Keeping You in the Loop

In his inauguration speech, on becoming the 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump stated very categorically that there are only two genders: male and female.   In making this statement, he seemed to have no problems offending the transgender community

Trump made no such bold, or counter cultural pronouncements about climate change.  He avoided the issue while at the same time announcing an energy emergency. He used the word ‘energy’ three times – energy prices, energy emergency and American energy – but he did not mention ‘climate’, not once in his inaugural address.    He didn’t mention the word ‘environment’ either.

Of course, the energy emergency – assuming it does indeed exist – is a consequence of concerns about climate change and the environment.

The Paris Agreement, which the President subsequently announced he would be withdrawing the United States from, has as its main goal keeping global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) specifically by dramatically reducing the use of coal, oil and gas.   It is ostensibly about saving the environment – something never mentioned in Trump’s inaugural address.

While claiming an energy emergency, in the first week of his presidency Trump also announced he will halt the leasing of federal waters for offshore wind farms.   He wants to solve the energy crisis, not with American wind, but with American oil and gas.

Trump specifically said:

The inflation crisis was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices, and that is why today I will also declare a national emergency.  We will drill baby, drill.

America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have — the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on earth — and we are going to use it.  We’ll use it.

We will bring prices down, fill our strategic reserves up again right to the top, and export American energy all over the world.

This puts Trump at odds with the King of England, Charles III, and so many others of the ruling class who have been making a fortune out of the energy transition that, according to Trump, has unsustainably forced up prices.

While Trump wants to contain the spread of wind farms, earnings from King Charles’s sovereign’s public estate have more than doubled as a direct result of planned new offshore wind farms along the British coastline.

More specifically, profits at the King’s property group more than doubled to £1.1billion in the 12 months to the end of March 2024, up from £443million in the previous financial year.

Most of the £658million increase in profits came from the extra fees paid by the developers who won the rights to build six new offshore wind farms — in the North Sea and off the coasts of Cumbria, Lancashire and north Wales.  In total, the in the fourth round of seabed leasing in January 2023 banked just over £1billion for the Crown Estate.

For sure, the policies of Trump as they relate to energy production do not appear consistent with King Charles III who rules over the Commonwealth including Australia.  But neither Charles nor Donald is commenting on this – for the moment.

The chatter is that Trump has great respect for the monarch, and that his wife Melania is a pen pal of King Charles, both sharing a concern for the environment and specifically climate change.

Australian conservatives meanwhile are reaffirming support for the King, with the leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, indicating that should he win the election in Australia later this year that Australia will not withdraw from the Paris Agreement.  Indeed, as far as I can tell, here in Australia at least, there is no interest in putting this country, or its people and businesses first when it comes to issues of energy affordability.

The Australian government is absurdly claiming we can continue as a global aluminium powerhouse while transitioning to wind and solar.  Dutton, in opposition, is claiming nuclear, as a fine source of future reliable electricity.  Never mind, that nuclear would likely increase the wholesale electricity prices to the point it was at least twice as expensive as electricity from new and refurbished coal-generating electricity plants while perhaps still cheaper than renewables.

Of course, what is missing in all of this is some discussion about the science that underpins the notion there is a climate emergency in the first place thus requiring the energy transition that is very significantly increasing the wealth of our King, which according to the new President of the United States is unaffordable.

Instead of some discussion, everyone is being polite and not mentioning the weather even though it was unusually cold on inauguration day during what the King will continue to claim is the hottest year on record.   It is always the hottest year on record, never mind the measurements before they are adjusted.  Then again, he is the King.

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Comments (9)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    Jennifer Marohasy seems to overlook what I consider should have become obvious. When Trump first announced he was running for the presidency, Rush Limbaugh, his golfing buddy, was not sure what Trimp’s belief in the Creator God was. Given what has occurred since that time it seems obvious that Trump believes he doing all he can do to FIGHT EVIL. The hole in Trump”s ear should be pretty convincing evidence of this; which should not be ignored.

    Have a good day


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      Thank you Jerry for your observation, which we share with many Americans who voted for President Trump.
      There is definitely a war being waged between good and evil. God the Creator made it plain whose side he is on, protecting President Trump from a would be assassin


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        God the Creator made it plain whose side he is on, protecting President Trump from a would be assassin

        you can’t be serious?!


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Aaron,

        Thank you for making it plain on whose side you are on. I will pray that you will eventually see the light.

        Have a good day


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          What is prayer but a bunch of words designed to elicit a return, a transaction. As such it carries no weight, and certainly no favour as an unspoken, unprepared gesture of the heart would.

          You know the usual hand position, closed together as when praying? It is known as a mudra, and I seem to remember comes from Hinduism.


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    Trans insanity is just that, nothing more, nothing less. We used to treat mental illness not affirm it. Biology is not an abstract concept.


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      Climate Heretic


      Your statement asserts that there are only two sexes: male and female. While this is a common understanding, it’s important to recognize that biological sex is more complex. Some individuals are born with intersex traits, meaning their physical or genetic characteristics don’t fit typical definitions of male or female. This includes variations in chromosomes, hormones, or genitalia. The existence of intersex people indicates that biological sex is not strictly binary.

      Additionally, beyond the standard XX (female) and XY (male) chromosomal patterns, there are other configurations such as XXY, XYY, or XO, which can result in differences in sexual development. These variations further demonstrate that biological sex is not exclusively binary.

      Therefore, while many people are classified as male or female, the presence of intersex individuals and chromosomal variations shows that biological sex is more nuanced than a simple binary classification.


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      Climate Heretic


      Labeling transgender identities as “insanity” isn’t just wrong; it’s also harmful. Major medical organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association, have made it clear that being transgender is not a mental illness. The distress felt by some transgender people, often referred to as gender dysphoria, comes from a disconnect between their assigned sex at birth and their true gender identity. This distress can frequently be eased with gender-affirming care, which has proven to boost mental health.

      Additionally, research shows that transgender individuals often struggle with higher rates of mental health issues like depression and anxiety, largely because of societal stigma and discrimination. Offering support and affirming their gender identity can greatly improve their overall well-being.

      In short, calling transgender identities “insanity” lacks any basis in current medical knowledge and only adds to the stigma that negatively impacts the mental health of transgender individuals.

      Kind Regards
      Climate Heretic


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    The government and not the King should receive the fees for off-shore wind farms.


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