Is ‘COVID Vaccine’ a Copycat of Theranos Blood Test Fraud?

Worried top international pharma expert agrees with whistleblower from Theranos blood test fraud –  COVID-19 vaccine drive is following the same pattern as the Theranos scam of 2003.

Former Health Canada specialist in pharmaceutical regulatory assessment, Dr Saeed Qureshi,  shares the fears of whistleblower, Tyler Shultz. Each having their own unique insights, both men agree we should beware a ‘covid copycat’ of the $9 billion Theranos’ blood testing scandal.

Dr Qureshi summarizes the issue as follows:

“Theranos was a privately held health technology corporation. It was initially touted as a breakthrough technology company, with claims of having devised blood tests that required only very small amounts of blood and could be performed very rapidly using small automated devices the company had developed. However, the claims later proved to be false.”

Theranos whistleblower – Tyler Shultz, is grandson of George Shultz, a former U.S. Secretary of State. The younger Shultz gave evidence to state regulators that took down the company and got CEO, Elizabeth Holmes and the firm’s president, Sunny Balwani, charged with nearly a dozen felony fraud counts. The two are awaiting trial in U.S. District Court in San Jose.

And no one should place great trust in governmental bodies such as the FDA. Last month Dr Qureshi called them out on their ‘lies’ and dishonest practices.

Shultz revealed to  The Mercury News :

“There were so many systems that had to fail to allow Theranos to happen,” Shultz, 29, said in a telephone interview. “But in this kind of post-Covid world, I do see a lot of opportunity for fraud. The science side is moving really, really fast. Corners are going to be cut. I’m very worried another Theranos will happen. The environment right now is conducive to fraud in the medical space.”

Lack of ‘Gold Standard’ Test Opens Up Fraud Opportunities

Dr Qureshi expands for our readers with a simple analogy to illustrate how COVID-19 fraud could work like the Theranos scam. He says the opportunity exists because:

“the presence/absence of virus is established by indirect testing. These indirect tests are commonly known as PCR and antibody tests.”

Such tests, says Dr Quresh:

 “Monitor specific types of proteins or related chemicals which are produced by the presence of viruses, not only by SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19, but by all pathogenic viruses.”

The gold standard of a disease – the isolated virus – has never been established for COVID-19. Contrary to media claims, no test exists that will specifically identity the SARS-Cov-2 virus. In fact, there is no scientifically proven virus or disease.

Australian infectious diseases specialist Sanjaya Senanayake said in an ABC TV interview answering the question: “How accurate is the [COVID-19] testing?”:

“If we had a new test for picking up [the bacterium] golden staph in blood, we’ve already got blood cultures, that’s our gold standard we’ve been using for decades, and we could match this new test against that. But for COVID-19 we don’t have a gold standard test.”

Jessica C. Watson from Bristol University, in her paper “Interpreting a COVID-19 test result,” published recently in The British Medical Journal, was just as damning saying there is a “lack of such a clear-cut ‘gold-standard’ for COVID-19 testing.”

This is why you may have heard reports of different SARS-CoV-2 strains. There are already thousands of ‘different’ SARS-CoV-2 genotypes profiled in the GISAID database since December 2019, when the Chinese government first reported several human pneumonia cases in Wuhan city. (Wang et al., 2020a).

You may have already realized there may not actually be a SARS-CoV-2 deadly virus because atypical symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting are also commonly found (Ding, 2020Wang, 2020Zhu et al., 2020).  ‘Atypical’ is a get out term for experts wanting to fudge the whole COVID calamity.

Dr Qureshi is not alone in his cynicism. Dr. Stoian Alexov, a high-profile European pathologist, joins the Canadian among a rising number of specialists who say, “NO ONE Has Died From The Coronavirus!” It simply doesn’t exist as a distinct, isolated and identifiable pathogen.

Moreover, there certainly isn’t anything ‘novel’ about any coronaviruses. They are a class of genetically diverse viruses found in a wide range of host species like mammals and birds (Drosten et al., 2003Resta et al., 1985). The mutation rate for any RNA virus – such as the one alleged to have caused the pandemic – is drastically high and this higher mutation rate is correlated with a virulence which is beneficial for viral adaptation (Duffy, 2018).

Moreover, Koch’s postulates on this virus has never been fulfilled. A helpful article on this issue is provided by the Frank Report which tells us:

“The bug called COVID-19 is officially not definable and has not been identified. Let me repeat: The pathogen that is the cause of the illness called COVID-19 has never been identified and is unknown at this time. It may be a virus or it may be something else.”

If it does/did exist it has, like any RNA virus, mutated rapidly as our immune systems adapt to it and we build herd immunity.

What the tests currently do is seek to identify genetic material and an RNA sequence based upon lung fluid extracted from Chinese patients earlier in the pandemic. However, such genetic material is found in everyone. It is merely at higher levels in very sick people suffering from a number of non-COVID illness.

If, like me, you find your skepticism growing, then do read our related articles discrediting claims this disease has been identified as a virus because in New York they recently found out that ‘5,700 COVID Cases Show Blood Poisoning, No Virus.’

Just like with Theranos, scammers are seeking to take advantage of demands for mass testing and are reportedly engaging in fraudulent antibody test scams. The Mercury News reports:

“Four members of Congress made reference to an FBI alert late last month, warning that the drive to reopen the economy has put a premium on rapid development of antibody tests, and that fraudsters were marketing fake or unapproved tests “potentially providing false results.”

