Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in 1500 positive tests
A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.
[PSI editor’s note: we find no evidence of the existence of ‘Dr Derek Knauss’ and have identified one source claiming to prove this story is fake. However, the basis of the story that COVID19 has not been proven to exist with a laboratory ‘gold standard’ is true as verified elsewhere, by PSI’s own expert, Dr Saeed Qureshi and other experts]
Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’
At 7 universities not once COVID detected
‘When we sent the rest of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a couple of the labs at the University of California, they came up with the same result: NO COVID. They found Influenza A and B. Then we all asked the CDC for viable samples of Covid. The CDC said they can’t give them, because they don’t have those samples.’
‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was only called ‘Covid,’ and most of the 225,000 deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc.. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died.’
‘This virus is fictitious’
‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. We who conducted the lab test with these 1500 samples at the 7 universities are now suing the CDC for Covid-19 fraud. The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’
‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’
‘Now that Covid-19 is supposedly so bad everywhere, how come not one lab in the world has completely isolated and purified this virus? That’s because they never really found the virus. All they ever discovered were small pieces of RNA that were not identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain, just like every year. Covid-19 does not exist and is fictitious.’
‘I believe that China and the globalists have set up this Covid hoax (the flu disguised as a new virus) to establish a global tyranny and totalitarian control police state. This intrigue included (also) massive election fraud to overthrow Trump.’
CDC itself admits to having no identifiable virus
Deeply hidden in an official document on Covid-19, the CDC ruefully admitted as early as summer 2020 that it does not have a measurable virus: ‘As no quantified (= measured) isolated virus objects of 2019-nCoV are available at this time…’ (page 39 of the ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ (July 13) In other words, the CDC, as one of THE leading medical authorities in the world, could not, and still cannot, demonstrate a virus.
About the for this purpose scientifically totally debunked, but still shamelessly abused PCR test, the CDC wrote under the heading ‘limitations’: ‘The detection of viral RNA cannot demonstrate the presence of an infectious virus, or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent of clinical symptoms.’ And in addition: ‘This test cannot exclude other diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.’
In other words, we cannot prove that the people who get sick and are hospitalized, and very occasionally die, were sickened by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, nor can we prove that it caused them to develop a new disease called ‘Covid-19.’ It could just as easily be a different virus and a different disease. (And since all the symptoms, including severe pneumonia, correspond seamlessly to what flu can cause historically in vulnerable people… ‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck’.
Reward of $265,000 for demonstrating coronavirus
Earlier this year, Samuel Eckert’s German Team and the Isolate Truth Fund pledged a reward of at least $265,000 for any scientist who can provide incontrovertible proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and therefore exists. They too pointed out that not one lab in the world has yet been able to isolate this corona virus.
Yes, systems scientists claim they have, but this ‘isolation’ consists only of a sample from the human body, which is a ‘soup’ full of different kinds of cells, remains of viruses, bacteria, et cetera. With the help of (toxic) chemicals one then searches for some (residual) particles that may indicate a virus that once existed or may still exist, after which this is designated as ‘evidence’.
Canadian team also received no evidence despite 40 Public Access Law requests
In late December 2020 there was a similar initiative to the one in Germany. A team around Canadian investigative journalist Christine Massey submitted no less than 40 Public Access Law requests to medical authorities worldwide with the simple request for proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and its existence can therefore be objectively proven. Not one of the agencies and authorities written to was able to provide that evidence.
‘Impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19’
Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Sally Fallon Morell recently published a statement on “the continuing controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus is isolated or purified. But based on the official Oxford definition of “isolation” (“the fact or condition of being isolated or secluded, a separation from other things or persons, standing alone”), common sense, the laws of logic and the rules of science dictate that any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the existence of the virus can be given.’
‘The logical and scientific implications of this fact are that the structure and composition of something whose existence cannot be proven cannot be known, including the presence, structure and function of hypothetical spike or other proteins. The genetic sequence of something that has never been found cannot be known, nor can the “variants” (mutations) of something whose existence has not been demonstrated. It is therefore impossible to show that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.’
