In Spain ‘Doctors for Truth’ Denounce Covid-19 ‘Fake Pandemic’

With the participation of hundreds of professionals from all over the world, “Doctors for the Truth” stated that Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth.

Doctors for Truth Association was presented at a press conference on Saturday, July 25 in Madrid.

The group, led by doctors Natalia Prego Cancelo and Angel Luis Valdepeñas, made a direct connection with the extra-parliamentary commission of doctors from Germany, the Epidemiologists group from Argentina, and doctors from the United States and Argentina.

The event began with the intervention of Heiko Schöning, representative of the German Extra-Parliamentary Commission for the Study of the Coronavirus. There were online interventions by professionals from Argentina and the United States. It concluded with a review of the 4 fundamental points of interpellation to the Government and Spanish authorities by the Association of Doctors for Truth.

The presentation, in an event room of the Madrid Press Palace, was attended by more than 400 people, including general and alternative media, doctors, and assistants. Data, figures, analysis and reflections were exposed that show the incoherent and harmful nature of the measures that are being applied worldwide pertaining to Covid-19.

A world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse.”

“This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

  • Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
  • Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
  • The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
  • The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.

“There are crossed toxic patterns,” said Angel Luis Valdepeñas. “On the one hand, the electromagnetic contamination of fi5v-ghee, and on the other, the influence of influenza vaccination. There is an interaction and empowerment, which must be investigated”.

Angel Luis Valdepeñas underlined at the end of the meeting:

“We must tell our governments that they NEVER OCCUR to compel us to vaccinate, or even recommend it, for the slightest sense of prudence.”

Valdepeñas concluded his final intervention asking the press for “an effort of responsibility that we have not seen so far”, and criticized the “continuous bombardment of information on the pandemic, without weighing neither the quantity nor the quality of the information”. The doctor indicated that when the media talk about “new outbreaks”, they should clarify that these are only positive tests, but that 98 percent [of the population] are “healthy, asymptomatic people.”

At the end of the event, the panelists took to the streets followed by the numerous attendees to the cry of Freedom!


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Comments (50)

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    Richard Wakefield


    More bullshit lies.

    “Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.”

    Yes it has.

    “During the week ending April 21, 2020, 15 455 COVID-19 counted deaths were reported in the US.5 The reported number of counted deaths from the previous week, ending April 14, was 14 478. By contrast, according to the CDC, counted deaths during the peak week of the influenza seasons from 2013-2014 to 2019-2020 ranged from 351 (2015-2016, week 11 of 2016) to 1626 (2017-2018, week 3 of 2018).6 The mean number of counted deaths during the peak week of influenza seasons from 2013-2020 was 752.4 (95% CI, 558.8-946.1).7 These statistics on counted deaths suggest that the number of COVID-19 deaths for the week ending April 21 was 9.5-fold to 44.1-fold greater than the peak week of counted influenza deaths during the past 7 influenza seasons in the US, with a 20.5-fold mean increase (95% CI, 16.3-27.7).5,6

    The CDC also publishes provisional counts of COVID-19 deaths but acknowledges that its reporting lags behind other public data sources.7 For the week ending April 11, 2020, data indicate that the number of provisionally reported COVID-19 deaths was 14.4-fold greater than influenza deaths during the apparent peak week of the current season (week ending February 29, 2020), consistent with the ranges based on CDC statistics.6 As the CDC continues to revise its COVID-19 counts to account for delays in reporting, the ratio of counted COVID-19 deaths to influenza deaths is likely to increase.”

    Besides, this pandemic is no where near finished. At least two years before we defeat it.

    “Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.”

    Bullshit lie. Every doctor on the planet is committing medical and insurance fraud?

    “The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.”

    This virus is spread by asymptomatic people, which is why is spread so fast around the world. We have seen cases of where one person from a family goes out, gets the virus from others, and brings it home infecting everyone, sending some of them to hospital.

    The fact that Australia is seeing a massive second wave, worse than the first one, after lifting restrictions proves this claim is false, and dangerous.

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        Richard Wakefield


        “My numbers” came from a peer reviewed medical journal. SARS-CoV-2 is not a flu virus. We dont even know if a vaccine can be found.

        Your link is estimates, as noted in the peer reviewed paper I linked to. Even by your estimates, the US is way beyond the flu in deaths by Covid.

