Interview: Prof. Frances Boyle Exposes BioWeapons Origins of Coronavirus

Image: Full transcript of “smoking gun” bombshell interview: Prof. Frances Boyle exposes the bioweapons origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus

What follows is one of the most important interviews of the year. Biological warfare expert Prof. Frances Boyle appeared as a guest with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, sharing his “smoking gun” findings about the coronavirus being engineered as a weapon that’s designed, “for efficient spreading in the human population,” according to one of the science papers he references.

We confirmed Prof. Boyle’s findings by purchasing the full PDF of that paper and reviewing it in a detailed article we posted yesterday at this link.

That paper describes the CoVid-19 novel coronavirus as possessing unique “gain-of-function” properties that make it the perfect bioweapon, while confirming these new properties were from artificial origins, not natural viral evolution. (In other words, it was engineered.)

Below, we print the full transcript of the Frances Boyle / Alex Jones interview, along with the video of the full exchange below, via (The full show is also posted on

If you hope to understand anything about what’s happening right now with the coronavirus pandemic, the global cover-up and how the taxpayer-funded NIH is behind these biological weapons, you need to hear and share this interview. You have permission to copy this full transcript and full video and post it on your own site. Please give us credit, since our team carried out the transcription task.

Also, note that we are launching as a new hub for all podcasts, downloadable MP3s, videos, articles and science study links related to this coronavirus outbreak. Check it all out at, which we are just launching today.

Here’s the full video of the interview:

Full transcript… SHARE this everywhere, re-post, tweet and cover:

(Please excuse any minor errors, this was transcribed in a bit of a hurry due to the urgency of the message…)

(bolding emphasis added, pay special attention to the bolded sentences…)

Alex: All right. I have not touched the coronavirus today because I was waiting for Professor Dr. Francis A. Boyle to come on, leading American expert international law; responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 89, which was an adopted into world law, the American-implementing legislation for the biological weapons convention. He served the board of directors of Amnesty International and represented Bosnia and Herzegovina to World Court. He served as a legal advisor to Palestinian delegation, the Middle East peace negotiations. In 2007 he delivered the Bertrand Russell peace lectures. Professor Boyle teaches international law at University of Illinois and is author of– and it goes through all of the different books he’s written. He holds a Doctor of Law, magna cum laude; holds a PhD in political science from Harvard university. His latest book is Poems Against the Empire, which is a collection of poetry reflections on his experiences fighting for peace, justice, human rights, international law, social welfare and the United States Constitution. And he joins us now. I would call him the classical liberal. A liberal today or leftist is a fascist. It’s like a neo-con as a fascist. And so, the terms don’t mean anything. And he’s got big breaking exclusive news here. And he sent me notes, but I think the best way to do this is for at least the next three segments, he pretty much hosts, so that he can walk you through this. But this is serious news. This is very important news everybody should pay attention to. The Wuhan coronavirus came out of the biowarfare lab. That’s even being said by the White House now. Dr. Boyle and others were saying it three weeks ago. The UNC labs should be shut down, everyone investigated for violating the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorismAct. He’s got major studies that have just come out. So, he’s an expert on bioweapons and the law. We’ve got eight minutes to break here, then a nine-minute segment- a 10-minute segment. I’ll take us into break, Dr. Boyle. But you go ahead and host. You’ve got the floor here. Thanks for joining us.

Dr. Boyle: Well, Alex, thank you very much for having me on my best to your viewing audience. Yes. I sent your assistant an email on Monday that I had revised my opinion on certain matters and also, I had come up with what I concluded were the smoking guns that the Wuhan coronavirus came out of that BSL-4 facility. And you’ll note now that Senator Cotton saying the same thing. He was behind me at Harvard law school, and despite that, the New York Times slammed him. And as you know, Senator Cotton is a decorated combat veteran. No surprise there for the New York Times. So yes, I have these scientific studies now. Basically, I read these things over the weekend, which is why, I changed my mind and said I had new information and alerted your assistant on a Monday. And today is the first day I could give you an extensive interview. I want to go through these scientific studies so that you and the viewing audience understand their implications. I believe they are the smoking gun of what happened here. The first is by some life scientists: three from Marseilles, France and one from Montreal clinical research laboratories there. It was published on antiviral research 10 February 2020, okay. And I had a chance to read it over the weekend. You know, I read these types of things over the weekend. Now I’m not going to go through this whole study, but they did a genetic analysis of the Wuhan coronavirus. And let me just conclude, the critical part here where it says, “and may provide a gain of function to the 2019 nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population compared to other beta coronaviruses.” Let me repeat that: “and may provide a gain of function to the 2019 nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population compared to other beta coronaviruses.” And so, Alex, you recall in the first interview I gave to your colleague, Mr. Shroyer, and then the follow-up interviews I gave to you, I stated that this was clearly a gain of function, offensive biological warfare agent–