Combined PCR test for corona and influenza ‘because there’s hardly any difference’
Not surprisingly, the world’s largest biotech company, China’s BGI, recently launched a new PCR test that can simultaneously test for influenza A, B and corona. Apart from the proven fact, acknowledged trough various lawsuits, that a PCR test cannot prove infection with any virus whatsoever, BGI’s explanation that both diseases are so difficult to distinguish from each other and that they have therefore made only one test, says more than enough. Maybe there IS no difference at all, ‘Covid’ is just another name for ‘old familiar’ flu viruses, and this is just another clever marketing trick?
Most people have been fooled by fear propaganda
With worldwide, government-controlled 24/7 fear propaganda by the mass media, most people have come to believe that there is indeed a life-threatening virus that makes people sick much faster and more severely than seasonal flu. However, even the latter is demonstrably not the case. Influenza A has been the leading cause of death from pneumonia in the developed world for years.
But send people designated as severe Covid patients to a few ICU’s, put cameras on them constantly, instruct a few physicians that they should only discuss the worst cases, and you have your “televised pandemic. The argument ‘we are doing it because otherwise care will be overburdened’ was undermined by governments itself some time ago, by rejecting offers of additional ICU beds or staff, because ‘it is not necessary’. (Was this perhaps the first and only time the truth was told?)
Official figures: nothing to worry about (yet it never gets back to normal)
Now that also the official figures show that after the normal traditional flu season nothing is wrong, and according to the EU statistics (EuroMOMO) there is even a significant lower mortality, the society – if it really was about a virus and public health – should immediately go back to normal to start repairing the huge damage caused by government policies.
However, as you know, that will never be done, and that is because this carefully planned pandemic hoax is carrying out an ideological agenda, the ‘Great Reset’, which aims to largely demolish the society and economy of the West, and then subject it to a global technocratic communist climate-vaccine dictatorship, in which all our freedoms, civil and self-determination rights will be done away with once and for all.
At least that was their plan.
See more here:
[PSI editor’s note: we find no evidence of the existence of ‘Dr Derek Knauss’ and have identified one source claiming to prove this story is fake. However, the basis of the story that COVID19 has not been proven to exist with a laboratory ‘gold standard’ is true as verified elsewhere, by PSI’s own expert, Dr Saeed Qureshi and other experts]
Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Who is Dr Derek Knauss? Where in Southern California is he based?
Where are the lab reports confirming these claims?
When and where did he file papers to sue the CDC?
Rich Tanner
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Yes…Who is Derek Knauss?
I cannot find him.
This is a fake news report!
Woody Boyd
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Interesting that neither of you could find Dr. Derek Knauss since a quick Google search turned him up rather quickly and easily and there are multiple published works and videos as well as videos of people who try to claim it is fake, much like you are doing here. Interesting that either you both are incapable of simple internet searches or are just lying for some reason.
Rich Tanner
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You’re lying. I googled his name and he is absent from any search result, except of repeats of the above article.
Show us a link!
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Is it possible that his name has been scrubbed/censored by our digital masters who are drivers of the Reset? If Twitter/Facebook/YouTube can and do delete accounts then it stands to reason that so can Google.
Dug Danger
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The mere fact that you cannot find anything using Google should open your eyes. Try a different search engine such as duck…..
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Having difficulty finding easily attained information, shows the difference between liberals and men.
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I used Duckduckgo and found nothing but news articles. Can you link to his school affiliation, training, background? I can’t even locate where he was raised or any schools he attended.
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Derek Knaus is ready to find via Duck Duck Go.
He has written articles which bring attention to this report (authored by 23 world-renowned scientists,) which is damning of the PCR:
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Anyone can cut and paste such a document. Can you link to his Curricula Vitae? A school name? Where he got his PHD and undergraduate degrees? Even a school yearbook picture would be helpful, since I have found NOTHING showing this person even exists.
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I found it with ease on Bing. The google search result appears to be hiding the doctor, unless its someone calling him a fraud.
Roland Welz
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Dr. Derek Knauss debunked.