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          bullshit, the deaths have been inflated. How does a terminal cancer patient that dies of actual cancer be counted as a covid death?. Just stop lying, nobody believes in this fake pandemic anymore, it’s over just shut up now we are so tired of being lied to. Yes the Covid deaths do NOT exceed flu deaths anywhere else in the world.

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          I have been through this thread in it’s entirety and you seem to be the only believer of this fairy tale, this is a comforting scenario as it shows we the people have started to wake up… now don’t you have to go and watch CNN or something?

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      J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


      The CDC is “stacking the daily number on top of each other, according to Jon Rappoport, and others.

      His excellent article on how the CDC counter “up to ten times more deaths” during the H1N1 “plannedemic” was also carried out by the CDC.

      John is a lawyer and has also been up for the Putlizer Prize for his well-researched and hard-hitting articles.

      Also, if you will take a little time to research this fine news service, you will find several more articles gving moer detail as to teh numbers being faked…

      Also, your reference to the number killed:

      Current CDC DeAth Toll: 155,204 as of today:

      divided by current US population: 331,002,651

      155,204 divided by 331,002,651 = 0.0004688905, times 100 = 0.04688905%


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      Remove the comorbid then you have the real covid deaths. Only a few. Covid 19 is a lie. It’s the common cold and pneumonia.

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      Roslyn Ross


      Australia is not seeing a second wave. One state, Victoria, is having issues, the rest is fine.

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      “Australia is seeing a massive second wave”. You’ve been watching too much mainstream media Richard.

      Shut off vulnerable nursing home residents and ramp up the fear that they’re going to die of the black death… then when they die of stress and fear which flares up their many comorbidities, get non-medical nursing home staff to “assume it was covid”. Boom. Mahuuuusive second wave.

      Worked in NY. Should work in Melbourne too.

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      You have used a CNN link… are you serious?, so this is the drivel you want us to believe?, shut up!! you are naive and ignorant… willfully ignorant which is the worst kind. This is not a pandemic, this is a normal flu season whether or not covid is or is not a flu. No one believes this pandemic narrative anymore, it’s a complete lie and the fact that more and more DOCTORS are now coming out and saying it is proof of this being a global scam of epic proportion.

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      The death numbers are rigged. UK Gov ’emergency measures’ that instructs doctors to use the virus (lol) as an excuse for deaths based on symtoms regardless of the deseased circumstances. It states that a positive test is not required for this. Anyone can go online and see this paper for themselves! They are taking the piss, not even trying to hide the BS, because they know many people are so conditioned and controlled like good little pets.

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    Charles Higley


    Yes, numbers are being cobbled.

    When you increase testing and only mention the positive results and not the proportion of negative results, that’s fraud.

    When you give multiple tests to a person and count them as separate “cases,” that’s fraud.

    When a car accident victim tests positive, it’s put down as a C-19 death. This is fraud, clear and simple.

    In Florida, they found a lab reported 100% positive results, but then examined it was <9% positives, that’s fraud.

    When you have a PCR test that is based on a common coronavirus (covi) genetic sequence and then claim it is specific, that’s fraud. Lots of benign covis out there that test positive, which is why we have so many positive asymptomatic people.

    To pretend “positive asymptomatic people” are all walking carriers of a specific virus, rather than a false positive is fraud.

    When you have an antibody test that is designed around a common covi coat protein and claim it’s specific, that’s fraud.

    When you include positive antibody tests, supposedly yo detect people who had the virus in the past, and include positives results as current cases, that’s fraud.

    When, you also include presumed “cases,” based only on symptoms, that’s fraud.

    Because the tests are basically worthless and doctors aero using them as if they are specific, yes, they are committing fraud. Period.

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      Richard Wakefield


      There is no evidence any of that is happening. Someone gets tested more than once, that counts as separate tests. Has to. They are tested positive the first time, and positive the second time later, that is two tests but ONE case. Soon as a third test is shown negative, they get removed as a current case, but kept as a previous case.

      Everything you post claims that every medical professional on the planet is incompetent.

      Next time you get sick or injured for any reason, dont visit a doctor for help.

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        Tom O


        By some chance are you the person that donated the brain for Frankenstein’s monster?

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        J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


        The governor of Florida demanded to know how his state Covid statistics were being figured, and President Trump took the tabulation away from CDC because he knew they were inflating the numbers!

