Journals Ban Scientists Exposing Epic Sea Level Fraud

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is a true story about the dire censorship in peer-reviewed science journals. Maybe you remember the paper I wrote with Professor Clifford Ollier? [Parker, A. & Ollier, C.D., 2017, IS THE SEA LEVEL STABLE AT ADEN, YEMEN?, Earth Syst. Environ 1: 18.  Doi:10.1007/s41748-017-0020-z]

Well, because government “climate scientists” were unhappy with this paper, they complained to the journal editors, and eventually managed to publish an attack comment with our right of reply waived. In further retaliation, despite already approving and publishing our study, the journal was browbeaten into banning us permanently from making any further submissions.

Despite our reasonable request to post a customary author reply to that disparaging comment (submitted to the journal Earth Syst. Environ) that was also rejected following further interference from those “climate scientists.”

Our reasoned reply was then submitted to the American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, where it was accepted for publication.

Lo and behold, once again, likely because of continued pressure behind the scenes, publication of this (and two other papers) was then refused with the excuse “the main author had no affiliation.”

Our experience, as honest skeptical researchers, is that there is a clear and unambiguous conspiracy among “climate scientists” to prevent any dissent from the global warming narrative from appearing in the peer-reviewed literature.

Perhaps, dear readers, you are also seeing that it is no longer far-fetched to deduce these vested interests are operating as an organised clique; a veritable cult serving the satanic god of man-made global warming.

Not to be outdone by such malevolence, we persisted against the odds to secure publication in  an honest and principled journal not complicit in the corruption of the peer review process. To that end, we now have a new paper out:

Parker, A., & O’Sullivan, J., 2018, The Need of an Open, Fair Peer Review of Sea Levels Data, New Concepts in Global Tectonics Journal, v. 6, no.4, December 2018, pp.493-501.

Our paper may be downloaded here:

We can report that this noble journal is dedicated to the founder Dong Choi, who  unfortunately recently passed away.  Choi was a shining example of what a real scientist and editor should do, rather than be a useful idiot servant to the globalist climate cabal.

A little background about Dong Choi: born in 1945 in Tokyo, Japan he received his Dr. of Sci. degree in 1972 from Hokkaido University, Japan. His fields of interest were earthquake prediction, sunken continents, and global tectonics.

During his career, Choi worked as Chief Engineer with Kokusai Kogyo Co., Tokyo, Japan dealing with marine geophysical survey and geological mapping. Then, he was Post-Doctoral Fellow and Assistant Professor with the University of Miami, Miami, United States, working on carbonate sedimentology.

Next, he worked for the Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Australia dealing with marine heat flow and continental margin geology. After that, Choi was an Independent Consulting Geologist based in Canberra.

From 1991 to present, he was Managing Director of Raax Australia Pty Ltd., a company specialized in borehole imaging and geological analysis. He was also the Director of Research of the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (, Operations Center.

Last, but not least, Choi was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Journal, NCGT,

For over two decades, his journal has been an inspiration and encouragement for researchers needing a voice to publish their findings and offer new concepts pushing boundaries and challenging established thinking, not only in tectonics, but also other fields such as climatology, seismology, oceanography, solar and solar system physics, and earth sciences.

Very sadly Dong Choi passed away quietly on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 in Canberra. He got up early, decided to read a paper in his favorite chair, felt a bit cold, and his heart simply stopped. Honest and principled science publication lost a true friend.

We can only pray that other sentinels of the scientific method will come forward and rise to the heights set so honorably by Dong Choi.

John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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    May the very respected Dr. Dong Choi Rest In Peace.

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