Ivor Cummins: Variants Or Political Scariants
Cummins points out how childishly simple it is to demonstrate the statistical falsity of the fake news being foisted on the public.
H/T to commenter Mike Sylwester for the link to this brand new (and brief–only 3 minutes!) video by Ivor Cummins. The interesting thing about this video for me is this.
I’m not one who thinks that most science and medical reporters are innately stupid–I assume they can do basic research (use a search function in a browser) and check this stuff out. Same goes for politicians. In other words, they know they’re foisting fake news on the public.
And that, to me, tends very strongly to confirm what Cummins is saying: This ‘scariant‘ stuff is political. Which leads to the interesting question: To what end?
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Mark Tapley
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The MSM scare program is working as planned. Many people on this site are distracted by the fake Wuhan narrative and the “variants” of the fake virus. This strategy was all laid out in the Rockefeller documents of 2010 as exposed by reporter Harry Vox and also Jon Rappaport. The multi billion dollar AIDS racket invented by Fauci and Gallo after the passage of the 1980 Bayh Dole Act laid the ground work for several fake viruses and now another huge payout of tax money to the insiders while all the stupid cucks focus on the “Wuhan labs. What happened to the bat soup?
A Reasonable Man
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Just another piece of a massive propaganda campaign that is tied into a multifaceted totalitarian Marxist take over. Here in the US the the Marxist have been emboldened by their success in the last year. Most of the government here is now completely comprised, even some of the General officers in the Military. Many judges too. Stripping Rudy Juliani of his law license for doing his job! Some sort of Civil waralmost certain now. The frustration of Huge numbers of Americans will boil over in the not too distant future. We will not have our civil liberties taken this easily.This is incredibly serious. Brace your selves and never give in.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Reasonable:
Marxism is just a theoretical tool for the implementation of monopoly capitalism (Zionism-Judaism).. If anyone doubts it, read Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) manifesto and see who really gets all the power. These same Zionist that contrive all the wars, control all the governments of any consequence and the puppet actor politicians on the fake left and the fake right are also behind the climate change fraud and the transparently ridiculous fake virus now used in tandem to destroy the industrial economies and drive the livestock into the long planned Agenda 2030-21.
I hope that you are right about the “boiling over” of the herd but I am not optimistic. the Zionists know that 90% of the goyim will never do anything as long as they get one meal per day. The financial plunder that has been going on systematically since the imposition of the Rothschild banking cartel in 1913 is escalating. Not just from massive spending programs both domestic in transfer payments and socialist bureaucracy and foreign with the Israeli foreign legion (U.S. military) in its “War On Terror” for Greater Israel. This plunder operation is now accelerating as with the bailout for billionaires program in 08 and now again under cover of the fake virus. Most of the goyim are too stupid to see the corral being built around them. Resistance is never futile but what could now still be turned around fairly easily will require much blood and sacrifice once the Zionists system of technocratic feudalism is in place. One note. “Civil liberties” is a misnomer and a slap in the face of free individuals. This implies that we get our rights from civil authorities. Free people are sovereign in their natural rights as endowed by God. Legitimate Government gets it’s power only by the consent of the governed with specifically deligated and enumerated powers under a written constitution.