Important New COVID Book Exposes Bio-Pharma Complex!
This is the story of doctors who developed a safe and effective early treatment for COVID-19 and their battle with the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that suppressed it.
At the beginning of 2020, Dr. Peter McCullough was a highly regarded practicing physician, program director, teacher, and clinical investigator at a major academic medical center in Dallas, TX. When COVID-19 arrived in March, he felt a duty to find a treatment for the disease. He wasn’t alone. Other doctors all over the world were also searching for a cure. They followed the longstanding principle that it’s best to tackle a sickness early, before it becomes life threatening. This is the story of how Dr. McCullough and his colleagues developed an early treatment protocol of generic, repurposed drugs and supplements that has saved millions of COVID-19 patients from hospitalization and death.
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In spite of their success, their early treatment protocol was not welcomed by public health officials. On the contrary, the news of their promising results was dismissed as soon as it was reported. At first this seemed like conventional skepticism, but then fraudulent papers maligning the protocol’s repurposed drugs were published in academic medical journals. This and other acts of fraud revealed that a coordinated smear campaign against early treatment was being waged. Dr. McCullough and his colleagues soon found themselves censured, censored, vilified in the media, and fired from their jobs. The greatest victims of the smear campaign were COVID-19 patients who were consequently deprived of early treatment. Hundreds of thousands needlessly died of the disease.
At the same time early treatment was suppressed, the US government and mainstream media proclaimed that the cure to COVID-19 lay in a new generation of vaccines that were being developed at warp speed. These were heralded as a forthcoming panacea that would save mankind and restore normalcy. As soon as they were mass deployed, public health officials would lift the restrictions on social and economic life.
While many observers were thunderstruck by this turn of events, there were historical precedents. In his 1961 Farewell Address, President Eisenhower warned, “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes”. As Dr. McCullough and his colleagues learned, Eisenhower’s warning has become equally applicable to the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex of multinational drug companies, the NIH and other federal agencies, research and virology labs, and the Gates Foundation. Since COVID-19 arrived, this Complex has obtained misplaced power over every aspect of our lives and taken our liberties. The Courage to Face Covid-19 recounts how Dr. McCullough and his colleagues began their work by fighting a novel infectious disease, and then became leaders in fighting the tyrannical regime that endangers our American way of life.
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Joseph Olson
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Eisenhower was a CFR member from 1924 and his entire career was based on being a handmaiden for the banking elite. His departing M.I.C. warning speech was his Pontius Pilate washing of decades of blood from his hands. Search “Reine Garden POW Death Camps”
Mark Tapley
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Hello Olson:
Swiss Jew lineage and hand picked favorite of lesbian communist Eleanor, the obscure Col. Eisenhower was bumped up over more than 200 qualified men since just like a puppet actor president or fake congressman, Roosenvelt and his 52 Jew advisors (run buy the real president Bernard Baruch) just needed a figurehead as “allied commander.” More German soldiers died from exposure and starvation in Eisenhower’s death camps (as huge loads of food were turned away) than from combat. Read James Bacque “Other Losses.”
Saeed Qureshi
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The issue is that the narrative assumes that there is a virus (SARS-COV-2). However, unfortunately, there has been no scientific evidence of its exitance. No one has seen it, isolated, or characterized it. Sorry!
One should be careful with this fake virus story and, by extension, the suggested treatments.
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Who is behind this FAKE GLOBAL pandemic? and are making trillions of Dollars out of it?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Eddie:
And thanks for linking video. Zionist Jews are always in the top echelons of the global criminal conspiracies to enslave the planet and have been involved in the vaccination scam ever since Abraham and Simon Flexor launched ole J.D. Rockefeller’s (Rothschild associate) Foundation in the mission to develop the dozen deadly “flu” vaccines.
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People are really going to be furious when they learn the truth. Viruses do not exist as they want you to believe. They know it and now you know it too.
Former CBS Healthwatch Reporter: “Stop Arguing About The Existence Of The Virus”
Mark Tapley
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Hello Sparky:
Once people have been indoctrinated into a belief system, no mater how fake or ridiculous, it is very difficult to get them to change their viewpoint no matter what information they are exposed to. That is why the government wants children in the public indoctrination (school) system are early as possible. That is why all MSM and practically all “alternative” is controlled so only the Zionist Agenda (contrived wars, fake viral plagues, climate change, white privilege , white hate crime and anti semitic propaganda, fake shootings and fake Floyds) gets covered. That is also why after the Israeli foreign legion (U.S. military) invades and occupies a country (after firebombing the citizenry) the first thing done is to set up a Rothschild banking cartel to control the finances and the second thing is to make sure all media (propaganda) is under their (Zionist) control.