Kill Grid: How The Vax, 5G & Smartphones Are Inextricably Linked
Todd Callender, Dr. Pete Chambers, Nick Winters, John Wilcox join the SGT Report for this lengthy discussion about the experimental jab technology and 5G smartphones, which are all linked as it pertains to the eugenicists’ kill grid.
In it, they discuss how 5G is related to the pandemic, and how the 5G grid is a much bigger issue than most people realize given the type of microwaves used and the smartphone technology. (Video after the jump)
But first, they cover one of the nefarious ingredients in mRNA covid vaccines: graphene hydroxide. This compound, not to be confused with graphene oxide, is a very stable molecule that is not biodegradable, so it basically stays in a person’s body forever.
That may explain Covid Long syndrome; people who have chronic fatigue-like symptoms after getting the jab that lasts months and even years (it’s too soon to tell). This syndrome has been recognized by the US government as a disability.
This is all part of what they call the Kill Grid, which is not by accident but by design.
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Tamagotchi Meta Pro 5D
So how did the eugenists plan to realize their dream of a sustainable and inclusive
mass depopulation of the world’s population?
We are witnessing a growing number of virtual stars, fictional personalities singing,
acting and hosting television shows. This is the beginning and at the same time a test
of the direction in which this technology will develop further.
It is important to note that the number of people supporting this distorted reality
is growing every day.
To date, most people have already transferred most of their privacy to the global network.
Modern technologies and advanced programs based on all the collected data of people,
very simply generate a new virtual identity.
Artificial intelligence connects all the collected data very easily, establishes
connections between each other and builds the ”skeleton, body and soul”, appearance,
voice, behavior and character of a person. Similar to 3D printing of material objects,
computer programs will ”print” virtual personalities based on the model of the (former) original!
As for the tamagotchi,
relatives and friends will be able to communicate with these creatures for so long
until they themselves become part of this new world.
According to the above, this would be my view of the Metaverses that the Eugenists
were preparing for all of us in the near future.
Forgive me for my wild imagination. 🙂
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Hi H. or N?
No need to apologize — there is another mention of what you say, indirectly; in an article today Joe noted “Ontological Mathematics” — even better than your 5D — no need for printers and all that — we’ve been part of this “Matrix” already!
OTOH, what if, even at < 0.1% probability, we’ve been wrong and we burned real Giordano for nothing? Here you go — all the “great reset” proponents, WEF/T dreams and even your 5D thingy is just an effort for wiping clean all the guilt for all the real trouble we may have caused; just a few survivors in “witness protection programs” (like Dr. Fauci) left behind and our matrix grand-children will not believe how guilt-laden their virtual ancestors were 😉
Cheers, JaKo
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Hi Jako,
It is well known who burned witches in the Middle Ages.
I don’t mean performers, but creators of ideas.
Or, an even more striking example,
when prisoners were taken to the gas chamber in Nazi camps,
they were told to go to the shower.
And today it’s exactly the same scenario.
Thus, throughout history, everything remains the same, and nothing changes,
only people change who do not understand what is happening.
Dr. Vernon Coleman: ‘Our Governments have declared War on us’
p.s. Н is N
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What you are saying about “Jews told to take a shower”, can only be true when/if they were being de-loused! It has long been demonstrated and proven that no facility existed that was capable of being used as a “Gas chamber” to murder people.
Richard Noakes
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The Question is, Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide, because there is a big difference, so which is it, for sure?:
Bleed to death on the inside from graphene hydroxide in vaxx trial roulette
by Editor, cairnsnews
It’s not just about mRNA. And the Australian Government wants to give this deadly concoction to kids?
Dr. Andreas Noack did a heartfelt video call out (Austria) in regards to the graphene allegedly discovered in the Pfizer shots.
He was assaulted shortly afterwards and the latest alleged report by his partner is that he is now dead.–ANDREAS-NOACK-been-killed-after-publishing-his-findings-about-the-vaccines-
This was his educated explanation as transcribed:
“There is a Professor in the University of Almeira, Professor Dr. Pablo Campra.
He studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy.
It is the study of frequencies.
There are frequency bands. Two of those bands are important.
They show that it is not graphene oxide but rather graphene hydroxide.
I would like to explain what graphene hydroxide is.
Dr Andreas Noack investigated nanoscale tiny razor blades injected into body and victim bleeds to death on the inside, He recently died under mysterious circumstances
It is a mono-layer activated carbon.
There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom.
This is on a nanoscale. If it is 5 nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH). In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, but in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalised (fully mobile).
The piece is 50nm (nanometre) long but only 0.1nm thick.
These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make braking pads out of this.
It is not biologically decomposable.
These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades.
These razorblades are injected into the body.
Nano-scale tiny razor blades. Only one atom thick layer.
The OH hydroxy groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.
It is basically an acid.
It suspends well in water because of the negative charge.
So these are razor blades spread homogeneously in the liquid.
This is basically Russian roulette.
It cuts the blood vessels.
The blood vessels have epithelial cells as their inner lining. It is extremely smooth, like a mirror and it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous.
If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithelium.
The thing is, toxicological tests are done in a petri dish so you will not find anything.
These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick.
