Ivermectin does work despite media claims

About a week ago I read a whole slew of mainstream media articles claiming that a new study completely debunks Ivermectin’s use in treating COVID19.

This is completely false.

Here’s a great takedown of that propaganda:

Whoops! The TOGETHER Trial actually showed that ivermectin worked.

And here’s a meta analysis of all the studies:


We’re living in a mad mad world, and the demons are not being caged.

See more here: phzoe.com

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    This is indeed a mad world.
    And it will become even madder soon, since the west strives to kickstart WW3 (they only took a short break with Trump).
    I guess that the dumb people tuned to the “save the planet from the evil CO2” charade have figured out by now that they cannot zero out any factor in Bill Gates’ famous CO2 equation, so their best option (according to their stupid, narrow-sighted, unscientific and misanthropic view) is to make all factors as small as possible.

    I guess that the plan is this:
    1) Kill people. Either with viruses, vaccines, wars, nuclear wars, murderous medical practices, suppression of effective drugs, lack of sun exposure, lack of nutrient-rich foods, lack of health services, lack of law enforcement, etc.
    2) Switch to renewable energy and destroy efficient power production units.
    3) Destroy the production and the supply chains. People’s consumption will have to adjust afterwards.
    4) Make the people dependent on you. With the chaos and destruction that will follow food and energy shortages, take control of people and societies. E.g., create a new digital ID and currency, totally controlled by you, and force everybody to onboard them, as a means of salvation from hunger.
    5) Replace existing health services with new ones, owned by you.
    6) Use your gained power and access to further reduce the population and to eliminate opposition.

    All in all, it is not odd at all that they try hard to prevent people getting effective drugs.
    The odd thing is why we believe they want to save ANY human to begin with.
    We are talking about the same people that are pushing for abortion, deadly poisons in our foods, wars, etc.
    And every global institution and western government is owned by them.

    1) Do not trust global institutions and global government.
    2) Do not trust and participate in world-wide plans and goals.
    3) Disobey and oppose anything listed above.
    4) Fight to make yourself more free than you currently are.
    5) Fight for your country to leave global institutions and unions.
    6) Deny your participation in any war.
    7) Take back control of your country’s media, education and political system.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello JFK:
      Everything on your list is essential for all those you value their natural rights. Our founders were well aware that the powers of government must be limited to those specifically enumerated and defined by the constitution. I am sure that you have noticed that all the puppet politicians go out of their way to use the term democracy whenever they can. This is because the founders realized that as Madison stated:
      “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths.”
      Or as Ezra Pound noted:
      “Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews,’”
      The obsequious sheep on the government plantation today have ended up as Franklin predicted:
      “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

      The Zionist syndicate always maintains some type of contingency in the form of contrived wars, domestic disturbances, phony climate change, and fake virus medical scams to induce the livestock to hand over their natural rights for more government control. I would add to your list the fiat monetization of debt which gradually transfers the real wealth of the productive class into the pockets of the banking cartel as has now rapidly accelerated since the “bailout for billionaires” program in 08-09 and now as trillions more “stimulus” dollars have flowed into the insiders pockets via Black Rock’s (Rothschilds) corporate cronies. All while millions were thrown out of work and businesses closed.

      One last point about the Zionist puppet actor Trump. Both fake parties are controlled by the Zionist syndicate and Trump is just playing his part. This has been the case since 1910 when the syphilitic invalid Wilson was propped up in office by his handlers Bernard Baruch, Eugene Meyer and Rothschild employee Co. House.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi JFK,

    I totally agree with your listing of THE PLAN!!! What I cannot understand is that I have not yet read (here at PSI) about Niccolo Machiavelli’s playbook (The Prince, about 1516) as translated to English (1961) by George Bull..

    The Prince (as translated) begins with a letter from Nachiavelli to the Magnificent Lorenzo de Nedici. “Men who are anxious to win the favor of a Prince nearly always follow the custom of presenting themselves to him with the possessions they value most, or with things they know especially please him; so we often see princes given horses, weapons, cloth or gold, precious stones, and similar ornaments worthy of their high position. Now, I am anxious to offer myself to Your Magnificence with some token of my devotion to you, and I have not found among my belongings as dear to me or that I value as much as my understanding of the deeds of great men, won by me from a long acquaintance with contemporary affairs and a continuous study of the ancient world; these matters I have very diligently analysed and pondered for a long time, and now, having summarized them in a little book, I am sending them to Your Magnificence.”

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Jerry:
      Machiavelli’s book “The Prince” was actually an attempt by him to switch sides, ingratiate himself with the new regime and therefore regain public employment now under the returning Medici (crypto Jew) power structure. Machiavelli now being tarred with the opposition and having insufficient funds to make the necessary payoffs to gain political traction, was not successful. Machiavelli in any case was the father of political science and an expert on human nature.

