Is This the Deadly 5G Weapons Tech Hidden in UK Street Lights?
From conspiracy theory in 2019 to a proven fact in 2022? A British engineer dismantles a device from an urban street light to reveal the claimed deadly 5G weapon housed within. We ask our tech readers for feedback.
Mark Steele made headlines in 2019 after a court ruling in Britain upholds his legal claim that UK citizens have the right to know of the dangers of unproven 5G microwave technology. Wikipedia has a page denouncing Steele’s claims as a ‘weapons expert.’
5G employs millimeter microwaves from the ‘sweet spot’ of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be used as a directed energy weapon (DEW) for mass crowd control or targeted take down of citizens in the streets, according to the British anti-5G activist.
We reported in November 2020:
“Despite being accused by the media and low level thinkers as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ the UK anti-5G campaigner, Mark Steele won a landmark court case last year exposing the dangers to humans of the radiation from 5G millimeter waves.
So disturbed was a UK judge on hearing evidence about 5G he ruled it should be made public knowledge immediately. At Principia Scientific International we have been doing our part to share the science on why even the Wireless Industry Confesses: ‘No Studies Show 5G Is Safe.’”
In his latest video revelation, Mark Steele dismantles one of the small box of 5G tricks being fitted by local councils the length and breadth England and Wales to hundreds of thousands of urban street lights. At the time of Steele’s legal win, Principia Scientific International reported:
“The concern is that there is very little, if any, scientific research into how the powerful microwaves from the cell network can impact human health. To work a vast network of local antennas are connected with the telephone network and the Internet by a high bandwidth optical fiber or wireless backhaul connection.
Like existing cellphones, when a user crosses from one cell to another, their mobile device is automatically “handed off” seamlessly to the antenna in the new cell.”
Upon opening the small, high-tech device Steele shows to the camera an extraordinary quantity of gold and sophisticated and expensive circuitry and microchips densely packed on both the front and back of circuit boards. In his opinion, this array of sophistication is orders of magnitude greater than needed to merely upgrade wifi speeds to our consumer smart devices.
More likely, claims the popular anti-5G activist, is that this is a directionally-focused, high-intensity electronic application for targeting passing pedestrians with enough electro-magnetic radiation to cause injury or death. Such concern is there within the independent scientific community of the possible risks that no fewer than 26,000 Scientists Oppose 5G Roll Out.
In his latest video, Steele calls local politicians who gave the green light to the mass rollout of these deadly devices as “wilfully dumb” and “utterly irresponsible.”
Senior Principia Scientific scientist, Dr Klaus L E Kaiser agreed citing the lack of scientific studies into the effects of 5G on living organisms:
”I share concern over the 5G system, simply because there appears to be an utter lack of in-depth tests performed in order to ascertain its (presumed) safety. In comparison, the many detailed scientific studies and reviews on “chemicals”, like BPA, aspirin, and many other widely used substances, all number in the thousands. The volumes of such are true mountains while the sum of safety studies on the 5G systems may not even count as a molehill. That fact alone is most astonishing!”
Watch the full video below:
Principia Scientific International invites experts in electronic engineering to weigh Mark Steele’s claims and what is shown in the above video, and assist in assessing the authenticity/extent of the alleged risks to health.
Please let us know your views in the ‘comments’ section below.
About John O’Sullivan: John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is not only a seasoned science writer but adept legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the multi-million-dollar ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Heretic Jones
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This is really interesting and worth pursuing. I think this type of investigation is where PSI has an important role to play.
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Not to be overly critical but I seemed to notice several erroneous assertions in just the first few minutes of the video. That is not a directional antenna, the resin board that it is printed on will not block electromagnetic radiation. It is fixed in position and can not be used to track anything much less ‘zap’ someone. The thought that those capacitors can store enough power to be used for what he suggests is ludicrous also. Those capacitors are in a power supply system and used to covert ac to dc with as little distortion as they can manage. They are putting them up so close together because the higher the frequency the less distance the signal will travel with enough power to be usable to carry information.
We are exposed to the complete electromagnetic frequency range every day the sun shines. Step outside, feel the warmth, what do you think that is?
The danger in the systems is that if you carry a cell phone you can be tracked and surveilled in both audio and video by your own personal surveillance device.
