Is Consensus Science Wrong About America’s ‘Lost Civilization’?

Remember how we were taught at school that America never had any great ancient civilization to rival Europe or Asia? Well, Cambridge-educated Graham Hancock’s new book ‘America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilisation,’cites new science exploding that theory.

In an interview with  Hancock,

“discusses how dogmatism in archaeology has covered up 130,000 years of human history in the Americas and evidence of advanced civilisations that lived in the Americas thousands of years ago, which challenges colonial narratives of uncivilised natives incapable of high culture.”

Clearly, Hancock has stirred up a buzz and the interest in the book has grown rapidly. As one comment noted:

“Graham was recently at a book signing for his new book in a nearby city, and the huge turnout was amazing. He spoke for 90 minutes without a break. Considering the subject matter, and with enough advance advertising, Graham could have filled a stadium.”

So, what’s the big story here?

Hancock’s research has focused on a series of recent extraordinary breakthroughs by other scientists. New discoveries, from the Mississippi Valley to the Amazon rainforest, seem to show that ancient ‘New World’ cultures share a legacy of advanced scientific knowledge and sophisticated spiritual beliefs with supposedly unconnected ‘Old World’ cultures.

Such new evidence (both archaeological and from DNA identification) now makes it seem plausible that an advanced civilization was, indeed, lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age.

Back in the 1990’s, while DNA science was in it’s infancy, Hancock had little hard evidence to back his theory when he first proposed this idea and for years he was dismissed as a crackpot. Now, it seems, time may have proven him correct.

As an example, Hancock tells us:

“Certain tribes of the Amazon rainforest are closely related to Australian Aborigines and to Melanesians from Papua New Guinea. This extraordinary, unexpected and extremely ancient DNA signal is only present in South America and is completely absent in North America and Mesoamerica. It bears witness to something that archaeologists hitherto believed to be impossible – that the technology and skills needed to cross the Pacific Ocean, and successfully resettle a reproductively-viable population, existed more than 13,000 years ago.”

Those of us who better appreciate the dangers of groupthink in consensus science (as shown by the politicization and abuse of climate change science) can see it is a valid hypothesis to argue that large human settlements are often by the sea and on the flat lands near the coast.

The shoreline of 13000 years ago is now about 200 metres underwater and covered by sediment. Hancock’s hypothesis may thus be proven to correct if we dare to develop techniques to explore along those ancient coastal zones.

Hopefully, our readers will similarly be open-minded and inquisitive to see what Hancock has to show us in this ground-breaking new book and we welcome your feedback.

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Comments (3)

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    I have read Hancock’s “Underworld”, “Fingerprints of the Gods” and “Master Game”

    During the pre Holocene ice age, ocean levels were 440 feet below todays level. The North Sea was a green pasture valley. Ice bridges connected Europe, Greenland and Canada. There would have been thousands more islands in the Pacific, znd existing islands would have been far larger. Kon Tiki by Thor Heyerdzhl proved raft migration in 1947. Archeology is a other captive, elitist narrative faux science.


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    jerry krause


    Hi John,

    ““discusses how dogmatism in archaeology has covered up 130,000 years of human history in the Americas” and “a reproductively-viable population, existed more than 13,000 years ago.””

    Is 130,000 years a misprint? Given the little I know about the people who began Stonehenge and “Kon Tiki by Thor Heyerdzhl proved raft migration in 1947. Archeology is a other captive, elitist narrative faux science.” (FauxScienceSlayer) and many other ‘known’ observations of the existence of ‘ancient’ peoples, it is not hard to imagine what existed 13,000 years ago. But I have a hard time imagining what existed 130,000 years ago.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    master j


    7 headed dragon burned the earthandrew Collins 10500 yrs ago clovis point spear head cave bear beings White beings most life was killed off


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