Irrefutable scientific Proof – Covid-19 does NOT exist!

Although it has taken many months for the rest of humanity to get this far, this is not new but that which has been known to the progenitors of the plandemic right from the beginning.

The evidence falls into two areas; Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR “test”) and the non-existent “virus”. We will deal with the latter first:

Way back in 2002, yet another attempt was made to plunge the world into panic over a brand new, super deadly ‘flu-like “virus” out of China. At the time, it was called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). On average, the pharmaceutical cartel has attempted to do this every three years since 1963/4.

These are all propaganda exercises designed to boost “vaccine” sales managed by a special group, called the Epidemic Intelligence Service, developed by the American Centers for Disease Contol (CDC) in the 1950’s to artificially declare epidemics.


Time and again, as you will doubtless recall, these have been non-events which sold a few millions in “vaccines” but, otherwise, nothing happened. SARS managed to log up just 974 deaths world-wide. Avian ‘flu, just 300 or so. Swine ‘flu (1976 and 2009) none whatsoever because it doesn’t exist! Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid 19) is just the next one in the series with one large add-on.

Eugenics is the belief that humanity is to be improved by killing off all of the “undesirables”. What, you may well ask, is an “undesirable”? It is anyone who leads a life-style which you find undesirable. For Hitler is was homosexuals, Jews and Bolsheviks. For Canada, it was the native indian tribes. In America it was both the indigenous indians and negro ex-slaves.

For Australia it was the aboriginal peoples. Etc., etc., etc.. Eugenics enjoyed great popularity from about 1920 to 1966 when it, temporarily, went out of fashion. Certain extremely wealthy persons, Bill Gates being prominent amongst them, have resurrected eugenics to compensate for their extreme spiritual impoverished and emotional inadequacies.

Basically, everyone to whom they feel inferior is to be killed off so that they will feel better (they won’t but they are too retarded in their personal development to realise this.)

What we now have is the pharmaceutical cartel and the eugenicists working together.

Here you will find a list of senior figures in the UK who received substantial payments from Mr. Gates:[2]

Working upon their near-success with swine ‘flu, they realised that, in order for their plans to work, there doesn’t actually have to be any sickness present, a widespread belief that such is happening is all that is needed. And so Covid-19 was born.

Precisely when it was “born” is, at present, not known to me but traces can be found in 2013, 2016 and several times during 2019 including Bavaria (one of the states in the Federal Republic of Germany) creating in May 2019 a Covid-19 contingency fund.

In October 2019, a “dry run”, involving the pharmaceutical cartel, Bill Gates and friends, many leading politicians, Google, Facebook, Twitter and the owners of the press cartel, took place. From that meeting it was agreed to start the plandemic in early 2020.

The “justification” for the plandemic rests upon just two things:-

The Covid-19 “virus” and

The Sars-Cov-2 micro-protein

The “virus” is easily disposed of. Freedom of Information applications in more then 40 countries have, uniformly, brought the answer, “We do not have and do not know of any government or private institute or laboratory which has a specimen of the virus.”


This, of course, was included in the planning, “How do you prove the existence of a virus that nobody can find?”

Answer: you pretend that something else proves its existence. A micro-protein (almost one thousand times smaller than a virus) discovered in November 2013 to be very widespread around the world was selected for this “honour”.

Despite much propaganda in the press and, especially directly from governments, Sars-Cov-2 (so it has been named) is NOT a virus! It is far too small and far too simple.

Even the document which claims to be the justification for the suspension of the German Basic Law (a sort of quasi-constitution) and its replacement with a medical dictatorship specifies Sars-Cov-2 to be the cause of the pandemic.

What “professor” Drosten in Berlin, the CDC in America, the WHO and many other individuals and  institutes who have received substantial payments from Bill Gates claim is that the Sars-Cov-2 protein is a fragment of the Covid-19 virus and the presence of Sars-Cov-2 proves, therefore, the presence of the virus. There are many problems with this:

1) Before you can claim, with veracity, that the micro-protein is a part of the virus you must first have the virus. As we have already seen, nobody has it because it has never existed!

