How vaccine hysteria could spark totalitarian nightmare
Governor Chris Christie has been vilified for making a very simple statement – that parents (and presumably patients themselves) should have the freedom to choose whether to vaccinate their children.
I have been asked for years what I thought about vaccination, so let me lay out the issues.
Before getting into the science, lets discuss the philosophy:
1. The voices shrieking to forcibly vaccinate people are the same voices shrieking to support a woman’s right to choose abortion under Roe v. Wade.
If a woman’s body is sacrosanct, if she has the right to choose to deliver a child or not, if she has total authority over her body, how can she not have the right to accept or refuse a vaccination?
2. Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s and ’30s, the Tuskegee medical experiments infecting black inmates and the Nazi medicine that included involuntary “Euthanasia,” experimentation and sterilization.
How can we force vaccination without consent?
Vaccination is a medical treatment with risks including death. It is totally antithetical to all ethics in medicine to mandate that risk to others.
3. Science is never “concluded.” Mr. Obama and other ideologues may think the truth is finalized (“The science is indisputable”), but the reality is our understanding of disease and treatment are constantly being updated. Just like Newton’s mechanical paradigm of the universe was supplanted by Einsteinian physics, and physicists today modify that view, medical “truth” is not the truth for long.
In an attempt to quantify change in medicine, years ago a cardiology journal discussed “The Half-life of Truth.” cardiologists looked back in their journal at 20-year-old articles to see how much of what was believed then was still believed to be true.
The answer? 50 percent. So in cardiology, at least – and in all of medicine to greater or lesser degree – only half of what we believe now will still be true in 20 or so years. The last word on vaccination is not in. It hasn’t even begun to be written.
4. If you believe absolutely in the benefit and protective value of vaccination, why does it matter what others do? Or don’t do? If you believe you need vaccination to be healthy and protected, then by all means vaccinate your child and yourself.
Why should you even be concerned what your neighbor chooses to do for his child – if vaccination works?
The idea of herd immunity is still based on the idea that in individual cases vaccines actually are protective.
5. If you think the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate people – for the good of society – what is to prevent them from forcibly sterilizing people, or forcibly euthanizing people, or forcibly implanting a tracking device – for the good of society?
You make think those examples are extreme (although two-thirds have happened), but the principle is the same.
You are allowing government to have ultimate authority over your body.
See more here
Bold emphasis added
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Mr. Crabs
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Karens and Kyles are made, not born.
Every human being that is exposed to the TV, media, popular culture, politics, movies, and more is taught the same upside down lies and nonsense. If the parents are sheep, it is highly likely that their children will be sheep.
To actually question things, break free from the lies and conditioning, training, indoctrination and madness of the system is a difficult thing to do.
What is seen now is a literal army of these trained zombies simply parroting the lies that are told to them many times a day on the news, TV, papers, radio, etc.
They are told that the un-jabbed are the enemy and that things will be OK if everyone just gets jabbed.
And they believe it. They believe it all. They are told to support the Ukraine and they do. Told to vote for the 2 owned cretins that are dragged up from hell each 4 years and they do. Told to hate Iran, Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia, Syria, Venezuela…..and they do. Told to support Israel no matter what and they do.
Soon they will be told that they must be chipped in a cash-less, one world dystopian hell hole with no rights, privacy or private property and to be happy…….and they will.
Eric the Red
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Exactly right. And the conclusion is that nobody has yet proposed an effective way to deprogram the sheeple from their mass hypnosis. Even Mattias Desmet doesn’t really have much of an answer, except for ‘Keep on truckin’ and ‘Wait it out’, which are no answers at all because the sheeple are predisposed to allow tyranny on those of us their masters have ordered them to hate. Which means by the time the sheeple wake up, the rest of us will be either murdered or slaves.
The only thing I can think of is that deprogramming techniques on individual cult members should be studied. But those are problematic as to effectiveness, and they take lots of one-on-one time. However, I haven’t found anything about deprogramming masses of people. Hell, they got programmed en masse, why aren’t there processes in reverse? Maybe a form of re-programming should be done? Perhaps no such deprogramming will ever be effective, if the sheeple are genetically predisposed that way. I.e., we are dealing with a distinct sub-species of the human race, and what we have been unwittingly plunged into is a race war.
Hell, I don’t know, and it appears nobody else is even interested. Which means that tyranny is just around the next corner, and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
You know, this is senseless. Commenting is feckless emasculated nonsense. There is never any useful feedback. Nobody does anything about it, even if they read it, and then understand it, and then somehow agree with it. “Get the word out” is a deluded ideal, just as much as whatever fantasy has hypnotized the sheeple. What a fucking mess. Prepare to be assimilated.
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Programming. via frequencies has been used for years. That’s how the hypnotised can be deprogrammed.
All media can be used. Radio, TV…cell phones…now satellites.
There are other methods…esoteric.
Eric the Red
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This article purports to ‘lay out the issues’. Fine, as far as it goes.
It’s not enough. Why? It’s not enough, because it does not examine the arguments of those who push the covid narratives. It should take each of their arguments, dissect the logic behind it (or lack thereof), and show precisely where and how it is wrong, including the logical fallacies and false assumptions it contains.
Until such a rigorous analysis is done, articles such as this, and the approach it takes, are just talking past the enemy. They say one thing, you say another. He says, she says. The end result is no result. Until and unless you can destroy the foundations on which your enemy resides, she will continue to exist, and continue to hold power over not only you, but most importantly her minions who do her bidding.
Mr. Crabs
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This article assumes that viruses are real and that some vaccines are useful.
I believe that viruses do not exist as spreadable pathogens that one can catch.
Therefore the question for me is what is the point of any vaccination?
Until more people question the lie of the virus, vaccines will be an ever present threat to humanity.
I have come to believe that the vast majority of alternative media and stories like this are simply controlled opposition. Half truths that perhaps keep some vaccines as “good” for humanity.
A good example is the whole MRNA / spike protein angle. Some independent researchers claim that they have analyzed many samples of these covid vaccines and they only contain Graphene oxide and other hazardous metals and that is it. Yet most more popular alternative media types rarely even mention this and stay focused on the MRNA / spike protein story.
I tend to believe in the Graphene story as it explains the magnetism, blue tooth addresses, clots, and vascular issues that are affecting people.
If the insane cretins out there can put graphene in the covid jabs and boosters, what would stop them from also putting graphene in Flu shots, shingles, Polio, DPT, Mumps, Measles, typhoid, and other childhood vaccines?
All vaccines should be avoided. Your life depends on it.
No viruses = no vaccines needed……EVER.
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Exactly right.
The seasonal Flu shot is now mRNA tech…a stealth bomb.