Ken Hughes
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I live in Horndean, Hampshire and during the first lockdown, technicians descended on our area to place grey boxes near the tops of wooden telegraph poles in every street. I guess the size would be say, 300mm tall, by 200mm wide, by 150mm deep (to the pole).
I had my suspicions then and am now even more concerned by this report and video.
Certainly there has been much planning, design, manufacturing, procurement and installation work done at vast expense and my antenna are well and truly “up”.
Mark Tapley
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Your antenna’s are up alright Ken. And Boris’ 5 G signal is radiating through Ken’s system along with every electrical pulse to the heart. Just drink your fluoridated water (Boris is protecting your teeth) and go back to sleep.
Here’s what needs to be done with 5 G.
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I spoke with someone from California who said while everyone was locked down the trucks all were installing things on the poles – so this is true. I know someone who works for the cable company who said the top brass doesn’t know what’s being installed – so it must be some type of kill device if the cable co. doesn’t know what’s installed on their own poles.
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks for the heads up, Ken. Would be interesting to know what others have noticed in their communities.
Mark Tapley
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Hello O’Sullivan:
Read “The Invisible Rainbow.” It is foolish for anyone to think that the same cartel of criminals that are behind the fake wars, phony climate change and toxic injections are not also using EMF radiation to activate the graphene oxide in the goyim stupid enough to get the injection. I expect those in the cities will be bombarded constantly by 5G which requires transmitters be placed all over town. Boris has a place for all the Anglo cattle on the Queen’s plantation.
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Mark I wish I knew if you had a channel to follow as you’re well-informed. However THEY ARE ALSO SPRAYING US WITH GRAPHENE, ALUMINMUM, BARIUM, AND YELLOW FUNGAL MYCOTOXINS. YOU NEED TO DO A CLEANSE.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Angelfire:
I don’t know of any specific channels. I have done some research over the years and have realized, like you that the whole world is now in the clutches of the Zionist syndicate as is even more apparent in with the long planned fake virus rollout.
I believe the main focus of this group is in deception. I don’t believe they have the ability to effectively spray toxins in the air as they are dispersed quickly. The same goes for the fake virus spraying. This is a way to line the pockets of the insiders as with big Pharma and their “vaccines: and distract the herd like the fake shootings, fake wars and new fake viruses in order to condition the goyim to hand over their natural rights.
I don’t believe there is any requirement for any kind cleanses. Eat a low carb, high protein, saturated fat diet, with no seed (vegetable) oils. Do weight bearing exercise three times per week (can be weights, kettle bells or body weight) with a short segment of high intensity cardio (sprints are good), get adequate sleep (do not work night shifts, sleep at night). Avoid sitting a lot if possible and stay on your feet during the day a lot of the time. Of course don’t smoke or drink hard liquer but a little wine is ok. Take 100 mg. of B17 every day. check your fitness level by doing the Brazilian test. Sit down flat on the floor. Now get up on your feet without using your hands or elbows. If you can’t do that, get to work. This is the program I use and it has worked well.
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Mark – I thought you might have a channel. I’m so afraid of who to trust now because so many are turning out to be controlled opposition like the Frontline doctors. Yes you are right about who is in control and what they’re doing. It’s so frustrating trying to tell others who are clueless. Now I rarely try and find solace among those such as you and others.
I definitely believe they are spraying us. Look online at the morgellons pictures. I did several cleanses and shiny hexagons came out – it spooked me. People such as Cliff Carnicom have found heavy metals in the soil and I believe it’s a cause of the rising Alzheimer’s, cancer, and other degenerative disorders. Lyme was likely made in a lab. Many around us have it.
What do you take B17 for? I take a lot of supplements. I take a heavy metal cleanse too due to the chemtrails.
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I had someone look at the device who is in the field who said it’s pretty high voltage which is unusual and the other things looked like capacitors. Don’t know if that helps at all.
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B17 was a supplement derived from almonds that was advertised to kill cancer cells. It was removed from the market shortly after it appeared for sale. I think in the early 1980s. FDA, et al, action.
The “America’s Sleeping Prophet” is said to have answered a question about resolving cancer…”Just eat 3 almonds a day.”…keep cancer away.
