It’s About Time … Crystals

[Image: Smoky quartz crystal (5 cm length) from the Austrian Alps, collected by and photo Klaus Kaiser]
“Rock hounds” (like myself, in younger years) are searching the ground for any type of crystals, like crystals of quartz, that are found in many places on earth. For example, in New York State they can occur as “Herkimer diamonds,” or in the Alps, occasionally as brown or nearly black appearing “smoky quartz,” also known as “morion,” and so on.
Crystals are Common
Indeed, most minerals that make up the known types of rocks can be found in crystals of one kind or another. For example, diamonds are just another (and rare form) of the modern-day “evil” carbon. Regrettably, I must have looked at the wrong locations all my life, never having found any real diamonds. Of course, according to a former President, “carbon” (hence, I presume, also diamonds) is a kind of “pollution.” But let bygones be bygones and get on with the (novel) times, i.e., the discovery of time in crystals.
As reported by various news services, even time comes now in crystals. For example, Yahoo News, Xinhua English news, and lifeboat foundation (LF) are just some of many news channels that carried this story. The LF even comes with a claim of “More information on the time crystals to simulate time travel.” Their current explanation is a bit vague though, you may think:
Right now, the discovery revolves only around a few atoms of the (rare) element ytterbium but, trust me (my Dearest really likes that expression), it’s just a matter of time before it becomes clear to you. Dear Reader, this finding is not just timely, the matter is time-translation symmetrically serious.
Of course, I might be out-of-step with the times, who knows? That’s why I’m looking for the:
Time in Crystals
You may recall, some while ago, the world was abuzz with news that time could be split into two components, sort of a fast first part and a slow second part with a “time vacuum” in the center. The time vacuum being a “window in time” where there was no time at all, something like “timeless time.” Clearly, as in Bob Dylan’s song The times, they are changin’.
Obviously, it will just be a matter of time until someone discovers negative time too. Just imagine, you could sleep in as long as you wanted and still get up at the right time (there’s got to be some practical applications for any ground/time breaking invention).
But all the past time-discoveries appear to be outdone by the recent claim of having caught time in crystals. You’d be able to carry such time-crystals in your pocket, perhaps even use one to pay your bills? You might even get out of “late payment” fees and, instead, get a “time-credit.” Wouldn’t that be a good reason to be searching for time?
Searching for Time (Crystals)
Whoa, where can I find some of those time-crystals? Even at nearby mineral exhibitions I cannot see any on display, much less buy any of such crystals. What, there isn’t even a “time-crystal-exchange” yet? I think it’s high time to create one.
And, presumably, beyond any doubt, there will be plenty of cloud-based funding available for that timely enterprise. Actually, I even have a hunch: Some people, like a former Vice-President, and other well-to-do entrepreneurs that managed to ”scare the dickens” out of us via the “carbon” pollution claim, will soon be lining up to “make a buck” on that time-scheme too. And why not make that a win-win situation, like selling time—and carbon credits together, via a novel ETF?
Moreover, governments might think of taxing (your) time then, too, together with many other things people used to take for granted. Who knows, such times could come soon ….
Perhaps this is the right time for me to take some time-out and to wish you
Good Times Ahead!
About the Author
Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser is a professional scientist with a Ph.D. in chemistry from the Technical University, Munich, Germany. He has worked as a research scientist and project chief at Environment Canada‘s Canada Centre for Inland Waters for over 30 years and is currently Director of Research at TerraBase Inc. He is author of nearly 300 publications in scientific journals, government and agency reports, books, computer programs, trade magazines, and newspaper articles. Dr. Kaiser has been president of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, a peer reviewer of numerous scientific papers for several journals, Editor-in-Chief of the Water Quality Research Journal of Canada for nearly a decade, and an adjunct professor. He has contributed to a variety of scientific projects and reports and has made many presentations at national and international conferences.
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