How to INSTANTLY stop the spread of “COVID misinformation”
Everyone agrees: COVID misinformation is a serious problem. But all the methods the authorities have used to try to address the problem attempt to censor free speech.
That won’t work. It will never work. It is not how America wants these disputes resolved.
Instead, if the authorities really want to stop the so-called “misinformation spreaders,” all they have to do is create a document or video that answers the questions we have. If we find the answers compelling, we’ll happily stop spreading “misinformation” and promote the document/video to all our followers.
To make this even easier, I have provided a list of over 50 questions in this document. If they can answer even one of these questions, we’ll be astounded.
On April 25, I sent an email to Stanford Professor Grace M. Lee, Chair of the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) which is the CDC’s outside committee on vaccines. I asked her to “name her price” to answer all these questions. I will let you know if she replies.
The US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has said that health misinformation is a major problem. President Obama agrees, saying that “People are dying because of [COVID-19] misinformation.”
My colleagues and I agree as well.
In fact, we will even go one step further.
We believe that all the people spreading misinformation need to be identified. Immediately.
Murthy and Obama would almost certainly agree with us.
However, we differ on a key aspect: we claim it is the public health authorities who are spreading the misinformation, not us.
So we feel it is the PROPER identification of the misinformation spreaders that is the real problem that we need to solve.
Sadly, all our attempts to identify and expose these misinformation spreaders haven’t worked. Our efforts have been systematically thwarted by the combined efforts of multiple US government agencies, the mainstream media, the mainstream medical community, all the mainstream social media companies, the mainstream fact checkers, most members of Congress, and nearly every public health official, to name a few.
Unlike the current administration, we do NOT believe in censorship
We are not trying to silence them, even though they are trying to silence us. We are just trying to ensure that the public knows who is telling the truth. In order to do that, the public must hear from both sides, ideally in the same discussion. This is why we have been seeking to have a debate/discussion on the issues for almost a year now.
For example, when Nicki Minaj spoke the truth about the COVID vaccines causing impotence in some people, I simply pointed out that all the public health officials (along with Sanjay Gupta) who criticized her were spreading misinformation since the VAERS data clearly showed the connection that Nicki spoke about.
I didn’t try to silence them or deplatform them or take away their license to practice medicine.
On the other hand, the public health officials who point the finger at us are not trying to label us or have a discussion; instead, they are doing everything they can to limit our ability to speak out: censorship, defamation, gaslighting, ad hominem attacks, deplatforming, threats of job loss, loss of medical licenses, loss of hospital privileges, and loss of life.
As Tucker Carlson pointed out in this video, “Would you allow people who disagree with you to talk? If you wouldn’t, you are a tyrant.” That’s what we have today. Some of them are even trying to pass laws to silence doctors from speaking the truth. None of these methods has worked. They will never work.
Censoring free speech is a tactic that is used by people in power to deliberately mislead people.
There is an excellent article by Igor Chudov explaining why this is done. Controlling the flow of information is an effective tactic when it is executed flawlessly, but it is not the way to expose the truth. Therefore, the public should be extremely suspicious anytime the government claims that free speech must be suppressed.
A government interested in spreading the truth should embrace divergent opinions and confront them head-on. This is not what is happening for COVID-19.
We have a simple suggestion to resolve the dispute about who is spreading misinformation: just answer our questions
We would like to propose a simple way to resolve the dispute.
Just make a short video that definitively answers all the questions listed below and send it to us. We’ll watch it and, if we find it convincing, we’ll happily distribute it to all our followers and stop spreading misinformation. Deal?
Editor’s note: There follows a long list of questions, which can be seen in the source document
My “name your price” offer to the Chair of the ACIP committee, Stanford Professor Grace M. Lee
Here’s a copy of the offer I made to Dr. Lee on April 25, 2022 for the record. It offers unlimited compensation to answer the questions in this document so we can resolve the misinformation issue. What could be more fair than that?
I also sent a similar offer to Professor David Fisman in Canada.
Neither responded (as expected).
Please help save lives by sharing widely
Hopefully, if we spread this widely enough, we’ll find someone willing to assure the public that the vaccines are perfectly safe and effective, that masks work, that the public health authorities got it right on all the key issues, and that me and my colleagues are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists who got it wrong on all the important issues.
All you have to do is cover all the topics above in your video. What could be easier than that?
Maybe Vinay Prasad or ZDoggMD could address all these issues in their next video? Or Eric Topol or Your Local Epidemiologist could respond in their next Substack? Or Marty Makary could just tweet out the answers?
Or maybe President Obama can “walk the talk” and end all the misinformation himself by answering all our questions rather than just complaining about the problem?
There are over 50 issues for them to choose from and I seriously doubt that they can explain even one of them. Maybe they will all decide that they can’t touch this.
Basically, they LOVE to talk about the problem, they LOVE to try to censor us, yet they will NOT spend even 5 minutes to answer a single one of our questions.
The “misinformation problem” will continue until they do that. I guarantee it.
See more here:
Header image: ABC News
Some bold emphasis added
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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If they dump the psychopathic raft of continuous misrepresentation, pushed as ‘fact’, the whole issue would go away …. these people are psychologically dangerous criminals.
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without their propaganda, they have nothing – and they know it.
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It is so demoralizing to live in a world that is based on a gigantic steaming pile of lies. Just watching the TV makes me cringe. The paper is only good for kindling. Same for radio. Entire hospitals are nothing but managed death centers. The schools “teach” absolute garbage to our youngsters.
Whole lot of useless mofos in this upside down world. Pure evil psychopaths at the top creating all the money out of thin air and thusly owning most everything including their stinking piles of lies that go on forever. As well as billions of mindless morons that just believe whatever the media pukes out every night. That is what we are up against. Game over.
Russ D
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Ten easy steps to stopping the “PLANdemic.”
Stop calling the flu Covid.
Stop using the useless PCR test.
Stop listening to Dr Fraud, Gates, et al.
Stop jacking up the phony death rate.
Open up with business as usual.
Ban masks.
Fine media for fear-mongering.
Broadcast Event 201 to show the fraud.
Hold vaccine makers liable for any damage.
Vote all the crooks out (not so easy do to Demonrat Cheating)
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Stop believing in the myth of “virus” functionality, contagion and Pasteur methodology.
Saeed Qureshi
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Pushing the entire fake pandemic from day one has been the problem.