In Germany Revolution is Brewing Against COVID19 Tyranny
News just in is that, from the 11th January, more than 50,000 shops and other businesses in Germany will open their doors as normally, in despite of the “Covid” restrictions.Although many have said that the way out of this “medical dictatorship” is civil disobedience, as espoused by Mahatma Gandhi to wrest control of India from the British Empire, it behoves us to look at what has actually driven business owners to make this stand.
Instantly, we run into a contradiction: Many believe that government is there to look after and to serve the people which, in theory at least, is actually true. Many, perhaps most, of the self-same people also believe that politicians are self-serving liars but do not see the inherent contradictions in these two warring perceptions.
In November, the “government” of Germany promised business owners restitution payments to cover their running costs during the “Covid” restrictions. These promises have not been kept leaving business owners with the choice between going under and defiantly opening their doors. Basically, they have nothing to lose and 50,000 is a large enough number impossible to police. This is, however, a tiny fraction of the number of businesses facing this. When five million decide to open their doors, the Merkel plan to destroy the German economy and to plunge the German people into abject poverty is over.
Doubtless, a few businesses will be selected for exemplary punishment but this, itself, would be illegal! A law or regulation cannot be selectively applied – all or none is clearly stated under article 3 of the German Basic Law (pseudo-constitution).
Which brings us inevitably to the question, “Who would go into such “illegally” opened businesses?”
In view of the steadily growing numbers of people who have realised the following, the answer is, very probably, “more than sufficient to enable that business to continue.”
1) The whole “raison d’etre” of the lockdowns is the PCR test which is not only incapable of providing diagnostic information but is, further, used way beyond its maximum accuracy capacity.The Polymerase Chain Reaction (which is NOT a test for anything) takes genetic material in a given sample and, by cyclical replication produces sufficient material to enable scientific scrutiny of the initial sample. Each cycle replicates the previous sample 10 times. So 1 cycle gives you ten times as much material, 2 cycles, 100 times, 3 cycles 1000 times etc. The maximum number of cycles, beyond which so much extraneous material will be added that no meaningful result can be obtained, is 35.
Dependent upon the laboratory, the so-called “Covid-19 tests” use between 40 and 45 cycles which explains why their result are more than 95% inaccurate and why Elon Musk who took four such tests on one day, just before Christmas, had two positive and two negative results.
2) Sars-Cov-2 is NOT a “virus” but a micro-protein nearly one thousand times smaller than a “virus”. Although first “discovered” in 2013, its widespread occurrence across our planet has made it an ideal tool for the present manipulations.
Whilst it is known to thrive in the kidney tissues of monkeys, it has no affinity with the human body and can only be viewed as completely harmless to we humans, as the British National Health Service declared on 19th March 2020:-
3) Just as with the much, much larger “viruses”, the Sars-Cov-2 protein fragment is so small that it is weightless, i.e. lighter than air! It is known that such particles will cross the Atlantic in less than 2 days carried by random air currents.
It is also proven that the porosity of even surgical masks needed to let you breathe consists of spaces in the weave some 25 times LARGER than a “virus” so something one thousand times smaller is certainly not going to be impeded by such a face covering.
Additionally, the regulations require merely a face covering – a woollen scarf is quite acceptable thus proving that the purpose has nothing to do with preventing the movement of “viruses”. That is why no blood or breath tests are carried out because these particles can rarely get through and cannot thrive there anyway.
Dr. Ted Noel demonstrates this admirably in this video:
As these particles are randomly blown about across our planetary home, it is inevitable that, now and again, some will be caught by the protective membranes in the nose and throat: That is what they are there for; to stop such particles entering the lungs.
4) The latest statistics show two very interesting things:-
a) The death numbers across Europe show no significant variation from those of the previous 10 years.
b) Concomitant with the rise in “Covid-19”, influenza cases have fallen almost to the vanishing level. Given that the published symptoms of “Covid-19” are identical to those of a cold or mild ‘flu, it seems apparent that there is no actual “new deadly disease” but that, for various nefarious purposes, the ‘flu has simply been re-named “Covid-19”.
This is why the intelligent will go shopping in Germany as of today!
Finally, I’ve just received a copy of a document from the FDA which is an admission, December 2020, that Covid-19 virus doesn’t exist so just guess when you’re running a PCR test. You can download it here:-
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
Please DONATE TODAY To Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.
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but now we are not march ! see here :
Karma Singh
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I don’t follow your comment, Guido.
What is the point you’re trying to make?
The website you quote is not NHS but government propaganda.
This government has persistently ignored NHS findings and advice. This does not make the science untrue nor the propaganda reality.
Blessed be
Karma Singh
David Hackman
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Please let me know how I can get your publication each month.sincerely
David Allan Hackman.
Karma Singh
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Good morning David.
Do you mean Principia Scientific or my personal newsletter?
There’s supposed to be a newsletter sign-up somewhere on P.S’s website but I’ve never been able to find it. Maybe something their webmaster needs to look into?
My personal newsletter is 1 – 2 per week (usually).
You can read the archive here:-
and there’s a sign-up right at the top of the page or you can just go straight here:-
Blessed be
Karma Singh
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we are now in jan 2021 not march 2021!
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sorry : not march 2020
Davo Jaeger
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It’s what should have happened from the start. Govs are NOT supposed to incite fear! They can’t arrest everyone and everyone needs to stand for one another. The enslaved can’t see the shackles, but, they should be able to see injustice being played out against those they know or care about.
We failed the human race. The human race will be extinguished, minus those who are doing the exterminating, and they don’t quite fully deserve it. Maybe there’s another earth somewhere that’s doing well and has humans/humanoids.
Oh well, I’ll be gone… I do regret leaving this hellhole for my children. Enslavement has been with us since we agreed to follow the ‘money’ system–we had no choice, but, we should have questioned just HOW banks are operating and where the money goes. We didn’t and now, we’re under their boot once again.
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be good to have a bit more meat on the bone regarding where this info is coming from. Great news if true as it will encourage others.
Karma Singh
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There’s a lot of stuff in the archives, Richard:-
I write my newsletter for “The Common Man” and so I don’t litter it with references as I would if I were writing a report for a science institution.
If you’ve any specific questions, I’d be glad to assist where I can.
Blessed be
Karma Singh
Heretic Jones
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The great people of German descent have been abused and repressed for a century by lies, propaganda, and deep deception. Any example of the German people standing and fighting warms my heart.
I wholeheartedly suggest contributors here buy and read the book ‘Tell the truth and shame the devil’ by G. Menuhin. This book is not a collection of opinions and memes; rather, a collection of the writings from those who have openly sought to destroy Germany along with Western society generally.
Advocatus Diaboli
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The article says in point #2 that SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus, but a “micro-protein.” This is interesting, where can I read more details on that? Does this micro-protein float freely in the air, or is it bound to a larger vehicle such as a droplet or aerosol particle? And yes, references would be welcome.