Kidding and Killing Ourselves
American Intelligence Media (AIM) recently featured a toothbrush, the Soladey – eco, in one of its CAT Reports (“Citizens Addicted to Truth”).[i] In its report, AIM posted the company’s information video on this product, originally developed in Japan.[ii]
The product video informs viewers that the toothbrush cleans teeth and freshens breath by using negatively charged ions—no toothpaste needed. It has a “Titanium Dioxide rod” and when light strikes its small solar battery, it produces “negative ions” which decalcify the teeth of plaque while also mixing with your saliva.
When I heard “titanium dioxide” it triggered my recall of an article I had recently read on the site[iii] Its usage as an additive is discussed below. But more broadly speaking, this “product enhancer,” titanium dioxide, brings to the fore a growing divide over the cause of disease, viz., the long-embraced “germ theory” versus the long-suppressed “terrain theory.”
The germ theory is summed up nicely by Louize Small, whose writing is quoted (and abridged) in the opening of the Henry Makow piece:
Germ Theory does not account for or explain many diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes… There is clearly a gap in the conventional wisdom of how our bodies work and why we become ill….illness is the body’s way of ridding itself of toxins and is the result of a weakened immune system.
It is said that not a single virus has been proven to exist, and that in order for a virus to be correctly identified, it has to be isolated, reproduced, and shown that symptoms develop in line with expectation (known as the Koch’s Postulates test). This has reportedly never taken place.[iv]
However, the terrain theory emphasizes “the water within which we all swim,” viz., the interplay between processed, man-made substances and the atmospheric deluge of electromagnetic (EM) pollution in our terrain (perhaps better stated as our “holistic environment” that includes the air around us).
A prominent figure in this debate appears to be one Robin D.P. Watson, whose own article[v] is subsumed in the Makow piece.[vi] Watson states:
What has been described as a viral epidemic in this writer’s opinion is a complex interplay of electromagnetic forces on food additive E171 or titanium dioxide. There has been an absolute abuse of science and language in describing titanium dioxide as a food additive, which has allowed food and pharmaceutical manufacturers to include this synergistic poison in their products. There is ample evidence of this corruption, in scientific and medical papers, where disease after disease has its origins in exposure to titanium dioxide. But, despite my attempts for eight years to alert the media, politicians and doctors to this fact, the response to this information has been dismal. It appears many groups have lost the ability to think critically for themselves and more importantly care less about its effects on people. Titanium dioxide is not a nutrient. It is insoluble and excoriates vascular systems within the body. It bioaccumulates in organs, reducing their ability to function properly and it reacts to various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.
Watson goes on to describe titanium dioxide as a “weapon.” Why? Because, According to Watson, “when these particles are within the body, the injury to the surrounding cell structures by the homogenizing of their adjacent material provides a medium for overgrowth of various pre-curser elements of cancers and other diseases.”[vii] This trenchant insight conjures up the current hoax I now refer to as “KoVid.” And Watson spares no mercy in pinpointing his professional wrath when he states:
Many victims of covid-19 have been predisposed to having their immunity status critically lowered by prolonged exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) from photo voltaics (cheap solar panels) which produce adverse electrical fields. This has been the case of many victims in nursing homes in Australia and many of those who sailed away on ‘floating microwave ovens,’ the cruise ships where passengers were subjected to high levels of 5G.[viii]
Well, well, well. The Soladey-eco toothbrush immediately comes to mind, with its little solar-activated battery at the end of the handle. If this cheap little solar panel converts light into negative ions that then mix with saliva, well, if Watson is right it doesn’t seem to bode well for the immune system of the user, now does it? What is titanium dioxide anyway?
Titanium dioxide is a heavy metal ingredient used to whiten paint and paper products. But it is also added (in “food-grade” form) into many foods — typically candies, pastries, chewing gum, coffee creamers, chocolates, and cake decorations products.
Titanium dioxide is also widely used in toothpastes and sunscreens, lipsticks, and beauty creams and powders. In these products it’s usually found as nano-titanium dioxide, which was engineered to have a much smaller molecular structure than the food-grade version.
Although cosmetics aren’t meant for consumption, titanium dioxide in toothpaste and lipstick may be swallowed or absorbed through the skin (consider sunscreens being slathered all over the body).
It is also added to the packaging of fruit to preserve the shelf life because titanium dioxide decreases ethylene production, thus delaying the ripening process. I wonder what else it can do (like causing physiological havoc within or bodies and in other living organisms).
By the way, given their higher ratio of toxins-to-weight—and because titanium dioxide is so commonly found in sweets, in toothpaste, and in sunscreen that misinformed parents slather on them—children are the most vulnerable. No wonder diseases formerly found only in adults are now manifesting in our children—nothing short of a planned genocide of our youth, I’d say (just in case they escaped being aborted).
Fortunately, for the more scientific among us, Robin D.P. Watson’s work has laid out his theory and relevant research here:
— and here:
Watson refers to his work as the Nano-Blenders Thesis. Although he highlights titanium dioxide as a prime causal agent, there are numerous other “nano-fibres” that behave as “nano-blenders.” Besides titanium dioxide, these also include fiber glass, asbestos, silicon dioxide or similar insoluble crystalline structures. All of these vibrate in situ when subjected to various frequencies of EM radiation. According to Watson, such structures cause many diseases otherwise inexplicable to conventional science, which can only cite those old, pesky chimeras referred to for so long as “germs.”
In laymen’s terms the Rockefeller-developed germ theory is one that “attacks bad guy viruses” that need to be killed by “shooting bullets” from medicine’s synthetic pharmacopoeia arsenal.
For those applying a more critical thinking approach, the terrain theory goes more like this: if we eliminate the “nano landmines and their EM air support,” we liberate the human immune system, which will thrive as the most effective and most inexpensive sentinel guarding our health.
I’m no scientist or medical man, but I don’t think a toothbrush, armed with a titanium dioxide rod, is the People’s ally in this war. That war is being waged by the same tyrannical Deep State partisans that have brought this shamdemic upon us like a boot stamping on our collective faces.
It’s time for the never-properly-proven germ theory to bite the dust, to go the way of yesterdays “humors,” and other such antiquated scientizmic belief systems. We the People need Rockefeller medicine about as much as we need any other gobbledeegook intended to sicken, impoverish and enslave us so as to ultimately diminish our full human measure.
At the outset, the question welling up from within me was—
If Watson’s “Nano-Blenders Thesis” is correct, does food-borne titanium dioxide differ from “negative ions mixing with saliva” as to disease causation efficacy?
Using only my logic and a simple, discerning intuition, I answer with a resounding YES! (Maybe Japan should export those toothbrushes only to the Commies running mainland China, instead of to genuine republics trying desperately to right themselves from decades of deadly cabalistic hi-jinx).
[ii] Soladey – eco,
[iv] Louize Small, The Light Paper, p.16 (presumably Issue 4, Dec. 11, 2020)
[v] (Unfortunately, Robin D.P. Watson’s article seems to have been scrubbed from the web; formerly at): Disability By Design: Covid-19, Titanium Dioxide and Electromagnetic Radiation; however, the article was apparently retrieved and saved here:
[vi] See Endnote iii.
[viii] See Endnote v.
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Joel Walbert
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I have / had a certain skin condition that after researching how to deal with it discovered TiO2 is one of the triggers for a flare up. Avoided it since. As well as many other additives, specifically Aluminium dioxide. Then later found out just how bad it is for humans. In a sense, this condition, while has been quite annoying at times while working towards fully clearing it up, was one of the greatest blessings I ever received as it forced me to eliminate myriad toxins from my life that I otherwise may have never thought of or considered to be problematic.