2) You must prove that this micro-protein exists only as a part of the (non-existent) virus and nowhere else.

3) You must prove that the (phantom) virus causes a specific illness with specific symptoms, a specific prognosis and specific morbidity.

4) You must show in precisely what manner this illness is unique and differs to all previously known diseases.

Point 1) has already been eliminated by information published by many, many governments.

Points 3) & 4) have been eliminated thus:-

  • When we look at the purported symptoms of Covid-19 and compare these with the symptoms of the ‘flu, we see that they are identical and indistinguishable.
  • When we look at the course of Covid-19 we see that it is identical to and indistinguishable from that of the ‘flu.
  • The prognosis (likelihood of regaining normal health) of Covid-19 and the ‘flu are identical and indistinguishable.
  • The morbidity (the likelihood of dying) of Covid-19 is identical to and indistinguishable from that of the ‘flu and affects precisely the same groups of people.
  • Therapies which prevent the ‘flu or alleviate its severity are equally effective when used on Covid-19.
  • There has been no significant change in morbidity statistics during 2020; the death rate in almost all countries being at or slightly below the average for this century. The only visible change is that “Flu deaths” have almost completely disappeared and been replaced with Covid-19 deaths.


To support a plethora of criminal activities, the ‘flu has simply been renamed “Covid-19”.

This leaves us with point 2)

On the 17th February ‘21, Principia Scientific published an article which refutes this absolutely. The article, which you can read in English here: [4]

is a translation of a Spanish study which you can download here:[5]

Dr. Jesus Garcia Blanca, the author draws also on the work of several other highly reputable scientists to present a coherent and conclusive picture.

The report is somewhat lengthy and technical in nature. I have, therefore, simplified it for general consumption.

What Dr. Blanca has done is to take the genetic sequence of the Sars-Cov-2 protein fragment and, using the database of the National Institute of Health in America, has searched for and found all organisms which contain the Sars-Cov-2 fragment as part of their genome. The results of his search are most edifying:-

More than one hundred known bacteria contain the Sars-Cov-2 fragment.

74 sequences of the human genome also contain the Sars-Cov-2 fragment.

Any PCR or any test which finds Sars-Cov-2 is not only so unspecific as to be totally meaningless but also is not evidence of any kind for the presence of a Covid-19 virus.

The above brings us to the inescapable conclusion that the disease called Covid-19 simply does not exist and all restrictions upon human activity claiming justification through a non-existent pandemic are criminal acts which it is your responsibility at law to terminate.

In my opinion, the fastest and cheapest way to do this is with writs of Habeas Corpus which compel the government to prove absolutely that Covid-19 exists, that it is a highly dangerous disease and is caused by the “Covid-19 virus”.

As the government can prove none of this, the court must instruct them to immediately cease all activities which are effectively punishments upon the British peoples having no justification whatsoever. This same applies in many other countries, with almost the sole exception of Germany where there is no Habeas Corpus law.

In November, in Lisbon, Portugal, a writ of Habeas Corpus was successful!

It’s long overdue time to do it everywhere else.







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Comments (35)

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    You’re on it. Thank you for being informed. The ‘so called New Normal’, is anything but. At its root, is a cabal of Eugenicists.

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    Roslyn Ross


    When you print one lie you compromise all your information. A common myth exists that attempts were made to wipe out Australian Aboriginal peoples when the truth is the opposite.

    From shortly after the British arrived Aborigines were made British subjects with rights in law. Murder was a crime.

    If the goal was to remove Aborigines, why did the Government and Missions work so hard to keep them alive? Hundreds of ration depots for example, across the country to follow and feed them. Why bother if you want them gone? Just let them die in drought as many had always done.

    Why collect the babies stuffed in anthills to die and restore them to health and raise them if you wanted Aborigines to die out?

    Why offer medical help? Why set up hospitals to treat Sexually transmitted disease which, if they did not kill them, would render them sterile?