Earlier this summer, Mark Schena, 57, of Los Altos became the first person charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with securities fraud over pandemic-related activity, with federal authorities accusing the medical-technology CEO of seeking to trick investors by fraudulently promoting an unproven coronavirus test.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has already charged Applied Biosciences, a Utah firm, with fraud in connection with claims about its “finger-prick” coronavirus tests. The glut of ‘false positives’ claims of ‘asymptomatic’ carriers, etc. has made fear and uncertainty more contagious than the ‘virus.’

As Qureshi explains:

“Similarly, if one would request validation data for COVID-19 testing (presence/absence of virus and by extension its disease, not of some non-specific proteins) in particular from authorities/experts, it will immediately become clear that claims of testing/pandemic are false.”

He asks us to imagine a new test to establish the dangers of unsafe cars whereby authorities decide to implement a policy to check every vehicle’s tire pressure. We know that it is straight forward to draw a conclusion on safety if we stop check cars and measure the pressure of the tires because we would find a consensus of opinion that would say under-inflated tires can be dangerous.  [for ‘tires’ read flu-like symptoms]

But as Dr Qureshi says:

“However, it is not accurate or logical to use tire pressure monitoring to decide on the overall vehicle safety and to reject cars as unsafe if some cars deviate from the tire pressure criteria.”

This is where we are at with the current and unreliable COVID testing. Qureshi continues:

“As with tires so with COVID testing. Unfortunately, authorities end up deciding that cars safety will be monitored only on the basis of tires pressure levels. Now this would become a “Regulatory Compliance Requirement” or the law for cars safety assessment. On top of this, irony is that authorities to provide their own version of tire pressure gauges leading to showing of failures of otherwise perfectly acceptable cars as unsafe and useless.”

Dr Qureshi warns:

“However, in this case authorities are making and accepting false claims for the testing and avoiding the Theranos like demise which would be unavoidable for long. Request the authorities to provide validation details of the available COVID-19 tests? The pandemic will disappear very quickly as did the Theranos.”

To read more on this matter by Dr Saeed Qureshi visit his site at

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (7)

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    My understanding of the Theranos fraud is that Holmes was good at convincing promising researchers to work for her, but the fraud happened because she kept them separate and did not allow anybody to see the complete picture and so she was able to fake the interim results she presented. She was probably paying the researchers very well and it is hard to give up a well-paid job with a charismatic boss. I don’t know anything about this area, but it also struck me that what she promised was far beyond anything possible at the time and I could not understand why she had not been challenged. Perhaps more than anything it was investors that kept the fraud alive.

    The claim that the Covid virus has not been isolated has been around for months now. If the pathogen has not been identified, then why do governments claim that it has. This seems to be a breakdown of the scientific method and not helped by the media. The scientist who believe that the pathogen has not been identified must get together and make more noise before we have a vaccine that cannot work forced onto us.

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      The gold standard to determine causation of disease by a pathogen is to use Koch’s 4 Postulates. Read through any number of the 1000’s of published COVID-19 papers which state that a virus has been proven to cause COVID-19 and not a single one uses Koch’s Postulates as proof of causation. The medical field has perpetrated a fraud on such a mind-boggling scale that people just can not accept that it is possible to get away with fraud to this level. But they did – and are.

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        Koch’s Postulates
        Developed in the 19th century, Robert Koch’s postulates are the four criteria designed to assess whether a microorganism causes a disease. As originally stated, the four criteria are: (1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals; (2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual; (3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally (4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism. Koch’s postulates have been critically important in establishing the criteria whereby the scientific community agrees that a microorganism causes a disease.

        Even Koch had to modify or bend the strictest interpretation of the first postulate. Koch discovered asymptomatic carriers of Vibrio cholera and Salmonella typhi, yielding the important distinction between asymptomatic clinical colonization and infection. Thus the field of inquiry into the intricate host-pathogen relationship was born.
        Thank you for the heads up Ron.

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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Matt,

          Thank you for finally defining what this gold standard actually was. But John’s article is a review of actual ‘history’ which if one ignores on e will continue to make the same mistakes again.

          “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” (A Einstein)

          Have a good day, Jerry

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            Hi Jerry .
            I looked up what Ron was referring to, Koch’s Postulates and copied and pasted for those interested and of course I overlooked referencing. Dumb me.

            Golly there is a mine of knowledge among people who make comments on this site.

            Have you ever thought of writing an article that includes some of the wise sayings of some of the science giants you often quote and the context in which those sayings were initiated.

            Cheers Matt

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Matt,

            You really haven’t read my essays which John has posted? Google ‘Dr Jerry L Krause’ to get a start and then follow some of the three links which he places at the end of the articles. He is the one who inserts the Dr. I never use it for you know that many Dr. really do not know much.

            I stopped submitting my essays after the series about the data of a natural laboratory generated so few comments. So it seemed my efforts was a waste of my time. My purpose has always been to bring information to the attention of PSI readers and I have concluded I can do this with comments with much less effort.

            And yes, there are a few very good PSI articles and comments. But often seem they are generally ignored and not followed up as you have done.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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    Christian Loosli


    That particuler sequence got cultivated first and isolated, from RNA debris, Who is checking an the computers that give the results? Drosten seem to have found that sequence 3 days bevore the chineese. It got never proven that this virus is the cause or the consequence of Cov 19. Its like i find in most hospitalrooms flowers, put it seems stupid to think they have anything to do with the illness of the patient, unless i put flowers in rooms of healty people and they come down with the same sikness. Why they need to cultivate a virus first to findem and isolate anyway? Its’s the same with the climascam out of a multiude of causes they choose one, CO2 and now Sars-coV-2 and repeat it so often and treat others as criminal until everybody except it. Thank you so much for giving a voice to thre real truthseeker!

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