      I think Machiavelli may also be a warning for those climbing the ladder of the Zionist global power structure today, wether on the fake left or the fake right. Just as with Stalin ((Dzhudashvilli))) and his henchmen. Once the nation had been plundered they fell upon each other. Some may even find themselves in the wrong clique as different factions vie for position. Lastly, some of these political parasites may, as with Stalin, find they are no longer needed. Stalin even had a special way of letting them know that no matter how long they had been loyal to the party, they were finished. He invited them in and asked them, :”comrade such and such, do you have a pistol.” to which they would reply “yes comrade Stalin. Good, Stalin would say.” After a week or two if the old functionary had not yet shot himself, The police would go get him and put him up against the wall. Its like Zionist thug Mao stated, “power comes from the barrel of a gun.”


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mark,

      When you wrote: ” Machiavelli in any case was the father of political science and an expert on human nature.”, you omitted a critical word.. You should have written: “Machiavelli in any case was the father of political science and an expert on EVIL human nature. For I believe there is a GOOD human nature and every human must make a decision to have a Good human nature or to have an EVIL human nature. This decision must ultimately be made by each and every human. For the Creator God created each and every human with the liberty and responsibility to make this decision for themself; irregardless of people as Machiavelli.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello jerry:
      I think the natural course of mankind is to do evil and only societal mores and religious teaching counter this tendency. In the article posted on PSI about primitive man in France, I alluded to the well established fact that many of the Indians of the Amer. southwest were cannibals. We are repelled by this but I am sure they thought nothing about it. What about the more indirect case in which 120,000 persons of Japanese descent (most born here) had millions of dollars of property stolen (many billions in todays dollars) by the Gov. Alien Property Com. (((Bazalon))) and (((Pritzker))) and thrown in concentration camps in the desert. Most Americans at the time supported this outrage. How is it that many of the same people that oppose abortion, supported sanctions killing at least 500,000 Iraqi children as well as many other deaths, all as a result of the Zionist propaganda of blatant lies for the Yinnon Plan for Greater Israel. This agenda of deceit and deception was actively engaged in not only by the MSM but by practically all of our fake congress and all top Executive officials.

      I firmly believe that most people can be bought out. Look at all the totally compromised political puppets world wide that participated in the fake virus, fake test and fake vaccine medical control scam. All countries of any consequence were actively involved and had their fake PCR tests ordered in 2018 long before anyone had heard of covid19. This is not sin in little letters but SIN in capitol letters. Same thing could be said for the Club of Rome’s phony climate change. These major Zionist agendas are not the result of poor judgement or bad data but rather the systematic application of long term conspiratorial evil. Of course we could think of lots more to throw on the pile.
      Mark 7:21-23 states:
      For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
      Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
      All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

      This is human nature. Many writers have dealt with the issue of good and evil. One prominent one that comes to mind is Golding’s “Lord of The Flies.” The other great political scientist, de Tocqueville who studied all aspects America in the 1840’s stated:
      “Christianity has therefore retained a strong hold on the public mind in America… In the United States… Christianity itself is a fact so irresistibly established, that no one undertakes either to attack or to defend it.”
      This Christian philosophy was the driving force for all moral character that not only made Amer. good but prosperous and free. The institution of Christianity has now become little more than a social organization. Even worse, in many cases the forces of Zionism have invaded, occupied and brainwashed many into the so called oxymoronic “Christian Zionism” of Harold (((Untermeyer’s))) (Lotus Club) embezzler Cyrus Scofield and his “Notes to the Bible.”

      How can moral character of the masses be maintained when not only popular culture, but all media and “entertainment”, art, and even primary education has been invaded and subverted by the filth directly from the Frankfurt School for the destruction of western society, while the ridiculous teaching of Darwinian evolution is mandates in public schools and widely accepted. The original mission of which was to separate mankind from the image of God and spiritual connection to our divine heritage and to be lowered to the level of just a smart ape.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi PSI Readers,

      Mark began “I think”. Which, if I accidentally write this, I have informed readers that it is code for “for I do not know”. Then in his second sentence he wrote “I alluded to the well established fact that many of the Indians of the Amer. southwest were cannibals.” Because I could not remember that Mark had written this or if I had noticed an article about “primitive man in France” I tried to use the PSI search app to find this article in order to see what else Mark may had written. And I ended up with an article (https://principia-scientific.com/exposing-the-real-albert-einstein/) attacking Einstein much like Mark has recently done several times. However, the article of this link is from several years ago and I found that I had even written a couple of comments in support of Einstein. But there was no name-Mark Tapley, associated with the article or the comments.

      I would urge any PSI Reader reading this to take a look at this earlier article and the comments which followed it.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        As always you evade the issue. Naturally I prefaced my remarks with “I think” because some questions are of nature that are difficult to categorize as an absolute. Instead of weighing in on your opinion you resort to irrelevant attacks after you encouraged comment on this specific topic to begin with. I fail to see what your reference to Einstein has to do with the topic at hand. It is hard to imagine how someone of your self inflated bombastic nature ever helped any college student learn anything.


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