    Why take in the sick and aged left to die when the tribe moved on as was common with all such primitive societies? Why seek to educate the children?

    Why have laws which worked to retain the racial purity of Aborigines in a bid to prevent them dying or breeding out? It is all a matter of record.

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      Robert Beatty


      You raise good points Roslyn, and good luck with your book.
      I suspect similar comments could be made about the other native populations mentioned.
      My theory is:
      The past is history. The present is real. The future is speculation.

    • Avatar

      Barbara Powers


      Re: Aborigines. Laws to retain racial purity of Aborigines in a bid to prevent them dying or breeding out? What does this mean? Do you mean they are being prevented from having sex and/or offspring with anyone other than Aborigines? It sounds like they are being treated as cattle. How is this achieved? Are they being kept segregated? I may be missing something, and if so, let me know, because this sound racist. How is this different than segregating whites from blacks, or anyone from anyone for that matter? The world is a melting pot of free human beings.

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        Tom O


        Why is it impossible for you to think without using the useless word “racist?” Why is it only “the pure” can look at things and ALWAYS know what is “racism?” Ever think that people that
        ALWAYS see things in terms of “racism” are, in fact the real “racists?”

    • Avatar



      You said shortly after. So before that time……..? Is his point still valid? And with the enormous gravity of the situation at hand, to pick up on such an irrelevant point is somewhat strange.

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      Karma Singh


      Good morning Roslyn,
      my quantum physicist friends all inform me that there are many parallel universes.
      It appears to be that you and I have drawn our information about the treatment of the Australian aboriginals from two different ones.

      In this universe, some of the worst atrocities in human history were meted out to the Australian aboriginals. Until the late 19th century it wasn’t even illegal to murder them! How many thousands were randomly gunned down “for sport” will never be known.
      What is known is two generations of aboriginal children were taken from their parent and brought up in “white” institutions “for their betterment”.
      The oldest stable culture of our planet was completely destroyed by barbarians in 4 generations of murder, intimidation, deprivation and degradation.
      It was only in the 1960’s that the Aborigines were “accorded” human rights.

      Blessed be

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    i am seeing a few articles like this one raising doubts about the existence of this virus so what we need now is someone with the financial backing and enough clout to take this to a court like the article says and win the case. if in a court of law they cannot prove it’s existence then we would all be free again and of course the secondary thing would be against big pharma and our governments on why they have forced an unneccesary vaccine on us costing billions of pounds. lets hope someone out there can put their faith and trust in these scientists and prove this thing one way or the other. here’s hoping

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      very old white guy


      we would all be “free” tomorrow if we all stood up and said enough of the lies. the flu is not decimating the population of the planet. refusal to comply would put the brakes on this real quick.

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      Karma Singh


      Not “someone”, Tim but you and I and everyone else who wants to be free!
      The evidence is there – it just has be brought into a coherent form to present to the court.
      The finance is there – a few hundreds of us each donating £100 or so would be sufficient; see (they’ve just won one case against the government this week!)
      All that’s needed is a barrister who’s on the ball and I think I even know one if I can find him.

      Are you game?

      Blessed be

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      You assume that the “rule of law” still exists. Maybe it does in the UK but it was quietly euthanized here in the U.S. The kleptocracy here has threatened, bribed or bought off even the judiciary in many states and definitely the U.S. Supreme Court.

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    Andrew Pilkington


    Thank you.

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    Very hard to convince people that it doesnt exist when they’re seeing the news reporting thousands of deaths in some countries. When doctors describe people as being unable to breath.. this doesnt fit with the mainstream veiw of what the flue looks like. Obviously it is, because when the elderly contract the flue and then pneumonia, the symtoms would be similar. One just has to remember that the average person has no clue of what goes on every day and every year.