Alex: –You said that three weeks ago, you said that two weeks ago and now it’s not just a big Indian Institute. Now more live scientists have scanned it. They’re saying exactly what you were saying.

Dr. Boyle: Right? Well, this article here is the smoking gun. Okay. It clearly–

Alex: Tell people again the article and how they find it.

Dr. Boyle: Well, you can- I got it on a Science Direct Antiviral Research 10 February 2020.

Alex: Antiviral Research–

Dr. Boyle: 10 February 2020. And it’s a long title, but it starts out “The spike glycoprotein coronavirus contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade.”

Alex: So that’s exactly what the prestigious Indian Institute said is that it has the points where the artificial RNA was injected, I mean, they can see right where it happened.

Dr. Boyle: Right. But this was a genetic– as you know, that was withdrawn under political pressure. But now we have four very distinguished life scientists here. Yes, that’s it right there. And the smoking gun here is on page 11, near the bottom, the last full paragraph from the bottom where it says, “may provide a gain of function to coronavirus for efficient spreading in the human population

Alex: Explain what that gain of function means because not all of us are experts on this like you, Doctor.

Dr. Boyle: Right. Well gain of function– Oh, so let me repeat. Alex, as I told you before, gain of function technology is DNA genetic engineering of a dangerous biological warfare substances to begin with–

Alex: It’s a souping up of already bad pathogens.

Dr. Boyle: Right. It’s a turbo charging and gain of function work can only be done safely in a BSL-4 or a BSL-3 facility. So, I think clearly, this is the smoking gun that the Wuhan coronavirus came out of that BSL-4 facility.

Alex: So, does this mirror what the Indian Institute said or is this different?

Dr. Boyle: Well, I think it goes beyond what the Indian study said, but we’ll get to that in a minute, the Indian study. Okay. I think, you know, I’ve now, excuse me– provided the smoking gun here. This is clearly a weaponized biological warfare agent and there is no legitimate scientific or medical use for gain of function technology, DNA technology on biowarfare–

Alex: So, there’s no excuse that it’s a vaccine test that got out.

Dr. Boyle: That’s baloney. This is clearly an offensive biological warfare agent and it has no legitimate medical or other–

Alex: This is beyond sensational. Is that why we’re seeing the very serious response to it?

Dr. Boyle: Well, you know, Alex, we first discussed this over three weeks ago and they’re still attacking me for being a conspiracy theorist and fake news and I’m a nutcase and a nutjob and everything else. So, there’s been a massive fight back in all the mainstream news media against this. And indeed, as I told you before, I’d been completely censored out of all the mainstream news media here in the United States.

Alex: But everything you said been confirmed and now major scientific groups come out and confirmed it. Let’s get back to that smoking gun and recap that and get to all the other documentation straight ahead.

[program break]

Alex: Well, we have a leading expert in international law who’s led major delegations in the US government; expert in biological weapons, anti-terrorism; responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act that got adopted as world law, Dr. Francis Boyle here.And I’m reading the same studies he’s reading. More scientists come out and look at it and say this thing is manmade and they show how, and they say it’s conclusive. You know these major Indian Institutes came out and said the same thing three weeks ago. And so, we’re going to walk through more of these studies in this segment- next segment but just as a father, as a citizen, as a human, as a citizen of the planet Earth. I’m going to ask Dr. Boyle what he really thinks the end game is here. Was this accidentally released as we were hoping and that’s bad enough or is it something even more sinister? Are they using this as the excuse to invade Taiwan as they’re now doing? Dr. Boyle. Please continue with the studies, the spike of, then we have the whole breakdown here with the study.

