How To Make Quinine Water (COVID Prophylactic)

Image: Gardening KnowHow

Quinine is found in grapefruit, tonic water and the cinchona tree. The amount of tonic water needed daily in order to reap health benefits from quinine is approximately 60 ounces.

Quinine is limited in tonic water in order to prevent toxicity. Regardless, quinine is a powerful potentiator and is often restricted for use when taking certain medications which is directed by your pharmacist or doctor, or will appear on your prescription bottle if there is a conflict.

Health Benefits of Consuming Quinine

  • increases partial mobility in the most severe cases of arthritis
  • reduces leg cramps when eaten before bed
  • reduces muscle stiffness and pain
  • potentiates the effects of opiates or plants with opiate type effects- which means to make stronger
  • benefits those with lupus
  •  natural curative for malaria
  • Quinine can be taken orally to treat babesiosis, which is caused by a parasite spread by deer ticks. It is combined with antibiotic drug clindamycin.  The herbal version of this antibiotic is alcohol extracted ginger root, or antibacterial antibiotic herbs that contain berberine which include goldenseal root, or the Herbal Antibiotic Formula

Making quinine water from grapefruit rind Peel 3 grapefruits and using only the peel, cover it with filtered water about 3 inches above the rind. Simmer on the stove for 2 hours. Add honey if you want to disguise the bitterness. Strain, cool, and refrigerate. Dosage:  1 Tablespoon to potentiate For respiratory phlegm or severe arthritis or fibromyalgia pain, take 1 Tablespoon every 2 hours to expel phlegm from the lungs, then discontinue.

This is a remedy and not used ongoing. Always discontinue as soon as you improve. Note: Excess quinine is toxic to the kidneys.  Pregnant women should not drink quinine. Quinine should not be given by injection.  Medical research which focused on injecting quinine into muscle tissues found side effects to be very negative which included fever, diarrhea, constipation, paralyzed muscles (permanent) at site of injection, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and abnormal heartbeat.

Where else can you get Quinine?

There are two other sources worth mentioning. There are substantial, so if you are looking to add Quinine to your supplement schedule for various health purposes, also consider;

  • CoQ10
  • Cinch0na Bark (from Peru)

Coenzyme Q10 belongs to a family of substances called ubiquinones.  These ubiquinones are structurally related to the chemical quinine. … If you are certain that you are allergic to quinine, you will want to avoid taking CoQ10 unless determined by your health care professional to be advised. The most common dose as a single supplement is commonly 100-200mg. Don’t count on getting what you need from your daily multiple supplement, although listed, it is too low to be of much value.

Remember that multiple supplements are designed to help you with a balance of nutrients;  they are full of many things but not enough of anything for a therapeutic affect. It is ok to take a single CoQ10 supplement IN ADDITION to your multiple and no, you won’t get too much by taking it. For the purpose of improving fertility, women usually take 200 – 600mg of CoQ10 per day.  As with so many unstudied nutrients, once you become pregnant, you should then stop taking extra.

Your prenatal supplement from this point should provide a smaller amount as part of a general formulation designed specifically for pregnancy.  CoQ10 can interact with some some medications, including; blood thinners, antidepressants and chemotherapy drugs.

Cinchona Bark is a plant primarily found in Peru that is naturally high in Quinine. This bark is a powerful natural plant that has been used to combat malaria. It has benefits to those with RLS, drug withdrawal (along with magnesium to settle crawling skin), back pain, and any illness where Quinine is sought. Cinchona Bark can be toxic in high doses, so if using this plant as medicine, remember that less is more and follow the rules of supplementing it safely and effectively.

Bear in mind that many many plants and supplements are toxic when taken in extreme high doses. More is not more. Less is more. Don’t let warnings of toxicity distract from the uses that can benefit you. Just as comfrey leaf and root, chaparral, poke weed, and countless others can result in toxicity when abused, so does Cinchona Bark fall in this category. Used respectively and correctly, these are powerful plants with tremendous medicinal benefits for specific purposes.

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