Japanese Physic’s Professor: ‘The Globe Isn’t Warming Anymore’
A climate skeptic book by Japanese physicist and Professor Emeritus Yuh Fukai released in October 2015, was recently released in Kindle version. The title of the book in Japanese is 地球はもう温暖化していない, which means: “The Globe Isn’t Warming Anymore”
In his book, Dr. Fukai quotes many scientists such as Dr. Shigenori Maruyama, Dr. Kunihiko Takeda, and Dr. Kiminori Itoh.
Also prominently featured are charts by R. J. Donohue et al, Dr. Roy Spencer, and Dr. John Christy.
Dr. Fukai writes: “An enormous amount of meteorological balloon data of great worth ignored by IPCC were employed in Christy’s 2015 graph.”
CO2 “a good thing” …studies show global greening
Dr. Fukai also points out that global vegetation coverage increased by 11{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} in 29 years, from 1982 to 2010, as increasing CO2 has helped the greening of the Sahel and the Sahara Desert.
He contradicts the often heard media claims that drought is spreading globally, writing: “The media spread the word that desertification is progressing globally, but practically the desert is greening through CO2.” […] “Everyone should be aware that increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere is not in itself harmful, but it’s a good thing.”
No correlation
Dr. Fukai also shows that the Earth’s temperature change is not simple and does not correlate at all with CO2. He shows graphs from D. M. Etheridge et al., Mauna Loa Observatory and the temperature data from Moberg et al. (2005).
Chart: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/moberg2005/nhtemp-moberg2005.txt
The retired Japanese professor writes that at around 1000 A.D. — the Medieval Warm Period — there were no signs showing CO2 concentration was higher.
A temperature graph using data from Moberg et al. (2005) shows the Medieval Warm Period appears clearly and that CO2 was in fact around 280 ppm at that time.
Warming better for humans
In addition, he writes that from a historical perspective, “warming brought about no trouble to human life.”
Fukai notes that in Japan the great famine of Kanei (1640 to 1643) and the great famine of Genroku (1695 to 1696) happened during the Little Ice Age, a dark and gloomy period of crop failures and paranoid witch hunts.
He writes: “We have never heard of a famine resulting in a warming period”, and that “global cooling was a terror for humans.”
Suppressed views
He notes that public opinion in Japan has been almost universally behind the claim that humans are the main cause of warming.
Some 91{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of Japanese citizens believe it. A shocking number compared to other countries. It is certain the media were in part hugely responsible, he writes.
Dissent is rare in Japan
“Articles by outspoken journalists overseas, however, have put the brakes on the CO2-made global warming hypothesis. There is no chance of that here in Japan. Japanese journalists have suppressed views that challenge the hypothesis,” Fukai writes.
According to Fukai: “Among Japanese earth scientists, only Dr. Shigenori Maruyama has sharply criticized the theory that global warming is caused by CO2 from a paleoclimatology point of view.”
But he adds: “Many solar researchers stand for an opinion that solar activity plays a major role in driving the climate.” In Japan, there is Dr. Kunitomo Sakurai and Dr. Hiroko Miyahara.
IPCC “scientifically immoral”
About the IPCC, he writes: “The IPCC is fixated on global warming being caused by CO2, simply ignore all other factors, and that their attitude is scientifically immoral.”
He notes in his book, citing NoTricksZone, that Prof. Hans von Storch “Fears that science is taking a role in political decision processes” and “sea level rise fears are unwarranted because long-term tide gauge data show 21st-century sea level rise will be approximately as much as the 21st century“.
Read more at No Tricks Zone