John Leake’s Review of “Protocol 7”, Andrew Wakefield’s powerful cinematographic presentation of the true whistleblower story of Merck fraud and Merck victims.
Bob Kemnitz OAM, an exemplary defender of humanity and renowned for his leadership in caring for animals, lives in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Bob helpfully shared this excellent article.
Sincere thanks to many readers who helpfully forward to friends the Michael Darby in Australia substack. Instead of forwarding, please SHARE THIS LINK TO THIS SUBSTACK. The link saves on data transmission and allows the recipients to see corrections and updates.

In a message helpfully shared by inspirational freedom campaigner Alistair Pope, Elizabeth Hart wrote on Monday 10 June 2024:
Film Review: “Protocol 7”
John Leake, 10 June 2024: Andrew Wakefields’s directorial debut is bold, ambitious, and dramatic.
With the catastrophic regression of her adopted son, Lexi, a small-town lawyer, is confronted with the reality of corporate fraud at the highest level. Will she hold a massive corporation accountable in this true whistleblower story?
Readers of this Substack are familiar with Andrew Wakefield’s seminal documentation of children who developed enterocolitis and autism shortly after receiving MMR vaccines.
After publishing his findings in the Lancet, his paper was subsequently retracted and he became the subject of what may be the most vicious vilification and cancellation campaign since Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was canceled in the early 1860s for proposing that anatomy students wash their hands with chlorinated lime after dissecting cadavers, and before they examined pregnant women in the maternity ward.
Those who would like to learn more about Wakefield’s life and work will likely be engrossed by my interview with him last year.
Protocol 7 is a medico-legal thriller based on the true story of two Merck lab scientists who, in 2010, blew the whistle on the company’s fraudulent manipulation of lab data to support the company’s efficacy claim about the mumps component of its MMR vaccine. The case has been tied up in courts ever since.
Rachel Whittle plays a small-town attorney and mother of an autistic child. British star Matthew Marsden plays a doctor with a history of being a lone voice in the wilderness about MMR vaccines and autism.
Another British actor, Harrison Tipping, delivers what struck me as the film’s best performance —that of a Merck lab scientist who is a willing participant in the fraud, but also one who is tormented by his recognition that he is debasing his work and talent in the service of an ugly lie.
Eric Roberts elegantly plays Dr. Errani, the head of Merck’s MMR division, who demands that the lab team figure out a way support the company’s efficacy claim by whatever means necessary.
As with any film that sets out to convey a great deal of information at the same time it tells a story, Protocol 7 occasionally labors under the weight of its ambitions.
Nevertheless, it contains much suspense, drama, and poignancy. It is especially effective in showing the unquestioning faith that most of our society and institutions place in vaccines.
So strong is this faith—and so reinforced by vast financial interests—that merely questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccines will imperil one’s career and may even imperil one’s life.
As I mentioned to Andy Wakefield at the film’s screening in Austin on Friday, I believe he has been branded and punished not for his heterodox scientific views, but for what is today’s equivalent of HERESY.
Protocol 7 reveals high priests of this vaccine religion to be money grubbing fraudsters. Hopefully the film will awaken many people from their dogmatic slumber.
I applaud Andrew Wakefield’s courageous foray into film directing and I recommend that all of our readers refer to the film’s SHOWINGS SCHEDULE to see if it’s coming to your town on its North American tour.

Elizabeth Hart: Malfeasance in Public Office?

