Interviewing Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog

It will be a disaster if the World Health Organisation gets total medical control – Dr. Meryl Nass by Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Meryl Nass is an expert on vaccines.  She has testified to Congress many times.  Dr. Nass warned about the dangers of the CV19 vax.  Massive amounts of deaths and disabilities have been documented around the world caused by what many doctors say are simply bioweapon injections.

Early on, Dr. Nass was a proponent of treating Covid with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with outstanding results for her patients.  For this, her medical license was suspended in the State of Maine two years ago.

This did not stop Dr. Nass from fighting to get the word out about the evil being caused by the CV19 shots.  Just when you think it’s over, and we can all get back to normal, Dr. Nass warns of a more evil global plan to take control of your healthcare (and life) in the next pandemic.

The UN and the WHO are wanting to do this by May 2024.  Dr. Nass explains, “The WHO is an agency under the UN.  One document, that has never existed before, is called a ‘Pandemic Treaty,’ and they are drafting it now.

The other is an ordinary document called ‘International Health Regulations.’. . . . What has happened is they want to use this document and amend it massively.  They want to completely change what the document is about and have it become orders that all the nations of the world will have to obey.

The person giving the orders is the Director General of the WHO.  This director can declare a pandemic under any circumstances he likes. . . . It gives the Director General of the WHO enormous power to dictate healthcare to anyone around the world. . . .

They want the ability to mandate vaccines on you in the future for pandemics that they declare at will with no standard for what this entails.  They want the right to withhold drugs and to shut your doctor up.

So, WHO Director General Tedros, who does not have a medical degree, would become the world’s doctor.”

Dr. Nass goes on to warn, if the WHO gets this power, it can force you to take any vaccine it wants to give.  People harmed or killed would have no recourse because everyone involved would be granted a liability shield.

Also, Nass contends the WHO would have the right to censor anyone in any nation who is giving an alternative view to the vaccine or treatment options used for the next pandemic.  In short, no free speech will be allowed that is not an approved UN narrative.

The next pandemic will have more vaccines sped through the development process with no animal trials.  Instead of a vaccine taking more than 10 years to develop, they want a new vaccine in four months.

That’s right–four months!!!

Dr. Nass (again, an expert on vaccines) warns, “The FDA did give some of these CV19 vaccines a license, but not using any of their normal standards.  This was a disaster.  What they want to do next time is create a vaccine in 100 days and roll it out to the entire population in 130 days.

Four months and a week, and they want to roll out the next vaccine to the entire world.   That is completely crazy!  There would be no way to assess if it worked or how safe it was in 130 days.

That is the plan.  That is the WHO plan and the US government, the G-7, the G-20, the EU and they have all said they want a 100-day vaccine.  They have also put in all these documents to have a system in place to take liability away from the manufacturers. . . .

You have no way to sue the WHO either.  They are completely unaccountable to the public.”

Dr. Nass adds that the federal government and the Biden Administration does not have the right to oversee healthcare.  Healthcare belongs to the states to oversee, and Dr. Nass says this is where the WHO can be stopped for their “disastrous” plans.

There is much more in the 46-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks to vaccine expert Dr. Meryl Nass about the total control the UN and WHO want in the next pandemic that is surely coming for 1.9.24.

After the Interview: 

You can follow the work of Dr. Nass by going to her website called  It is a (UN) WHO-fighting website.  Door to Freedom is a tax-exempt 501c3 non-profit, and you can donate by clicking here.

You can also see Dr, Nass at her Substack at  Dr. Nass says she produces posts nearly every day.

Please support the truth tellers that have sacrificed so much!!

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