Quick video showing how to calculate the IFR from the CFR which the CDC gave us using actuals AND the 35{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} asymptomatic rate.
I think I have this right now.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nows estimates that 35 percent of coronavirus infections are asymptomatic.
But that’s not even the most important part of their latest estimates. It’s the CDC’s new “best estimate” for the case fatality rate amongst symptomatic patients.
But, before I got to that, I should note that back in March, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated a 3.4 percent fatality rate and Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated that the fatality rate of the coronavirus was about 2 percent.
President Trump was skeptical of both those numbers, particularly the WHO’s estimate: “Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number,” Trump told Sean Hannity. “Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. I think that that number is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent.”
Several studies have suggested that Trump was right. But, now here’s what the CDC is saying about the fatality rate the coronavirus:
According to the CDC’s current best estimate, the case fatality rate of the coronavirus is .4 percent. And that’s just amongst symptomatic cases, which, the CDC estimates, is 65 percent of all cases. This means the CDC estimates that the fatality rate for all infections across all age groups, symptomatic as well as asymptomatic, is approximately .26 percent.
Quick video showing how to calculate the IFR from the CFR which the CDC gave us using actuals AND the 35{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} asymptomatic rate.
I think I have this right now.
The CDC does caution that the numbers are likely to change with new data, but considering we’ve gone from 3.4 percent to 2.0 percent to now 0.26 percent. The more data we get, the lower the numbers get. So, I’m thinking it might get even lower.
But, the bigger takeaway from this is that the early doomsday predictions about the coronavirus were all wrong. Everything that justified the lockdowns and the shutting down of our economy was wrong.
Read more at pjmedia.com
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Andy Rowlands
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Well said Matt, as many are now saying, and with which I agree – none of this is about protecting people from a virus, it is all about population control.
jerry krause
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Hi Matt and Andy,
Matt, your conclusion: “But, the bigger takeaway from this is that the early doomsday predictions about the coronavirus were all wrong. Everything that justified the lockdowns and the shutting down of our economy was wrong.” is based of observed evidence.
What I observe is that it is the nature of too many people to predict (theorize) without any data (knowledge). This unfortunately appears to be the case of too many scientists whose Science has a long history of such mistakes.
Have a good day, Jerry
jerry krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
I find that it seems because I sometimes take a long time composing a brief comment, that my comment, when finally submitted, is placed in moderation and not immediately posted when submitted. This comment is an experiment to test if this might be true.
Have a good day, Jerry
jerry krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
The previous comment supports my conclusion. And yes, I frequently make mistakes.
Have a good day, Jerry
jerry krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
This comment to explain my experiment, about which you must trust me. My comment of May 24, 2020 at 5:24 pm, had not yet been posted wihen the other two, with later times had be posted. My point is I cannot understand why my comments need not be posted immediately simply because I take time to carefully consider that which I finally submit. .
Have a good day, Jerry
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Thanks John for illuminating the hypocrisy of the unelected guardians of the galaxy – the un.
Its clear that the unelected UN have through mass hypnosis positioned themselves as the adjunct for future centralisation surprisingly through incompetence which adds to the hilarity of our current picture.
The un’s position & intent is further demonstrated through documents such as un agenda-21/30 which are pointedly top down manipulations that have seeped gradually through the authoritarian policy lingo matrix embodied as sustainability, environmentalism, common purpose, smart cities, communitarianism, culture and so forth to local levels through multitudes of NGO’s almost universally.
Its easy to lose sight of the overall shift in power of governance of which many who regularly read PSI will already be aware, but it seems that it needs highlighting nevertheless.
For the sake of brevity certain definitions need to be clear.
The first being “morality” – Life defines morality, what is good for life is moral and what is bad for life is immoral (at its most simplistic).
“Human rights” are clearly derived from the same definition and “ethics” are a subset of “morality”. It should be noted that these terms and variants are abused in authoritarian political speak via policy & legislation.
The human life-form is expressed as an individual, capable of independence (free will), and of creating synergistic mechanisms (trade, division of labour). Our complexity allows us to evaluate the environment and to manipulate it to ethical ends to a far greater level of sophistication than other life on this planet. From this perspective indications that the purpose of complex intelligence (consciousness), beyond diversity and adaptability enables multiple divisions of awareness. At a planet level perspective from which we materially derive and therefore are a part of, individualism can be seen to be universally advantageous.