Click on the TNT radio graphic above for the link to Elizabeth Hart’s 21 May 2024 chat with Chris Smith, starts around 27:10:
The Abstract, the Introduction and the Conclusion are reproduced here. For the complete comprehensively anotated article of 31 pages THIS IS THE LINK
This article provides information on the destruction of voluntary informed consent for vaccination in Australia, most recently via the implementation of coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in 2021.
The rot set in in 2015, with the raising of the No Jab, No Pay bill by then Minister for Social Services Scott Morrison, with the coercive No Jab, No Pay law for children’s vaccination being implemented in January 2016.
This set the scene for the rise of ‘No Jab, No Job’ in the Covid era. The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee set the ball rolling on ‘No Jab, No Job’ in June 2021, when it initiated mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for residential aged care workers at the behest of then Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet, depriving ‘non-compliant’ residential aged care workers of their livelihoods.
Vaccination mandates for residential aged care workers set a precedent for vaccination mandates and penalties for non-compliance to be rolled out across the country, into all areas of society – ‘No Jab, No Life’ – thereby vitiating voluntary informed consent.
Have the instigators of coercive and mandatory vaccination policy committed misfeasance in public office?
In June 2021, the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (‘AHPPC’), chaired by
Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, reversed its recommendation against compulsory COVID19 vaccination of residential aged care workers, and capitulated to then Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s and National Cabinet’s demand that COVID-19 vaccination be mandatory for residential aged care workers. This was a politically motivated decision, rather than based on medical advice.
When the Chief Medical Officer and Health Officers on the AHPPC imposed mandatory
COVID-19 vaccination on residential aged care workers at National Cabinet’s behest, this set the precedent which precipitated a cascade of COVID-19 vaccination employment mandates around the country – from the AHPPC, state and territory governments, and businesses, i.e. affecting much of the Australian workforce across both public and private sectors.
The AHPPC’s capitulation to Scott Morrison and National Cabinet resulted in ‘No Jab, No Job’ being enforced for many workers, denying their freedom to make personal medical decisions without pressure, coercion or manipulation, and taking the livelihoods of those who refused to comply with the violation of voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
Imposing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination on these workers broke the vitally important ethical principle of voluntary informed consent.
It was the thin end of the wedge that opened the way to this principle being violated across society, with people being denied participation in hospitality and entertainment, travel, sport, cultural pursuits, etc, if they refused to submit to COVID-19 vaccination. It was ‘No Jab, No Life’.
Even children were subject to the pressure to vaccinate, with practitioners needlessly vaccinating children against a disease of little or no threat to them.
Why did Australia’s Chief Medical Officer and Health Officers violate the legal and ethical obligation for health practitioners to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination, an obligation underpinned by Rogers v Whitaker?
Why didn’t the Chief Medical Officer and Health Officers hold firm against Scott Morrison’s and National Cabinet’s demand for mandatory vaccination of residential aged care workers, and refuse to be complicit in the violation of voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
Was this a legacy of the children’s coercive No Jab, No Pay law implemented in 2016, now influencing the Covid era?
Were Scott Morrison and the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet, along with Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the Health Officers on the AHPPC, reckless in their determination to override voluntary informed consent for those subjected to vaccination mandates with these taxpayer-funded vaccine products? Was this recklessness an act of misfeasance in public office?1
Were health practitioners in effect conscripted to support the Morrison Government’s COVID19 vaccine rollout via AHPRA’s 9 March 2021 Position Statement, in contravention of the Australian Constitution, paragraph xxiiiA of s51? A vaccine rollout which could be described as a blatant example of over-servicing with questionable medical products?
Are practitioners at risk of medical liability for not obtaining valid voluntary informed consent, after the Morrison Government misled them about their liability status?
Scott Morrison and the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet; the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the members of the AHPPC; medical colleges and professional associations; ATAGI; AHPRA; medical insurers; and so-called medical ‘experts’ – and the medical profession at large – must have been aware that “informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations”, as acknowledged in correspondence from the Australian Government.119
But the overwhelming majority of Australians – both adults and children – has been vaccinated without valid voluntary informed consent. This is obvious with the coercive and mandatory COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign.
But this is also the case with vaccine products across the entire ever-increasing vaccination schedule, which is mired in conflicts of interest.120 The ‘No Jab’ concept initiated by the Murdoch media and implemented by Scott Morrison in
2015/16, has unleashed an unmitigated disaster, evolving into ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’ during the Covid era, and the destruction of valid consent under coercive and mandatory vaccination policies.
Voluntary informed consent for vaccination has been recklessly destroyed in Australia by those who were entrusted to protect this vitally important principle in a free society. Is this a case of misfeasance in public office?
Sincere thanks to Elizabeth Hart. Subscribe to her Substack

World Health Organisation worse than ever
Wide Awake media has helpfully provided the following ghastly confirmation of WHO’s hostility to humanity. For proof that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is lying and for clear evidence that edible animals cannot increase carbon dioxide levels, here is the link to my substack of 29 December 2023.