        One city health clinic in Florida was tabulating all the satellite Covid testing sites in the city, and listed one testing site as having a “98%” infection rate; after someone from the state checked with the Covid testing site, they showed copies of that particular day’s report they sent to the city health agency which showed they had reported a “”28%” infectio0n rate to the county health agency.

        “98%” compared to “28%”…someone is lying!

        They are LYING through their teeth to keep this”planned-demic gong until November elections!

        Governor Cuomo, New York had the number of Covid cases down-counted because again, Trump asked for the Dept of Justice to investigate the New York state numbers being given out by the state itself; they had added several “thousands” for those who (supposedly) died at home that weren’t already counted!

        New Jersey, California, Illinois, New York and one other state are GIVING away all their tax money to the “illegals” and desperately need every penny of theCovid money that htey can get from the feds in order to anyway come close to balancing their budgets!

        These states, as well as Pennsylvania, murdered their elderly populations in their nursing homes by putting sick people into the homes and lettingf them infect all teh elderly, whose immune systems are already compromised!

        Get your head out of the sand and find out what is going on!

        And I would say “Yes” to Tom O’s question below…

      • Avatar

        Andrew F


        You’re the one in denial Richard.

        And there’s no second wave in Melbourne, there never was a first.

        The current outbreak here is purely and solely a function of incredibly poor governance by the Victorian Government that allowed the (so called) hotel quarantine system to fail badly.

        That said, only 3% of ICU beds are being used so not a big deal. And again, more government failure (federal) seemingly to let the bug get into nursing homes….

        But on the world scale, no question the data has been fudged, smudged and at time, concocted.

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          That’s right. Western Australia makes up one third of the Australian continent and has not had a new case for more than 115 days. Life is jogging along here as normal.

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        Roslyn Ross


        What we are told are ‘infection’ rates and death rates. We are not told severity rates and for most it is not severe. If all numbers are crunched, Covid is somewhere between a mild and bad Flu season, for mortality, depending on the country.

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        Yes there is evidence of this… you seem to be the only one here defending this nonsense, don’t you feel stupid in your solitude of opinion, my neighbour died of cancer and they recorded her death of covid, she did not even test positive for covid, so yes they are rigging the numbers, no one said anything about incompetent just dishonest.

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      Norann Redding


      Well said, Charles; an honest and scientific assessment of Covid-19. It is just the flu.

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        Richard Wakefield


        Clearly you are no virologist. It is not a flu virus, not even distantly related to any flu viruses. Google: sars-cov-2 phylogeny.

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          Wrong rich the cold and flu season is made up of influenza and coronavirus. Covid 19 is a lie.

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    Charles Higley


    “This virus is spread by asymptomatic people, which is why is spread so fast around the world.”

    Er, NO.
    Stress alone is enough to make one test positive. We make exosomes that are indistinguishable from covis. Typhoid Mary was famous not because healthy carriers were common, but because healthy carriers are RARE. Now, they are pretending suddenly that 25–30% of the population are carriers.

    Between this and the crappy tests, we are being seriously gaslighted into being afraid of everyone. Suddenly the world is full of five-year-olds and everyone has KOOTIES. And no one can convince anyone that they do not have KOOTIES unless they get tested, using a crappy test. Wow, are we that stupid to think that virology is so poorly understood.

    “The fact that Australia is seeing a massive second wave, worse than the first one, after lifting restrictions proves this claim is false, and dangerous”

    The deaths in Australia belie the case surge. That’s shows the disconnect between what is reported and what is important. Just because they did more testing, they claim a surge. Yes, a surge in testing. Are they alarmed by herd immunity? In which case the problem is going away the way it should.

    No one can “defeat” a contagious virus without living for the rest of their life in a sterile bubble. That’s the moving goal posts of this scamdemic. First, it was to save the hospitals, but neglected to mention that the only over-run hospitals were simply understaffed brcause when one person on a floor tested positive, the whole floor staff was sent home. An artificial problem.

    Then, they moved the goal posts to lower the curve. No evidence that lockdowns had any effect, with the curves higher in colder limes and lower in warmer climes, that’s a known effect. So, then we have to STOP the virus, which is impossible. Then, we have to worry about the second wave. And then we are told it will be back and may resurge for years. The, we are told it does attack children—a patent lie by Gov. Cuomo. Then, we are told to wait for a vaccine—for a kind of virus for which a vaccine cannot be made, as it mutates too quickly. The only viable “vaccine” would be a gene therapy application that would alter our DNA—all for a virus that behaved and behaves just like part of the flu season salad of viruses and less lethal that influenza.