A thriving $$$ multi Trillion Cancer Industry being necessary to a great economy and Nation, no expense is too much, to maintain this thing of ours…
Now…relook…rethink, Why anti – Parasitics like Ivermectin & HCQ…Fenbendizole are so fiercely suppressed.
Candice M
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In Mount Pleasant and entire Racine county there are towers now and they spent a lot of time over winter putting all these gadgets up everywhere. I asked where the money came from to put up all this stuff and who approved it. They said WDOT of wisconsin. Voters should get to vote on all of this.
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People in our old town tried fighting a tower and got a lawyer and lost. They must grease the palms of the city council or something because we don’t have many rights anymore. There has to be some kind of unity.
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Busy activity in Colorado towns mounting 5g antennae all over. Operating after 9pm. Traveled down to Dallas that summer. I observed this same activity. There’s also strange looking devices hidden off of the highway in small towns…usually only a block away.
Similar strangeness in large devices located along i35 in and around the Dallas area.
All installed while the sheep obediently hid in their shelters.
Upgrades were later installed in Colorado towns during the summer.. towards the end of that effort, it was being done in daylight.
These are overly thick tall poles, with what appear to be phased array panels, ending at the top…facing 360°.
The phased array radar DOES NOT require a moveable antennae to target aircraft. There is No reason this same capability cannot be built using microwave tech…or something more arcane.
But, the signal needed to activate a graphine oxide array inside an injected human can be quite weak…and still execute a phase change in the graphine…immediately destroying cellular structure & material.
Jerry Krause
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Hi John O’ and Klaus,
I respect you both, but Klaus more than John. This because Klaus is a chemist and John, it seems you have never been ‘trained’ (‘taught) to be a chemist as Klaus had.
Klaus, John has quoted you as stating “”I share concern over the 5G system, simply because there appears to be an utter lack of in-depth tests performed in order to ascertain its (presumed) safety. In comparison, the many detailed scientific studies and reviews on “chemicals”, like BPA, aspirin, and many other widely used substances, all number in the thousands.” I have no idea of what BPA is, maybe I should but I do not and I expect many PSI Readers do not either. However, I know what aspirin is and I expect many PSI Readers do also.
But maybe these PSI Readers do not know the history of aspirin as I do and you probably do.. Aspirin was synthesized from a natural product by Bayer, a chemist, long ago. I have read that today it would have never become an over-the-counter chemical because its positive effects were too subtle to clearly document and its now known negative side-effects are easy to document.
However, even though these known negative side-effects are known, it is very difficult, maybe impossible, to document that they have effected the quality of life of those who have taken aspirins for more than a century.
Today, we know that ivermectin has history of not causing obvious negative side-effects when taken by humans. And its very positive effects upon humans who have had ‘covid’ like-symptoms have been well documented.
Some of us are old enough to remember that cell phones, from their beginning, were considered, by some, to have harmful influences upon one’s brain. Except to date, there is no clear evidence that cell phones have decreased one’s reasoning abilities. For humans, from the beginning, have been observed to display forgetfulness and to do wrong, stupid, things over and over as they ignore known history.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
BPA is an industrial chemical that was used in hard plastics for years that were used in containers such as baby bottles. BPA leaches into the food items and goes into the body. This is general knowledge. Aspirin when first introduced during the fake 1918 “flu” caused by the dozen deadly “vaccines” from the Rockefeller (Abraham and Simon Flexor) foundation was very often administered in lethal doses that killed many thousands of people that just like today were then blamed on the fake virus.
In the book the Invisible rainbow, Firstenberg uses many historical examples to show the dangers of EMF radiation. Cell phone use is also a problem that is being covered up:
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
I googled ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG and found that he blamed his ill-heath upon too many dental X-rays when he was younger. And that was the start of his career of arguing that this had to be evidence of the influence of dental X-rays and electromagnetic radiations. While I did not read about his ‘thoughts’ about solar radiation (visible light), I know, personal experience, that it can cause serious “sunburns” before I acquired a new “suntan” in the spring or early summer.
So urge you to consider everything you know because you have experiences.
