Jersey Shore Residents Speak Out Against 5G Cell Towers

Members of Spring Lake Against 5G Towers, represented by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), attended a Sept. 24 meeting to voice their opposition to Verizon’s proposal to install six 35-foot 5G cell towers along the Jersey Shore.

Over 150 local residents of Spring Lake, New Jersey, attended the meeting. Most of them expressed concerns about the known and unknown health effects of 5G towers close to homes and recreational areas, and the lack of community input and control when it comes to the placement of the proposed cell towers.

Verizon’s towers would be constructed along the popular Ocean Avenue on the Spring Lake boardwalk. Verizon claims that additional wireless network capacity is needed to support visitors who flock to the beach over the summer months.

However, residents said the towers would disrupt life at the beach, threaten the natural environment, present health risks to humans and wildlife, and obstruct the coastline. With a unanimous no-show of hands, Spring Lake residents made their opposition crystal clear.

In addition to the strong showing by residents, the mayor and council, county representatives, congressional representatives and legal experts were present.

Attorney W. Scott McCollough, lead outside counsel for CHD’s Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless Program, is representing the coalition opposing Verizon’s proposal.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-Manchester) spoke in support of his constituents, telling Fox Business, “The implementation of 5G is meant to advance telecommunications networks, but it cannot and should not be done at the expense of valued local input or under unreasonable time constraints.”

The town of Spring Lake will respond to Verizon by mid-October. Spring Lake is following in the footsteps of neighboring Belmar, New Jersey, whose residents — also represented by CHD — are already engaged in litigation against Verizon to stop the 5G rollout along the Jersey Shore.

If you are facing proposed cell towers in your community, we encourage you to visit our new initiative Stop 5G, a resource platform designed to empower local communities to mount an effective opposition to cell towers and small cells in their neighborhoods.

The initiative provides resources and step-by-step guides to push back against proposed cell towers and offers expert consultation, strategic advocacy, community organizing and legal representation to maximize any community’s effectiveness.

We encourage you to share this valuable resource far and wide. Together, we can create safer, healthier communities!

Do you have a story you’d like to share with the CHD Community? Click here for details.

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