Through the lens of history it seems obvious, the transition from feudalism was necessitated by society’s growth and a more powerful and refined top down mechanism for control had to be exerted by way of government. More growth and ~6 billion people later – far greater control is now required! (from the feudalist view).
The problem with authoritarianism is that it is projected as being for the benefit of the individual, more succinctly in tyrannical terms “for the benefit of all”.
From a moral standpoint, the perception that authority is of benefit is grossly inaccurate!
If an individual were to make all decisions for another individual, then that individual then ceases to be an individual and the subjected individual might then suffer greatly at the hand of the controlling individual dependent on the knowledge of the controlled individuals needs!
Thus it can logically determined that the further a controlling body is removed from individuals needs, the greater the suffering the individual might be expected to endure.
It can therefore be shown that Authoritarianism is not a moral or ethical structure for the efficient creation or function of society and in fact it might better be concluded that it is antithetical to these ends.
This view is further validated with decades of news coverage of out of touch policy’s broadcast from national government to local level and further still via EU centralised disseminations.
The innate right to life is the fundamental expression of morality and is embodied in life itself. There is no higher right and cannot be assigned to any authority since the concept of authority is in itself immoral.
Institutions and Agency’s such as the UN and national governments seek to make a claim to moral authority through policy and law embodying rights to which they have no moral claim. They are imposters, agents provocateur, beguiling individuals en-masse and ultimately subjugating us all under the guise of authenticity and moral authority.
Their measures are coercively enforced whereas measures based on moral principles require no enforcement!
We as individuals have now been subjugated to the extent that our collective livelihoods are now at risk and therefore our right to life is also at risk.
Apathetic acceptance of global lock-downs under the deception of two infections; the common cold/flu (1) and bacterial Chlamydia pneumonia (2) widely advertised by hyperbolic governments and mainstream media alike as the CV19 global pandemic.
There is a virus that kills around 15,000 poverty stricken individuals each day! mostly children – the cure is called food! (no pandemic)
The global mortality rate for TB is around 1.5 million (no pandemic)
Flu accounts for 490,000 – 650,000 deaths per year globally (no pandemic)
Other mortality rates that do not make presumption of pandemic proportion:
People have been programmed to believe in the religion of “authority”. That is what gives it its power.
The real virus is endemic, not pandemic and it exists in the mind. The virus is the acceptance and a complete misunderstanding of what “authority” actually is.
To properly comprehend morality is to comprehend life, this enables us to form and live by enabling principles rather than restrictive laws.
Codified legislation, the backbone of policy is the new bible of the masses and bile of the state used as a tool to coerce and inflict fear as the mechanism for control.
The take away from this intentionally simplistic excursion is that we have been deceived into believing that any protest is going to effect the outcome of the state sanctioned machinations that have been actioned at the global level, now or in the future.
Democracy was served as the better alternative to communism and fascism. Most missed the fact that it moved focus from the oppressors of the political regime to one another thus diverting us and dividing us further into groups as they always have done destroying our individuality!
Authority has shown itself for what it really is now. Haven’t we learned enough from recent history!
If we as a collective of individuals want change for the better, then we have to make that change. We know what the price of failure is going to be already and that is the complete subjugation of the human race!
(1) https://principia-scientific.com/latest-cdc-data-is-the-best-reason-to-end-covid-19-lockdown/
(2) https://principia-scientific.com/cv-19-autopsies-show-blood-clots-a-bacterial-not-viral-disease/
Recommended books:
The Market for Liberty.pdf
The most dangerous superstition.pdf – Larken Rose
The end of all evil – all formats
Further information re: the illegitimacy of government
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks, Dev. Excellent analysis.
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Thanks John. I thought Id posted under https://principia-scientific.com/who-bans-covid-cure-but-it-is-on-their-model-list-of-essential-medicines/
The problem isn’t going away any time soon. Revealing the lies/deceit is the first step.
The feudal aspect is the causal nexus ! – which I am sure you already get!
If you wish to use any of this material (simplistic as it is) in any future article – be my guest. You would be most welcome.