For I read: “The only source of knowledge is experience.” (A. Einstein). My point here is one needs to base one decisions upon one’s experiences (observations) and not upon someone else’s arguments. For we can never know the truth but we can learn by repeated, reproducible observations what absolutely not True.
John W. Hill, in every edition of his very popular chemistry textbook (Chemistry For Changing Times) wrote in his Preface to the student: “We are sometimes forced to make a best choice among only bad alternatives, and our decisions often only temporary solutions to out problems. … We can best avoid mistakes by collecting as much information as possible before making critical decisions. Science is a means of gathering and evaluating information. and chemistry is central to all the sciences.”
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hi Jerry:
Firstenberg’s book does not mention any of that but only goes into the history of electricity, going from Marconi and early radio to ULF, satellite, cell tower and 5G EMF radiation. Firstenberg sites lots of evidence of widespread effects. None of this has been adequately studied.
Typhus Conn
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Let’s think way outside the box.
The AEGIS & Patriot Phased array Radar tech is designed to acquire & track a/c…provide data for a calc of a firing solution to the Patriot missiles to engage the threat.
Its hardware is stationary…
but software guides its radar beam emissions, from a phased array radar face, at close to the speed of light all across an area of interest…a
defended space.
These LED Faces could be micro scaled phased array tech…boosted to a 3d option….engagement with a lethal beam.
All of which I’ve covered before.
Graphene uptake, in potential victims, from c19 injections would make this far more effective.
But, The power levels would then seem to be unnecessary.
Bottom line? No LED street lighting needs 3,300 Watts of boosted power output. That’s what the transformer puts out that he is describing.
This level of power from such a small transformer is INSANE~!!!
Output of highly focused tight microwave beam energy? Or something else not known yet?
I wonder what its effective range is?
The distance between light poles???
Last note…I recognize some of the components. The transformer size & shape, as well as the size of the capacitors are just like those on the power circuit board of a 50″ sony bravia LCD tv. If this is the norm in deployment, then this tech is well deployed in every home.
That tv is about 8 years old now.
All across the world…entraining frequencies from various devices have quickly refuced a biewing group of folks to a suggestible state of consciousness…for years…
hypnotism/mesmerism. This is the vehicle that has driven acceptance of radical cultural change.
And other programming events, such as false flags.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Typhus:
Looks like a lot of circuitry just to power a light bulb and switch it on and off. One things for sure, if it works as good as the multi billion dollar money laundering “Patriot missile” these is no problem. None of them hit anything but the tax payers pockets just like the money flowing into the fake Ukrainian war.
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It is not a simple light bulb Mark. The LEDs are arranged in an array and need to be cooled or their operating life will be severely shortened, Thus the metal casing.
The board has an antenna on it and likely a microprocessor, at least for maintenance data such as breakdown in the LEDs etc so it can self-report problems, just like a ‘smart’ meter. This is where the backup comes in to keep the time, date, system log etc.
It all requires support components and will have a mains derived power supply.
The ones I’ve looked at have a glass opening on the top for daylight detection, and will let radio waves out too.
Mark Tapley
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I have quite a few LED’s around the place. Just screw into ordinary sockets. These have worked now for over two years in a shop building that in the summer here sometimes gets over a hundred degrees. If it is just a street light why not just use a power supply and a photo elec. cell to sw. them on and off. Why do they need a transmitter. Seems like a lot of over complication for a simple task. I have read that the newer ones are manufactured to not last as long. When I was a kid you could put an incandescent bulb in a socket and if not turned off it would last for years. I saw a video of an ancient incandescent bulb in a fire station in California that had been burning nonstop for over115 years and one on the east coast that had been going for over a hundred years. Thats getting your money’s worth.
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“I have quite a few LED’s around the place. Just screw into ordinary sockets”
They are not in the same league as high power applications and the lamps I opened up were obviously running under extremely harsh conditions, with visibly burnt circuit boards. These devices are in some cases powered by extremely crude internal power supplies that have no regulation and if the mains voltage fluctuates, as it does, they will be severely over-run. Cooling is minimal as components are at mains potential, thus no external metal, and though shocks to the user are easily preventable while still cooling properly, it costs money
Looking at boards as I said, I would guess there are those that are running on excess current purposefully to increase light output, at the expense of LED and other component life. It’s throw away society and easy-come-easy go.
