Here are the unadulterated facts:

We have been lied to from the beginning about the origin of the virus, how serious the SARS-CoV-2 virus was to healthy individuals and children.

Usefulness of lockdowns and masks and the safety and effectiveness of the Covid injections.

On top of that, there has been a psy-op campaign promoting the notion of “Long-Covid” to deflect from ongoing vaccine injuries and Excess Deaths.

Enter Dr. Michael Yeadon………CLICK HERE to view my Substack of yesterday.

Dr. Yeadon’s comments disturb me because, in my humble opinion, despite describing himself as a “toxicologist” he does not communicate like a toxicologist nor does he think like a toxicologist. I will tell you why I say this.

I am not a toxicologist but I have read literally hundreds of toxicological reports written by drug regulators and I have interacted and/or responded with the toxicological drug regulators on occasions too numerous to count.

The reason why animals are dosed with drugs in toxicological studies is NOT to prove the drug is safe.

The aim is to select an appropriate animal species which reflects the physiological and biochemical systems one wishes to explore and push the dose of the administered drug to extreme levels IN ORDER TO ELICIT A TOXICOLOGICAL RESPONSE.

If a toxic response is not observed – the study has basically failed to produce any useful data. If a toxic response is observed, then one can then reflect on what is happening in humans. Thus, toxicological studies provide red flags, a possible clue to be on the look out for a potential adverse effect.

But toxicity studies are but a very crude predictor of toxicity. Often they are of little to no relevance because the biochemical and physiological processes in various animal species are often very different to humans and the relevance is questionable or the doses used would never be used clinically.

The best indicator of toxicity is close observational studies following the use of drugs in the wider population using adverse drug event reporting.

Here is the problem…..In my opinion, our adverse event reporting systems have been corrupted. They are no longer reliable. Just look at the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration’s handling of adverse reactions to Covid shots. So, in the case of ivermectin, where do you go to get relevant safety data?

As it happens there is considerable epidemiological data coming from Africa to which I have previously referred which argues strongly against the (alleged) claims of Dr. Yeadon. Ivermectin has been prescribed more than 4 billion times and is an Essential Drug according to the World Health Organisation.

In addition, it has been widely reported that the Covid shots are associated with massive increases in menstrual abnormalities, miscarriages and foetal death. One of the world’s most experienced obstetricians in difficult births, Dr. James Thorp, has been warning the world of this for some time. Even the European drug regulator is aware of the problem. Is there now a plan to recruit spruikers to blame ivermectin for these serious adverse events?

I refer my readers to the following Substacks:

25 Feb 2023 – CLICK HERE

6 June 2023 – CLICK HERE

28 Aug 2023 – CLICK HERE

So, with this background, when characters start spouting “Ivermectin is a depopulation agent” like “Tim Truth” (ironic name, CLICK HERE), I can only say to you, watch out! Use your own common sense, do your own research and be very wary of the motivation of those making outrageous claims based on flimsy or no evidence.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

See more here Substack

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Comments (1)

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    D Simpson


    In a few words, ivermectin puts the zinc where it works the best

    And zinc is a very powerful nutrient. This is the vector from which it helped the body overcome covid, or any corona virus, flu, cold, etc. It also works hard against the agents of pneumonia. In the early 90s, Fauchi mentions this in a paper “he wrote.” I wonder about whether he just ripped it off another scientist that he subsequently drummed out of the agency, or if he just ‘forgot’ what he wrote.

    It’s also how it supports the immune system, so well that the immune system can fight the natural occurrence of cell mutations, also known as cancer.

    At least that’s what I understand after studying every author I can find who is writing about it.

    Like other natural substances that affect immune system function, it helps the body do what it naturally does.

    This is something that makes overall health more robust. The medical system will lose money, rapidly, possibly totally collapse, if people strengthened their immune systems. instead of their RX method of playing darts with a chemical designed for a specific symptom, which is then used while all side effects are ‘managed.’


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