‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’: Astronomers on Epic Supernova
Respected Indian nuclear scientist finally recognized for ground-breaking discovery after 235-U fission takes place in supernova.
Dr MA Padmanabha Rao is already known for his cutting-edge nuclear physics. His dedicated personal research uncovered unexpected new phenomenon in light emissions from X-ray sources, science that lies at the intersection of nuclear and X-ray physics and atomic spectroscopy.
The Washington Post has now picked up on how significant Dr Rao’s work is, especially in light of the extraordinary supernova recently spotted by astronomers in Hawaii.
Dr Rao as a valued member of the up and coming international science body Principia Scientific International (PSI) which has championed and promoted his work.
In ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’: Astronomers Dazzled by Brilliant Supernova‘ published in the Washington Post (June 26, 2018) Sarah Kaplan explains what is getting astronomers so excited:
“A mysterious cataclysm in a neighbouring galaxy was spotted in the sky above Hawaii last week, sending astronomers around the world scrambling to understand the source of the staggeringly brilliant flash.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before in the local universe,” said Stephen Smartt, an astrophysicist at Queen’s University in Belfast and a lead scientist for the Hawaii-based ATLAS survey, which first observed the object.”
Reading this excellent story is very satisfying for us at PSI. We have for some time been following and supporting Dr Rao’s impressive insights, featuring his work prominently on our website.
Kaplan continues:
“Surely, it may be exciting to see such an object for Stephen Smartt, an astrophysicist at Queen’s University in Belfast and a lead scientist for the Hawaii-based ATLAS survey, which first observed the object and Robert Rutledge, editor in chief of the Astronomer’s Telegram and an astrophysicist at McGill University in Canada. It is good news even for the Current Indian Scientific Discoverer, M.A.Padmanabha Rao. It is because Supernova, AT2018cow adds to the list of cosmic objects including Sun (IOSR-JAP, 2013), collision of neutron stars (refer: researchgate, 2018) and black hole (refer: researchgate, 2018) where 235-uranium fission is reported to take place.”
At Principia Scientific International we believe Dr Rao’s ideas will be at the forefront of future thinking in this field. Dr Rao is one of PSI’s distinguished scientists and a short biography of his work- alongside those of our other outstanding researchers – may be viewed at our select members page.
Rao went against consensus science by pinpointing that our Sun does not have hydrogen and helium, since 153 solar lines are found to have been caused by gamma beta characteristic X-ray energies from 235-U fission products.
M.A.Padmanabha Rao, Discovery of superluminal velocities of X-¬rays and Bharat Radiation challenging the validity of Einstein’s formula E= mc^2, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), .Volume 4, Issue 4 (Sep. ¬ Oct. 2013), PP 08¬
“Supermassive Black Holes Are Outgrowing Their Galaxies” in researchgate
“Discovery Of 235-uranium Fission Taking Place In Collision Of Neutron Stars Cause Gravitational Waves And Electromagnetic Radiations” –in researchgate
“Einstein’s formula E=mc 2 challenged by optical emissions from SSS17a in collision of neutron stars”– in researchgate
John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027.
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Robert Beatty
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“Rao went against consensus science by pinpointing that our Sun does not have hydrogen and helium, since 153 solar lines are found to have been caused by gamma beta characteristic X-ray energies from 235-U fission products.” I must say that makes a whole lot more sense to me when you also consider how our planets are being driven.