Influenza is the fruit of civilization

Diseases of this ailment are observed in all zones of the globe. Climate and weather do not play a decisive role in the occurrence of diseases and epidemics, according to statistics from 125 flu epidemics, there are 50 outbreaks in the winter period, 35 outbreaks in the spring, 24 in the autumn and 16 outbreaks in the summer.

“Horatio, there is much both on earth and in the sky What our wisdom dares not dream of” — Shakespeare “Hamlet”

But abrupt atmospheric changes, dampness and cold contribute to the appearance of complications and thereby significantly increase mortality from influenza. So far, no one is looking for patterns in the manifestations of “flu”. The only thing that has been noted and recognized is that a person’s susceptibility to this ailment is very high, which explains the rapid development of the epidemic and high morbidity.

In the process of evolution, the human body has perfectly adapted to all natural disasters that could become entrenched in its consciousness. He perceived floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and others as part of nature, as inevitability, therefore, for his life, he tried to choose those areas where it was possible to avoid the blows of nature, this contributed to numerous migrations that not a single nation escaped.

Diseases, epidemics accompanied mankind throughout its existence, but were caused rather by the hygienic conditions of its life, when natural conditions destroyed the means of life. Then he was forced to use those natural resources that caused diseases.

The 19th century was marked by the rapid growth of new technical advances in the transmission of information – the telegraph and the telephone. The planet was covered with a network of wires for telegraphy, communication cables were laid between the continents. In England the first telegraph line was put into operation in 1840, in Germany – in 1843, America – 1844, France – 1845, Spain – 1854, Japan – 1869, etc.

Telegraph communication was carried out by direct current energy. By the end of the 80s of the XIX century, all major cities acquired telephone communication lines. The first period is characterized by the development of telephoning with currents of tone frequencies from 300 to 3 kHz. Thus, humanity acquired the worst enemy of its body, electromagnetic radiation, which is a multiple (?) Of the resonant frequency of the respiratory organs of the body.

The first epidemic of a new disease called “influenza” due to the rapid course of the disease. The 1889 – 1890 pandemic began in Bukhara in February 1889 and penetrated into European Russia through Central Asia. The first diseases in St. Petersburg were in October, in mid-November the number of cases reached 150,000.

In early November, an epidemic appeared in Moscow, during November it captured Poland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. In Paris, 50,000 people fell ill in one night. In December, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and North American North America were struck, as well as Corsica, Algeria, and Tunisia.

In January 1890, the flu captured Yuzh. America, Egypt, as well as South. Africa, appeared in India, Japan and China in February, penetrated into Australia in April. Within one year, the flu traveled around the globe in this way. Then, for a number of years, up to 1893, outbreaks of influenza were observed in various places, which, however, did not have a tendency to widespread.

Over the next three years, small foci of epidemics broke out in different countries, after which about 25 years no mass diseases were observed. During this period, in different states, experimental scientists introduced broadcasting stations, in which spark gaps (oscillators) were used as generators. So the Hertz oscillator gave out a spectrum of frequencies up to 450 MHz. Each inventor strove for a more powerful brainchild, as Oliver Lodge’s resonator ball produced waves of about 12 cm or 2.5 GHz.

From 1914 to 1918, a teleprinter with a typewriter keyboard was developed and introduced in the United States. Telephony was renewed by the invention of the dialer, where the current in the telephone wires reached the supply voltage. In total, in all communication lines that have entangled the globe, they have increased a thousand times, not counting radio waves from dozens of broadcasting stations.

And, “grandmother has arrived” …

In January and February, she appeared in America. In April it developed in France, in May – in Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Serbia and England, and then in South Africa. In June – in Poland, Romania, Sweden and Germany and also in India. In July she was in Belgium, Holland and Denmark. This ended her first wave, the number of diseases began to decrease, and a temporary lull set in.

But in August – September, mass diseases began again everywhere. Unlike the first wave, this time influenza was characterized by a malignant course and high mortality. In December, this wave ended, but in March – April 1919 a new epidemic of very severe flu began, which lasted until August and hit the countries that were spared at first. Illness 1918 – 19 was called the Spanish flu or the Spanish disease, since the first printed information about the pandemic appeared in Spain, which was neutral during the world war and therefore free from military censorship.

But, in essence, it was the same pandemic flu. After this pandemic in various areas (for example, in S.A.S. Sh., In Germany), epidemics were observed that were more limited in the captured space and with a less severe course. Comparatively large epidemics were observed in 1926 and 1927.

Now imagine: what an unregulated spectrum of frequencies from 1 hertz to 1000 MHz, from radio transmitters, electromagnetic radiation, with various amplitudes, air and cable telegraph networks hit humanity, which led to colossal human casualties.

Physics tells us that with increasing frequency, the power of electromagnetic radiation also increases. The human body, as a part of nature, in the course of evolution was adapted to solar radiation, to earthly magnetism, but unexpectedly found itself under a sharp blow, under the onslaught of new, invisible, but felt by the internal human organs of electromagnetic fields.

The next wave of diseases, or “Asian flu” 1957 – 1958, coincides with the development of decimeter waves, this VHF radio range, which is remembered by the old-timers with the transmissions of “Radio Mayak” and continues to function. This range is still used by broadcasting corporations today.

Further, the decimeter range is mastered by television, instead of 3 – 5 channels of the meter range of television, you are already offered 50 or more channels, which occupy the entire decimeter range of 180 – 920 MHz. The installation of new transmitters and repeaters, that is, coverage of a larger area with new frequencies, coincides with the time of the so-called “Hong Kong flu” epidemic of 1968-1969.

The “swine flu” or flu epidemic reached its peak in 2009 – 2010, when all cities and suburbs of many countries were covered by a 3G – 4G cellular network.