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      michelle underwood


      it needs people with half an ounce of sense to get together and do something about this corrupt set up. It has long been said that the media channels are one of the main perpetrators in this whole situation, so along with big pharma, big tech and all the other crooked cartels under the sun, we have very little chance of getting anything to change unless in fact we absolutely refuse to abide by their ridiculous laws which aren’t actually laws they are just regulations, that the whole of society seems to blindly follow. People really need to wake up and to stop labelling all of the controversy as BS or conspiracy theories, when there is a mountain of evidence to back up reports just like this one above. I am at my wits end trying to convince the population that we are being led to the slaughter and not one person is doing a damn thing about it. If I knew more about how to lawfully and legally do something about all of this right now I would be doing so. I am sure there are many people that feel like me and if there are then I urge you all to shout out. The latest clamp down in censorship and cancel culture is already in full swing and before long we aren’t even going to be able to communicate our freedom of opinions, for the fear of getting locked up. Enough is enough, this is not the society I want my children and grandchildren brought up in and to believe this is the social norm, because there is nothing normal about masking a total global population for an imaginary virus just so the powers that be can take over the financial system and then take over the world.

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    Thanks for putting all that together so concisely. Damn good article.

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    Lloyd Shaw


    A simple question. So hoping for a simple answer that does not try to change the subject.

    As a mortician I can tell you the damage done to Covid 19 cases, be it they hospitalized or died at home because they did not seek treatment. The damage to their internal organs is massive. Like nothing most of us have seen outside a few rare cases of rare diseases. Where pathogens attack the organs.

    It is so bad we have had to change our recommendations for how to embalm these cases.

    So if there is no virus, what is causing the damage that you would expect to see from the kind of pathogen. And why does it attack the body is a specific order in line with other deadly viruses. Not just in humans but also in other mammals.

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      Karma Singh


      Good morning Lloyd,
      having never had the opportunity to view such cadavers, I can offer no explanation which is not purely speculative (as is the claim that Covid-19 caused it).
      Information received to date indicates that such events are rare but appear to be clustered in areas of intense 5G radiation.

      I regret that I cannot help further than this but I just do not have the necessary information.

      Blessed be
      Karma Singh

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      Sonny Thorgren


      “The damage to their internal organs is massive”, you write, referring to “Covid 19 cases”. The problem with this statement is the reference: You can of course classify any sickness or damage as being a result of Covid 19. Just because you observe lungs with horrific damages to people who are classfied as “Covid 19 cases” does not make your case. You can observe horrific damages to lungs due to lung cancer as well. As long as the cause of the damages is not scientiically proved to be from a special source you can not do anything about the problem. And Sars Cov 2 has never been proved to exist. All measures being forced upon people due to the Covid 19 scare is possible only because people do not think for themselves, does not do any research, just trust “authorities”

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        bill nuam


        this is a BS answer he’s a mortician he knows what cancer look’s like. Do you have official research or not?

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      consequences of official protocols. the poison trick the imune system and then the cure finished the job.
      oxygen is the key, they do not want oxygen in our veins. trick the red cells and the pacient die. Next phase is to sell medicines(nanorobots) for oxygenation that will suck oxygen.

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      If there is an ounce of credibility to you ‘simple statement/ pretending to be a question, you will not hesitate to reveal the full details so they can be independently verified.

      If your claim to ‘seeing massive damage’ to internal organs while embalming corpses – (for governments have stopped post mortem/autopsies), then why would toxic exposure be ruled out?
      Why must a ‘novel virus’ be instantly assigned to clusters given media highlighting from assertions that are frequently loudly shouted and later quietly retracted?

      The sowing and setting of fear narratives as a means to hijack people’s minds and replicate your disinfo in their thinking is the most destructive virus here.

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      Loyd, the Italians were the first that I know of to do autopsies, something that the who says not to do because it destroys the false covid19 narrative. The internal organ damage was caused by blood clots originating in the lungs that formed as part of untreated bacterial pneumonia. That’s why that doctor and others started giving meds to prevent blood clots. Once a person is diagnosed with covid19 no other tests are done. Not even lung cultures which is one of great importance in respiratory diagnosis. A misdiagnosis has resulted in many deaths. And this sort of damage can be caused by lung cancer, actually anything that damages the lungs can lead to blood clots in the lungs. Bacterial or fungal pneumonia. Even hard coughing due to asthma.

