Illuminism, Meritocracy, and Propertarianism

I received a question about Illuminism, Meritocracy and Propertarianism, and I have been planning to write about this anyway:

Don’t you think the Meritocracy advocated in the books is quite different from the Propertarianism you are currently fashioning? Have you changed your mind?

While there are many themes that the books tackle, there are a select few meta-themes which stand out as core to the Illuminist theory. One of the most major meta-themes is that this world, and our most-cherished systems of thought, and the way we go about things, etc., is and are entirely full of BS.

Do you Dear Reader understand that this world is so entirely full of BS that modern science is now teaching flat Earth theory via the fake greenhouse effect of climate alarm as the most important science that it has ever produced for political action?

'Flat Earth Society' stuns Twitter after informing Elon ...

Do you realize how insane that is?

Do you know that modern scientists believe that if you cover a nuclear bomb with a cardboard box that you have thus protected yourself from its explosion as long as you don’t lift the lid and take a look?

Do you know that billions of people think that it is OK to kill a person for merely saying something that offends them but because it relates to some insane sado-masochistic sky-God?

The stupid people are of course stupid…but our smart people are also quite stupid and in really a much worse and paradoxical way.

And what’s the underlying problem behind all of this stupidity, behind all of the things which Illuminism tackles in its books?

It really comes down to one thing only: the freedom to lie.

One of the things which I used to write about a lot back in the old “online Illuminism” days is the problem of objectively identifying merit that one may then have a meritocracy in the first place.

Some people find merit in believing in insane fairy tales and killing other people who won’t believe them. Some people find merit in reorganizing society and all productivity into fighting the weather! The entire problem of our full-of-shit world is that our definitions of what has merit are absurd.

The answer of course was that, following Nietzsche and Lyndon LaRouche, merit is that which increases our power and i.e. our ability to exist, and can be quantified as our utilization of energy per capita per square kilometer i.e. our engineering capacity in terms of energy flux density, which is basically our ability to control high temperatures.

Merit is that which increases our power. Fighting the weather does not increase our power but squanders it, and worshiping insane fairy-tales does not increase our potential power but wastes it, etc.

The entire problem has been that stupid people are in control and/or wield far too much control over society, and the smart people have had no recourse and have always been forced to live at the level of the stupid people. It’s a matter of course of being far outnumbered.

The major point identified in the Illuminism books is that the smart people have never had the opportunity to do much to improve society, and smart people doing so has actually typically been the most dangerous thing for them to do of all!

Now of course there are smart psychopaths, smart swindlers, smart liars, smart manipulators, etc. This isn’t the type of smart person I’m referring to. Smart degenerates love being surrounded by stupidity because it simply provides them so much more opportunity.

The type of smart people I’m referring to, the ones who can radically improve and contribute to society, are the smart people who value truth.

What defines merit, in terms other than energy flux density and power? It is truth. Smart degenerates may of course find value and power in lies, in convincing society to fight the weather, or that they’re the representative of “God”, etc.

What we want are smart people who value truth to be able to have a much greater and preferably entirely dominating effect upon society. And so how do you do that?

Since truth and especially new truths almost always resides with the minority, and even with the sole individual, then the individual must be given legal recourse to punish those who lie if they can prove and demonstrate the lie.

That is what Propertarianism provides.

Propertarianism provides the legal framework that an individual is incentivized to force truth upon society because any individual can sue for monetary gain those who publicly lie. For example, if such a thing were possible I could sue the academic-political complex right now for billions and billions of dollars given that it has demanded trillions to be spent on fighting the weather due to their lie of flat Earth theory climate alarmism.

I would win this in court because I can prove their lie with their very own documents and math, etc.

To prevent anyone from suing for no reason at all, the balance is that the person initiating the proceedings must be sure that they’re right, because if their case fails then they must pay the court costs for the other party. And so you wouldn’t have millions of frivolous law suits because it would cost people money in doing so.

This really is a brilliant solution. And the whole general idea here is an Illuminist dream of providing an opportunity and mechanism for smart people to have major effects and influence upon society.

Propertarianism holds that truth is determinable (just as Illuminism does), and it holds that a judiciary of Law is capable of correctly deciding upon truth when there is an apparent conflict of truth.

Propertarianism identifies that it is this very aspect of Western Civilization, that is, holding absolute truth as valuable and that it is decidable through the Judiciary and through (proper) science, etc., is one of the core fundamental aspects of Western Civilization that has made it so much more productive, wealthy, fulfilling, and strong in the history of the world and civilization.

While the Illuminist books advocated for Meritocracy and explained what it is and why we should have it, they never suggested how to go about actually implementing or creating a Meritocracy. And of course those books defined Meritocracy in the rational way, where well-meaning smart people could have a much greater influence over society as compared to the utter stupidity we’ve suffered under heretofore.

If we make stupid and otherwise confused people monetarily responsible for the bullshit that they spew, then smart people can immediately begin correcting the moronic absurdities of our civilization.

All rational people understand that the purpose of free speech was to protect the nearly-voiceless minority in speaking truth and debunking lies. Free speech for intelligent, rational, healthy people, is not about the freedom to lie and to subvert, but the freedom to spread truth and to debunk widely-held lies.

To protect the intelligent minority from the stupid majority. And so this new Propertarian system has nothing to do with stifling free speech, but in fact finalizes the power of free speech as a system of Law.

Many people seem to think that a perfect Meritocracy can simply be implemented overnight by force. That would never work, and is idiotic – as idiotic as the Jacobin’s during the French Revolution who thought that Meritocracy would somehow magically spring forth by chopping people’s heads off and drowning children.

What a bunch of degenerate crooks if there ever was such a group! Mere bloodthirsty retards of non-existent agency. How’s your jaw Robespierre? What’s that? I can’t make out what you’re saying…your tongue is waging about too much! lol

Well, what the heck am I talking about…these changes will not likely come about without the use of force, or at least until after a profound physical conflagration has left the West so reduced that the people would finally ask for a more rational system for society.

This is why Propertarians typically advocate for a peaceful separation between peoples who wish to live under a more rational system and those who prefer differently.

It would be nice if we could just agree to do our own thing…but I am afraid that the irrationalists would never allow this because of their belief that all people must fight the weather, or believe in their god, etc. It’s this part of forming a meritocracy which still needs to be worked out.

Propertarianism is a major step in entirely the right direction in providing a framework for truth, and for smart people who can detect and demonstrate the truth, to have an incredibly greater impact upon society than civilization has ever known.

This is everything that the Illuminist books had asked for, and goes directly to the Meritocracy that those books demanded.

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