Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

africa children

Humans across the globe are becoming increasingly less fertile. The worldwide fertility rate dropped by nearly 60%. The lowest number of recorded births in 30 years.

Fertility rates have hit a record low followed by an ensuing baby bust. Why are the rates lower? What’s happening here?

Infertility is one of the major problems now in Africa. The ultimate mystery is why are women infertile? A possible answer is Human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG.

It’s a first signal that tells the woman she’s pregnant. It tells the ovaries to produce a second hormone called progesterone that then maintains the pregnancy.

If you create antibodies against HCG, the minute the new baby forming in the woman’s womb starts producing HCG, it is destroyed like it was bacteria or viruses so that the signal is completely lost, and therefore, the ovaries do not produce progesterone.

So if you have high enough levels of anti-HCG antibodies, then the woman would actually just become sterile.

But how does a woman develop antibodies to HCG, effectively, an autoimmune disease where the body is attacking itself?

The new movie, Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, exposes the diabolical agenda being promulgated by the ruling elites at the UN and its ugly offspring, the WHO. Watch the trailer:

Trailer Video

h/t Joe O.

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