieing daily!
Personally my daughter has been jabbed and my Grandaughter is going to have hers as she has just joined the army SHES 18!!!!!!!
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Siento mucho habet duplicado mi comentario
No sabía como funcionaba el envio y no tengo
experiencia.Sólo hablo español.y pido disculpas por los errores ortográficos del comentario.Si tengo que aportar efectivo., prefiero una cuenta cirriente en Banco y hacer
una transferencia. No confío en el pago por
Internet.Me han Jackeado y no confio. Les apo-
yaré en todo cuanto pueda.Si me tienen que
conteztar háganlo en español.No sé ningun
idioma.Soy mayor y cuando estudiaba, no había segundo idioma.Lo siento.Toda mi vida
he luchado por la Verdad y por la Libertad…
Aquí estoy, para seguir luchando, pese a la
edad.Que Dios les bendiga y ¡VENCEREMOS!
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Toda la himanidad merece y necesita Justicia.
Lloro a diario por nuestros fallecidos de todo
el mundi.Todo mi apoyo a los Juicios de
Nüremberg..Los culpables tuenen que secastigados. .Soy española y pido a losSres.
Abogados y al Tribunal qie se firme, que
no les tiemble el pulso en hacer justicia bu.mana. De la divina, tengo fe absoluta en
Dios. Como decimos en España, que Dios
les bendiga y les ilumine.Siempre hay hom-
bres buenos como Vds.Mi más profunda
gratitud ,para Vds. y por Dios: Obligem a
decir ya la verdad..La gente está aterrorizada
por los Gobiernos.Reciban el más fuerte de
los abrazos.Con todo mi carino.Sólo sé espa-
ñol en el caso de que me necesiten.Aquí
esraré firme defendiendo desde mi lugar,
Francisco Basantes b.
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Yo.pido que caiga el Peso de la Ley a Aquellos que propiciaron esta Pandemia de Covid-19., que tanta muerte y dolor a Propiciado en el Mundo en especial en mi País Ecuador . Por lo que Demandó Repossicion Económica para de Alguna manera todas las Familias afectadas puedan rehacer sus vidas de una manera u otra luego de tan dura Vorágine de terror pena y dolor.
Gracias. Atte.
Luis Cediel
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El peso de la ley, en todo su peso, debe caer sobre quienes manipulan y manipularon genéticamente éste Covid y quienes promueven el negocio farmacéutico doloso. La humanidad exige de reparaciones. Aunque no se pueda repara el daño hecho.
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Rosita Welcker
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I am glad to SHARE my comenta here yo invite to SUPPORT German American lawyer Reiner Fullmich, he IS marketing Big job .
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Good way to get rich by donations from stupid people
patricia rose bowman
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I believe we need to add a clause to Nurember Code articale 6: section 3 to read, Humanity may defend themselves against threats of death to women and men of the world who are being subjected to persecution of any kind. The ww2 trials were a joke to them who suffered. A handful of scape goats were prosecuted while thousands were taken in by other countries. Now look where we are. We are to blame for sleeping while this evil grew in the shadows. Our governments are guilty. Crimes against humanity. We need to do it right this time. I want to be part of a class action suit yesterday. No time left. It’s us or them. Be Blessed. Oh yes, I’m one of those Christians that the governments of the world want to ………..fill in the blank.
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Desde tiempos atrás, han venido manipulando a toda la población, por diferentes medios, con el solo pretexto de crear caos e incertidumbre, sembrando el miedo y el dolor, mientras los poderosos del mundo hacen lo que sea para mantener adormecida a la humanidad, mientras ellos hacen crecer sus riquezas a costa de la muerte de millones y millones de personas, a través de la violencia, las guerras, las divisiones, etc. Como ha sucedido ahora último con el Covid 19, encerraron a todo el mundo para crear un nuevo orden mundial, donde vendrán los grandes cambios económicos, sociales, políticos, culturales, etc. Y así los ricos serán más ricos y los pobres más pobres..
Es el momento de despertar, y no seguir adormecidos ante tanta injusticia y crueldad de unos cuantos. Nos unimos o nos hundimos y desapareceremos sin hacer nada contra un régimen mafioso, violento criminal, que quiere seguir sembrando el caos y matando a todas las personas que piensan diferente.
Peter Bruggeman
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Hope you will succeed to get these villains and stupid political persons. They keep on to cheat or to conquer Nature, and try to beat Nature. Stupid Nature will always will, this virus too. So many people will die, but that is Nature too. Weak animals die or are eaten. Are humans not animals anymore? Succes