      Do morticians normally remove and observe organs? I know that they embalm bodies. I know that not always are the organs in a body when they get to a funeral home. But I have never heard of a mortician having training on organs. I’ve never heard of a morticians report on organ health. Seems like another attempt to instill a sense of fear in people who do not know otherwise. The observance of damage to any organ doesn’t indicate covid19. The only way for them to determine if covid19 is real is for them to satisfy Koch’s Postulates, which hasn’t been done.

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      There are many articles you can ‘search’ that explain
      how the original Wuhan epidemic was triggered off
      by the latest EMF weapon we know by the name of
      5G .. which drastically reduces oxygen intake .. and
      causes all manner of pulmonary / lung problems by
      disassociating oxygen from the hemoglobin carrier
      and consequent lack of oxygen at cellular level. This
      is the ’cause’ of all those physical internal damages.
      Do your own searches and see all the evidences for
      yourself. THIS……… IS YOUR ‘SIMPLE ANSWER’.

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        BRAVO .

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      You may have been observing the effects of ADE – antibody-dependant enhancement. Caused by the new ‘flu’ vaccines which were pushed with extraordinary vigour by the establishment last spring and again in the autumn of 2020. The animal experiments which were skipped during the development of the covid “vaccines’ had always shown previously that attempts to make an effective coronavirus vaccine (eg against SARS) led to the deaths of animals which were later deliberately exposed to any other coronavirus. This was due to a massive over-reaction by the immune system, due to cytokine storms, leading to huge inflammation of any and all major organs, as well as blood clotting, leading to death. I fear that it’s the so-called vaccines which are the root cause of the extreme symptoms expressed by those unfortunate people who ended up in the morgue. What would be useful to know is what proportion of these accepted the flu jabs (and now the covid jabs) vs those who experienced only mild symptoms? I rather suspect that nobody will be willing to share that information, as it will be too damning.

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    Thank you . What a perfect summary of logic regarding this scam.
    The greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the human race.

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    Roger Higgs


    Superb article. Thank you Karma, and thank you John.

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    Roger Higgs


    As a scientist (geologist) who’s read thousands of scientific articles in the last 45 years, and who’s taken the trouble and 5 years of lost income to investigate and expose the falsity of the ‘man-made-warming’ myth touted by the United Nations (IPCC) …

    … I find Karma’s article denouncing the United Nations (WHO) covid fantasy very convincing.

    I am increasingly persuaded by the idea that the vaccine is a depopulation time-bomb.

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    Also of note is the vast number of non-human cell on the human person. From


    Reported values in the literature on the number of cells in the body differ by orders of magnitude and are very seldom supported by any measurements or calculations. Here, we integrate the most up-to-date information on the number of human and bacterial cells in the body. We estimate the total number of bacteria in the 70 kg “reference man” to be 3.8×10^13. For human cells, we identify the dominant role of the hematopoietic lineage to the total count (≈90%) and revise past estimates to 3.0×10^13 human cells. Our analysis also updates the widely-cited 10:1 ratio, showing that the number of bacteria in the body is actually of the same order as the number of human cells, and their total mass is about 0.2 kg.

    Essentially we all live in a kind of symbiosis with so many other fungi, bacteria, viruses bacteriophages (virus-like cells that destroy specific bateria), and many other non-human cells both on us and in us. Most of these microbes keep us healthy, and without them our lives would be much poorer and probably a lot shorter.
    The $64 million question —
    Now how many of these other microbes give a positive result with the PCR or any test which finds Sars-Cov-2, but will not be evidence of any kind for a Covid-19 virus infection?

