I’m going to say a naughty word

I’m back! And I’m bemused. I think that’s the right word?
Over the last couple of weeks while I’ve been recovering from eye surgery, I’ve listened to many podcasts (I couldn’t read for a while) and then read many posts, articles and emails written by well-meaning people who are pissed off about where we find ourselves today.
I don’t blame them. Being pissed off has been my normal state of mind for quite some time.
What makes me feel bemused, however, is that many people think that talking about what they are angry about or think is wrong will actually change things for the better!
When did we become so detached from reality as to believe that banging our anger out to the bots on FaKeBook, Twitter, Instagram or anywhere else online is the same as “donning the armour of God” and going to battle against the enemy?
To dig deep into my inner cliché, talk is cheap, and we need action!
It’s time push away from the computer…
Do you know that comfort zone you’re most likely sitting in right now?
Well, it’s time to get up and be uncomfortable. Because the future planned for us will not be comfortable in any way at all. In fact, if those pulling the strings (whoever they are) have their way, most of us, our children and everyone we care about will be dead within a relatively short space of time.
So, the choice is yours – life or death? I know which side I’m on!
Help yourself
On the shoulders of giants
It’s time for us to take a page out of that generation’s book and start to rock the attitude of – do it for yourself – nobody is going to hand you your rights on a silver platter so get to work!
We owe it to our collective “WHYs” to take this seriously now, while we still have a small window of opportunity to do so.
Source: Substack
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