    For all intents and purposes, Covid-19 need not even exist. First, there is no Gold Standard, no pure culture, no testing to see if it causes the purported illness. NO testing in the presence of other covis to test specificity. The illness itself is very variable and seems to conveniently fit many sets of symptoms, even hiccups. The virus may be in pure culture in a bioweapons lab, but from the outside point of view, the illness might be from a combination of viruses, thus forming a C-19 syndrome. As the tests test for covis and not C-19, we are testing for an environmental factor, as relatively benign covis come and go all year round, and even totally isolated communities will show positive tests. Just go to a campfire party and breath some smoke and you will probably test positive the next day. The validity of the tests is belied by individuals who test positive and negative randomly over a two-week period. That is simply not how viruses work.

    Viral load is what makes one infectious and also what causes symptoms. A PCR test is simply the wrong method for testing for the presence and load of a virus—just plain inappropriate. It also loses its accuracy by about 35-40 cycles of the PCR reaction and most of these tests work in this range, another serious flaw in testing.

    The Chinese developed their test, which is the model for all others, by collecting lung perfusates from 7 people assumed to have the same illness, centrifuging down the cellular debris, and simply assuming that the clear fraction carried one virus, alone and pure. They developed their test on an unfractionated sample and with no evidence that the seven patients even had the same virus. This is very bad science, oh, and, again, a fraud.

    The CDC was caught making for shipment tests that were being assembled in the same room as the virus samples, which makes for lots of positives. A huge batch of tests shipped to France from the Netherlands was sent back as the tests were already contaminated with virus and tested positive by themselves. A huge batch of Chinese tests were sent back to China as there were just too many false positives. The US Navy will not use these tests as there are too many false positives. If you have symptoms, you go to sick bay, the way one should if not feeling well.

    So, with a jaundiced eye on the source of the “cases” and the tests, it is difficult to believe anything unless there are symptoms. The public has now been told that we have a NOVEL virus and no one knows anything about it. Yeah, that’s right , they have not really studied it but as know a lot about covis and SARS, even the fact that hydroxychloroquinine is very effective (as touted by Dr. Fauci in 2005) agiainst SARS, which this virus is supposed to be.

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      Roslyn Ross


      In 2017 some 1100 died in Australia of Flu. No lockdown. That was a 3-5 month season.

      Covid has been around 7-8 months or possibly 18 months if faecal research is correct with around 220 dead in Australia. And most of those were very sick and very old, a bad combination even for the common cold.

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        Richard Wakefield


        Australia locked down in January, Brazil didnt. Look at the difference: Brazil 2,801,921 cases, 95,819 deaths.

        Australia just imposed severe lockdown because a second wave is worse than the first. They lifted restrictions too soon.

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        Richard Wakefield


        BTW, mid June Australia had 100 deaths. They more than doubled in 50 days.

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      Charles Higley- well done, a most creditable contribution.

      Questions on mutation-
      Is there any vaccine for a corona virus?
      What evidence is there that CCP19 mutates?
      How fast does this occur?
      How different does a mutation have to be before it can be said that a vaccine cannot work?
      How fast does it happen?

      We know that mutation requiring a new vaccine every year, as for flu, is very profitable even before governments ordain compulsion.

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    Jan Steinman


    Thank you, @Richard Wakefield, for putting some science into the discussion!

    There’s so much disinformation out there; so many poseurs citing their pet theories as though they had gone through rigorous peer review.

    One needs to ask oneself when confronted with a conspiracy theory: how many people need to be involved? It is extremely difficult to have a conspiracy with any more than a handful of conspirators.

    In the case of CoViD-19, there would have to be hundreds of thousands — possibly millions — of front-line health care workers in on the conspiracy. The nurses in New York who worked round-the clock, wounding their faces from constant PPE changes, stacking dead bodies in unrefrigerated trucks to rot. The underpaid assistants who have to dump those bodies in limed mass graves. The underpaid eldercare workers who abandoned their jobs in panic when people all around them started dying.

    Yea, right. Conspiracy. Plandemic. Too many people involved to hold that up.

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      Zoe Phin


      One doesn’t need a formal conspiracy to have half the population believe, lead, and follow bad ideas. It happens all the time.