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    Thank you Karma for this article which is thought provoking. I note you say that “ The morbidity (the likelihood of dying) of Covid-19 is identical to and indistinguishable from that of the ‘flu and affects precisely the same groups of people”. – My understanding is that the flu actually differs in that it does kill large numbers the very young whereas Covid-19 doesn’t. This isn’t an implied criticism I’m just trying to understand the issue. I am very surprised that there’s only a tiny number of fatalities in very young. There’s much speculation about the origins of the “current” virus and if it were “manufactured” is it possible to target certain groups. I can imagine that the world would react much more if the deaths in children were as high as the elderly.
    Thank you.

    • Avatar

      Karma Singh


      No Tom,
      Annual ‘flu deaths throughout the First World are almost exclusively in those aged 75+.
      In some Third World countries, where under-nutrition is rife, this can be different but the problem is not the ‘flu but the chronic shortage of nutrients primarily due to the activities of the banking cartel.

      Blessed be

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    Thanks for a very interesting article.
    Logically, there has been no need for a virus to inflate this plandemic, given the strange way of counting the number of deaths and all the false positive asymptomatic cases. The “typical symptoms” of Covid-19 are also similar to seasonal flu. When I read, among other papers, the latest study from Barcelona, where Covid-19 was very successfully treated with active vitamin D, one may wonder what they actually treated. People were obviously sick and recovering in a remarkably way.

    The more you read about vitamin D, the more you realize the enormous importance it has for our health. It is frightening to experience how common the vitamin-D deficiency still is, around the world, while most health ministers and several health authorities, have denied and diminished the importance of the vitamin. On the contrary, restrictions have exacerbated the situation. If Sars version 2 does not exist, is there a seasonal flu at all? Or is it an expression of increased morbidity during the sun-poor season. Was vitamin D deficiency simply treated with Vitamin D in the study from Spain? How else can one explain these excellent treatment results for a virus that does not exist? An indication of the importance of vitamin D, is that we have even changed our appearance, the further north we have migrated.

    It seems that for a long time there have been official attempts to exacerbate the vitamin D deficiency and thus keep us sick. We must avoid red meat, avoid “the sun’s harmful UV radiation”, use blocking sunscreens, and now, in many countries stay at home, wear sunscreen facemasks, and more. On top of that, we are fed high-fructose corn syrup, which inhibit the activation of vitamin D.
    The whole thing is a great way to scare us into obedience, sell their experimental vaccines and keep us sick.

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    From the very beginning I called it Operation Covid-19, so Covid -19 is very Real and does exist it is a set of governing policies and basically a new jurisdiction. This is how the legal system works through generalizations, everyone actually has died from the Covid-19 as mandated 100%, people are confusing the deaths as from a virus when they were death from the actual policies. Trump banged on this many times except most do not understand he explained clearly it was a Military Operation he always talked as fighting a war and even at the very end stated the Military would be dispersing the vaccines??? Many died in Iraq due to the Military Operations over Weapons of Mass Destruction nobody actually died from these weapons similar to the new Virus people are dying from the Operations involving a concept! So it is very real just not in the context the public understands and as some say “what the public doesn’t know is what makes them the Public”.

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    Thank you for that most important CONFIRMATION of the truth.
    My interpretation of “undesirables” is those who, delude that they they are immortal and extemely intellectually gifted, entitling them (above the rest of us dumb animal slaves) , to take and possess, without concience, everything this planet has to offer. Narcissistic psychopaths in other words. They need to be administered a vaccine that will immediately cure us deplorables of their presence.

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    Bruce Wilson


    I had COVID and it is not the flu, it was unique in how it reduced the bodys ability to utilize oxygen and how it damaged the lungs. Articles like this that say it was just the flu are just hiding the truth that we’ve been victims of a nano-biotechnology attack. It was probably sprayed onto us from overhead or put in our drinking water. So clever, the powers that be. What a bait-and-switch. If it was just the flu then we’ve only been lied to, but if it was a bioweapons attack then they have literally declared physical war on us. Of course they want to hide that with an easier-to-swallow story. Don’t be duped. These are the end times and it only gets worse from here.

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