Insurance Data Reveals U.S. Mortality Crisis Persists

According to a recent article published on InsuranceNewsNet

Sun Life Financial’s US operations reported a surge in extremely expensive claims that caused stop-loss insurance benefits costs to spike in the fourth quarter.

The Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives, a nonprofit organization that analyzes life insurance claims and encourages insurers to screen, test, and triage members to reduce excess mortality and morbidity, has identified what it said were five troubling trends affecting the nation’s health.

“Life expectancy has really flatlined and is worse now than it was a decade ago,” said Josh Stirling, the Collaboration’s founder. “We were going in the wrong direction … There’s a lot of contributing factors to that.”

Considering that >80% of the U.S. population received at least one dose of a COVID-19 “vaccine”, such trends are not unexpected:

Alessandria et al found that COVID-19 “vaccination” reduced life expectancy by 37 percent and increased all-cause death risks during the two-year follow-up period:

Rodrigues and Andrade found that COVID-19 “vaccination” ultimately doubles the risk of post-COVID death in the long-term:

“Arguably we should be back to something close to normal,” Stirling said. “But if you look at it by age group what you see is that it’s really quite substantially elevated for younger ages. That’s what jumped out at me.”

According to Stirling, some key factors contributing to reduced life expectancy include:

(Note: Stirling did not explicitly link these factors to COVID-19 vaccination; my following explanations suggest why it’s likely to blame):

Cardiac and circulatory. Rates for many cardiac & circulatory linked causes up 8-36 percent+

Unfortunately, this is expected according to the largest COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ safety study ever conducted, involving 99 million ‘vaccinated’ individuals, which found up to a 610 percent increased risk of myocarditis following mRNA platform injection.

As shown in our study, Risk Stratification for Future Cardiac Arrest after COVID-19 Vaccination, subclinical vaccine-induced myopericarditis may trigger reentrant ventricular tachycardia or spontaneous ventricular fibrillation, often precipitated by a surge in catecholamines during intense exercise or shortly after waking, leading to sudden cardiac death.

This explains the findings of our other study, Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington, which found a 1236 percent surge in excess cardiac arrest deaths following the COVID-19 vaccination campaign among a sample size of over 2 million.

Furthermore, Ethical Skeptic’s analysis of CDC data reveals that excess sudden cardiac deaths skyrocketed after the COVID-19 mRNA injection rollout:

The rest of this article is behind a paywall, see it here

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    Nigel Addison


    Not a day goes by that I do not regret not taking this bio-weapon.


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