Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths

Japan has launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination

According to reports, Japanese researchers have been instructed to investgate the mechanisms by which experimental mRNA jabs could be causing deaths and severe adverse reactions.

Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm.

“The first concern was that the body temperatures of the corpses were very high when the police performed the autopsy,” Nagao declared.

“The body temperatures were unusually high, such as 33 or 34 degrees celsius (91-93ºF).”

Infowars.com reports: In other bodies, Nagao says “temperatures were very high at the time of death. Their body temperatures were above the normal temperature, more like over 40 degrees celsius (104ºF).”

Graphing the data, Nagao’s research team found there were significant changes to the genetic makeup of vaccinated autopsied patients’ immune systems.

The research has led Nagao to conclude the vaccine causes immune system abnormalities that prompt inflammation throughout the body, which is likely the cause of the high body temperatures at the time of autopsy.

“Based on the data and the circumstances alone, it is not possible to conclude that the vaccine was the cause of the deaths,” Prof. Nagao said, adding, “However, it is impossible to say that the vaccine was not the cause. We can only say that it is doubtful, but we believe that vaccination was sufficiently related to the immune abnormalities.”

In another report, dermatology expert Prof. Shigetoshi Sano of the Kochi University School of Medicine discussed discovering spike proteins at the site of skin lesions and other skin problems on patients who were vaccinated.

“The spike protein derived from the vaccine was found in the skin,” Sano explained, highlighting a slide showing a bright green region on a lesion made visible by a special dye.

“Spike proteins are locally suppressing the immune system,” Sano told reporters. “As a result, the spike proteins facilitate in reactivation of the herpesvirus.”

The process of the spike proteins degrading in the immune system prompts inflammation throughout the body that also leads to blood clots, Sano concluded.

“The function of the spike proteins to produce adverse reactions is formation of blood clots,” Sano explained. “And even worse, spike proteins can also locally induce inflammation.”

Agreeing that a suppressed immune system makes someone more vulnerable to infection, Sano went on to say, “I don’t know if I should say this, but it has been found that vaccinated people are more likely to get coronavirus than unvaccinated people.”

“Sometimes, things that are not good are introduced into the human body. Vaccination may cause our overall immune system to fail to fight against such bad things,” he warned.

The doctors’ investigations come as Kyoto Univerisity Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima slammed Japan’s Ministry of Health for refusing to halt its Covid vaccination program, citing data showing a number of adverse reactions and deaths stemming from the jab.

“People are already doing research all over the world,” Fukushima told health ministers during a conference earlier this month. “Japan’s prestige is at stake. You have vaccinated so many people. And yet, only 10 percent of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who are leading members of the vaccine campaign have been vaccinated. Is this a f*****g joke?”

See more here magspress.com

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (9)

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    “It is not possible to conclude the vaccines were the cause of death”. Sure thing sport but people are realizing it is cause of death.


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    Utterly gruesome. The last paragraph tells the story exactly.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    The mRNA (vaccine) is described as a chemical molecule interacting with body subcellular structures and their chemical contents. Therefore, if one requires to study such interactions, one has to deal with their chemical characteristics and the chemistry subject. But, unfortunately, this has not been done.

    The interaction has been evaluated under medical practices, not chemistry (or science) – hence, flawed and false conclusions. For example, medical practitioners have widely claimed that the efficacy of these mRNA-based vaccines is 95%+ while the safety profile is assumed to be good to excellent. However, this claim has purely been based on imagination because no virus or illness interaction study with the vaccine has ever been conducted. Thus the false conclusions. (https://bioanalyticx.com/the-fda-committees-review-of-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-unscientific-false-and-deceitful/, https://bioanalyticx.com/covid-and-science-divergence/).

    Now, serious concern has been raised about the efficacy and safety of these vaccines. But, as described in this article (https://principia-scientific.com/japan-launches-official-investigation-into-millions-of-covid-vaccine-deaths/), their assessment (or re-evaluation) is being suggested, and apparently, using the same approach, i.e., working under medical practices, which created the problem to start with. The chances of a valid and successful conclusion from such an exercise are about zero.

    The focus is assessing the damage caused by the spike protein (directly or indirectly), a chemical compound or substance. Therefore, its assessment can only be conducted by testing based on chemical principles and practices. Unfortunately, this requires an authentic specimen of the spike protein to develop valid tests and testing, which is not available. Therefore, the adverse effect of spike protein and vaccines cannot be evaluated appropriately and accurately.

    Thus, the tragedy of vaccination will continue until some sober and logical thinking takes over. I hope soon.

    More information is here. (https://bioanalyticx.com/helpful-notes-a-great-gift-idea/).


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Saeed,

      “The focus is assessing the damage caused by the spike protein (directly or indirectly), a chemical compound or substance. Therefore, its assessment can only be conducted by testing based on chemical principles and practices. Unfortunately, this requires an authentic specimen of the spike protein to develop valid tests and testing, which is not available. Therefore, the adverse effect of spike protein and vaccines cannot be evaluated appropriately and accurately.” (Saeed)

      Do I misunderstand this? For it seems you have just described how it is impossible to test on the basis of “chemical principles and practices.

      Hence, my question is: Why aren’t you, instead of repeating what you consider to be impossible, urging the treatments which are observed to be somewhat effective, even if not totally effective?

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Saeed Qureshi


        Hi Jerry:
        Thanks for your response. I think there is some misunderstanding on your side regarding my post.

        My post describes the potential outcome of the suggested assessment of the adverse effects, in the way they have been described or proposed. It addresses the adverse effect assessment issue.

        However, your second question or suggestion is on a different topic, i.e., the suggestion for treatment

        “Hence, my question is: Why aren’t you, instead of repeating what you consider to be impossible, urging the treatments which are observed to be somewhat effective, even if not totally effective?”

        Indeed I have suggested that at least a couple of times e.g., see here (https://bioanalyticx.com/ivermectin-and-covid-19-controversy-why/, https://bioanalyticx.com/covid-and-science/, https://bioanalyticx.com/vaccines-and-the-covid-virus/).

        The above article is about death, and I write this with a heavy heart; one cannot suggest treatment for dead people. However, indirectly, I have pleaded to stop the vaccination (e.g., https://bioanalyticx.com/vaccines-efficacy/). Therefore, please feel free to spread my views about the treatment and let me know if I can further help.


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        Charles Higley


        There are no even slightly useful treatments against the spike protein. And, there are no samples of the spike protein from the mRNA jabs, other than at Pfizer and the jab companies.

        The original virus was never isolated and characterized, but the jab spike protein was altered and weaponized.

        (Why do you continue to misspell your own name? The letter A isn’t close to the letter I on the keyboard) SUNMOD


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      Eppure in Italia tutto tace….fanno finta di nulla.


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    You can try low dose Naltrexone to reduce inflammation. I’ve read about this. Available by prescription. Good luck if you’ve had the experimental shots.


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    Purple Helmet


    “Japan has launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination” — OK… details? Who ordered the investigation? Who will do the investigation?


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