Hybrid & Electric Cars: Electromagnetic Radiation Risks

Hybrid and electric cars may be cancer-causing as they emit extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Recent studies of the EMF emitted by these automobiles have claimed either that they pose a cancer risk for the vehicles’ occupants or that they are safe.

Unfortunately, much of the research conducted on this issue has been industry-funded by companies with vested interests on one side of the issue or the other which makes it difficult to know which studies are trustworthy.

Meanwhile, numerous peer-reviewed laboratory studies conducted over several decades have found biologic effects from limited exposures to ELF EMF. These studies suggest that the EMF guidelines established by the self-appointed, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are inadequate to protect our health. Based upon the research, more than 240 EMF experts have signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal which calls on the World Health Organization to establish stronger guidelines for ELF and radio frequency EMF. Thus, even if EMF measurements comply with the ICNIRP guidelines, occupants of hybrid and electric cars may still be at increased risk for cancer and other health problems.

Given that magnetic fields have been considered “possibly carcinogenic” in humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization since 2001, the precautionary principle dictates that we should design consumer products to minimize consumers’ exposure to ELF EMF. This especially applies to hybrid and electric automobiles as drivers and passengers spend considerable amounts of time in these vehicles, and health risks increase with the duration of exposure.

In January 2014, SINTEF, the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia, proposed manufacturing design guidelines that could reduce the magnetic fields in electric vehicles (see below).  All automobile manufacturers should follow these guidelines to ensure their customers’ safety.

The public should demand that governments adequately fund high-quality research on the health effects of electromagnetic fields that is independent of industry to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest. In the U.S., a major national research and education initiative could be funded with as little as a 5 cents a month fee on mobile phone subscribers.

Following are summaries and links to recent studies and news articles on this topic.

Complex Electromagnetic Issues Associated with the Use of Electric Vehicles in Urban Transportation

Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz, Patryk Zradziński. Complex Electromagnetic Issues Associated with the Use of Electric Vehicles in Urban Transportation. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Feb 22;22(5):1719. doi: 10.3390/s22051719.


The electromagnetic field (EMF) in electric vehicles (EVs) affects not only drivers, but also passengers (using EVs daily) and electronic devices inside. This article summarizes the measurement methods applicable in studies of complex EMF in EVs focused on the evaluation of characteristics of such exposure to EVs users and drivers, together with the results of investigations into the static magnetic field (SMF), the extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF) and radiofrequency (RF) EMF related to the use of the EVs in urban transportation.

The investigated EMF components comply separately with limits provided by international labor law and guidelines regarding the evaluation of human short-term exposure; however other issues need attention-electromagnetic immunity of electronic devices and long-term human exposure. The strongest EMF was found in the vicinity of direct current (DC) charging installations-SMF up to 0.2 mT and ELF magnetic field up to 100 µT-and inside the EVs-up to 30 µT close to its internal electrical equipment.

Exposure to RF EMF inside the EVs (up to a few V/m) was found and recognized to be emitted from outdoor radio communications systems, together with emissions from sources used inside vehicles, such as passenger mobile communication handsets and antennas of Wi-Fi routers.


4.5. Health Aspects of Exposure to EMF in EVsAn EV driver’s long-lasting daily exposure to EMF, even if compliant with the exposure limits, cannot be counted to be negligible when the context of possible adverse health effects due to chronic exposure to EMF is considered.

The ELF MF was classified to be a possible carcinogenic to human (2B classification) based on the epidemiologically proven elevated carcinogenic health risks in populations chronically exposed to MF exceeding 0.4 μT (attention level related to yearly averaged exposure) [38,39,40].The level of ELF MF exposure reported in various studies focused on EMF in EVs and discussed in this article may significantly contribute to the total long-lasting exposure to drivers.

The effects of EMF exposure induced in exposed objects are frequency-dependent, but the significant majority of studies performed so far in the area of EMF safety have referred to the populations exposed to high-voltage power lines (i.e., to chronic exposure to EMF of sinusoidal power frequency), and the outcome of such observations was a base for the abovementioned 2B classification for ELF MF exceeding 0.4 μT.