If you want incandescent lamps to have longer life, just under-run them a bit and don’t keep surging the filament by switching on and off.
Use a soft-start circuit in an application where this has to happen, or ramp up the brightness using a common light dimmer, or anything that prevents sudden thermal shock to the filament. This can pay for itself many times over where expensive lamps are concerned.
Just like you said, they were burning continuously. A bit of mains supply voltage droop and your lamps last.
Mark Tapley
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Hi Howdy:
I do not doubt what you are stating but I don’t see how a street light should be “running under extremely harsh conditions.” Its not like they are out right over the salt water or next to a blast furnace. There hanging over a sidewalk. How is it that a proper power supply cannot be maintained to a bunch of parallel light bulbs along the street.
I think the bulb manufactures have pretty much perfected the life expectancies of their junk bulbs no mater what. Before they stopped producing the incandescent bulbs, the life expectancy got even worse. Of course that was so everyone would move over to the much more expensive screw in fluorescents and now the costly LED’s. Residential use of light bulbs accounts for less than 1% of electrical usage so its not like they are saving lots of electricity as was the propaganda stated.
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You misunderstand, Mark, my comment on the harsh conditions is related to domestic lamps. Sorry it wasn’t clear.
You are right, they are low cost junk, with the LEDs forced into brighter operation for a shorter period of life, so you have to buy more.
The ‘compact fluorescent’ being easily a ‘green’ disaster. As a fluorescent, the glass envelope contains a blob of mercury, the circuitry cannot be reasonably recycled, and the output colour is rubbish, plus the time they take to reach full brightness is ridiculous. These CF lamps sometimes break at the base and the actual glass falls and shatters. Where did the Mercury go?
An incandescent is majorly reusable in it’s materials, the others, not much.
“Residential use of light bulbs accounts for less than 1% of electrical usage so its not like they are saving lots of electricity as was the propaganda stated.”
Yes, I won’t argue on the futility of the move toward them, which apparently, is efficiency at all cost to anything else.
Have a look at this:
Mark Tapley
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Thanks Howdy for the article but thats more than I needed to know. Since there are organizations, that specify engineering requirements for all applications of lighting, from explosion proof lighting in hazardous locations, to commercial and to residential building codes, that should be all that is required. The government should let people make their own decisions as to what to use within those electrical standards. It had never occurred to me that some people try to put reostats (dimmers) of fluorescent and LED bulbs.
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A rheostat would be extremely wastefull and generate a lot of heat. I mean the phase-angle dimmer, or electronic type.
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“No LED street lighting needs 3,300 Watts of boosted power output.
This level of power from such a small transformer is INSANE ”
Wasn’t the the figure quoted just the relay contact AC rating? Looked to me like the AC rating was for a voltage of 275 volts. Problem is, LEDs run on DC, the difference is a major factor in relay contact choice and the video shoots itself in the foot repeatedly.
I will add that you don’t load a relay to it’s maximum contact rating routinely in such an application as this which is basically fit and forget, thus the radio connection. A little over-engineering can save a lot of maintenance, including the costs involved.
The transformer has nothing to do with switching the LEDs on and off.
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Typhus look up Jose Delgado’s experiments – I knew that’s why they must be spraying us with heavy metals in the chemtrails – to build antennas within us.
And part of the reason people are apathetic is the diazepam they’re spraying when they want a docile populace. God knows the masses brains are full of heavy metals which is likely driving some of these cops who are beating up and killing people without reason.
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Typhus look up Jose Delgado’s experiments – I knew that’s why they must be spraying us with heavy metals in the chemtrails – to build antennas within us.
And part of the reason people are apathetic is what they spray when they want a docile populace. God knows the masses brains are full of heavy metals which is likely driving some of these cops who are beating up and killing people without reason.
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Is this for real?
The antenna is printed (as a monopole as far as I saw) on an insulator on one side making it directional? How are you going to direct it where you want it if it has only one plane of radiation which was “180 degrees” from the video? Isn’t it inside a metal box that is also the heat removal surface for the LEDs? Won’t that severely impede the 5G….
Any antenna has a direction it prefers to radiate in. A vertical dipole radiates outwards from the top element 360 degrees, but erect it horizontal and it becomes end-on radiation. You wouldn’t try to use that as a ‘directed energy weapon’ since it is anything but directed.