The lying marxist Tedros knows perfectly well that our food systems, enabled by mechanisation, herbicides, pesticides and entrepreneurial environmentally focused primary producers have been doing a magnificent job, feeding better food to more people and reducing hunger.

Of mighty significance is the life expectancy data.

Two centuries of gigantic worldwide improvements in health, longevity and quality of life are threatened by WHO, by the IPCC, by the UN, and by every politician who wants decisions about Australia to be made somewhere else.
Australia and all freedom-loving nations should quit the WHO, as recommended by Unchain Australia (August 2021), and as foreshadowed by my Facebook post (above), four years ago on 30 May 2020.
Unchain Australia is free to subscribers at
Unchain Australia’s description of erstwhile Prime Minister Morrison as “owned mind, soul and carcasss by Big Pharma” is consistent with the assessment made by Elizabeth Hart.
No Surrender on the Digital ID Bills!

Friends, this is not the time to surrender. Lobby your local minor party and opposition parliamentarians and candidates.
The priorities for governments do not include even greater intrusion in the lives of Australians and destroying their right to use cash.
The priorites for governments do include a Federal royalty on the gross earnings of the tech giants, plus State and Territory legislation to allow victims of fraud to recover damages from the entities which advertised that fraud.
These important points are convincingly made in Unchain Australia, published August 2021, and available in pdf form free to subscribers to this substack at
Message to Free Subscribers
In the Substack system, the lowest rate which can be charged for a subscription is $5 per month or $50 per year. In these difficult times that is a lot of money, especially if you are already contributing to other worthy sources.
So be kind to four friends and help my work by gifting four subscriptions for one month only at $5 each, for a total of $20. If your budget is really tight, then gift one subscription for just $5.
Donors of gift subscriptions to this substack all receive full status as paid subscribers. Just hit the Subscribe button and follow the prompts. Thank you so much.
Unity of Purpose is a Worthy Aim
or Let’s Get Our Act Together
Dr Peter McCullough and his ally John Leake have together made a wonderful international contribution to understanding of early treatment protocols and the harm caused by mRNA drugs.
In addition to their powerful intervention against the Biden administration’s obsession with maximising the profits of Big Pharma, DrMcCullough and John Leake also contribute strongly to the defence of civilisation against the profiteering advocates for abolition of reliable energy.
Similarly, Dr Robert W Malone MD, another effective opponent of coercive vaccination, also warns us of the immense dangers inseparable from the policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, for example the intended requirement for electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul prime movers by 2032.
Some of the millions of victims of vaccine harm have not yet realised that their suffering has been caused by the same politicians, the same unelected authoritarians and the same profiteers who drive the global warming fraud.
Let’s all encourage such victims to identify and expose the wickedness which has caused their pain, while we maximise our efforts to alleviate that pain.
Some of the good folk who lucidly advocate for real science in opposition to the charlatans of the Global Warming Cult have not yet turned their attention to the wickedness of Big Pharma and its corrupt allies in positions of power in Australia, Canada, USA, UK and elsewhyere.
Let us all encourage every person of goodwill to speak up for the victims of vaccine harm (or their surviving loved ones) who emphatically deserve compassion, care and compensation.
Some readers have not yet declared themselves as supporters of freedom and national sovereignty for the people of Ukraine, victims of brutal aggression by the Putin hegemonists.
Historians of the future may well concur that the October 2023 attack on Israel by HAMAS was orchestrated by Putin, with the results exactly as he planned; a major distraction from public examination of the wickedness of Russia, and a dilution of support for Ukraine.
Neither Putin nor HAMAS care in the slightest about the consequent bloodshed. Note that Australia has still failed to deliver on the promise to shift our Embassy to Jerusalem. Thoughtful Australians stand with Ukraine and stand with Israel.
Riccardo Bosi – the thug who called for Australian public officials to be hanged – and his fellow twerps shamefully stand with Putin.
Save the The Fritz Karger file to your own system for valuable reference

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