Inconvenient History of Salk Inactivated Polio Vaccine

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Comments (5)

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    Interesting article, except if you know they’ve never proven viruses exist.


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    A quote I read somewhere – source unknown.
    Questioning and doubting what’s going on these days does not make you “anti-” anything.
    Nore does it make you a conspiracy theorist.
    Actually, questioning is and should be the place of reason.
    The fact that questioning has become taboo should in fact send a chill up everyone’s spine.


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    Jerry Krause


    I read “The following are all readily verified by searching mainstream media sources:” Why not go back to the historical record of the Salk vaccine where one will find that Salk proved the safety of his ‘killed” polio virus by injecting HIMSELF and HIS FAMILY with it.

    Here is the evidence that this article is fictional: “After testing the vaccines on monkeys, “. There were no other vaccines until the Sabin vaccine, which included a weakened, but alive, Polio virus, was approved.

    Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    People tend to ignore my comments but I challenge anyone to question my previous comment. For I will be 84 in less than a month and this article is about about my history. A classmate died polio and I received the SALK SHOT as soon as it began available as did most all of the youth. I cannot remember what the adults did. And I did take the Saben vaccine when it became available because the MEDICAL PEOPLE of that time questioned if the immunity of the Saben vaccine would be permanent.

    Given the current history of the current Covid vaccines there more history which needs to be reviewed. Salk refused to profit from his vaccine but this was not the case of the Sabin vaccine which was patented. And we know now there is BIG MONEY involved with patented vaccines because of GREEDY, EVIl, MEDICAL PEOPLE who even deny the possible treatment of some diseases.

    We have come a long way from the time of polio. Have a good day


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      Hi Jerry. I don’t ignore your comments but don’t always agree with them. In terms of vaccines I have had the usual ones when younger but have in recent times come to regard them all as suspect. I also react quite badly to the seasonal flu ones and so stopped having them years ago. If you get the chance I recommend you read “Dissolving Illusions; Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History”. You might reconsider your stance. Regards


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