Look inside any laptop screen housing and you will find at least two antennas printed onto insulating material on one side only. Targeting your temple’s perhaps? Check out antenna diversity arrangements. What do you think is inside every router that has no external antennas?
“some people think they know about electronics when they don’t”.
That sounds very much a self defeating comment. It applies to ALL, and from what I heard in the first minute, I heartily agree. Perhaps it should not have been brought up at all.
It’s a storage device that can release energy in an instant? Yes that’s true, but you wouldn’t use such a large capacitor at those frequencies as it simply won’t work. The board it was on also had a transformer, and connecting wires. May I suggest it is a reservoir/smoothing capacitor that is benign.
Finally, the super-capacitor, which is where I gave up. This is a common device used as a backup supply for memory retention in common consumer equipment. Later VCR, currently available plug-in timers, and any other device that requires five volt memory or lower, to be maintained during loss of electrical supply will have one, for the clock etc.. It used to be a NI-CD or Ni-MH cell, but these fail eventually, and sometimes messily.
If the video is true, then your DVD player itself can be considered a weapon…..
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I watched the rest of the video, but it doesn’t reveal much. There is a mix of boards from presumably different lamp models and the larger rectangle boards are presumably the LED voltage converters, thus the LEDs are on DC. These will be mains driven, but obviously nowhere near 3.3 killowatts. As far as the contact rating, parts of my comment on contact choice still applies but in this case a surge will be evident at mains voltage.
As far as the LEDs being point source and no diffuser, the individual plastic lenses are the diffusers. They are somewhat similar to the diffusers in a back-lit LED screen in that the light is given off not as point source, which the LEDs alone would do, which is useless for a TV/Monotor, but a uniform “flood” effect with all LEDs combining into one when viewed. Appropriate to a street lamp.
Without a schematic or something, It isn’t possible to give specifics.
I see no antenna on my local lighting. How is the lamp supposed to connect to a network on the ground when the lamp’s antenna is below the metal housing and the cell transceiver is at lower elevation?
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“the LEDs are on DC”, Disregard. The output of the converter is DC.
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just spread the word to all the meth addicts that there is gold in them and they will be dismantled in no time. ?
Peter Connett
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In my area which is in southern tier ny state USA 5 g towers started popping up everywhere at least every 5 miles on the main traffic areas.
They consist of what looks like a cell tower or a microwave radio tower with refrigerator sized get boxes wrapping around the top of the mat like a crows nest.
I used to take solace thinking living in the rurals that 5g wouldn’t present much of an issue. But not so much anymore. I’ve purchased emf protection clothing and hats(little less obvious than tin foil lol!). I saw one instalation go up in a little as a day then another popped up and then another… so on and so forth. Began in 2021 and now they are an ubiquitous sight.
My wife and kids point then out now. Almost every exit has one. Many appear as if they are for line of sight transmission.
Curious thing is the boxes are pointed down at a 25 30° angle.
My thought is that they are will behave like an invisible fence. I called and did research, no 5g in our area. According to Verizon.
I don’t believe they are turned on.
The correlation between 5g and convid symptoms has me concerned. Could the cartel switch then on to create another mass hypnosis or mass casualty event?
Easy targets, for the resourceful, if and when it comes to that.
There is one thing for sure it’s not….
This technology, of which I’m certain, is not for betterment of mankind let alone download speed..
Geraint Hughes
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It is widely recognised by industry that 5g needs more power than 4g antennas. In fact it is predicted that 5g power usage will be greater than all the 1g to 4g antennas combined, hence the size of the output. Someone above mentioned it cant be directional, IT CAN BE. Those are called Omi-directional units and that is their purpose. People whom think this technology can not beam energy directionally are mistaken. 5G is designed specifically for this purpose. This method is known as “beam forming” and consists of macro antennas for large zones combined with micro antennas for more local coverage. For more info read on such techniques read this link by Ericson. The stated purpose is to direct energy and radio. Who is to say it cant be used for more nefarious purposes?
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“Who is to say it cant be used for more nefarious purposes?”
It would need to be far more transmitter power for a start, and that’s just the beginning.