Italy Calls on EU to Pause Petrol Car Ban or Risk Industry’s ‘Collapse’

Italy has called for a review of the European Union’s 2035 petrol car ban amid fears it risked triggering the industry’s “collapse”

The Telegraph has more.

Ministers from Giorgia Meloni’s Government claimed the “absurd” policy was ideologically driven and required change to reflect the realities of the market.

There has been growing unease across the continent about a slowdown in demand for electric vehicles (EVs).

There are also concerns that Europe’s car industry is falling increasingly behind manufacturers in China and the U.S., which have benefitted from a flood of Government subsidies.

Last week, car giant Volkswagen warned it might close factories in Germany for the first time owing to issues such as high energy prices.

This has prompted calls in some quarters for a rethink of tough EU climate goals which build up to a ban on internal combustion engine cars by 2035.

Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, the Italian Energy Minister, told Bloomberg: “The ban must be changed.”

Adolfo Urso, the Industry Minister, added: “In an uncertain landscape, which is affecting the German automotive industry, clarity is needed to not let the European industry collapse. Europe needs a pragmatic vision, the ideological vision has failed. We need to acknowledge that.”

Stop Press: Northvolt, Europe’s leading battery maker, has announced it is to slash jobs and scale back its commitments as the “challenging” market for electric vehicles bites manufacturers.

See more here

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    This comment is to direct your attentions to the PSI photo and its colors of the atmosphere. In Lecture 32 of “The Feynman Lectures on Physics” Feynman explains a light (radiation)) scattering theory which simply explains the colors seen in this photo. I call this to your attention because I cannot not read anyone else referring this theory which is different from the theory which has been known to explain how is is the cloudless sky appears to be blue or explains why there is TWILIGHT before the sun rises over the eastern horizon and after the sun sets behind the eastern horizon.

    I am a curious scientist and this is an experiment to see if anyone will make a commen; relative to this comment.

    Have a good day


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      chemtrails make beautiful but deadly sky appearance


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    Tell them Italy will not comply. Idiots.


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