Dr. Boyle: All right, well, now let me get to the second study, which is another smoking gun and a bombshell, Alex; there’s no other word for it. You remember in our previous interview, you asked me if this had come out of the BSL-4 facility in Winnipeg, Canada – was stolen out of there. I said that that could have happened. Winnipeg is our equivalent of Fort Detrick. They do every type of hideous, offensive Nazi-type biological warfare work up there you can possibly imagine. But again, on the basis of materials, scientific materials, I had a chance to read over the weekend. I have changed my opinion on that. I think I have the definitive evidence where this came from and it came from the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina. Now I have condemned them before because they have done gain of function work, DNA genetic engineering on every hideous biological warfare agent you can imagine including MERS at that time, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome agent, which again, is a biowarfared coronavirus. Now it just came to my mind–

Alex: Say that again because we’re going to pull this up as you speak. You said the other study– we pulled it up.

Dr. Boyle: Study [inaudible] was there gain of function DNA genetic engineering on MERS, which is Middle East Respiratory–

Alex: –and that was the University of?

Dr. Boyle: North Carolina. Right? They have a BSL-3 biowarfare lab there.

Alex: Oh, that’s something I keep reading that they do level four stuff at level threes, right?

Dr. Boyle: I think they are, but they’re doing it with a level three. The last I saw, that’s all they had. But let me go through this study. It’s entitled “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”

Alex: Say it again because we have radio listeners. Hundreds of stations. A SARS-like cluster- the name of the paper- A SARS-like cluster

Dr. Boyle: “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”

Alex: That’s 2015, December 21st. We have it on screen.

Dr. Boyle: That is correct. Nat Med, that’s it. Now, if you look through this carefully, first notice who was involved in this DNA genetic engineering of SARS, which is already a biological warfare agent to give it gain of function activities. And it has all these people there from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It has someone from the Food and Drug Administration, so you can’t trust the Food and Drug Administration. And then at the very bottom of the list, who is involved? Zhengli-Li Shi, Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. So it’s very clear to me that this scientist from the Wuhan Institute of Virology got this gain of function technology for SARS from this University of North Carolina lab. And he didn’t steal it – or he or she didn’t steal it. What happened was, if you read carefully to the end of the article acknowledgements, they acknowledged a National Natural Science Foundation of China award. In other words, the Chinese government paid them to have one of their top biological warfare experts involved in this type of–

Alex: By the way, Dr. Boyle, stay right there.

Dr. Boyle: Sure.

Alex: I’m reading the paper. I mean, I know you had big news, you sent us links, but I’m just now reading it. And you talk about smoking gun – this is the Chinese government paying for the exact same thing with a US lab. How did you discover this? This is a smoking gun. How the hell did you find this?

Dr. Boyle: Well Alex, I told you that it’s part of my professional responsibilities to stay on top of biological warfare, so I came across it in my research. That’s just part of the job I do.

Alex: You’re explaining it very well sir, but just dumb it down and we got– our next guest is great, we’re going to move tomorrow. This is too big and now you’ve got time, so dumb it down for everybody. Why these two papers are so smoking gun because I’m sitting there looking at this. This is incredible. This is unbelievable.

Dr. Boyle: I have more than that.

Alex: Oh, I know.

Dr. Boyle: I noticed they acknowledged National Natural Science Foundation of China Award. In other words, these best scientists at the University of North Carolina took dirty money from China to allow that one of their top biowarfare experts from this Wuhan Institute of Virology and Wuhan, which has the BSL-4 facility, they knew exactly what they were doing, and they permitted this Chinese scientist to work with them to give gain of function biowarfare DNA genetic capability to SARS, which is dangerous enough to begin with. And let me just go through some of the language here. It is truly a smoking gun; clearly that laboratory must be shut down of immediately and all those scientists investigated by the United States government for this and their responsibility here and for violating my Biological Weapons and Terrorism Act of 1989. But let me continue. This is what they said. “We built a chimeric virus that encodes a novel zoonotic spike protein in the context of viable SARS. This approach characterized the threat posed by SARS coronavirus spike–

Alex: Dr. Boyle, stay there. We got to go to break. This is your bombshell. I’m reading the paper right here. They are admitting that they built the very virus that China paid the US to build and now that’s been released. And why did they release it? So Xi Jinping could grab power and invade Taiwan. Wow. This is unbelievable. No matter what you’ve ever heard on this show, this is the craziest and the most documented. This is over the top and we’ve caught them red handed. Unbelievable. We’ll be right back. Tell everybody you know to tune in right now. This is unbelievable.

