Lawsuit Exposes COVID Jabs As Unsafe Transhumanist Gene Therapies
Image: Medical Veritas
New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine makers, advertisers, and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise secreting critical information about the actual activities of Harvard’s indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber, his connections to the alleged “plandemic,” and the “conspiracy theory” embraced by a consensus of best-informed most-honorable scientists.
Among this growing consensus is the former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, who affirmed COVID’s lab origin on CNN. Redfield joined Nobel Prize virologist Luc Montagnier, who confirmed the same conclusion reached by IBM’S chief genetic analyst, Prashant Pradham et al. Gene sequencing showed the “novel” SARS-coronavirus pathogen most-likely emerged from a lab.
But government officials dismissed the ‘lab origin theory.’ This unreasonable and irresponsible dismissal caused the former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Senior Ebola Program Manager (and later Head of the Vaccine Development Office for the German Center for Infection Research), Geert Vanden Bossche, to create a firestorm of controversy. He published that the new COVID vaccines were “likely to become the biggest and most tragic mistake made in the history of public health in general and in the field of vaccination in particular.” Corroboration came from former Vice President of Pfizer, Michael Yeadon, who predicted women would become sterile from the nano-bioelectrically-active shots.
All of the above were dismissed as “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorists by the ‘PharmaMedia.’
But vaccine advocates and opponents alike are “dead wrong,” argues federal case plaintiff Dr. Horowitz, who is the author of the best-selling, longest-enduring, and most censored book in this field, according to Amazon and Wikepedia.
“The ‘natural’ outbreak and ‘accidental leak’ theorists are all dead wrong. They are all afraid to tell the truth. The overwhelming evidence filed for review by Judge John L. Badalamenti, and Magistrate Nicholas P. Mizell in the Florida civil case strongly presumes the Wuhan outbreak was intentional, best explaining why the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA ‘genetic therapies’ are misprepresented as ‘vaccines’; and were never tested for genetic damage or negative side-effects from their nano-bioelectric silver-infused hydrogel delivery system that impacts nerve cells (not exclusively immune cells),” Horowitz explained. “This suppression of military-science is recklessly irresponsible, even unconscionable. Genocide and population control exclusively justifies such outrageous negligence.”
According to Dr. Horowitz’s 20-page opposition filing in Horowitz v. Pfizer et. al., 21 exhibits evidence the most complete story yet told, but under seal in the FBI’s criminal case against Charles Lieber.
Most of this is being censored by the press.
Horowitz’s evidence examines the interplay between the Defense Department (especially DARPA) and private companies, Pfizer, and Moderna. The drug industry and U.S. military invested heavily in Lieber’s largely secreted neuroscience experiments at Harvard with cohorts at MIT. The “bioelectronic” and “frequency therapeutic” science features nano-particle silver-impregnated vaccine “hydrogels.”
These “game-changing” patents enable more than the transfer of genetic material from drugs and vaccines to human immune cells. Brain cells are highly susceptible to the wave-frequency manipulations, according to the researchers’ published science.
Dual Chinese-American military and commercial interests have worked for a decade to master this generally-secreted science that promises an array of population control patents and products merging brain function with electronics–the main focus of Lieber’s expertise and concealed activities in China.
Resulting bioelectric technologies, and opposition to what amounts to a “globalist plot,” is fundamental to Dr. Horowitz’s lawsuit against Pfizer, Moderna, and his former employer, Henry Schein, Inc. Horowitz charges the federal government and complicit corporations with covertly-operating a global enterprise leveraging bioterrorism, corrupted science, media censorship, and competitor disparagement.
Military Neuroscience and Dr. Lieber
All of this is being done to advance the latest U.S./Chinese military-financed neuroscience technology fostering the “transhumanist” movement promising optimal control over civilization through cyberspace, solid research evidences.
FBI-indicted chief biochemistry and neuroscience professor Lieber’s classified activity with military officials in the U.S. and China reveals this Anglo-Asian complicity as the true source of the COVID-19 pandemic that skeptics claim was a “plandemic.”
“I know that the Lieber Research Group has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from NIH and DoD since 2008,” wrote FBI Special Agent Robert Plumb for the Justice Department’s criminal case against Lieber. This money was paid for a “component of the United States Department of Health and Human Service”–the “NIH is a government agency responsible for biomedical and public health research,” Plumb’s charging affidavit explained. “LIEBER traveled to [Wuhan] in mid-November 2011 ostensibly in order to participate in a Nano-Energy Materials Forum.”
The purpose of Charles Lieber’s trip, among other things, was to “Conduct national important (key) projects, or international cooperation projects that meet China’s national strategic development requirements or stand at the forefront of international science and technology research field,” Plumb revealed.
In other words, Lieber was employed by the Communist Party to secure China’s military and national security interests, and undermine U.S. National Security interests on behalf of globalist governors working through public and private financiers. They transferred the most advanced nano-scale bioelectronic methods and materials to China. This, allegedly, advanced the field of vaccinology and genetic ‘therapies,’ but also brain-to-cloud transhumanism.
