israeli government “lost the agreement” with pfizer for covid vaccines

The pandemic of lost data and lost contracts is truly going global

So, apparently, the great risk of working from home is the VAST seeming increase in “the dog eating your homework.”

but this is really something.

israel, who everyone around the world was looking to for covid data and covid practice, has seemed to have been asleep at every switch. they were not collecting the safety data people thought they were. much of the “official” data they produced looked oddly tainted, slanted, and spun.

and now they cannot even seen to find the contracts under which they operated.

what an odd outcome.

how terribly, terribly curious.

you can see more detail in this tweet from the israeli public broadcaster.

(watch video here for those who speak hebrew)

this is really quite a document to be unable to produce. it certainly makes one wonder just what was in it that it could be handled so carelessly…

it does look like it turned up though, not that we’re likely to ever get to see it.

we may get some hint on content from an exploration of another little known pfizer contract signed by the israeli government “The Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement.

(this may also help us to understand the focus and slant of “israeli” studies.)

biznews summarizes:

“The Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement” was signed on January 6th, 2021.

Its declared purpose was to collect and analyse epidemiological data arising from the vaccination of the population in Israel, and to determine if herd immunity would be achieved as a result of the vaccine.

In the framework of this agreement, research outcome measures were defined.

but here is the real lulu:

maybe read that twice.

i mean: woof.

even by covid’s admittedly low standards, this was appalling.

and it kept getting worse.

that’s pretty interesting, no? the company does it and the isreali government puts its name on as author?

seems a little iffy both legally and ethically.

and who can even guess what was in this?

(spoiler alert, probably the good stuff)

and this is going to be a FAR from isolated event. pfizer did this everywhere, signed wild deals with draconian non-disclosure, and quite possibly payed some good sized bribes.

See more here

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Comments (4)

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    Governments…what are they good for? Absolutely nothing. Or so the song goes. This level of corruption is unfathomable.


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    Robert Beatty


    My idea of freedom is to have access to Citizens Initiated Referendum (CIR) Here the ‘people’ take back control of their lives from those who spend the money. CIR returns control to those who pay the money. To work effectively, CIR provisions must be enshrined in the federal constitution. Then any passed CIR issue becomes annexed to that constitution which cannot be conveniently forgotten by the ‘born to rule’ mob.


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    Brian James


    Dec 15, 2022 ‘We were so easily seduced by the assurance of safety over freedom’: Julie Ponesse

    On Nov. 19, 2022, Ethics professor, Julie Ponesse was a featured speaker at Rebel News LIVE! just outside of Toronto. Ponesse spoke out about Western University’s COVID mandate, the mRNA vaccine and much more involving ethics altogether.


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    Mervyn Sullivan


    I couldn’t believe it when the then Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (subsequently Minister for everything) stated that Australia’s agreement with Pfizer was classified information. That told me two things:

    The Prime Minister had to be kicked out of office.
    The Pfizer agreement was 100% suspicious and probably illegal.


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