[program break]

Alex: I don’t want to get metaphysical here, but my dad is a retired oral surgeon and dentist and he’s also developed some drugs that got approved with the Pentagon and some other things. And he’s got an office over here and he works here part time. And there was something about today’s show with Dr. Boyle coming on– I said, you know, my dad’s got that skull from medical school. That’s a real skull. And one of my earliest memories is being like two, three years old, and the skull’s in a black box and I like toddle over and open it up. I drop it on the floor and the German shepherd ran out in the backyard with it. My dad got real pissed off. He said, “That’s important. You respect that. That’s a real skull.” So, one of my earliest memories is a German shepherd running out in the backyard with a skull. But it’s just funny, I thought today’s show, I didn’t know why, I just went and said, “Dad, can I put your skull on air?” He’s got it in the office, and he said, “Yes, just respect the skull and everything is fine.” But the point is, is that this is real. Something big is going on. And now I’m looking at all these prestigious reports going back five years ago, how they engineered this, and Dr. Francis Boyle wrote the US biological weapons law, and he’s here laying this out and I can read the reports. It’s ridiculous how obvious this is that the Chinese paid a US university– that’s all over the news. Yale and Harvard are in trouble for 300-something million but turns out it’s billions total. That’s Wall Street Journal, New York Times, for Chinese communist funding. So, for whatever reason, we’re better at science than they are and they’re getting us to finance and build their surveillance grid, all of it. So, for whatever archetypal reason today, I’m like, I want a skull on the show today. I might’ve showed this skull in 20 something years on air once or twice. Why did I go get the skull? I just thought like today I should like do that to point out that we’re all human and it’s like Macbeth, sitting there when they dig up his old teacher and he’s talking to the skull. So, that’s all in the middle of this. Dr. Boyle. Please go back to where you were before we went to break and how big this is and what’s breaking here and the double smoking guns here. And even more you’ve got of where this came from because that’ll give us the answer hopefully of where it’s going.

Dr. Boyle: Right. Well, to continue then, it says this approach characterized the threat posed by a spike in primary human airways. In other words, they’re designing this to infect human beings by their airways and then it says, in vivo. In other words, they are using live animals–

Alex: Slow down and start over. Again, give them the paper’s name again. This is so huge. They’re making it to infect people. You’re right. They should be arrested.

Dr. Boyle: Of course, they should be prosecuted. No question at all about it. That’s the, I think, the one you already had up there. But in any case–

Alex: I’m going to stop interrupting. Just recap what you just said. Walk through this again.

Dr. Boyle: Right. “We built a chimeric virus,” so they joined these different biological warfare agents together into a chimera, as I told you, swine flu was–

Alex: And you said three weeks ago it was a chimera.

Dr. Boyle: Chimera, right. And here they are doing it to have a “spike in primary human airway cells in vivo.” That’s surrogates for us, okay. Now if you continue here, they took mice and with their technique here found robust replication comparable to SARS.

Alex: Wonderful.

Dr. Boyle: So, they’re using the gain of function technology–

Alex: They’re testing it to make sure it spreads quickly.

Dr. Boyle: That’s right. And it’s not that just SARS, it’s gain of function. “Together the data confirmed the ability to infect human airway cells,” et cetera. They know exactly what they are doing here.

Alex: I mean, just like Ford makes F-150 trucks, you just found who made this and they’re openly bragging about it.

Dr. Boyle: Right. Let me continue. “Together the data indicate that viruses utilizing what they put together are capable of inducing considerable disease in mice in the context of basically SARS.

Alex: Wow. And again, SARS is the same coronavirus family.

Dr. Boyle: Right. It’s weaponized coronavirus. They also conclude that they really couldn’t find an antibody against it.

Alex: Wow.

Dr. Boyle: So, it’s extremely dangerous.

Alex: Total jerks.

