How to Legally Decline a Vaccine


Do not ‘refuse’ a vaccine otherwise you will be considered a belligerent ‘anti-vaxxer.’ Instead, pursue your natural legal right to have informed consent, which is explained in the graphic image below.

Ask the doctor, “Does the vaccine have MRC-5 in it?” (THEY ALL DO). These are aborted fetal cells and other DNA.
If the vaccine contains MRC-5 you have the RIGHT to decline.

Also ask, “Is there a possibility of a “LATROGENIC REACTION?” (an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) from the vaccine (THEY ALL DO).
-When the doctor says, “yes it does,” that is your “Get Out Of Vaccine Free Card.” Thank the doctor for their offer and walk away.

Remember doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath (Which is to do no harm). They must honour it.
This is how we can legally (and respectfully) decline their offered mandated services and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Now you know!


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Comments (16)

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    Tom O


    You ask the two questions and see what the responses are, and at least 50% of the time you will find that this quote – “Remember doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath (Which is to do no harm). They must honour it.” – has no bearing on their actions. If that truly was the case, you wouldn’t see people dying of co-morbidities because they are NOT being treated for those, just the make believe virus.

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    Brent Robison


    In Step 3, your proofreaders missed this: “LATROGENIC” is misspelled. It should be “IATROGENIC”, beginning with an “i”.

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    Forced or mandatory vaccines are illegal due to an international agreement called the nuremburg code!

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    Doug Harrison


    I am having trouble opening articles in today’s issue. When I click on them they come up with SERVER ERROR 500 . Can anyone help me out?

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      Michele klemetson


      How do you keep your job or any other privelage without taking the vaccine. I hear there will be all kinds of mandates if you wish to participate in mostly anything.

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        That is the question I need an answer to. Word around my job is this ‘vaccine’ will be required to maintain employment eventually, government mandate or not. I will quit, but I would rather not as I love what I do.

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      Try switching to a different browser like

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    Please sign petition

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    G Spinolae


    This article is utter bullshit!

    It DISCREDITS the otherwise great work done by Principia!

    • “all vaccines” DO NOT “contain MRC-5”
    • there is no such thing as “Latrogenic”. It’s “iatrogenic”. “i”!!!
    • You CAN & SHOULD “REFUSE” to accept a vaccine if you have any (yes ANY) reason for simply not wanting it. It is ILLEGAL in the UK to force a legally competent person to have a vaccine without their consent.

    Talking drivel about NON-ingredients or NON-EXISTENT “reactions” will just make you look like a crackpot fuckwit.

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      Look at the backgrounds of the 4 academics in Itsmeagain’s link. All are funded by bodies like the Welcome Trust, and Bill and Melinda Gat£s Foundation. Some or all of them have been authoring papers on euthanasia, forced medical treatment, organ donation, forced withdrawal of medical treatment, forced injection of criminals with neuro-drugs. They are linked to climate and feminist lobbies. Welcome to 1984.

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    Barbara Epley


    The problem I have with this “law” is that being an anti-vaxxer is also covered by the constitution. We have autonomy over our own bodies and what is put into them. The state has absolutely NO RIGHT to demand us to put something into our bodies that we do not desire. The only exception would be those undergoing the death penalty who, for their crimes forfeited their right to life of their own free will.

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    The vaccine label lists fetal tissue as part of its contents. You can look it up.

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      Canyon girl
      Can you be more specific
      Am trying to locate and am not finding
      Need this info ASAP

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    It’s a big psyop. but rest assured the media is going down. Things are about to change in a huge way.
    Whatever you fear, give it to God and trust Him. This is my best answer.

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    I Would not walk away. Ask the doctor to write a note that you are allergic to the vaccine and cannot take it. That way nobody can force you to take it. And if they require a vaccine in order to fly there is your get out of jail don’t have to take the vaccine card

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