Because of differences in the frequency patterns of the discussed exposures (near power lines and in EVs), there needs to be very careful analysis of how far the studied health and safety outcomes from ELF EMF exposures vary in such cases, and which exposure metrics are relevant to evaluate them.Consistently, the mentioned differences in frequency characteristics of ELF EMF in EVs and EMF near regular electric power installations also need attention with respect to the exposure evaluation protocol, which in practice means that studies of the parameters of EMF exposure associated with the use of EVs require not only measurements of the RMS value (which, in practice, is usually almost equal to the RMS value of the dominant frequency component of exposure), but also attention to the higher harmonics of this exposure, the components of fundamental frequencies other than 50 Hz, the parameters of transient EMF over rapid changes in the mode of EV driving, and combined exposure including the above mentioned components.

Similar to ELF MF, RF EMF was classified by the IARC in the group of 2B carcinogenic environmental factors [41]. This component of driver EMF exposure also needs attention because of its level at least comparable to office exposure, where wireless radio communication facilities are in use and daily long-lasting exposure, potentially significantly contributing to total driver chronic exposure, combines with other components of lower frequencies (covering together exposure to: static, low frequency and radiofrequency fields).


In every urban area, there is a daily mass of passengers traveling by public transportation. Ecological and economic reasons, as well as technological development, mean that a significant percentage of the population already use EVs (trams, metro, trolleys, buses) daily, seeing as they are an increasing majority of transportation resources in various large cities.

During the journeys, passengers and drivers are exposed to a specific complex EMF, with a dominant ELF component emitted by the driving systems and their supply installations, and an RF component emitted by various wireless communications systems (e.g., Wi-Fi routers located often inside vehicles, handsets of mobile communications used by passengers, and mobile communication BTS located outside vehicles). Depending on the location of the electric equipment inside the EVs, a higher exposure to EMF may affect passengers, or in some cases drivers.

Investigations into SMF, ELF and RF EMF emitted by various electrical equipment associated with the use of EV urban transportation showed that their levels, considered separately, comply with the limits provided by international labor law and guidelines aimed at protecting against the direct effects of short-term influence on humans of EMF of a particular frequency range (set up to prevent thermal load or electrical stimulation in exposed tissue) [12,13,17,20,21,22].

International guidelines and labor law do not provide rules on how to evaluate simultaneous exposure at various frequency ranges (e.g., SMF together with ELF and RF). This needs also specific attention, given that electronic devices and systems used inside EVs need to have sufficient electromagnetic immunity to ensure that their performance is not negatively affected by the impact from EMF emitted by the use of EVs.

Considering the chronic nature of exposure to EMF in EVs (in particular with respect to potential exposure to drivers when various EMF sources are located near their cabins), and the potential specific risks from exposure to EMF of complex composition in time and frequency domains, there is a need to collect research data on the complex characteristics of EMF exposure related to the use of EVs in public transportation and the associated health outcome in chronically exposed workers, as well as decreasing the level of their exposure by applying relevant preventive measures (e.g., locating indoor Wi-Fi routers, and other such electrical equipment, away from the driver’s cabin) [17,23,42,43,44].

Open access paper: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/5/1719

See more here: saferemr.com

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Comments (9)

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    Vehicle EMF is the new ‘Diesel particulates then, is it?

    “locating indoor Wi-Fi routers, and other such electrical equipment, away from the driver’s cabin”
    Useless having a WiFi router if the antenna has to be none radiant for safety don’t you think?

    I live in a house that contains wiring. I use appliances that generate EMF, such as a washing machine, drill, hair dryer. Heaven knows what a welding machine will do then. Next time you approach a contactless phone charger be extremely careful.

    “low-voltage 600 V or 750 V DC current bus bars or cables located along the paths of ETVs (overhead in trams, trolleys and commuter trains, but under the floor in metros) and supplying DC or AC driving engines. Those outdoor DC power lines emit static and extremely low-frequency (ELF) EMF at fundamental frequencies usually of 50 and 300 Hz, or 300 and 600 Hz together, with a set of higher-frequency harmonics (coming from the imperfect rectification of 50 Hz AC currents from single-phase or three-phase installations).”
    Perhaps the whole grid should be shut down?