A modern reader, surrounded by the latest gadgets, which have an order of magnitude higher frequency, may ironically: – “Coincidence” …

But current events confirm: Wuhan in China and northern Italy, where COVID first erupted, are also some of the first places in the world to incorporate large-scale urban 5G networks. How can you ignore such a fact!

Electromagnetic radiation has become an integral habitat of humanity, it is almost impossible for a modern person to completely get rid of its influence. In a number of countries, studies have been carried out on the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

Scientists cannot determine what exactly negatively affects the human body – electromagnetic waves or the information they emit. But they are unanimous in one thing – the destructive effect of electromagnetic radiation exists!

The greatest danger of electromagnetic radiation is that radiation can accumulate in the human body, disabling the most weakened organs and systems. Electromagnetic radiation affects the brain, immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems, eyes, gastrointestinal tract. Even the term was introduced – radio wave sickness. Its symptoms overlap with many other ailments, making it difficult to diagnose.

Modern mankind already differs from its grandfathers in lowered immunity, efficiency, and sexual activity. Stress has become a constant companion of our life.

Progress does not get rid of the old existing systems that generate electromagnetic radiation, we are still surrounded by electric wires with currents of 50 Hz, radio waves in a wide range from kilohertz to megahertz, television channels in the decimeter range, household appliances with various frequencies, centimeter range 3G and 4G, as well don’t forget the industry and, to this spectrum, new 5G millimeter frequencies will be added. So, there is simply an increase in the global power of electromagnetic radiation.

II Mechnikov, a Russian and French microbiologist, came to the conclusion that infection is a complex process of relationships between a macro- and a microorganism: –

“the phenomena appearing in this case are extremely diverse, which depends on the nature of both the parasites themselves and the organisms, giving them shelter. ” “Infection is a struggle between two organisms.” (Mechnikov I., Immunity, 1898, p. 4).

IP Pavlov, a Russian scientist physiologist, summarized the treatment of infectious diseases: – “the struggle ends either with the beating of the enemy … or with the victory of the enemy” (Pavlov IP, Izbr, 1949, p. 280).

Thus, for the emergence and spread of infections, it is necessary: ​​a source of infections, an organism susceptible to it and the corresponding conditions, and a mechanism for the transmission of this microbe from one individual to another. The absence of one of these factors excludes the possibility of infection.

The human body does not produce virus-neutralizing antibodies, which indicates the absence of the biological properties of the virus. Already ancient scientists called influenza disease “air diseases”, from which they gave the name – Influenza, an oppressive, inflammatory process of the respiratory organs. The 1853 Encyclopedia describes influenza as follows:

“The flu (Influenza), an epidemic disease, in former times very terrible, now rarely has a dangerous character and spreads over a long distance. A damp season, in autumn or spring, constant rains with cold temperatures and strong winds give rise to this epidemic, which always affects a large number of inhabitants and is expressed by more or less mild fever, pain in the forehead, runny nose, hoarseness, sharp and painful cough with a large number of mucous, viscous sputum, sometimes swelling in the throat, flux, lack of appetite, mild nausea or diarrhea, and drowsiness.

General opinion ascribes to her the ability to infect one patient from another; but this is unfair: – like cholera and other beliefs, it is born and spreads only through the air, in its condition described, but with variable weather the epidemic soon disappears.

“This widespread disease did not give much mortality; but if we translate into money the number of working days taken away from it, it would turn out that it costs humanity much more expensive than any other epidemic, even cholera. For strong organisms, influenza seems only unpleasant, for the weak and sick, previously obsessed with various sufferings, especially the respiratory apparatus, it is a very dangerous ailment.

As noted above, influenza in particular mows down consumption, which should be carefully protected from diseases during an epidemic. And they explained it by the influence of telluric conditions, temperature fluctuations and the state of the weather, and later by a decrease in ozone in the air. So in the last epidemic of 1889-1891 influenza influenced the increase in overall mortality everywhere. ” (Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron vol. 13, p. 286, 1894).

The aggressiveness of influenza has increased since the beginning of the 20th century, facilitated by electromagnetic radiation, which has increased every year. If the opinions of scientists of the 19th century complained about the lack of ozone in the atmosphere, then the modern view of ozone is the opposite, in large quantities ozone is poisonous.

Modern science has established the presence in the earth’s atmosphere of the radioactive isotope carbon C14, which is formed under natural conditions in the upper atmosphere (at an altitude of 8-18 km), under the action of cosmic ray neutrons. The C14 isotope is also formed from atmospheric nitrogen under the influence of lightning discharges, since a lightning discharge is a powerful electromagnetic pulse.

Our high-frequency equipment, communication lines and other devices that generate electromagnetic radiation may already, under certain weather conditions, form this isotope – C14, or maintain its high level in the atmosphere.

Since carbon-14 is radioactive, it is unstable and gradually turns into nitrogen-14 atoms, from which it was formed, in the process of such a transformation it releases an electron – a negative particle. Like regular carbon, radiocarbon is oxidized in the air to form radioactive dioxide CO2 (carbon dioxide) – this is what we breathe out when we consume oxygen. And when there is a lot of it in the air we breathe?

Then this is a toxin, the effect of carbon dioxide, which manifests itself when its content in the air is about 4 percent or more, it is expressed in irritation of the respiratory tract, the appearance of tinnitus, headache, dizziness, mental illness. excitement, etc.

Another harmful effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is resonant frequencies.

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Comments (2)

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    Finley Boland


    So happy to see Principia-Scientific woke to this and writing about this subject because as far as I’m concerned you are pretty much always on point. Only a small population of the world realises what is going on & most of them are running the show ??


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