Key Talking Points on Current Bird Flu Situation

The McCullough Foundation, informative update on the current H5N1 global situation has received considerable attention and garnered valuable feedback. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Practice of culling (mass destruction of entire healthy flocks) when a PCR test is found positive to “eradicate” the virus is futile and may work to constrain the food supply. The current strain H5N1 clade is not thus far causing necropsy or radiographic confirmed fatal pneumonia in birds or mammals.
  2. H5N1 host range expansion into migratory birds and mammals likely occurred as a result of gain-of-function serial passage research and a lab leak.
  3. Increased transmissibility of H5N1 has a tradeoff of decreased virulence. Using legacy human mortality rates from cases in Southeast Asia is not appropriate. The US has never had a fatal human case of bird flu.
  4. Fear-mongering promulgated by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is designed to promote mass vaccination of animals and humans with lucrative pre-purchased contracts to the vaccine manufacturers and their NGO backers. Mass vaccination into a highly prevalent pandemic since it promotes resistant strains of the virus in the vaccinated.
  5. If human-to-human spread occurs in the future as expected by many, it will be the product of gain-of-function research that has gone on for years with the goal of creating harm to human populations.
  6. Be prepared with early prevention and treatment strategies on hand. Courageous Discourse has covered dilute iodine nasal sprays and gargles, oseltamivir, hydroxychloroquine, and other antivirals. The Wellness Company has extended its Contagion Kit to cover the case of serious human avian influenza in the event it occurs.


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Comments (3)

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    Secondo Peter esiste il virus? come il Sarscov2? che saltella da uomo a uomo?


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    110% lies, propaganda and fear.


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    Freaking bastard’s! Fear Porn again…to sell their crap…instead of to clear truth!!!

    Start with that horse shit lie of a PCR!!! ALREADY Discredited and withdrawn by the FDA & CDC as incompetent to the task. 97% false positives driving a massive e again!!!

    It’s inventor, Dr Kary Mullis, Clearly has been telling us for 40+ years that the PCR is a Process…NOT a test! It Cannot diagnose a Pathogen…it cannot tell you what bug is causing any disease.
    It simply makes small samples of something into larger samples. That’s it.

    This Crap generated by the fantastically corrupt .gov is just like what was just finished…a PsyOp to poison you with more patented Bioweapons …and


    The Bolsheviks favorite weapon by FAR

    Check out how it was done in the Holodomor, Kazakhstan & later in Red China… North Korea, Cambodia, Venezuela etc


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