Is Post-COVID Vaccination Death Just Coincidence?

Why is Death After COVID-19 Vaccination Always Assumed to Be Coincidental?

There appears to be a pattern developing when deaths are reported shortly following COVID-19 vaccinations, in that all deaths are assumed to be only “coincidentally” associated with vaccination before all the evidence is in. This raises an obvious question: Is the assumption that the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are never the cause of death scientifically justified or is it a symptom of bias?

Following the death of Drene Keyes in Virginia within minutes of receiving the first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech’s experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 vaccine for COVID-19 on Jan. 30, 2021, the doctors who treated Keyes told her daughter, Lisa Jones, that her mother had suffered from what is called “flash pulmonary edema” (a condition caused by excess fluid in the lungs) caused by a serious allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis.1 2

While anaphylaxis is a known side effect of many vaccines, including mRNA vaccines like the one given to Keyes, almost immediately Virginia’s health commissioner Norman Oliver, MD said that preliminary findings of the investigation into Keyes’ death indicate that the cause of death was not anaphylaxis. Dr. Oliver acknowledged that the death had occurred soon after Keyes had been vaccinated, but insisted that fact was not “evidence of it being related.”1

Dr. Oliver said, “We are currently investigating and do not yet know the cause of death.” Danny Avula, MD, who is director of the Richmond City and Henrico County health departments and Virginia’s vaccine coordinator, said, “They’re looking for patterns, they’re looking for a causation versus just a correlation based on time.”1

Weeks have passed since Keyes died and the official cause of death has yet to be determined. A news report in mid-February noted that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia had informed Jones that an autopsy on her mother would not be performed. According to the article, Jones said she had been told the state would not do a full autopsy “due to public health concerns.”1

One can only speculate why Virginia state officials opted out of doing a full autopsy to try and better understand what caused Keyes’ death by citing “public health concerns.” The oddness of that reasoning might only be surpassed by the reason given by the Portuguese Ministry of Justice for not revealing the cause of death for 41-year-old Sonia Acevedo in Portugal on Jan. 1, 2021 two days after being given the first dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine: “secrecy of justice.”3 4

Other Deaths Reported Soon After Vaccination

There have been reports of other deaths that have occurred during the past two months soon after people have received the COVID-19 vaccine. In each of those cases, health authorities and vaccine providers have immediately written the deaths off as either unlikely to have been connected to the vaccine or, reportedly, the deaths are still being investigated.

Dozens of deaths following COVID-19 vaccinations have been reported in Europe, India, Israel and other regions of the world.3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

There have been several well-publicized deaths after COVID-19 vaccination in the United States, including the death of 56-year-old Gregory Michael, MD in Florida on Dec. 18, 2020 two weeks after getting the first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech’s experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 vaccine.41 42

Dr. Gregory’s death was followed by the death of 60-year-old Tim Zook in Orange County, California on Jan. 9, 2021 four days after getting the second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine and the death of a man in his late 40s who died on Jan. 17 in Nebraska one to two weeks after getting the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. There was also the death of a 64-year-old man in Placer County, CA on Jan. 21 three hours after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.43 44 45 46 47

More recently, there was the death of 90-year old Daniel Thayne Simpson in Michigan on Feb. 4 the day after he received the first dose of Moderna’s experimental mRNA-1273 vaccine and the death of a man in his 70s on Feb. 7 in New York 25 minutes after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, followed by the death of 36-year-old J. Barton Williams, MD, who died on Feb. 8 in Tennessee just weeks after receiving the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.48 49 50

Finally, there was the death of a 78-year-old woman within minutes of getting the first dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona on Feb. 12 and the death on Feb. 16 of former Detroit news anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels, 68, the day after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.51 52 At least thus far.