But here is what is most telling: FBI affiant Plumb obfuscated Lieber’s value to China. Federal prosecutors concealed the certainties regarding Lieber’s actual bio-electrical intellectual property and neuro-science transfer activities. Plumb charged Lieber with Chinese espionage activity thusly: “The stated purpose of the agreement, which had a five-year effective term, was to ‘carry out advanced research and development of nanowire-based lithium ion batteries with high performance for electric vehicles.’”
“Electric vehicles?” OUTRAGEOUS! Beyond reasonable doubt the only “electric vehicles” in Lieber’s labs were humans, who ‘volunteered’ to submit to experiments examining, inter alia, “Precision electronic medicine in the brain.”
“In fact,” Science Magazine reported, “one U.S. nanoscientist and former student of Lieber’s says: “I have never seen Charlie working on batteries or nanowire batteries.” (The scientist asked that their name not be used because of the sensitivity surrounding Lieber’s case.)”
Accordingly, the FBI’s “lithium battery” story is a smelly ‘red herring.’
This transparent diversionary obfuscation indicts federal agents and the Department of Justice for complicity in the scheme amounting to ‘pan-genocide.’ They have advanced a deadly fable concealing irrefutable ties between Harvard’s Lieber, MIT’s Media Lab, their advancing nano-neuroscience, COVID-19, and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that apply Lieber’s DARPA-financed hydrogel research and developments for “precision electronic medicine in the brain.”
And they paid to cover up all of the above.
‘Globalist capture’ of international governments and military operations has apparently tainted the DoD’s and DoJ’s competence in securing U.S. National Security in favor of globalization and China’s predominant role in geopolitics and economics.
The “Event 201” ‘predictive programming coronavirus preparedness conference, held at Johns Hopkins University six weeks before the Wuhan outbreak, provides more compelling evidence of the institutionalized foul play. Horowitz analyzed the Event 201, including its Chinese commercial representations and concerns. He produced a 52-minute video on the conference. Facts compound compelling evidence of the obvious globalist plot.
The Event 201 coronavirus preparedness conference was co-sponsored by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Horowitz’s court filings recall.
The World Health Organization, the “WHO,” is largely financed by the Gates Foundation. This best explains why the WHO whitewashed the entire matter of COVID’s lab origin. Classified military neuroscience technologies would be revealed by an honest investigation report.
Gates and the WHO partnered with Google’s Alphabet parent, Verily Life Sciences, Galvani Corporation, along with multiple intelligence agencies. They hid the truth about the lab coronavirus weaponization and the availability of alternative therapies that would otherwise block their ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ by the ‘captured FDA’ for the Pfizer and Moderna hydrogel-mediated neuro-electric “vaccines.”
Clearly now, the world scientific consensus has awakened to the fact that COVID-19 didn’t emerge from a bat, a pangolin, or even a “leak” from the lab in Wuhan by accident. The compelling evidence of the cover-up presumes foul play and the guilt of the agents and agencies complicit. Most certain is the intentional deployment of the virus to achieve geopolitical and economic objectives–such as the “Final Solution” espoused by Bill Gates as well as the “Great Global Reset” urged by his colleague, World Economic Forum Director Klaus Schwab.
Mass-mediated threats are now equally transparent. The news networks and presses have been abused to advance bio-terror and economic espionage. The clear-and-convincing evidence of biological sabotage involving mass-media hyped vaccines to further globalists’ objectives are frighteningly consistent with Chapter 10, verse 19, of the FBI’s true and correct copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Sion shown below.
Indeed, the new evidence filed by Dr. Horowitz with the federal court in Florida proves the use of bio-electric nano-silver hydrogel infusions into the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines crucial to the functionality of their “genetic therapy.” The silver-impregnated, water and pH driven docking, secures the transmission of the genetic information to human nerve cells, as well as immune cells.
These facts are established by Lieber and his colleagues’ published science. Their functionality may be presumed to link human brains to the Cloud. This “transhumanist” objective is concealed by Pfizer’s parent and partners, GSK, Verily, Google’s parent Alphabet, and top globalist intelligence agencies, respectively.
Summarily in conclusion, this little-known, government-secreted, military technology is central to Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA delivery systems, and Dr. Lieber’s pioneering influence.
Described by Harvard Magazine as “a much-honored leader in nanoscale science and bio-compatible electronics,” Lieber’s classified activity with his students and military officials in China, favoring his financiers’ bio-defense and National Security enterprise, is capriciously ignored by the complicit press and Justice Department.
“There’s nobody home in the Justice Department to administer justice to secure our National Security,” Horowitz laments.
That is why Dr. Horowitz’s stands before the federal judges in Horowitz v. Pfizer, et. al., to do whatever he can to cure this pathology.
