If COVID-19 Is a Hoax, Where’s the Proof?
As one of a growing sane minority crying out to anyone willing to listen in the wilderness of insanity known as the world today that COVID-19 has never been scientifically proved to exist, I get this question a lot.
Second only to the pejorative, thought-snuffing term “conspiracy theorist” (which, according to one widely believed conspiracy theory, was invented by the CIA in 1967 to stifle public inquiry into areas, such as the Kennedy assassination, deemed potentially dangerous to the establishment), Where’s the proof? is a conversation-ending rhetorical ploy that has been weaponized by skeptics on and off the Deep State’s payroll to silence serious research and discussion of everything from the dangers of vaccines to the truth about 9/11.
What Where’s the proof? almost never means is Show me the proof. That would be inconvenient and potentially embarrassing.
No, Where’s the proof? is usually nothing more than a dismissal, code for: Even if you do have proof, I’m not going to seriously examine it, but I’m going to act as if you don’t have proof, because that way I can make you look like a fool.
See how logical skeptics tend to be?
On the subject of the nonexistence of a COVID-19 virus, wave after wave of proof is now showing up. The internet is positively oozing with it for anyone with eyes to see or ears to hear.
Take, for instance, this recent viral interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman on London Real.
I spend a lot of time in similar territory in my article series on coronavirus. Here are the major proof-filled articles that delve into the idea that, whatever COVID-19 is, you can be sure it isn’t a virus:
21 Facts That Demolish the Official COVID-19 Narrative
Coronavirus Smoking Gun
COVID-19 & the Urgent Necessity to Rethink Our Medical Model
COVID-19: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
COVID-19: The Only Bigger Hoax Here is Germ Theory
The Most Important Article on COVID-19 You Will Ever Read
Freethinking the COVID-19 Plannedemic
If you’d prefer to sweeten your truth with humor, you might enjoy my satirical podcast on this subject:
But I would never want anyone to simply take my word when it comes to such an important matter. I’m not, after all, a skeptic.
I want you to study this subject for yourself—I mean really study it. And this means putting on your big boy or big girl pants and thoroughly reading David Crowe’s new landmark paper (below), “Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory.”
As background for this remarkable study that obliterates the official COVID-19 narrative in one vast detonation of truth, here’s a snippet from one of the best articles yet written on the coronavirus scamdemic, “Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?” by Celia Farber.
I conducted a two-hour interview with David Crowe—Canadian researcher, with a degree in biology and mathematics, host of The Infectious Myth podcast, and President of the think-tank Rethinking AIDS. He broke down the problems with the PCR based Corona test in great detail, revealing a world of unimaginable complexity, as well as trickery.
“The first thing to know is that the test is not binary,” he said. “In fact, I don’t think there are any tests for infectious disease that are positive or negative.”
The next part of his explanation is lengthy and detailed, but let’s push through:
“What they do is they take some kind of a continuum and they arbitrarily say this point is the difference between positive and negative.”
“Wow,” I said. “That’s so important. I think people envision it as one of two things: Positive or negative, like a pregnancy test. You “have it” or you “don’t.”
“PCR is really a manufacturing technique,” Crowe explained. “You start with one molecule. You start with a small amount of DNA and on each cycle the amount doubles, which doesn’t sound like that much, but if you, if you double 30 times, you get approximately a billion times more material than you started with. So as a manufacturing technique, it’s great. What they do is they attach a fluorescent molecule to the RNA as they produce it. You shine a light at one wavelength, and you get a response, you get light sent back at a different wavelength. So, they measure the amount of light that comes back and that’s their surrogate for how much DNA there is. I’m using the word DNA. There’s a step in RT- PCR test which is where you convert the RNA to DNA. So, the PCR test is actually not using the viral RNA. It’s using DNA, but it’s like the complimentary RNA. So logically it’s the same thing, but it can be confusing. Like why am I suddenly talking about DNA? Basically, there’s a certain number of cycles.”
This is where it gets wild.
“In one paper,” Crowe says, “I found 37 cycles. If you didn’t get enough fluorescence by 37 cycles, you are considered negative. In another, paper, the cutoff was 36. Thirty-seven to 40 were considered “indeterminate.” And if you got in that range, then you did more testing. I’ve only seen two papers that described what the limit was. So, it’s quite possible that different hospitals, different States, Canada versus the US, Italy versus France are all using different cutoff sensitivity standards of the Covid test. So, if you cut off at 20, everybody would be negative. If you cut off a 50, you might have everybody positive.”
I asked him to pause so I could exclaim my astonishment. And yet, it was Déjà vu all over again. Just like in the HIV battle—people were never told that the “HIV test” had different standards in different countries, and within countries, from lab to lab. The highest bar (the greatest number of HIV proteins) was in Australia: five. The Lowest was Africa: 2. In the US it is generally 3-4.
We used to joke that you could rid yourself of an “HIV diagnosis” by flying from either the US or Australia, to Africa. But for many years, “AIDS” in Africa was diagnosed without any tests whatsoever. Just a short list of symptoms that tracked precisely with symptoms of most tropical diseases, such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
David, in his quiet Canadian way, dropped a bombshell in his next statement:
“I think if a country said, “You know, we need to end this epidemic,” they could quietly send around a memo saying: “We shouldn’t be having the cutoff at 37. If we put it at 32, the number of positive tests drops dramatically. If it’s still not enough, well, you know, 30 or 28 or something like that. So, you can control the sensitivity.”
Yes, you read that right. Labs can manipulate how many “cases” of Covid-19 their country has. Is this how the Chinese made their case load vanish all of a sudden?
“Another reason we know this is bogus,” Crowe continued, “is from a remarkable series of graphs published by some people from Singapore in JAMA. These graphs were published in the supplementary information, which is an indication that nobody’s supposed to read them. And I think the authors probably just threw them in because they were interesting graphs, but they didn’t realize what was in them. So, they were 18 graphs of 18 different people. And at this hospital in Singapore, they did daily coronavirus tests and they grasped the number of PCR cycles necessary to detect fluorescence. Or if they couldn’t detect florescence by … 37 cycles, they put a dot on the bottom of the graph, signifying a negative.”
“So, in this group of 18 people, the majority of people went from positive, which is normally read as “infected,” to negative, which is normally read as “uninfected” back to positive—infected again. So how do you interpret this? How do you have a test if a test act is actually, you know, 100% positive for detecting infection, then the negative results must’ve been wrong? And so, one way to solve that is to move the point from 37 to say 36 or 38. You can move this, this cycle of numbers. It’s an arbitrary division up or down. But there’s no guarantee that if you did that, you wouldn’t still have the same thing. It would just, instead of going from, from 36 to undetectable and back to 36 or back to 45, it might go from 33 to undetectable to 30 or something like that. Right? So, you can’t solve the problem by changing this arbitrary binary division. And so basically this says that the test is not detecting infection. Because if it was, like if you’re infected, and then you’re uninfected, and you’re in a hospital with the best anti-infective precautions in the world, how did you get re-infected? And if you cured the infection, why didn’t you have antibodies to stop you getting re-infected? So, there’s no explanation within the mainstream that can explain these results. That’s why I think they’re so important.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. And yet I could. Have you ever tried to read the package insert for a “Corona” PCR test? You begin to feel after a while that the technobabble is some kind of spell, or bad dream. An alien language from another dimension, that could not possibly—whatever else it may do—help a single human being have a better life. It’s not “English.” I don’t know what it is.
“I’ve been quoting ALICE IN WONDERLAND a lot recently,” David says, “because it’s the only way I can wrap my head around it. Alice said: “Sometimes I can believe six impossible things before breakfast!”
So where’s the proof that we’re all being monumentally lied to, with health-destroying, freedom-crushing and wealth-wrecking consequences from which we may never recover? Obviously, it’s in the pudding!
See more here: snooze2awaken.com
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Covid did its job. Congratulations, comrade Xi Jinping! You achieved your goals! https://libertarianeurope.com/politics/china-covid-19-did-its-job/
very old white guy
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The proof is the lack of bodies piling up in the streets and funeral homes.
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The virus for 100 years of the existence of influenza has not been isolated. 1st World War, a surge in industrial production in the United States. Air emissions triggered the 1918 flu. The Earth revolves around the sun along an ellipsoid – it passes close to the sun twice, the result of the seasonality of influenza, when the EMF of the Sun is added to the artificial electromagnetic fields.
Now there is a dusting of the atmosphere, from a fictional “global warming”, here is the result of a new outbreak of influenza, where, in addition to industrial waste – 400 million tons, new components of a sun umbrella (nanoparticles) have been added.
Our immunity is already coping with industrial emissions, but new particles are “new” for immunity, so the disease recurs.
Uneven settling of nanoparticles across regions causes deviations in diseases and is already classified as a “virus” mutation.
Mark Tapley
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Industrial pollution is a problem in rat holes like Wuhan but for most it is of no consequence. This is part of the old Club of Rome propaganda that began with front man Paul Erlich in the 70’s with the over population myth that was a fore runner to todays eugenicists such as Gates and Schwabb of the Club of Rome spin off, the elites WEF.
The 1918 flu had three primary drivers, First the Rockefeller foundation disbursed a series of blood toxin “vaccines” into populations in many parts of the world causing sickness and death, second just like today all sickness and death was hyped as the 1918 flu by the controlled MSM and third the new drug aspirin was often given in lethal doses to anyone who had any kind of slight stress. Much of the so called “shell shock” in the troops was actually the result of the blood toxins just as with the poison injections used today.
Herb Rose
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The elliptical orbit of the sun has nothing to do with the flu. An ellipse is a circle with 2 centers and the Earth is only closer one time a year.It is the tilt of the Earth that produces seasons as hemisphere receive less light from the sun during winter. During winter people receive less vitamin D which weakens their immune response. The flu is around all year, switching from northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere as the seasons change.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
If the seasonal tilt of the earth was a little less or a little more, agricultural production would be ruined throughout the temperate areas of the planet. The governments are well aware how critical D3 is in the body, used in ap. 200 functions. That is why they have attempted to have all supplements banned. Cholesterol is also critical for D3 absorption and many people are very deficient due to taking the statin poisons that have ruined many peoples liver, stripped out muscle and caused brain deterioration (brain 50% cholesterol).
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It is well known that corporations are discouraging new inventions and new avenues of science, and such plausible avenues for research will be thwarted by Big Pharma, because the search for a non-existent virus is a huge financial source and they are not interested in looking for new avenues of research.
Take a closer look at the distribution of particulate matter from industrial emissions on the NASA website,
traces of bird flu, swine flu, and the wave of a new covid in 2020, September air pollution over all countries, etc. can be traced on it.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
First, I’m trying to begin a conversation at (https://principia-scientific.com/la-nina-ended-in-may-so-why-still-so-hot-in-the-us/). Take a look.
Secondly, “An ellipse is a circle with 2 centers”. An ellipse is ab ellipse is an ellipse …. You got the rest of it correct. I am beginning to understand the vitamin D issue but I have been spending significant time outdoors during all seasons and maybe that is why (now that I think of it) that it has been years since I’ve really had the flu or even a cold (but then I do do have a poor memory. And here in the Willamette Valley it is often cloudy during the winter. But maybe just a little dab is sufficient. This seems a study someone should do.
Do old people who work outside all year have fewer cases of flu and colds???
Have a good day, Jerry
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Very little health research is done on any thing that cannot be patented like a vaccine or drug. There is not much money to be made in natural substances. It is known however that people that get the deficiency disease of cancer are also deficient in D3 about 70% of the time. We also need vit. C but it is poorly absorbed, especially when carbs are in the system since ascorbic acid is similar to the glucose molecule and is crowded out. Almost all animals make lots of vit. C.
Goats make large quantities which likely explains why they rarely get sick.
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
A circle is an ellipse where the two centers coincide. They all part of conic sections.
Have a good day,
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
As you ponder the attributes of circles I have more information for you on the fake atomic weapons. As I mentioned in an previous discussion, of the 50 bridges in Hiroshima only one was knocked out of service in the pretend atomic attack. The train station was running in less than 48 hours and ap. (cannot find exact no. at present) 200 trees in or close to the primary impact zone budded out the next year. All of this is explained in Akio Nakatani’s “Death Object.”
The two videos below are just a listing of over 70 reasons why atomic weapons are fake. The narrator is an eccentric looking character and he gives inane percentages with no relevance but he does give some valid reasons as to atomic weapons being fake.
Herb Rose
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Hi Mark,
The objects directly under the aerial blast (no ground impact or crater) didn’t show that much damage as the force was vertical. The further you went from ground zero the more horizontal the force (which structures were not designed to withstand) and the greater the damage to vertical objects. Bridges are at ground level so the concussion force flows over them, like it would over streets and train tracks.
Even though the second plutonium bomb was more powerful it did less damage because of the hills surrounding the city absorbed much of the force.
How do you explain the radiation sickness, hair falling off, skin sloughing off? There wasn’t as much fire damage, as from napalm, because the heat of the bomb vaporized objects leaving the shadows of people burnt into concrete.
I do not know of Akio Nakatani or if was a witness to the bombing (I doubt) but there are multiple eyewitness accounts, artifacts, and pictures that attest to the reality of nuclear bombs. How do you explain the thousands witnesses and pictures when a nuclear bomb was detonated in space and seen from Hawaii to New Zealand?
The trees budded because the radiation and dust is blown away from the center (mushroom cloud)
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
The destruction in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was identical to all the other Japanese Cities. This was verified by Russian -American aviation expert Alexander Seversky who believed in nuclear weapons when he did a detailed investigation of these areas and many others soon after the surrender. I quote just one small section of his report regarding Hiroshima. “The concrete buildings nearest the center of the explosion, some only a few blocks from the heart of the blast, showed no structural damage, Even cornices, canopies and delicate exterior decorations were intact. Window glass was shattered, of course but single- panel frames held firm; only window frames of two or more panels were bent and buckled. The blast impact therefore could not have been unusual.”
If there had really been radiation do you think the masses of people would not be evacuated. The supposed heat from the “atomic:” blast should have killed everything alive in close proximity. Lots of stuff has been removed from Jew Tube. There was a Catholic mission in one of the cities and one of the priests was interviewed. When asked about radiation he replied that he and the other priests there went out right after the attack to render aid and never had any type of reaction.
You are just buying into more Zionist lies contrived by the same bunch that is running the phony climate change and the fake virus.
You have been scammed again Herb. Read the accompanying article with photos from the Miles Mathis site, exposing the fake nuclear tests:
Herb Rose
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Hi Mark,
I read part of your link but quit because it was garbage.
As I said I went to school with a girl whose father flew a plane through a mushroom cloud. He was the only crew member to survive for very long and suffered from radiation problems the rest of his life. The filters on the B-17 were not to protect the crew or capture radioactive emissions but to gather the different chemical elements produced by the bomb. This was the method used to identify how the Russians built a hydrogen bomb. (The American hydrogen explosion was not a bomb and could never be carried on a plane) If the filters were to protect a crew why didn’t they use a pressurized bomber instead of the leaky B-17?
There is no way that the hydrogen device detonated on the island was only 13% greater than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
The separation of U-235 from U-238 is a long and expensive process done at Oak Ridge Tennessee. Plutonium was created in a reactor in Washington state and was faster and cheaper to produce. The reason they used a Plutonium bomb to test at Trinity was because they had a limited supply of uranium and while they were confident that a uranium bomb would work there were questions about the plutonium bomb. The entire nuclear arsenal was 3 bombs.
It is true that there wasn’t much left to bomb in Japan as Curtis Lemay said, this fact did not compel the Japanese to surrender. It was the unfounded threat of instead of having hundreds of planes dropping incendiary and conventional bombs, a single bomber (why the Japanese didn’t obey the air raid warnings at Hiroshima) could do the same damage, along with the Russian declaration of war that compelled the Japanese to accept surrender.
The bombs used proximity fuses to dentate at an altitude where. the force from the blast would produce the maximum damage instead of digging a hole in the ground. Object under the detonation would have a vertical force upon them, which they are designed to withstand, while buildings further away would have to deal with horizontal forces. This is why the Trinity site and ground zero at Hiroshima are similar.
I believe that the Trinity site is open to visitors 1 day a year. Since you are not that far away you should visit it where you will be able to see (but no longer be able to take) the glass produced by the heat of the explosion.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
The photos in the Miles pdf are conclusive as to the “atomic” fakery. You put a lot of stock in anecdotal stories. We all know how reliable those are. Its been over 75 years since an atomic bomb was deployed other than as a fake test. Don’t you think that is a little suspicious.
You have given numerous excuses as to why the alleged nukes were so ineffective. In fact no more effective than and identical to the conventional explosives that were actually used. The whole nuclear program was just another incredibly expensive program to launder the taxpayers money into the pockets of the insiders like your Apollo moon mission to Kubrick’s studio. I have already posted the pictures of all of the shuttle ass tronauts (less one) someone located ap. 30 years later without a doubt.
Best regards, Mark
Herb Rose
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Hi Mark,
Yes I believe nuclear bombs exist and are exponentially more powerful that even the modern more powerful conventional .bombs.
I have many uncles that fought in WWII.They and their friends were not part of a government plot. Before they died there was an effort to record their war experiences. Some, like my uncle Herb who was on the fifth wave invading Iwo Jima, could not talk of it, but others, including infantry enlisted men who saw the extermination camps, did record their experiences. You should see if any of the veterans, who you trust and knew on a personal basis, made such recordings and read them to get first hand accounts and not trust someone trying to sell books with sensationalism.
Mark Tapley
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The virus virus hoax, just like the climate change hoax are just more manufactured “crises” to rake in billions for the insider elite and their political operatives, as they plunder the herd and frighten them Into buying further into the big government socialist narrative of “we are from the gov. and we are here to help you.”
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
It one of the greatest tragedies in history that so many millions of people have fallen victim to the Zionist Agenda of contrived wars in order to move societies down the path to destruction of all the countries and the establishment of global tyranny as stated by the foremost British journalist of WW2, Douglas Reed in what is still one of the best books on the subject “The Controversy of Zion.”
It is said that Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. All that need be done is set up the opposition such as the Sodomite New England Tariff enforcer Lincoln did at Ft. Sumner or Jewmerica did with the Maine, the Lusitania (and lots of other outrageous propaganda) or a Pearl Harbor and the ten other planks of insults on the Japanese. Then we had the 50 battle ships given to Britain along with massive lend lease aid while we were “neutral.” Also the reconnasaince and German U boat searches we conducted and finally the attacks on German U boats while Roosenvelt and his 52 Jew advisors led by Bernard Baruch continued to claim neutrality.
While Zionist Churchill who had been picked up by the Jew controlled Focus group to foment another war with Germany along with fellow Zionist FDR did everything possible to provoke war, Wall St. was busy supplying industrial help so the Germans could rebuild. The U.S. had been supplying massive agricultural, industrial and financial aid to the the Soviets (Bolshevik Jews) since 1917. This is all documented by Hoover Inst. researcher Anthony Sutton.
Your uncles were patriotic pawns, like millions more in the Zionist Hegelian dialectic of contrived war. WW3 using Russia and China against the west is on the way unless this group is removed from power. They are achieving much success with the fake virus and the phony climate change but as these bog down we can expect them to fall back on the war card as always.
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The entire covid scare was based on the PCR testing method. It was never standardized and cycle runs are all over the map. The PCR test, was in itself, never put through trials that would ascertain its effectiveness at identifying the CoV-2 virus. Without a 99% effective testing method that has a set standard, we can come to the conclusion that any disease or virus could be labelled covid and who is going to question it? All of the same covid symptoms can be found to be experienced by dozens of various illnesses and viruses. The fact that the entire 2020-2021 flu season vanished for the first time in over 100 years, leads me to believe that most of those cases still existed and were call covid. There are a 100 holes in the covid story for every one potential fact.
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Hola a todos. ¿Buscan una prueba de que Covid-19 es falso o que la “pandemia” es falsa o ambas cosas?
Lean la modificación introducida por la OPS/OMS en abril de 2020 a la CIE-10. Ahí está la clave de todo este fraude, pues de acuerdo con lo allí contenido, los médicos TIENEN QUE DAR EL DIAGNÓSTICO DE COVID-19 SÍ O SÍ.
Si no lo hacen, en este documento se indica que los certificados de defunción serán “corregidos” manualmente, “aún por encima de lo que se considere médicamente correcto”. Es con estos datos que la Universidad Johns Hopkins, cuya dependencia de Bill Gates y sus “donaciones filantrópicas es sobradamente conocida, emite las supuestas estadísticas “mundiales” de la “pandemia”.
La segunda prueba es más simple: supuestamente el SARS-CoV-2 está en todas partes, hasta en la sopa y colgando de los palos, tiene variantes alfa, beta, delta, épsilon…. hasta la z del alfabeto griego. Si es tan común y todo el mundo lo posee y lo ve, ¿por qué NINGUNA de su sus falsas “vacunas” lo contienen???
RESPUESTA: porque los coronavirus son tan antiguos como el planeta, existen en los animales (el humano es un animal), está sujeto a brotes epidémicos como todos los microorganismos y no lo han aislado porque están contando conque la información del supuesto genoma del virus de Wuhan suministrado por China, era verdadero. ¿Qué méritos tiene China para que sea creíble? No se puede hablar de “variantes” de algo que nadie realmente conoce y no se ha comprobado de manera contundente que exista.
Y el grado de degeneración y corrupción de la OPS/OMS, los CDC, la FDA, Anthony Fauci, así como su relación con la manipulación viral y genética (en conjunto con China y Alemania), no son nuevas ni desconocidas.