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RE: “ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B.”
Before the 2020-2021 flu season (it officially started on August 23, 2020 in Canada) began, experts were warning of an influenza-and-COVID-19 “twindemic” — a viral mash-up that could wreak havoc on the Canadian and U.S. healthcare system.
But it appears that those worries may have been unfounded. The flu has all but disappeared this year.
This isn’t a coincidence. We can likely thank COVID precautions, including hand washing, social distancing, and mask wearing, for our lighter-than-usual flu season, says Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS, infectious disease epidemiologist and science communication lead at The COVID Tracking Project.
You will find this story line being repeated by just about all of your favorite mainstream news outlets, where the ‘all but strange disappearance of the flu’ is being attributed to mask (face coverings) wearing, social distancing, stay at home, lock-downs and other such, non-pharmaceutical measures.
The sad thing is, the media, along with the government and their top doctors (experts), have not been willing (for over one year now) to disclose any real facts to the general public, even though these facts are easily available to anyone.
The following examples are right from source, and clearly shows why the so-called disappearance of 2020-2021 influenza season has not been truthfully accounted for, and or reported on, as such:
No date – “FluWatch typically tracks information related to influenza, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus is shifting to tracking COVID-19 over the spring and summer months.” –
3/12/2020 – “The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruption to sentinel GP influenza networks across the globe.” –
28 AUGUST 2020 – “Routine influenza surveillance systems have been disrupted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Testing for influenza (or reporting of results) decreased in primary care in 84% (16/19) of responding countries and in hospital-based surveillance in 52% (11/21) of countries.” –
No date – “However, few countries generate reliable national data on the burden of disease, or on the economic impact of seasonal influenza. –
LAST DASHBOARD UPDATE FOR 2020 – General practice-based ILI (Influenza-Like Illnesses) surveillance methods have changed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 response, limiting interpretability for influenza ILI surveillance. Collection of specimens commenced on 2 June 2020 and stopped on 27 September 2020. –
October 3, 2020 – See section titled: “GEOGRAPHIC SPREAD” – right under the green coloured map of the U.S. – “Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this system will suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season.” –
October 2020 – See section titled: “Revitalizing influenza surveillance in South East Asia during COVID-19” – “In South East Asia, the initial response to COVID-19 severely affected influenza surveillance, as key personnel and infrastructure were diverted to cope with the crisis.” – COVID-19 detection and surveillance capacities came at a cost to influenza surveillance, which suffered significantly reduced levels of laboratory diagnosis, virus sharing and data reporting.” –
November 2020 – See text below Figure 1 – and the second paragraph: “Only 24 of the 50 countries reporting influenza detection data contributed virus characterization data.”
Below that, see section titled: Influenza virus characterisation in the WHO European Region in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. – “However, the COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the generation and reporting of virus characterisation data.”
“Notably, virus characterisation reports effectively stopped in March 2020, and few influenza viruses were detected thereafter, whereas in previous years positive samples were collected and viruses characterised throughout the year.”
Under the section titled: Discussion – “Redirection of laboratory testing capacities to SARS-CoV-2” – “shortages of laboratory supplies and human resources, could explain reduced level of influenza virus characterisation.” –
Did you know that Influenza is not even a reportable disease in the State of Illinois?
Here is a very common DISCLAIMER now being used by several health agencies worldwide, regarding influenza for the 2020-2021 season:
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data reported from the various influenza surveillance systems may not represent an accurate reflection of influenza activity. Results should be interpreted with caution, especially where comparisons are made to previous influenza seasons.”
I hope that you now have a better idea as to what has really happened to the 2020-2021 Influenza Season. It was co-opted by COVID-19.
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Thank you for your work @NecktopPC.
I’ll just add this damning critique of Dorsten et al’s fraudulent pseudo-science:
Brian James
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CDC: 3,005 Recorded Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines” – More than Total Vaccine Deaths for Past 13+ Years
The CDC announced today that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now surpassed 3000 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.