    Either people want what is now available or they want what wasn’t in the past. Talk about nanny state. Ridiculous.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Howdy:
      In the book “Invisible Rainbow” by Firstenburg discusses EMF radiation from the its inception in the 1800’s to todays use of very low frequencies to 5G. He states that much data on cell phone frequency output has been kept from the public. The Spanish researchers and others have confirmed the presence of the resonating substance, graphene oxide as a serious threat to those stupid enough to have been injected. People living in urban areas in close proximity to transmission. towers and 5G networks are likely to be more at risk from EMF radiation. Firstenburg details numerous cases of radio wave damage to various bird species as well as extensive damage to bee colonies.

      What do you think of the video below on electric motor efficiency, and would this only apply to 3 phase or also effect single phase. The only thing I know is when you wire your table saw for 220 instead of 120 you get more power from the added hot leg. There are lots of old welders that worked around welding transformers all day (generating lots of EMF) breathing lead and other fumes from the rods all day and are still going.



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        The video is about power factor. Residential supply doesn’t come under the same rule as industry. Residents pay for apparent power, so if your appliances are low power factor, It won’t reflect on your bill. It isn’t the same as real power, which industry gets charged for. The guy talks about back and forth between the transformer and motor. A capacitor alleviates that by acting as a ‘local store’ and the back and forth is localised, reducing grid stress.
        As shown, the first test was high consumption. What was changed was a supply that included power factor correction, thus the motor uses less from the supply. Imagine 100 of those motors without correction and the resultant bill?

        Some ‘buzzbox’ welders have power factor correction, but these are mainly industrial use where the machine is operating at high duty and it is notable the mains input cable is quite light duty compared to a none corrected welder.
        If you look inside a fluorescent lamp housing you might find a small tubular device connected across the supply inside. It is the power factor correction capacitor. Only small, but imagine all the lamps in use and it soon adds up.

        A real explanation: https://www.powerfactorcorrection.co.uk/


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          Where the guy says resonate, the capacitor is ‘tuning’ the application, if that makes sense.


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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Howdy:
            This is as I understand it really only applicable to large electric users, particularly where large electric motors are used such as industrial applications and pipelines. Going to take a lot of windmills with battery bank back ups for Boris’s Green Energy plan to work even half ass. Most likely aunt Tilly won’t be able to pay her elec. bill. No problem. She can still access that wonderful Public Health Service to get her fake virus injections.

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            Hi Mark,
            Well it’s used everywhere now, thus one might expect the electric bill to ease because of reduced consumption grid-wide, but it never does.

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            Mark Tapley


            Hi Howdy:
            Over here after the fake virus trillions in “stimulus” money to the banking cartel’s buddies at Black Rock resulting in the 40% depreciation in currency, prices are skyrocketing, as the insiders buy up whole subdivisions of prime real estate and commercial property. Thats the Zionist accelerated plunder the goyim plan.

            However I’m sure over in Britain, Boris has the people’s best interest at heart. Just like his father:

            It is also clear that England is still seriously lacking in cultural diversity and is fulfilling short of meeting the Kelergi Plan’s goal of ethnic enhancement by achieving the goal of miscegenation by the importation of more Somali’s into all areas.

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    Sloppy Joe


    Radio operators on merchant navy ships, aka “sparks” sat in radioroom next to medium and short wave radio transmitters. This was roughly during most of the 20th century. The occupation of radio operators was obsolete mid 90s due to satellite communication from and to ships. Suppose a radio operator did it for 10-15 years, what an unbelievable amount of radiation must this person have received. I was one of those operators. I am almost 70 and know many of my old colleagues and me are all pretty healthy. I never believed the so called effects of MF or HF radiation let alone LF or very low frequency effects. Unless you stare into a radar transmitter wave guide…


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    The ones who buy EVs are already brain dead, so no great loss.


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