Officially, No Post-Vaccination Deaths Have Been Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines

Interestingly, despite the close proximity of the sudden and unexpected deaths of all these people to the times they were given COVID-19 vaccinations, none of the deaths have been deemed by health officials to be related to the COVID-19 vaccines recently administered. Most deaths have been judged to be merely coincidental or a specific cause of death has not yet been given.

Almost unanimously, mainstream media outlets have forwarded the narrative that nobody has died from a COVID-19 vaccination. One news report noted:

While people have died after receiving the vaccine, doctors say those deaths are not—in any way—linked to the vaccine. Every time someone gets sick or dies after getting the shot, government agencies investigate to ensure there is no link. So far, the CDC has been unable to identify a single case where the vaccine is the cause of someone passing away.53

Scientists say it’s human nature to draw a connection between events—especially when they happen close together—but it doesn’t mean one caused the other,” wrote Stephanie Widmer, MD in an article published by ABC News.54 Dr. Widner offered the following quote from fellow physician William Schaffner, MD, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center:

We all know that the rooster crows before the dawn, but we don’t think the rooster makes the sun come up, simply because they are related in time.54

That’s an interesting way of looking at things. But then, the same might be said of those who have been listed as having died of COVID-19. After all, an unknown number of people, whose deaths were attributed to COVID-19, had underlying poor health conditions, known as “comorbidities. ” Those underlying poor health conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and other co-morbidities, could have been the major reason they died. Yet, because those individuals tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 disease—whether symptomatic or asymptomatic—they were counted as having died of COVID-19.

The truth is that some people are obviously dying of COVID-19, while others are dying from well-known chronic diseases that are leading causes of death in the U.S. every year.55 56 57 58

Is There an Inherent Bias Against Blaming Vaccines?

I suspect the same may be true of those who have died so soon after getting a COVID-19 vaccination. However, there is no way to prove that there is an inherent bias against considering the possibility that a COVID-19 vaccine can, in rare instances, cause a person to die suddenly and unexpectedly shortly after vaccination. There will be no way to obtain the necessary evidence to prove it if health authorities refuse to complete full investigations (including conducting autopsies) into these cases.

Could it be that Virginia’s medical examiners, or those above them, were reluctant to conduct a full autopsy on Keyes for fear of what they might find?

How much did the possibility that Keyes’ death could have been connected to the vaccine she received factor into the “public health concerns” of Virginia health officials, who refused to do an autopsy? Were they concerned that discovery of a connection might discourage some people from getting vaccinated?

One can only ask the questions.

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Comments (4)

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    By the same logic, then, COVID recoveries after “vaccination” are also coincidence.

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      Herb Rose


      Hi Codex,
      What recovery after vaccine? The vaccine is in no way a cure. It is supposed to stimulate your own immune response. It makes you wonder why they push for people who have already had the disease to get vaccinated, it’s not going to do anything to help that person.

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    They also didn’t bother to do autopsies on those that they claimed died from covid19, a disease that hasn’t even been proven to exist. They didn’t do them so that there was no evidence to show that no one died of it. The lazy doctors who were “treating” covid19 patients wouldn’t even do simple lung cultures of those who were on ventilators. Most likely those people had died from some bacterial or fungal infection that went untreated.

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    Andrew Pilkington


    The Government’s seem to have every intention of seeing their Covid Agenda through despite all the True Science and whistleblowers. They are going to make sure we ALL get the Death Jab no matter what. There’s to much financial incentive to them not to. They’re not bothered if anyone dies, they just want Results from their Experiments.
    They’re testing these out on the people they want rid of anyway. Us.
    We’re not part of the 500,000,000 they intend to keep alive. This lot is for Them.
    We are Mindless Cattle to these Covid NWO Psychopaths.
    I know it’s not much, but all we can do is encourage people to Report these to VAERS and/or the MHRA whenever possible?
    We Seriously need the proposed Nuremberg Tribunal up and running asap.
    Good to see 2 US States drop Everything Covid. I hope their Stand is against the mRNA Experiments too?

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