Dr. Boyle: Let me continue then–

Alex: I’m just starting to ask, you know, these people better be arrested really quick.

Dr. Boyle: Right. Now, let me continue here where they say their new DNA genetically engineered virus constitutes a gain in pathogenesis. That’s a gain of function right there; they admit it. Pathogenesis means lethality and infectiousness and we know that even Lancet has said lethality is about 15%. If you disaggregate numbers even put out by the Chinese government, it’s about 17%. So, together these data represent a crossroads of gain of function research concerns and they just make it clear they’re going to continue anyway. They also point out that they involved HIV based pseudo virus, prepared as previously described—

Alex: –which is what the Indians found. Oh my God.

Dr. Boyle: That’s why I was going to get to that. HIV is–

Alex: This is ridiculous.

Dr. Boyle: No, no. This is the type of Nazi biowarfare work these scientists do, Alex.

Alex: Oh, no, I agree. But they’re publishing. They’re admitting they did it.

Dr. Boyle: Let me continue, Alex. In a footnote it says, “Cells were originally obtained from Fort Detrick.”

Alex: Oh my God.

Dr. Boyle: That’s a biowarfare–

Alex: So that means US government biowarfare Creek was running this.

Dr. Boyle: They were involved in it, too. Yes.

Alex: Jesus. Let me ask you this. When you learned this, this weekend, what was it like? Was your heart beating faster?

Dr. Boyle: No, I decided to, well, notify your assistant there Monday morning and then later that morning, CNN in India did an interview with me on this, but that was only for about 20 minutes. And then I had to go back to my teaching. But you know, this is what I do professionally–

Alex: No, I know, but this is unbelievable. I’m reading the report right here from five years ago. Obviously, I don’t think the university knew that this would be used for this, but what did they think they were doing when they were giving a foreign authoritarian government a bioweapon? I mean–

Dr. Boyle: Well, it’s all greed. They were paid for.

Read the full interview at

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Comments (17)

  • Avatar

    Joseph Olson


    Alex Jones published my first major website article, “Hoax of the Century” in April 2009. In May 2009 I attended the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth DVD premier, in Austin, with Alex Jones. He was later compromised in crooked family court, and since is unreliable and caustic. Ignore his interruption, focus on the Francis Boyle info on UNC. The referenced “Science Direct Antiviral” article has been scrubbed.


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      wasting your breath talking shit about a True American hero like Alex… GTFO


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    Andy Rowlands


    If this is a deliberately engineered disease with a high mortality rate as suggested here, makes me wonder with the amount of times I’m seeing human extinction mentioned in the mainstream media, whether this is a deliberate attempt to reduce the human population by the globalists. After all, we know the UN wants an 85% reduction in the human population. Is this how they will go about achieving their aim?


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    Evelyn Windsor


    Thank you Andy I agree wholeheartedly with your comment but I had more comfort from Brian James links. I am not getting too excited about this interview & reluctant to distribute it until we get more information & proof. ( Alex Jones is supposed to be a right wing conspiracy theorist according to Wikipedia & Prof Boyle Lawyer with a long history of left wing activism!!!. Anti Israel anti US anti almost everything & everybody.) So I shall await further interesting reading from PSI.


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    Alex Jones needs to be gagged and just shut up while his guests speak. He has nothing to add.


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    Ole C G Olesen


    Anyone suggesting the Chinese released this BIO-Weapon on their popuklation should immidiately look up a SHRINK !…PERIOD !
    But as I have said before .. there are other far more plausible Candidates.
    Use Your Cerebral CORTEX and ask the simple Question : QUI BONO , WHO BENEFITS ?
    Definitely NOT China.. Regarding WHO may be the Culprit .. study WHO has used such methods ore similar Bilological Weapons PREVIOUSLY ….. Overall I find the discussion and media Coverage : DISGUSTING .. including that of Principia Scientiffic… ..


  • Avatar

    Donald Wilkerson


    Nice spin by the Professor. I mean he is a real patriot not turning on his own like that. Can we at least conclude that some Chinese works for our intelligence community and would create an outbreak to try and undermine a foreign power to overthrow their government. Can we at least acknowledge that much? Please?