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        Richard Wakefield


        Globally every country’s health care agency would have to be faking the numbers. Impossible. You have zero evidence to back up any of these bullshit conspiracies.

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          They are

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            Richard Wakefield


            Prove it. Cite sources.

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          Roslyn Ross


          Many nations count all nursing home deaths as Covid. Few autopsies are done so we have no idea if people died of Covid, or with it, or something else.

          The tests are unreliable, positive, negative, false this, false that so meaningless.

          What we are not seeing from Covid is the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, or indeed anything approximating a pandemic. If Covid were the threat claimed, the infected cruise ships should have arrived in port with corpses. They did not. Few died and most even if infected were not sick.

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            Richard Wakefield


            Prove it. Cite sources.

            You know more than virologists? No.

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          umm The UN (& Co.)

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          that is exactly what is happening except for the countries that did not lock down as they have no incentive to be inflating numbers, the WHO have incentivized third world countries to inflate numbers… I live in South Africa and this is exactly what we are seeing, the government is lying about infection rates and death rates but yet being very shy to release the true recovery rates, stop being so naive thinking the world is a good place filled with good intentioned people. It’s an evil soup filled with dirty sharks, wake up. How do you explain a country like Japn having 3 times the population of South Africa but yet less than a third of the deaths?, South africa went into hard lock down enforced by the incompetent and corrupt military. Japan had no lock down but yet have not even cracked the 1000 deaths milestone. South Africa are almost or have just surpassed 5000, this is just not possible. even if 5000 was a true figure this is still ridiculously lower than the annual flu death rate for the same period.

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      Tom O


      So, tell me, what brand of trolling motor do you use when you go fishing? Small gas or electric?

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      J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


      Members of the British and American NHS offices are being threatened with losing their jobs if they say anything about the “numbers” not matchIng A REAL PANDEMIC…

      Doctors and nurses are trying to make Twitter and Youtube videos, telling of how hospitals and medical centers are not only having little or no Covid cases, but also of how doctors and nurses are being laid off by these same institutions…

      Without fail, these Tweets and Youtube posting are being taken down by Youtube (owned by Google) and Facebook.

      Doctors are also telling people of how many pharmacies are not filling their Hydoxy prescriptions, due to a complicit Big Pharma.

      If you don’t think I know what I am talking about, visit BANNED TV and Reddit websites, and many of these taken-down videos are being placed again there, without Google or Facebook being able to stop them!

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      Science… he is just regurgitating the same drivel the MSM are, a quick google and you can debunk this nonsense just like so many other doctors are now coming out and doing but being silenced by the media, the truth is covid is not anywhere near as dangerous as we have been told, whether it is a flu or not a flu, the death toll does not warrant a lock down, all the other countries that did not lock down are faring a lot better than the countries that did and they have an economy to return to. Why is no one talking about Singapore, Sweden and Japan?

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        Richard Wakefield


        ” all the other countries that did not lock down are faring a lot better than the countries that did and they have an economy to return to. Why is no one talking about Singapore, Sweden and Japan?”

        Japan had severe lock down from the start (there’s a Netflix documentary about this). But a second wave started to get away from them right after they lifted restrictions, and lock down was reimposed. Same with Australia.

        Sweden has a far higher rate of cases per million than any other EU country. Compare Norway who locked down to Sweden who did not. The deaths in Sweden are far higher.

        Singapore had a spike in cases initially, imposed severe lockdown. Saw a recent increase again when they lifted it.

        It’s all here to see:

        During the Spanish Flu those US States who locked down had fewer deaths and recovered economically faster than those US States who did not lock down.

        This pandemic is no where near over. Wait the two years it will take to defeat it. Then see who did better. Brazil is screwed economically. They will be a virus factory to the world and no one will want anything to do with them to stop the spread from Brazil.

        India is another case of destruction over the long term. Their numbers wont hit the same as today’s US in deaths per million until Spring of next year.

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    you must also add to this that many of the so called infected or died and registered as dying of cv19 are false , Why well look at it this way for every patient recorded as having or dying of the so called cv19 , they get extra payment for !!!!! Follow the money

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      Richard Wakefield


      “every patient recorded as having or dying of the so called cv19 , they get extra payment for ”

      Hospitals dont get paid by the deaths, the get paid by the patients in the US only. The CARES program covers the extra costs involved in a Covid patient. That is all.

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    Oklahoma CBD



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