It’s Official: Scientists Have Confirmed What’s Inside The Moon

Well, the verdict is in. The Moon is not made of green cheese after all.

A thorough investigation published in May 2023 found that the inner core of the Moon is, in fact, a solid ball with a density similar to that of iron.

This, researchers hope, will help settle a long debate about whether the Moon’s inner heart is solid or molten, and lead to a more accurate understanding of the Moon’s history – and, by extension, that of the Solar System.

See more here Science Alert 

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Comments (19)

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    Didn’t the moon ring, or resonate when the lander or whatever it was crashed on it? Thus suggesting the interior had voids?

    David Ike says the Moon contains a transmitter that relays signals from Saturn. These signals keep our ‘consciousness’ enslaved in a ‘matrix’ scenario and we are not really here.
    Others say it is hollow and home to aliens…

    No, I don’t believe any of that crap.


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      “Next, they conducted modeling with various core types to find which matched most closely with the observational data.”
      “According to their modeling, the outer core has a radius of about 362 kilometers (225 miles), and the inner core has a radius of about 258 kilometers (160 miles). That’s about 15 percent of the entire radius of the Moon.”
      Model = pretence. So not a fact at all, but best guess, as usual.


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      denis dombas


      No human was ever on the Moon, period!


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Denis,
        I believe you are wrong because of human nature. Whenever someone fakes evidence it is always done to confirm that their beliefs are tight, never that they are wrong. New discoveries always show that existing beliefs are wrong. in this case that the density of the moon is 60% that of the Earth. New evidence requires that they either find some way to adjust it to support existing beliefs or ignore it and pretend they are still experts.


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    a bit more “scientific” nonsense for the gullible
    modeling = computer generated
    computer generated = garbage in/garbage out


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      Len W


      Truth be told, the entire Moon’s computer generated: Not made OF anything — it completely made UP.


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        How is it projected Len?


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    Herb Rose


    Strange how the moon has a similar composition and structure as the Earth, only lacking lighter water, and yet its density is only 60% the Earths.
    We know the size so must be the mass, as calculated by Newton’s formula, that is wrong. Gravity is a function of energy, not mass.


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      John V


      One theory is a meteor hit the Earth, and the ejecta coalesced into the moon. I believe they have found matching minerals and compounds with the same structure.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi John,
        That certainly is a plausible theory but it tools problems. If a meteorite hit the Earth its mass would need to be as great as the moons (conservation of momentum) and the material would be that of the mantel and crust so where did the moon’s core come from? I would think the composition of the moon would be more like an asteroids than a planet and the density would be greater than .6.


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      Robert Beatty


      Herb, I note “ Gravity is a function of energy, not mass.”
      Gravity is certainly a form of energy, IMO. But that does not preclude the Moon, for example, having mass as well.
      The Moon is lighter because it was formed from the surface material of the original Earth.. See The heavier internal part of the Earth is present in Mercury.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Robert,
        Energy is attracted to mass, specifically protons, and that mass will equalize with the energy field it is in. The planets equalize with the energy field radiated from the sun (E = dv^2) while moons and other satellites equalize with the energy radiated from planets.
        If an object collided with pre Earth-moon in a non elastic collision resulting in Mercury, Earth, and moon the energy would be distributed equally between the pieces according to their masses which means both Mercury and the moon would have less velocity than the Earth. If Mercury did not become another moon around Earth (like binary asteroids) something else must have then removed energy from it, allowing it to form a more circular path around the sun.


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          Robert Beatty


          Hi Herb and Jerry,
          I note your opening comment “Energy is attracted to mass, specifically protons, and that mass will equalize with the energy field it is in.”
          This is a generally correct statement, but gravity is a different form of energy. There are two things we do not fully understand concerning gravity. These are Graviton formation at black holes, and Entangelment.
          IMO these two aspects are critical considerations in the nature of gravity. Details at


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Robert, Herb and other Readers,

      When I began to read the article I immediately discovered I had already read it and all the comments before yours. I had started several comments; but then decided not to. The reason? Maybe it was so few make comments about what I write and many make comments about the NONSENSE (IMO) which Herb writes.

      Now, before you commented to Herb I wasn’t aware that you had a problem similar to Herb’s. It seems both of you do not recognize that dictionaries have written where I read that ENERGY is the capacity to do work and WORK is 4. “that which is produced or acommplished by exertion or toil; product; also anything accomplished; act; deed; feat; ” (Webster’s). However, you continued: “The Moon is lighter because it was formed from the surface material of the original Earth”. and “The heavier internal part of the Earth is present in Mercury.” Your two statements are your uncertain ideas (reasonings) and not observed FACTS Your statements suggest that one can generalize that certain parts of the EARTH are homogeneous when we know the observed composition of the earth is quite heterogeneous; and as a scientist, you should know that SCIENTIFIC IDEAS are UNCERTAIN.

      Have a good day


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    .Jerry Krause


    Hi Robert,

    Good to read your thoughts after not reading any for some time. As I write this I haven’t yet read the article or your and anybody else’s comments. For I been pondering what I read and know is happening in world in which we LIVE and pondering the miracle that humans and this planet has in the past never existed.

    And I ponder the FACT that the book titled “The Holy Bible” is not only a religious book but more importantly a HISTORY BOOK written by various humans that were created just as the universe we now OBSERVE did not exist in the LONG PAST. I ask can you disagree with what I have written so far? For before going on, I will wait, a little, to SEE if you, or any other commenter, will comment about that which I have written so far. For I really believe we can learn from each other.

    Have a good day


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      Carbon Bigfoot


      According Mauro Biglino’s “Naked Bible” and Paul Wallis “Escaping From Eden”, the Old Testament is a War Manual. It documents the war between the El and other alien factions. It also suggests that these Ancient aliens created the human race.
      Like that you have time to view TV, Jerry have you ever watched History Channel’s Ancient Aliens? I have for the last ten years. The evidence of Alien visitation and gene altering the human animal is overwhelming.


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        does not have to be aliens, could be more advanced civilizations
        history channel, its only entertainment like all mainstream narratives
        history = his story, written by the victors
        history is NOT our story


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    All make believe. They haven’t a clue about the Moon or anything above Low Earth Orbit, the highest they can go, which NASA readily admitted numerous times and let’s say someone did get to the Moon, well they never went in a rocket. They would have to use more extravagent tech to get there.

    All about the money, as per usual, and how much they can scam the tax payers.

    Gravity is a “theory” just like their globe. Gravity is a matter of “Bouyancy” and “Density”.


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