    • Avatar

      Tom O


      I could acknowledge what you would prefer to believe, but realistically, would someone wanting to overthrow Xi really resort to releasing a virus that will kill indiscriminately, perhaps even their own family members for that purpose? I would have serious doubts.

      However, there ARE people in this world that think that the world would be better off without humans at all, so would they care if it killed their brothers or sisters? Probably not. The fact that the professor says the article says no known antibody for the virus tends to make me wonder if it wasn’t released by such a person – perhaps someone that is already dead from it.


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    Watcher of the road


    There’s a good movie, a very good story, science fiction, based on a bit of defective time travel and a release of an engineered virus by a madman which resulted in the near extinction of the human race except for a few who escaped the attack by going, literally, underground together with their technology and scientific knowledge. It’s a good movie, entertaining and good acting by Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe and Brad Pitt: Twelve Monkeys. But watching it in these days of a virus attack will give you the creeps.


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    Tom O


    There was a good movie many years ago as well – Charlton Heston starred in it – Omega Man. Not sure I would want to watch it again with this virus in mind, though what the virus did in the movie is far different than what this one is doing.


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    Joseph ELLUL


    I follow the money. Everyone knows that almost all pension funds in the world are broke. This virus is designed to kill older people. The politicians want to assassinate the old and educated people. What better plan than this virus ? I bet there is an antiviral but it is kept for the globalist rich. No one in his right mind will free a free radical virus without a harness.


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    John Doran


    The Club Of Rome is the depopulation arm of the UN.
    It was founded in 1968 by Rockefeller & pals.
    1972, the Club of Rome sponsored the ridiculous Limits To Growth booklet:
    Oil was going to run out by 1992, aluminium by 2003, copper by 1993, natural gas by 1994, & on & on, all based on infallible computer models showing the deadly effects of exponential human population growth.

    The Billionaire Good Club was also founded by Rockefeller, another depopulation club. Members include famous population experts like Oprah Winfrey.

    In 1967 the “environmentalist” Sierra club commissioned the insect ecology professor Paul Ehrlich to write a new Malthusian bible for modern times. His book The Population Bomb was published May 1968. His predicted famines never arrived. Nor did the resources deplete as he & John Holdren, another arch-doomster, predicted.

    The best book revealing this anti-human crusade is probably PhD nuclear engineer Robert Zubrin’s Merchants Of Despair, which shows that human population growth has always been a huge boon: a strong spur to progress & prosperity.

    Zubrin references heavily the book by master economist Julian L. Simon: The Ultimate Resource 2 which identified the mechanism whereby population growth is a boon.
    The Ultimate Resource is human ingenuity, which the doomsters ALWAYS FAIL to factor in.

    Simon’s book is the only economics book I ever recommend. Simon took money off Ehrlich & Holdren in a bet.


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    John Doran


    Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball identified the bankster Rockefellers & the convicted felon George Soros as chief among the pack of multi-billionaires pushing the warming/climate fraud.

    Only 121 pages, his 2016 handbook for the layman reveals all: the science & scandals, the politics & profiteers:
    Human Caused Global Warming The Biggest Deception In History.

    Dr. Tim identifies their motives:
    A totalitarian world govt.


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    John Doran


    In his latest 2019 book climatologist Dr. Tim Ball & co-authors make the extraordinary claim that by some estimates human numbers would be an additional one billion human beings were it not for the Rockefeller funded population control measures:
    The Sky Dragon Slayers Victory Lap, featured above, page 19.
    Delicious irony: the latest science shows CO2 to be a minor coolant gas, via convection.
    Increasing CO2 levels result in “greening” the Earth, improving both crops & forests.
    Well worth reading.

    Also worth a read is genius journalist Jim Marrs, RIP, Population Control.


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    John Doran


    China already shot herself in the foot with its one-child policy, costing perhaps 300 million lives, & leaving a large demographic imbalance, with many more males than females.This holocaust was caused by a chinese bureaucrat picking up copies of the UN’s The Limits To Growth & the equally ridiculous Brit equivalent A Blueprint For Survival, & passing these off as his own original work.
    Zubrin’s book details this episode.

    Should the Coronavirus prove to be bio-engineered, as Prof. Boyle claims, I know where my suspicions will point: toward our Royals, multi-billionaires, & bent “scientists”.


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