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As faulty as the PCr testing has been, so is the VAERs reporting system deeply flawed. What if real deaths are 5-10 times the reported number? VAERs is noted to be only a voluntary method and therefore is extremely unreliable. Also, the end numbers are controlled by the CDC, so is there any shred of truth in them? Not to my belief.
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No matter how much prove there is ,that the whole virus cult religion is a criminal undertaking, fraud ,financed by Gates ,Soros ,Schwab etc. If you give millions to organisations who control us ,the slaves as they do, you own them and control their actions. The millions will do that every time. It seems even if GOD himself appeared in the sky and told the world to go back to normal, not be so crazy, the sheep wold most likely point out ,there are rules to follow, demanded by health tyrants .Any small town mayor and his dog catcher is now a virus expert, making ”laws,” ,they dream up in their nightly nightmares. Looking around it’s shocking to see 98% masked up to the eye balls, by the ocean beach in Vancouver in parks on lonely trails in cars alone, going in and out from their home all masked up, across the street people come out on the balconies of their home mask on, going back in also mask on, I believe the masks are on 24/7. and that’s only the beginning. The shots and passports are a nightmare in progress right now. All children running, playing any age, even in strollers come with mask on. Poor kids,! Does the mask go on the moment a baby is born, before the diaper? I only want to make a comment ,not write a book, so I better stop. I’m 85,soon leaving this earth, good luck to you all .Joe The Lone Ranger.
Ned Jacobs
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Great comment, Joe. God bless you, man. Ned Jacobs, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.
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How can we say they cannot detect and isolate, while they are saying they are detecting different variations of the thing?
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How do we know they do not isolate the virus? Because in their own words, in the papers supposed to be offering proof of isolation, the methods and materials actually used DO NOT show isolation. The methods used are only a poisoning of cell cultures, whereafter they claim that the “cytopathic effects” of this poisoning are due to the virus. This is fraud.
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The genome of the virus in the first place is only a computer construction. No virus has ever been isolated, and then had its genome unwrapped and sequenced. Virus genomes are frankenstein genomes cobbled together from tiny pieces of nucleic acid, and done so by the whim of a computer program. Fraud again. Mutations/variants are nothing more than “different” pieces of nucleic acid being spliced into the fictional full-length genome, using programs such as BLAST (basic local alignment search tool). Can you say fraud?
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Yep, anything done in a lab will not reflect normal occurences. Virus are produced as a result of toxic cellular environments. You can’t contract a viral disease unless it’s injected into you or via biochemical attack.
Greg Gerdes
| # – is offering a $5,000.00 reward for irrefutably proving that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist.
For more information, contact Greg Gerdes at: [email protected]
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This might explain why there are very few noted cases of the normal flu for the 2020-2021 flu season. Normally there would be 40-60 million people (US) being treated for or complaining of having the flu. Seems like the A&B influenza have been rebranded SARS CoV-2. Around the world, it is probable that in any given flu season, 700 million to over 1 billion contract the a flu virus of some type.
The CDC, FDA and WHO have much to answer for and all three should be squished through the wringer of truth. Possibly we have some variant of the A or B strain that is a bit more contagious than normal, but using the totally faulty PCr testing has exacerbated the fraud.
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SARS-CoV-2 strains supplied by CDC and other researchers can be requested, free, from the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research (BEI) Resources Repositoryexternal icon by established institutions that meet BEI requirements. These requirements include maintaining appropriate facilities and safety programs, as well as having the appropriate expertise. BEI supplies organisms and reagents to the broader community of microbiology and infectious disease researchers.
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Google censored the search results – STOP using Google! You’re reading what they want you to read
Gerald Brennan
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What Tyrone said.
Joe f
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Remember the nurse that fainted when giving a shot and later on may have died?
Try google to find her and her dying.
Then use duckduckgo to find her and dying.
Facebook deleted her account after she may have died and people that found a death certificate and posted it, got banned and their account removed. Google search is blocking many things.
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Pg 10 of WHO 2019 Annual Report, downloadable from their site or web search, tells us everything we need to know. Check it out.
William C Dais
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This sure smells like a pile of fake news doo doo.