I am a Specialist in Activated Carbon. In my Doctoral thesis I have converted graphene oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world leading activated carbon Manufacturer. I was in charge of new carbon activated products…
If you perform an autopsy on the victims you will not find anything.
Toxicologists do their tests in petri dishes.
They can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels.
People bleed to death on the inside.
The top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood.
The faster the blood, the more damage the razors will do.
As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer.
It is a new material, toxicologists are not aware of it yet.
You see people collapse immediately after a vaccination and have a seizure.
These people have bad luck in this Russian roulette.
Very likely a vein was hit by the syringe.
Do you think a Pediatrician understands what graphene oxide is?
An important concept in Science is disputation.
A Scientific debate.
The basis of medicine or pharmaceuticals is chemistry.
Completely new substances, unknown to nature are brought in with the vaccines.
Everyone is talking about mRNA which is complex.
But every chemist understands what graphene hydroxide does.
The mRNA story is possibly a diversion.
I cannot imagine that anyone will be able to give me, as a Carbon specialist, a proper explanation as to why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine.
This is war.
Even if the people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little. It destroys the heart. All the heart attacks. All the strokes. The brain is cut up. Blood vessels are cut up.
These graphene structures are so stable, they are not degradable. Every chemist knows this.
The epithelial cells become rough when cut up like this, and things stick to it.
This material is declared an experimental vaccine for a reason.
In Germany or Austria there is nobody with my expertise. The leading German carbon Specialist Dr. Harmut von Kienle was my mentor for one year. I wrote my thesis in this field…”
So user beware. You don’t know what batch you are getting. It’s a Clinical trial after all.
I did a Google search of this bloke’s name and it came back positive – the above blurb is real
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join me up
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i want to hear more
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good listening
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We are definitely on a wild ride to shitville. Reminds me of the movie Shooter.
Shooter (2007 film)
Levon Helm as Mr. Rate
(Levon Helm) “The world is not always as it seems, is it son?”
(Logan) “No Sir.”
(Levon Helm) “You keep that in mind.”
(Levon Helm)”The moment you think you got it all figured out, you are wrong.”
Richard Noakes
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Shitville, only if you have agreed to be vaccinated – I have refused to be vaccinated: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19 patented in 2013
Covid-19 means: 19 nucleotide sequence and not 2019 at all.
By The Exposé on March 3, 2022
Evidence has emerged which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, the company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, actually created the Covid-19 virus.
They cited a Paper by Scientists in India, Switzerland, Italy and the US (cautiously entitled: MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site) in which they calculated that the chances of a 19 nucleotide sequence patented by Moderna randomly appearing in Covid-19 in circumstances where it does not appear anywhere else in nature are 1 in 3 trillion.
Furthermore they did not merely apply for a patent on 2016 February 4 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied on 2013 December 16 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2:as well.
So Moderna had developed the 19 nucleotide gene sequence containing the Furin Cleavage Site which gives Covid19 its infectivity to humans by patented gain of function research as early as 2013, 6 years before the Wuhan outbreak took place. Not 3 as reported in the Mail and virally elsewhere..
Covid-19 was not made in 2019. It was made from the 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site (in 2013) which does not occur anywhere in nature. And every Covid death and every Covid vaccine death is parked squarely on the doorstep of ModeRNA and The Covid19 makers, the genetic vaccine makers. their funders and their promoters, which include almost every government and public sector and health service in the world, are therefore guilty of Genocide and crimes against humanity. They have pushed genetic rape and sickness and death onto half of the population of the world in order to enrich the pockets of Pharmaceutical Companies. Governments and Public sectors around the world have abandoned their health service regulation to billionaires and heartless corporations (me: and to make we humans, Trans Humans and now, the vaccinated, without any human rights whatsoever
The Expose
2) Dr Ugur Sahin, the COVID-19 vaccine he designed for Pfizer was designed in just few hours in a single day (on a computer) on January 25, 2020. No other vaccine in history has been created and manufactured so quickly. Previously, the fastest vaccine ever developed took more than four years. co-founder of BioNTech Not only that, Pfizer Chairman (((Albert Bourla))) hasn’t gotten around to having his shot, or Dr Ugur Sahin, last I knew. And it went from laboratory straight into human arms without any animal testing first – mRNA never used in humans ever before – doesn’t that strike you as odd?
Obviously, no virus was present, when this vaccine was made on a computer and a Covid infection, was not the basis of the vaccine creation, in the first place.
Documents by Pfizer Show BioNTech Paid FDA $2,875,842.00 “Drug User Fee” for COVID-19 Vaccine Approval
Vaccine Impact
3) The Hydrogel patent US8415325B2 is listed in the Moderna patent, here. Hydrogels are also mentioned in a second Moderna patent, here. Hydrogel is listed in the Johnson & Johnson patent, here. Hydrogels are made from Graphene Oxide. Nobody can deny the evidence that Graphene Oxide is in the shots.
All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”
See link here:
4) 1,291 Side Effects Pfizer COVID Vaccine Reveals Released Documents March 5, 2022
Link here:
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Mass hypnosis is a miracle,
Elon Musk, who doesn’t know how to build a functional car,
will bring people to the shower. .
sorry for the typo… to Mars.
And as a bonus, he will take a lot of money from passengers.
Oh my God, turn the Earth over.