His legal “standing” derives from having been damaged personally for pioneering and marketing a much safer, and arguably much more effective, competing technology called “OxySilverTM with 528.” For this, Horowitz was, and continues to be, disparaged and commercially damaged. Like his esteemed colleagues in science and medicine he was smeared as a “tin foil hat” “conspiracy theorist” and worse by Lieber’s backers in government and industry.
That is why Horowitz filed his lawsuit as an internationally known award-winning author of the best-selling longest-enduring text in the field of emerging viruses and communicable diseases. He also produced the “Best Film-2016” at the World International Film Festival in London and Geneva, exposing the military secrecy and media malfeasance underlying the globalists’ vaccination agenda.
Horowitz’s lawsuit, likely to be soon dismissed in favor of the world’s wealthiest companies, bravely stands like “David versus Goliath” in a destiny upon which civilization’s security now rests.
Opposing the potentially disastrous implications to civilization brought by pharmaceutical nano-bioelectronics intertwined with covert lab virus enhancements for allegedly “disease control,” that Dr. Horowitz argues is actually “population control,” deserves your prayerful support.
CLICK LINK to view Dr. Horowitz’s complete filing in Horowitz v. Pfizer et. al., of “Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendant Schein’s Motion to Dismiss 3-29-21
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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I pray God heals all who have submitted to this vaccine.
How is it President Trump calls the vaccine a medical miracle? I have always trusted our President!
Diane Earl
John Mann
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President Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed to provide safe vaccines and said he would recommend them if the military deemed them to be safe which they never did. The deep state who worked with the vaccine companies made sure the vaccines were not released until after the election in November 2020. What President Trump did recommend was Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc protocol, Ivermectin, etc which are over the counter cures and prophylactic treatments that the WHO and CDC stamped down so they could put out these killer vaccines under the Emergency Use scenarios which allow them to not take any financial responsibility for the harm they do to people. They would not have been able to do this if they have admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc protocol, Ivermectin, etc actually worked because that would have negated the EAU for these evil vaccines, the masks and the control they wanted bases on the fear the politicians and Main Stream media is still pushing.
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Dead on. Also, the ‘virus’ was needed to ensure mail-in ballots, etc to attempt to rig the election-along with the re-allocation programs and the global heist since We The People came out against the globalists BIGLY. Remember when ‘Covid’ first started, China said US Military was responsible…something about being there for a ‘tournament’…man this is bad. Global governance almost complete. This life is brief, the next one is forever…look to Christ not government or science, for deliverance. We will all pass from this life, the next one is forever. Eternal life or Eternal damnation. The choice is ours. No man cometh unto the Father but by Him. He is not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. God Bless.
John Mann
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Also Eternally correct! 🙂 By the Grace of God he will win this time here on earth as well as the deep state’s time is up. It will soon come to light. God wins! On earth as it is in Heaven! I am praying and believing for a miracle to reverse the effects of these vaccines for those who accept Jesus and the cure!
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Trump said something about the fact that Biden stopped the Johnson & Johnson vax and implied that the FDA was corrupt and working with Phizer. He couldn’t come out and just tell the truth.Even with all the evidence American citizens have had that they don’t care about us and want to take our guns,divide us,and control us yet, they are still brainwashed and clueless. They would have Impeached immediately. There are people that believe what MSM has told them or are incapable of comprehending and retaining information. He spent 4 years trying to teach American Patriots and Patriots around the globe his Comms( communications) and how to decode,millions of us did.We knew what was going on.Trump put Pence in charge of taskforce and gave daily briefings so they would be front and center for the world to see.You disclose to the world that those in charge are trying to kill us what do you think would happen? The good people who have not participated in evil,saw MSM for what it is,a Domestic weapon used to control populations thinking and advance their agenda,have researched and prayed,will win in the end! Nothing can stop what is happening…nothing! Enjoy The Show!
Ursula Hartunian
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[email protected]
this life is brief the next one is forever..Look to Christ not government or science for deliverance. We will all pass from this life, the next one is forever. Eternal life of Eternal damnation. The choice is ours, No man cometh unto the Father but by him He is not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ; God Bless.
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The CoronaVirus (PLANDEMIC) Lockdowns, Masks & Social Distancing were Used to Stop the Protests Going On All Over The World Since the 2008/09 Bankster Mortgage Financial Collapse That Is Still Ongoing..!!!!!
Bailed Out Again in 2020 – 4+ Trillion, No Audits.!!!!!
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OUR FATHER warned and warned HIS PEOPLE NOT TO TAKE THE GENE ALTERING POISONS,the people said screw you LORD we want devils and witch doctors treating us NOT YOU,OUR FATHER WARNED..IF YOU TAKE THEIR POISON YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED, he said ONLY the small children,the REST OF YOU are NOW “GMO,NON-HUMANS”and you are the property of your DADDY LUCIFER…
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A great article and comments. If only my wife will read and understand … so far she seems to be enthralled by the CNN narrative.