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I believe this article to be false. If one cannot even find the Drs name on any Medical site listing and also the name has changed from one post to another, this misinformation is a False Flag or Hoax. I”ve used multiple browsers People have got to learn to do better research. Posting this kind of stuff w/o actually verifying it causes many to rightfully not believe anything shared, posted etc and THAT is EXACTLY what THEY Aim to do… Discredit everything so that no one believes anything but Propaganda and causes more division. Stop it!
I for one am not on board w/C19 nor the use of the PCR bc of what the Inventor Dr Kary Mullis, Phd stated (now deceased, 2019 which timing of his death is also???)
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Awful convenient that he passed right before this scamdemic, isn’t it?
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To any saying the virus doesn’t exist or hasn’t been isolated.
Wrong…I’m a virologist by education and prior experience managing a virology lab and have worked at the Special Pathogens Lab at the top BSL-4 lab in the US (USAMRIID). Live tissue culture is seen as the definitive test for viral detection. It was my specialty. You can do a SIMPLE internet search on SARS-COV2 isolates and you can see many studies and research from all over the world where this has been done. In France this study did a correlation to PCR and Cycle Thresholds (Ct) used to determine what was positive. They were able to CULTURE the virus in many of the samples. Actually PCR completed on samples using a Ct =25 were able to isolate (culture) live virus in 70% of those samples.
From that study “Since the beginning of the epidemic, we have performed in our institute 250,566 SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR for 179,151 patients, of which 13,161 (7.3%) tested positive. Up to the end of May, 3 790 of these samples reported positives on naso-pharyngeal samples were inoculated and managed for culture as previously described [8]. Of these 3 790 inoculated samples, 1941 SARS-Cov-2 isolates could be obtained after the first inoculation or up to 2 blind subcultures. The correlation between the scanner values and the positivity of the culture allows us to observe that the image obtained with ten times more isolates than our preliminary work (1941 versus 129) does not change significantly (Figure 1). It can be observed that at Ct=25, up to 70% of patients remain positive in culture and that at Ct=30 this value drops to 20%. At Ct=35, the value we used to report positive result for PCR, less than 3% of culture are negative. “
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We’ve seen these isolation claims going back over a year now, with a California lab, IIRC, being the first one in the world to claim to isolate it, but researchers say there are issues with each claim, whether they didn’t post their methodology, or they used a non standard process, or just issues of trust.
My questions are: If it has been isolated, with a virus that is global and supposedly this serious, why aren’t there THOUSANDS of labs that have isolated it, including all gov. labs? Why are we 18 months into this with the CDC still having no isolates? Why did the CDC last summer issue a report that said that because no isolates were available, that assays were based on characterized stock, IOW, not the real virus?
And did that ever change? IOW, have assays ever been upgraded to be based off of actual stock, or are they still based on “old bugs”? Why are researchers around the world unable to get isolation verification from their governments? Why are so many gov.s and labs who should have isolates and proof of them, unable to provide the proof?
If everything is truly above board, in a global pandemic, we should not have a situation where a “handful of labs” have isolated the virus, in which many or all cases independent researchers and scientists have pointed out flaws with the claims.
Additionally, if they have isolated the virus, why have they made tests that can be triggered off of the common cold, flu, bacteria and even something in the body that is there naturally all the time? (I don’t recall the term for that item now). Why are the tests SO BAD that even the WHO recommended a cycle reduction coincidentally syncronized with Joe Biden taking office, so his numbers look better than Trump’s? Are we to believe these super duper smart scientists couldn’t figure this out until Biden took office?
Why did the inventor of PCR strongly oppose the use of PCR for medical diagnostics? He knew how awful PCR was for diagnosis and the medical community went against him. But I can tell you why: Because it allows them to find anything they want, and simply declare people as sick when they are not, and milk them and the tax payers for cash.
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Facebook and anyone linked to them are highly suspect as far as unbiased truth goes, particularly when they’re labs in China, but can someone please help explain this (preferably someone with a medical background) , which appeared when I shared the link to this article: