Icebreaker Battles Toughest Arctic Ice Conditions for 15 Years
(Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Mario Hoppmann,
A Swedish icebreaker on the way to the North Pole has encountered heavy ice conditions and had to stop just before the North Pole.The Swedish icebreaker Oden embarked to the North Pole from Svalbard last week. According to the captain, who described the ice conditions – they are the most difficult witnessed in the past fifteen years.
The pack ice the ship encountered north of 80° was very dense, piled together through a months-long northward ice drift in the Central Arctic Ocean, reports. Overall, however, the Arctic’s summer sea ice extent is again very small; the Oden hit the ice edge only at 82°N.
Destination in jeopardy
The dense ice pack left hardly any patches of open water for the ship to navigate between the massive ice floes. The crew and researchers were thus faced with the situation that the North Pole could possibly not be reached.
However, about 200 km before the Pole the situation improved with the Oden encountering younger, thinner ice and tracks of open ice left by a Russian icebreaker plowing the area a few days before.
Massive ice floe blocks North Pole
About four miles away from the North Pole, the Oden eventually had to stop its journey since a massive ice flow on the top of the Pole prevented the onward journey, reports.
Icebreaker encounters most difficult ice conditions in 15 years – High North News
MORE real-world evidence that the Arctic is not in a “Death Spiral” or “Screaming” and certainly not “Ice-Free”, as the mainstream media and activist climate ‘scientists’ like NSIDC director Mark Serrezehave promised you for years.
MARK SERREZE – “The Arctic is screaming”:
“ICE-FREE” Arctic in 2008:
ARCTIC “Death Spiral”:
ARCTIC ICE “Death Spiral” | National Geographic
DATA from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) record indicates how the Swedish icebreaker – Oden – found itself struggling in the stubborn, thick summer sea-ice that is apparently “screaming”and “Ice-Free” by now.
2.0 – 3.0 metre-thick sea ice covers a vast extent of the Arctic basin:
NO trend in Arctic sea-ice volume/thickness over the past decade. Though, there’s been a big build up in 2018 of 2.0-3.0 meter thick, multi-year sea ice that has stymied Oden’s travels:
TOTAL ice loss since the winter peak, has been the lowest in the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) record:
ARCTIC temps were below the average nearly everyday during the summer melt season:
THERE has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the last 12 years:
WITH the Arctic in good shape, and certainly no sign of imminent meltdown at either pole, it’s hard to see the “climate crisis” that the mainstream media, activist ‘scientists’ and politicians insist is upon us.
EVEN harder to see how policy makers can justify deindustrialisation of the Western world through draconian, UN climate Paris-policies based on overheated UN climate models, fear, propaganda, and not observed reality.
DO politicians even look at empirical data or “the science” anymore? Or does the wicked truth expose their scam, hindering globalist intentions?
DON’T expect an apology or correction from any of these interest groups, now heavily invested in climate alarm, anytime soon. TOO many jobs, reputations and egos are now at stake. And, access to unlimited “Save The Planet” taxpayer trillions, immune to oversight.
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John Turmel
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He’s Justin Trudeau, leading fight to stop our climate change,
Calls CO2 “pollution.” Carbon tax he will arrange.
As Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth shows record-setting heat,
Catastrophe is looming if the change we do not beat.
But in Two Thousand Nine, the scam’s exposed in Climategate,
Where Michael Mann used “trick to hide decline” since ‘Ninety-Eight.
Won’t show the Court his data to his hockey stick graph clear,
Caught fudging numbers so the warmer times would disappear:
Medieval Warming Period, eight hundred years ago,
Greenland was green and Europe able even grapes to grow.
Mann’s hockey stick omits four centuries of high-temp climes,
Hides even recent Dust-Bowl days of Dirty Thirties times.
Some say a trick’s just neat new scientific way to go,
It’s not the “trick” but it’s the “hide” offends my ethics so.
They called no rise in temp a “Pause,” mere levelling of line,
But “trick” was not to hide a “Pause” but used to hide “Decline.”
When Global Warming stopped, alarmists had to change the name,
To “Climate Change” so up or down, they get to win the game.
Real temperature’s measured in “Degrees” where up’s more hot,
But up some “Climes” of Climate Change are units never taught.
We know their “Climate Change” means really “Warming,” not a “Freeze,”
So why’d they change the name when both are measured in “Degrees?”
Had they stuck with “Global Warming,” as the temp went down,
Your own thermometer would show they’ve played you for a clown.
Professor Keating flaunted “Thirty Thousand Dollar” bet,
“You can’t disprove my claim: It changes.” Safe as it can get.
Since climate always changes, it’s a bet no one can meet,
A false bravado with but only one sure way to beat.
So Great Canadian Gambler raised him unexpectedly:
“A Hundred says next year is colder, measured by ‘Degree.'”
Though flashing Thirty Gs on wager that could not be faced,
He folded to my C-Note raise. My post he then erased.
If said “You can’t disprove my claim: “Mars Will Invade Behold!”
Just say “I bet they won’t next year!” to watch the scammer fold.
Liars backing down from public bet lose “Trust-Me Cup.”
“Cash says: Won’t happen soon!”‘s the only way to shut them up.
With thirty thousand-scientist petition showing why,
We, humans aren’t to blame, it’s ball of fire in the sky!
They claim “Percent of 97 scientists agree,”
But I, nine hundred’n seventy thousand signatures, don’t see.
The scientific journals censored all the truth who knew,
While William Connolley at Wikipedia did too!
All honest research had to face corrupted peer review,
While prostitute researchers furthering the scam got through.
Green candidate in Twenty Twelve Toronto-Danforth race,
Where Adriana Magnutto-Hamu said to my face,
“I’ll make the $100 bet that temperature will rise.”
But 6 years later, welched on paying hundred dollar prize.
As Youtube showed David Suzuki crushed for all to see,
He couldn’t even name the data sets on Oz TV.
He wants to jail those he can’t beat in open fair debate,
“I was arrested in the Soo!” kept shut up by the State.
Sun-spots have disappeared, a mini Ice Age on the way,
With Engineering drop-out onto whom the blame we’ll lay:
So Trudeau’s culpable by peddling untrue warmth reports,
For every schmuck found frozen dead still in Bermuda shorts.
With “Scientists” who hid decline, their data, won’t bet too,
Til Greenland’s green again! I question what we thought we knew.
Still fooled by trick to hide decline, still Justin leads the way,
“I tried to stop climate from changing” on his resume.
Marshall Rosenthal
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Didn’t King Canute order the climate to change?
Marshall Rosenthal
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Didn’t King Canute order the climate to change? Let me ask this question again.